Personal realization and success of carders in carding


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❗️How to achieve OVER-REALIZATION of your soul in this world

If I tell you that you can work in your favorite business for only 2 hours a day of pure time and ensure that any of your needs are 100% covered, how will you take this idea?

Let's decipher the 3 most common misconceptions about success:

1. To be rich, you need to work a lot - in fact, 80% of the actions that hardworking people do - do not bring results, so it is enough to do only 20% of the key actions from the true motive.

2. To be rich, you need to have start-up capital and good education - in fact, people with start-up capital have much less motivation for successful implementation, and very educated people greatly complicate the business model and do not have the same determination as people with simple thinking ...

3. To succeed in material well-being, you need to be cunning, be able to deceive people and steal - in fact, all stories with dirty money always end in suffering, while stable wealth requires determination, sincerity and the ability to take risks without any fraud ...

The fact is that truly RICH is not the one who earns the most, but the one who knows how to distinguish imposed desires from the true desires of his soul and live in the enjoyment of simple phenomena.

OVER-REALIZATION of your soul can begin to happen right now and it requires you to deeply unpack your true nature in all its diversity.

A long stay in systemic training imposes a huge number of prohibitions and restrictions that block your true essence.

Then you are forced to serve the outside world to the detriment of your personal desires, which violates your freedom as a spiritual being.

Before going on the path of SUPER-REALIZATION, you need to provide a reliable spiritual foundation. Read more in the article ?

The self-destruction program is one of the biggest mysteries for scientists and spiritual masters.

And now I will try to structurally describe its causes from the point of view of Psychomagic and give an explanation of this phenomenon.

No truly happy and harmoniously developed person wants to kill himself. This is the first thing to realize once and for all.

A mentally and mentally healthy person loves life and respects it as a gift, using all its possibilities 100%, enjoying every inhalation and exhalation with a willingness to leave for another world only if life ends for natural reasons or by the will of fate.

In order to form a healthy psyche, it is necessary to build its reliable worldview foundation, because without it, a person can easily get confused in the interpretations of what is happening and get stuck in destructive states.

Consider 5 key mistakes that led to suicide of even very successful people in the outside world:

1. Life exclusively from the Mind (without realizing oneself as a soul). Limiting themselves to the framework of this body, some people mistakenly believe that after death everything will end, when in fact the life of the soul is infinite and suicide will only complicate the path.

2. Selfish attitude towards life and whims. Getting stuck in a child's model of behavior with claims to life, the habit of being offended and angry if something goes against expectations is an immaturity of character that can lead to an erroneous "restart".

3. Hyper-expansion of consciousness in the absence of readiness for this on the part of the psyche. It's no secret that many of the suicides made a mistake in a state of narcotic trance, which provoked a collision with all their internal non-workings in a split second, while the ego decided to simply self-destruct.

4. Lack of self-identity. Everything is simple here, a person who does not know who he is, why he is here, as a spiritual being and on what true values his life is built - is shaken for any life lessons.

5. Leads to false authority and trinkets. To prioritize popularity, money and even falling in love with another person with the loss of oneself is mortally dangerous, because these are the desires of the false self and the soul is not involved in them, and if the soul does not live, then an illusion controls you.

The main conclusion that I would like to draw in this article is a direct parallel between CORRECT personal development and a full, long and happy life.

Pay attention to the key issues of your life and track the steady improvement in your mood and condition thanks to the sources from which you draw the truth for your soul.

Now for many conscious carders, the topic of self-realization, finding their mission and obtaining prosperity through their work of life is relevant. To do this, there are many resources in the modern world that can inspire and direct you on the right path. But I see a huge problem in the fact that a large number of people are not able to go beyond the idea of their own capabilities and talents, and even entering their stream of implementation, they get stuck at the same level and numbers. I noticed that so many people lack state, energy, motivation and a clear understanding of how to realize their potential only from the fact that they do not feel the full range of it. In this regard, I promote the idea of getting out of one's own limitations and achieving Superrealization.

In fact, you are not taught realization, let alone superrealization in activities anywhere. You are taught how to be a system unit: to perform certain tasks in any micro-link already formed by the system. But getting on the path of awareness and the laws of the universe, you automatically become free from the system. You can participate in systemic processes, but your consciousness reveals its potential and ability to be realized at a higher level of life and prosperity.

Although in Psychomagy we do not set money from overrealization as a goal, they come as a result of your contribution to the world. When you become a valuable spiritual being for the world, what you do receives a reward in the form of material support. Roughly speaking, the amount that comes to you every month is equal to the level of your commitment, self-presentation and positioning in the world of your abilities and talents. And the concept of Superrealization is that there are no boundaries or bars for this.

Your attitude to your business is one of the keys to maximum realization. Because if you do something "for fun", just do what you can, you get stuck at the level of low achievements, slowing down the level of well-being.

You must be in the state of the Creator - who invents, creates and shares his creativity. Overrealization implies that you are fully involved in the process of realizing your interest and begin to live by it. You study, you learn, you work every day, and you reap the fruits every day. At the same time, not becoming a slave to your labor, but steadily “accelerating” the space of your creative activity, so that your every action leads to expansion, more people learn about you, about your product, are interested in you and inspire you to new achievements. Then you begin to feel the joy of being, because this world needs you, and society and this reality begin to interact with you for the benefit of your prosperity.


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Continue to do what you did before, but add to this the realization that it is not you who needs the results of your activity, He needs these results. And since this is so, from now on, in each of your actions, you need to strive for perfection!