Plan "B" or rules of survival without everything


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The very “base” that will allow you to survive in any country without money and documents. Especially for long-term idiots who have decided that they are “political refugees” and now everyone owes them everything.



Right now there are 46 open military conflicts going on all over the world ; in addition, at least 6 large countries have officially recognized a recession - with a drop in living standards, total unemployment and mass layoffs.

All this means that there are more and more serious reasons for people to be forced to move. Forced is when tanks start driving down your street, and not when “you disagree with the country’s policies.”

And the first thing you should remember:

There is absolutely nothing good about any immigration.

This is a severance of all your existing connections, constant stress and the most natural survival for years to come, even if you move to a developed European country and with a couple of cache suitcases.

A frivolous attitude towards immigration issues is a direct path to the next world, without jokes or exaggerations.


This is what your first home will look like upon arrival, at best.

What awaits you “there”​

The truth of life is that no one likes immigrants - none, anywhere. Neither ideological political nor sausage opportunists, nor even forced ones, for example, those who fled from hostilities.

An immigrant is, first of all, a stranger , someone who came from another culture, and the attitude towards strangers everywhere and always has been and is negative .

Besides you, several thousand more people like you come to the country, with completely different upbringings, views and life experiences.

If you have a higher education from Moscow State University and experience playing the violin, then your immigration colleague could easily have 15 years of prison time for armed robbery under his belt.
And from the point of view of the receiving state, you are (suddenly) the same.

I can also add that many of the immigrants are faced with questions of survival for the first time in their lives, so they immediately begin a campaign of all kinds:

burglaries, drug trafficking and prostitution.
Even if there is money, even if they have some useful skills and chances for a normal life, many people will easily and simply sacrifice their honor and ass simply for the sake of “improving the quality of life” here and now.

And it goes without saying that robbing and abandoning your own - exactly the same immigrants - is not a particular problem for such characters, so the first people you should fear in a foreign country are just like you, freshly arrived starving people.

Two in a boat​

It would seem that in difficult life situations like immigration it is easier to survive not alone, but with someone - a friend/partner/colleague who will back up and come to the rescue if something goes wrong.

Popular culture also shares this opinion, showing from film to film how a couple of friends “move in” and conquer capitals - “Titanic”, “Scarface” and half of Hong Kong action films are excellent examples of this.

But life is very different from the movies, so my advice to you is:

Fuck this, survive alone - you'll be healthier

Immigration gives rise to so many incredible problems and difficulties that going through all this “with someone else” is an incredible success, which, as we know, rarely happens.

You must be absolutely confident in your partner or friend and know exactly how he will behave in a stressful situation, know his illnesses and bad habits, character traits and, in general, everything about the person before getting into this.

Think about the fact that whenever you fly into a foreign country, you will be interrogated one by one and naturally blackmailed with deportation, and betrayal is the most common reaction to stress and pressure on a person.

You will have to share a meager budget at first, but few people like to share, even with the closest person.

You will have to hold on so as not to start drinking due to constant stress, and if your partner goes crazy, he will immediately pull you down with him.

And further according to the classics:

flight->arrest->deportation->entry ban.

What is a “stale”?

Depending on the country, this can be any socially disgraceful act, from jaywalking to being caught red-handed while committing a crime.

In practice, I know of only two options when you can definitely rely on your partner:

your friend or partner went through combat with you, or you were both members of an organized crime group
Everything else does not give any guarantees about the other person.

It doesn’t matter “you worked together at a cool job” or hung out in the same club, or knew each other since childhood or stared at the same woman - without the verification of difficult circumstances, all this is complete bullshit.

It doesn’t matter that your friend is a “decent person” and a “professional with an excellent education”; when there is nothing to eat, there is no money, no documents, no prospects - it is such “decent people” who run to sell points first.

Fair sex​

I won’t tell you anything about trying to immigrate with a girlfriend or wife, I’ll just voice the statistics:

98% of immigrant couples break up immediately after moving.
The remaining 2% is before the move, when one leaves to prepare a nest in a foreign country in order to later transport his wife, and she decides that she is happy at home and “why all these problems and difficulties.”

In general, this is empty, a dead number.



