Phone scammers from Ukraine: "Set fire to the facility, and we will refund your money


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The Russian Interior Ministry reports on a new scheme of telephone fraudsters.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia reports a sharp increase in the number of cases when telephone scammers from Ukraine deceive Russians not only for money, but also in order to involve them in illegal activities. Malefactors demand that their victims set fire to military, transport or banking infrastructure, while threatening trouble or killing relatives and friends.

The deception scheme usually looks like this: scammers call victims and report allegedly suspicious transfers from their bank account, attempts to take a loan on their behalf, or offer to help law enforcement agencies stop criminals. After people lose all their money, the scammers don't stop. They report that other scammers are trying to steal the victims ' money, or that they have already been stolen, but it is possible to return them. Another option is that they offer to take revenge on fraudsters or assist in their detention. Regardless of the excuse, everything ends with a request to set fire to the object specified by them.

According to the Russian Interior Ministry, this tactic has been widely used only in the last week. Most of the victims are elderly people, who are easily influenced and become " expendable material for creating informational occasions."

"In addition, there is a practice of direct appeals to residents of Russia with a proposal to commit sabotage or terrorist attack for a monetary reward," the Interior Ministry said in a statement.

Recall that in early August alone, at least 12 attempts to set fire to military registration and enlistment offices in different regions of Russia occurred during the day.: Moscow, Chelyabinsk and Saratov regions, Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Adygea and others. Both elderly and young people fell for the tricks of scammers.