Phrases that scare away money

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1. How can you save and manage your budget with a salary of $150!​

Under almost every article about saving, you will find commentators who ask how and why they should save if their income is only enough for the essentials. However, if a person with a high income can still afford indulgences, then a low salary simply obliges him to be smart about spending.

Life in conditions of strict economy is hard and boring, but if there is never enough money, it cannot be called an eternal holiday either. To really improve your financial situation, you need not complain about its state, but work on two fronts: keep track of your finances and increase your income. How exactly depends on you.

2. Only $1, that's really money!​

By itself, $1 is really not the amount that fatally affects your budget. But if you say this phrase more than once a month, you should think about your approach to finances.

3. Why will? Family, we will divide everything fairly​

Such people have most likely never encountered the issue of inheritance. Yes, you and your brothers and sisters live in perfect harmony and believe that everything will be as mom wanted: an apartment for the one who already lives in it, a garage and a summer house for another, and the third one has no claim to anything, they bought her a separate home.

The bad thing about oral agreements is that they are easy to break.

There is a high chance that the property will have to be divided into equal parts according to the number of heirs, and no one will take into account who was given how much money in advance and how what was distributed.

It's not just older people who need a will. Let's say you are married and you own a share in your parent's apartment. If you die, your spouse will be able to claim part of your piece of this home. Even if you are surrounded by entirely decent people, your parents will still have to be nervous. It's unlikely that you want this.

4. Big deal, the loan is for two years, but I'll get a new iPhone right now​

Lending is a useful tool if used wisely. For example, your refrigerator is broken. You definitely need it right now, otherwise you will have to eat anything. In this case, borrowing is appropriate.

The latest phone model is not such a necessary expense, especially if you have the penultimate one in your pocket, for which you recently paid off the loan. In addition, it is important to decide: do you need it because of some extraordinary functionality or because it is new? In general, you should be more careful with status items: they still do not make you one of the privileged group if you buy them on credit.

5. We are friends, give me the bill, I pay for everyone​

What works well in Hollywood movies doesn't always work in real life. In a bar, under the influence of alcohol, you feel cool and generous, but tomorrow you'll be borrowing from the same friends for bread. Compare your desires with reality before demonstrating your solution.

6. Give back as best you can​

Debt is a tricky subject, because it is unclear how to negotiate the return of money so that you continue to be considered a good friend and relative, and not a greedy user.

However, if the person taking the money does not stipulate a repayment period, do it yourself. For a large sum, ask for a receipt. This is normal, because the person came to you, and not to the bank, where he would have asked for more guarantees.

7. So that you don't feel ashamed in front of people​

You've definitely read those terrible stories about poor families, where graduates chipped in 100 thousand for a banquet, it was possible to buy a house on the coast for the wedding budget, and parents went hungry for months to buy their child something of status.

Here the inadequacy of spending is obvious, but there are also less obvious things on which it is not at all necessary to spend large sums.

There is no shame in living within your means, but what people think is their problem.

8. I am not a scandalous person, let it be on his conscience​

You are regularly shortchanged by cashiers, you have been repeatedly given faulty goods, you have been deceived when concluding contracts, and you are ready to tolerate this further. You just don't like to wear it, and it's useless. And instead of a faulty TV, just buy a new one.

Such a passive position definitely makes you lose money and faith in justice. People who violate your rights have no conscience, but you should learn to defend your interests. After all, you can return the TV under warranty, and point out the mistake to the cashier.

9. We only live once!​

You're saving for a down payment on an apartment and have already gotten close to the required amount, but you break down and spend your savings on a gaming console, a phone, and a vacation. Because housing is a long-term goal associated with strict savings and a mortgage, and the joy of shopping can be enjoyed now.

The point is that life, although it is one, is long (if you are lucky) and unpredictable. And if you do not think now about how you will live in 20 years, it may be very bitter later.

10. Yes, a small salary, but it's calm​

You are offered a promotion, but you do not agree: in the new place you have to work harder, the responsibility is higher. You won't earn all the money.

By turning down offers to earn more, you are not just marking time, but losing money as inflation devalues it. If you do nothing, your salary will soon not be enough to support the lifestyle you are accustomed to.