Pickpocket Stories


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I was once told by a fool that to commit pickpocketing, you need to make the victim look the other way...

YELL! I noticed that this is what many guys who are around this topic think.

I dare to disappoint you, but this is the biggest misconception.

No need to force the victim to look in the other direction you need to switch her attention to another object as much as possible.

Three main components.
1) Incredible self-confidence.
This is the fucking most important point! If you're not sure of yourself, your ass hurts, and you're sweating when you approach the victim with trembling hands - you're not going to get the FUCK out of it. Even if you are a super psychologist with incredibly clever hands, you will be blown away and you will be burned and most likely even reprimanded.

Example: in 2009, in the Volgograd region, a bank cashier gave 2.5 lemons to a woman under hypnosis.

2) Switching attention to another object.
This is the second most important component of successful pickpocketing. The most striking example in the real world is push, which is used by pickpockets all over the world. Shirmachi can use the map and force the victim to look at it. There are a lot of examples, but they all have one thing in common — to create a situation that has overloaded the victim's attention. (I advise you to watch videos with Apollo Robubins on YouTube)

3) Sleight of hand.
This is a very useful skill that will make your task much easier, but not the most important one. Everything is very easy to train, I started with magic tricks, training on friends and working as a bartender. It all helped me a lot.

In fact, most pickpocketing is done because of the provided case. My briefcase is open, my wallet is sticking out. Indeed, professionals in their field can not look for a suitable case, but create it.

Personally, I belong to the category that uses a case, but sometimes I created it. I'll say right away that this is really aerobatics, which even I don't care about China.

Watch your hands.
There are some particularly effective distraction moves. If you move your hands in a straight three-way line, the victim's attention is held weakly. BUT if you move your hands in an arc, the gaze is applied to the hand and held on it, and it is considered much more effective.

How to choose a victim.
Of course, and first of all, it is better to pickpocket in the evening, when it is difficult to focus on small details.

But how to choose a victim?

It is very difficult to explain here, understanding comes with experience. As a small guy, I trained on drunks, onlookers, and just retarded jerks.

Types of pickpockets.
1) shirmachi - using a screen for distraction: map, raincoat, flowers, jacket, briefcase.
2) shakers - an important task, snuggle up to the victim to distract her.
3) washers - when making cuts on pockets with a blade.
4) tweezers - this is generally not fucking necessary, just distract and steal.

About me.
I belong to the category of pluckers and in rare cases screens - I will talk about this group.

But I know for a fact that I'll never use a fucking blade again. A friend of mine once tried and cut the victim's leg along with his pocket.

How to pinch out of your pockets.
Money can be taken out from everywhere: from your pocket, jacket, jacket, bag, and even from your ass with proper skill.

Good locations include markets, traffic lights, subways, and other public transport. In short, fuck everywhere, where the fuck people.

Now to practice.

Find out where the wallet is
According to my observations, most often the wallet is carried in the right pocket of the jacket or in the right back pocket in jeans. It usually bulges out of the pockets, so if you look closely ,you can see it.

Define a list of strategies
Choose a way to distract the victim, whether it's a push, a screen, or just walking behind or into a meeting. Personally, I start from the moment. If it's in the back pocket of my jeans, I just pinch it as I walk behind.

Steal. Pussy. Steal it.
Call it what you will, but you need to take the victim while she is hot.

How do I do this?

We make fingers like this:

This is our working position.

Why is this happening? Fuck knows, I was taught this way and it's really convenient.

They explained it to me like this(literally): "Yes, fuck, it's simple, when you made your claw in this position and put it in your pocket, your paw seems to be both inside the pocket and outside, and this turpila does not feel anything foreign in the pocket.

So, it adapts from behind:

And by pushing, distracting, or just pulling the shoulder blade.

Important: you don't need to do this gently and carefully, but fuck it sharply and boldly! Just as lightning McQueen fucks everyone on the grass, so you have to pull the shovel.

It should come out like this with your fingers:

If the wallet is deep in the back pocket, it can be pushed and dragged - I do not advise you to engage in such hutsney, for a long time and pale yellow.

Super caste of pickpockets.
They are called "marvicheres - this is a pocket elite. In total, I know 4 marvicheras and one of them personally.

These guys work exclusively with their hands and pull the wallets of only the elite of society. They work in theaters, events, and restaurants.

Marvikher, whom I know, works as an administrator in the best restaurant in Moscow. Not infrequently, marvikheres themselves are in the elite strata of society. (Film: The Thomas Crown Scam. Here it is really marvikher)

The most respected pickpocket in Russia is Alexander Tarasovich (Sasha Shorin).

In his entire life, he had never worked a single day at all. I stole my first wallet when I was 10 years old. The last time a buyl was seen was at 65! In the area of three railway stations, he cheerfully pulled the wallets of suckers.


How to catch a pickpocket
If you're not a moron, it's very difficult. At any time, you can throw off the stolen goods and see who can prove that it's you. BUT not everything is so smooth. Only the Teehawks can catch us. These are special mutts in civilian clothes, who are better at picking pockets than cops.