Perception of money as energy


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The fundamental idea for thinking about money as energy is that it is always a mediated element. You don't have to prioritize money and work just for that. This is appropriate if you are a merchant. Merchants can, for example, work in network marketing, invest, trade on the stock exchange, and very much even succeed in this. Those who are in the castes of a warrior, magician or worker are not capable of this. It is important for all psychomages to understand that money is a flow of energy that comes to you from the fact that you realize yourself in your favorite business and reveal yourself as a soul and as a person in this world.

To feel money as a flow is also very important to be carried away by the process of activity. If you enjoy writing poetry or prose, you can write a highly successful book thanks to your confidence and the decision to publish your work. You will make an interesting cover for her, launch her into the world from the heart without any expectations, and eventually you will reach a state in which it is very likely that your book in any field will get its fans and you will gain some fame, even if you thought it was to anyone not necessary and not interesting.

Regardless of what kind of activity you have chosen for yourself, it is necessary to reveal interest in your business and regularly accompany its development. If you are simply working somewhere on the machine and are not aiming for the company to achieve great results, so that everything flourishes there, goes to higher levels, that is, you do not show deep interest, then you are in the wrong place.
When you are in your place, you are a positive, bright cell that really wants to benefit the world in which it lives. The benefits that you bring, like a cage, to the space in which you work, will certainly lead you to an increase in financial potential and happiness that are next to each other. When you truly go to a higher level of happiness, then your financial potential also increases.

Thus, money is not just pieces of paper and bank accounts, but absolutely real energy, which is proof that you confidently present yourself as a successful, prosperous person, as a soul that is realized, appreciates and loves the product of your activity, understands, that she wholeheartedly wants to help. Your ability to position yourself as a master anywhere and in any way and your ability to tell with confidence, love and very deep interest, what you are doing, decides a lot.