Please, I need your help to book flight tickets using a credit card


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I have been trying to book flights for months but all my purchases have been rejected.

I use a proxy like 922 SOCKERS5 and non-VBV cards are always rejected. The proxies are located at the exact address of the credit card holder.

I use AdsPower and Incogniton anti-detection browser.

Before I start, I check the IP address leak at to make sure the IP address is not blacklisted.

for VPN. I have Itop VPN and Express VPN and subscribe to both.

I check my carts on LFC Checker
I check the authenticity of the copy on

in addition to the browser anti-detection. I also use ccleaner to clear all cookies and change Mac addresses.

change the address every time before starting, but I never succeeded. I don't know where the problem comes from.

lol:I even installed ublock origin to prevent the AI from recording my keystrokes, but it doesn't affect anything..

I have to change my equipment; where can the problem come from?
Can someone please help me?
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Please, I need your help to book flight tickets using a credit card.

It took me over a year to read and study all the courses on the forum but it's been months since I started I've never had any success I've tried all the methods but I still can't not to get a single ticket. I followed all your advice to the letter but I still can't do it. Help me please
this is how I do it:

I've been trying to book flights for months, but all my purchases are being declined. I use proxies like 922 SOCKERS5, and non-VBV cards are always refused. Agents are located at the credit card holder's exact address

I use AdsPower anti-ad detection and Incogniton browser.

before starting I check if there is no IP address leak on to see if the ip is not on the blacklist

for the vpn I have Itop vpn and express vpn I am subscribed to both

I check my bins on LFC Checker and I check the validity of the cc on

in addition to the anti-detection browser I also use ccleaner to empty all my cookies and mac addresses change to change the address every time before starting but I never succeeded I don't know where the problem comes from .

I even installed ublock org to be able to prevent the AI from recording my keystrokes but that does nothing..

I have already tried over 17 sites all with different ccs without vbv each time.

yes each time before starting again I restart the computer and start the whole process from the beginning by modifying the anti-detection settings of course
I check the IP every time though


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Your anti-detect browser is leaking, you need to replace it or install a virtual machine and try carding from it.

You are working from a distant IP address. On what sites will you check the IP address for compliance with the cardholder? Are you looking for a socks5 proxy by ZIP or ISP in the cardholder's city?

Instead of a proxy, try working through an RDP or ssh tunnel.

You can get paid advice on carding airline tickets from a professional carder "derkoba" from the private carding forum "Verified".
His Telegram contact: @alex4488ava
If he cannot help, then we will think about how to solve your problem.


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Votre navigateur anti-détection fuit, vous devez le remplacer ou installer une machine virtuelle et essayer de carder à partir de celle-ci.

Vous travaillez depuis une adresse IP distante. Sur quels sites allez-vous vérifier la conformité de l'adresse IP avec le titulaire de la carte ? Recherchez-vous un proxy socks5 par code postal ou FAI dans la ville du titulaire de la carte ?

Au lieu d'un proxy, essayez de travailler via un tunnel RDP ou ssh.

Vous pouvez obtenir des conseils rémunérés sur le cardage des billets d'avion auprès d'un cardeur professionnel « derkoba » du forum de cardage privé « Vérifié ».
Fils contact Telegram : @alex4488ava
S'il ne peut pas vous aider, nous réfléchissons à la manière de résoudre votre problème.
Tout d'abord merci pour votre réponse
1 oui j'utilise expresse vpn pour tenter le vpn
2 pour vérifier le score de fraude de mon ip pour verifier si le ip n est pas blackliste pour verifier la geolocalisation de mon ip pour voir si ca conforme aux address du titulaire de la carte
j utilise 922 S5 Proxy et puis nsocks5. pour la recherche du proxy ;je le fait par les deux moyen, soit par code postal parfois avec FAI dans la ville du titulaire de la carte

mci pour le conseille j ai essaye plusieur fois d utuliser les tunel ssh mais j arrive pas la configurer .pouvez vous m aidez ?bien sure si ca ,ne vous derange pas
Your anti-detect browser is leaking, you need to replace it or install a virtual machine and try carding from it.

You are working from a distant IP address. On what sites will you check the IP address for compliance with the cardholder? Are you looking for a socks5 proxy by ZIP or ISP in the cardholder's city?

Instead of a proxy, try working through an RDP or ssh tunnel.

You can get paid advice on carding airline tickets from a professional carder "derkoba" from the private carding forum "Verified".
His Telegram contact: @alex4488ava
If he cannot help, then we will think about how to solve your problem.
First of all thanks for your answer

1 yes I use express vpn to change my ip
2 to check the fraud score of my ip to check if the ip is not blacklisted to check the geolocation of my ip to see if it is consistent with the addresses of the cardholder

I use Proxy 922 S5 or nsocks5. for proxy search; I do it by both means, either by postal code, sometimes with ISP in the city of the cardholder

thanks for the advice I tried several times to use the ssh tunnel but I can't configure it. Can you help me? of course if so, don't bother.