As I wrote earlier, in any place where there are people there will always be some kind of work. Of course, most often it is the blackest and with the minimum wage, but it will always and everywhere - in any place from an African village to a metropolis.

If you did not immediately travel on a work visa, then you will be guaranteed to have problems with official registration and employment, since there is probably no country left where you can immediately calmly work in a white office, without all sorts of permits and certificates.

And it would seem that everyone has arrived and cannot find a normal job - this is exactly how the “zoomers” think, frantically dialing their mother and asking to come back.
But I’m already experienced and mature, so I’ll say that the more complicated the official registration, the more people will work illegally and the easier it will be to find such a “left” job.

For example, right now some of my former colleagues live and work in New York and London, without documents or any official work, and still remain in the IT industry.

How did it happen?
People simply know how to communicate and negotiate.

But IT is still not for everyone; it is too specific a type of activity, where remote work is common and you can generally live peacefully in any situation while working for foreign customers.

At least in theory.

For the bulk of migrants with skills from other industries, I can say that any restaurant, bar, any small and medium-sized private production, especially those located far from the center and busy streets, are your first places to look for work in a foreign country.

And this work will always be there for you - with your illegal status, you are very beneficial to any employer and any business:

No trade unions, no pension and insurance contributions, no taxes, and in case of any problems you can simply be thrown out into the street, and also thrown into your salary.

Believe me, for any business this is more important than any reputation, skills and “soft skills” of the candidate.

Even give your current employer in the Russian Federation free rein - tomorrow he will fire all official employees from bright offices and build barracks where he will house a hundred or two illegal immigrants.
And the difference in profit will be such that it will outweigh absolutely any drop in quality.

As for the Western world, the only serious reason (besides fines and punishment) why such immigrants are not hired by businesses en masse is that they are simply not available, and those who are are of very low quality: without knowledge of the language, without any education and understanding social norms.

Therefore, when you are a “white” person who knows at least a little language and also has a higher education (even if received in another country) come to the door and agree to work unofficially without registration - the capitalist on the other side of the table is simply rejoicing inside, because for him this is a real holiday.


How to work​

You forget about all the pride and show-offs, stop whining and complaining and just work, generally do all the work that is asked, and don’t conflict with anyone.

Arrive on time every day, without delays or excuses.

Work in this mode for at least one month .

I assure you that an employee who doesn’t drink, doesn’t hang around, doesn’t do crazy things, doesn’t whine and fulfills all the duties assigned to him, while also coming to work on time every day, very quickly moves into the gold category .

In any country and any company, no matter what it does.
As soon as you find yourself in good standing, the attitude towards you will quickly change , they will try to keep you in the company for as long as possible, helping you with solving some life problems.

Right up to the proposal of marriage to the director’s daughter, there were such precedents.
In general, everything is in your hands, but the first start in life in a foreign country is the good attitude of the authorities at the bottom job in which you found yourself.



Of course, the status of an “illegal immigrant” slightly interferes with the official rental - in other words, you will be sent to hell in most Western countries, even if you have money for a deposit of several months.

Therefore, at first you will definitely live with someone, paying “out of pocket” for a bed.
It turns out to be a kind of illegal sub-letting, when someone alone officially rents a multi-room apartment, and then rents out separate rooms or sleeping places, most often without even informing the property owner about such fun.

Of course, in case of any problems or conflicts, you will be immediately thrown out into the cold, since you do not officially live there.

So I will repeat:

The ability to negotiate and get along with different people are the most important skills for an immigrant.

One good thing I can say is that such cheap rentals are available absolutely everywhere - in any country and any city, you just need to look.

Alternative option​

There is another option - more extreme, suitable mainly for the most desperate and desperate young men, although I also knew several risky girls with such experience.

The bottom line is that in any more or less large free-standing production facility there must be an area for staff - with a shower, toilet, locker rooms and utility rooms that can be adapted for temporary living.
Most often, to organize this, you will need to get a job with the company (albeit unofficially) that owns this premises; less often, you will be able to negotiate with the watchman or security guards - for a minimum fee.

In a word, it’s a workable option - I personally know those who have done this, but it’s quite extreme, because living in a room unprepared for habitation is not easy.

You can get sick very easily in such a place:

cold, dampness, noise, cracks through which it will blow, harmful chemicals in the neighborhood - everything in the package will quickly drive you to an early grave.
Therefore, if you don’t have experience at least hiking and spending the night in the forest, but have a weak immune system and a lot of chronic diseases, it’s better not to even try to do this.


The authors of GTA 4 were deep into the topic of immigration.

Computers and Internet​

Due to the increasing spread, there are probably no places left on Earth where it is problematic to gain access to a computer and the Internet.

Nowadays our people are prosperous; only a few immigrate without a penny in their pocket, so they bring with them at least a smartphone, or even a laptop.
So the only problem upon arrival is a local SIM card and Internet access.

But if you are unlucky and find yourself in a foreign country without anything at all, I’ll tell you below how to get it all on the spot.

Internet cafe​

It was no coincidence that I included in the title a screenshot from a game about an immigrant from an Internet cafe - that’s where you and people like you will be able to access the Internet for the first time.

Plus there is usually coffee and a toilet. Available in any country and worth a pittance - use it for your health.

Public libraries and college campuses​

They are not available everywhere, but they are interesting because they offer unlimited and free Internet access. It’s also usually quiet and peaceful there—no one will distract you from your work.

In modern realities, after the pandemic, the rampant terrorism and the influx of migrants are no longer so relevant, since getting inside is not so easy - you still need to be able to come to an agreement. But it's worth it, it's much better than an internet cafe.

Used and flea markets​

In any more or less civilized country, there have long been online flea markets where you can buy a used phone or laptop for pennies.

Easily found in search engines: “used laptops for sale”, “refurbished laptops”
It looks something like this:

For England

Or like this:


As you can see, the idiots who buy fancy gaming laptops on credit are the same everywhere.


This is what an illegal clinic for migrants like you looks like.


Probably the most important thing when immigrating is to take care of your health in advance . First of all, cure everything that concerns your teeth:

all the caries, all the holes - everything you can and have enough money for.
Dental treatment is very expensive in Western countries and almost always requires some kind of documentation.

Also, before moving, please go and do a complete check-up of your body, this is important , although it is expensive.

You should know absolutely everything about your problems before moving:

all your chronic diseases, all birth defects, blood type, allergies, predisposition to certain diseases - everything in general.
In a foreign country, no one will babysit you - doctors everywhere treat based on local experience and local diseases, so they can easily drive you to the grave if you show symptoms similar to some kind of local infection.

Therefore, you will have to take care of your mortal body yourself.


You must be prepared for the fact that they will not sell you anything more serious than analgin without a prescription, but the prescription is prescribed by a local doctor, for money and with a waiting list.

Painkillers, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs - any serious drugs will have to be obtained “under the counter” and at a serious markup.

You should be prepared for the fact that different countries use different names for drugs, so what you took in the Russian Federation abroad will be called differently.

The issue of matching the names of medications should be clarified before moving, especially if you have some chronic illnesses and require constant use.

Ticket to home​

Even if you are a super-radical mother’s oppositionist and are in maximum opposition to the current government of the Russian Federation, wishing it all possible punishment, you still shouldn’t tear up your passport, especially on camera.

Save this ticket back of yours in case something goes wrong.

And as practice shows, absolutely everything usually goes “wrong” with my mother’s radicals.
If you suddenly develop an ulcer or cancer, if you break an arm or leg, they can only fix you in the homeland you hate.

No abdominal surgery is done “just like that” in Western countries, especially if you do not have documents and you yourself are illegal.

Therefore, it is always worth preserving the chance to return to your homeland; this too often in practice turns out to be the only chance of salvation.



Fuck all this immigration of yours, honestly.

Russia now and in the near future is the best country for a normal life, no matter what Instagram and Facebook tell you about this.

Work here and live normally - everyone is welcome here, especially if you are at least something of yourself and know how to do something.
It is incredibly difficult to break into at least the middle class in Western society as a migrant in modern realities, and it is not particularly meaningful - even that beautiful picture that was broadcast through cinema and television no longer exists.

There is nothing left “there”: no ideas, no meaning, no values, and the common people are just as busy with constant survival.

So is it worth trying?
