Passports plywood / wiring, brief excursion


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Passport. Plywood, wiring, and more.
I decided to whip up a short manual for those who can get passports, since I myself have been interested in this topic for a long time, and I have seen a lot of passports.
Let's start with what a "new passport" might be needed for. For loans, for renting a car, for moving along the street, not being afraid of the PPP, for opening accounts and individual entrepreneurs. A lot for what. To each for their own purposes. But to whom what? For most operations, plywood is suitable for loss, or on any left-hand side. Since it is unlikely that they will punch. I'll go back a little to the past, and remember how before, at the height of the summer season, catamarans, jet skis and other things were allowed to ride x !! nude, in
bail asked for a passport. So, a gang of students, using plywood, made good money touring the resort towns. But that was at a time when plywood cost a penny, and there were a lot of people who do it. So what is the plywood business today?
I will proceed from the calculation that we needed to re-paste / make a new passport with wiring. So how do you find this type of service?
Firstly, the most optimal search for this kind of services is acquaintances. Only not acquaintances with whom you drank vodka, and who, in a drunken stupor, boasted to you that they were holding God by the balls, but those acquaintances who really rotate in certain circles, and really can do something. But basically, you need to contact such people when you know exactly what you need and
how much it costs approximately. Let's say a passport with wiring cost a few months ago from $ 3500 to $ 6000. What is the difference in price? Depends on how many people your order goes through. If after a couple of people, then the price will be cheaper, because only a couple of people want to weld. And if more, then the price will rise, because everyone wants to put at least $ 200-300 from the order for themselves.
No matter how unfortunate it may sound, but such is life. Also, if you want documents with wiring, then the production of such a passport will be supervised by either the prosecutor's office, or the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or the FSB. The price also depends on this. Of course this may surprise someone, but be realistic, no acquaintances in these structures, you will never make such a material. And I have to share with them so that everything is good. If you are told that no structures will know about this, and everything is done without their participation, you should know that 99% of this is a lie. This does not happen.
Now, according to the usual plywood, the cost of such services in real life - $ 200-400, also depends on the craftsmen, on whose ksiva, and on the quality. If the ksiva is yours, then pay attention simply to the quality of performance, since there are craftsmen who do it seem to be normal, but upon a detailed examination, the jambs immediately come out, but no one will return the money to you, as you should have thought head. There are craftsmen who make plywood using their ksivs. Here, be vigilant, and after getting the job, not only check the quality, but also the data on which the passport was made. Since sometimes such ksivs appear after some kind of robbery, sometimes even with a lethal outcome. And when you are caught with such a ksiva, there will be much more problems, up to complete deprivation of health, because the cops will have a chance to sew you a couple more articles. So be careful.

Now let's move on to what is offered on the Internet. Here, in principle, everything is the same as through friends, but there are important nuances:
1. Never, NEVER, even if a person is checked and has a bunch of reviews, do not send money in advance. Only a guarantor. And this is not connected
so much so that he will throw you, but with the fact that after receiving the money, he can delay the production of your document for a
longer period than agreed. This time. The second - on the quality of workmanship, then you are tortured to make claims.
2. Avoid ANY personal meeting. Only by conductor, dhl, ems for drop. But never meet in person. You never know, all of a sudden the
re-glue is being developed for a long time, and you will fall into the field of vision, which is not good.
And for the future, think before you make yourself a left hand lettering whether you need it. After all, jokes with the state, especially with ours,
never end well.
If someone has something to add, I will be glad to see the information myself.

Well, and now look at the possible options for redoing pachporta) (followed by the 2-quoting articles on plywood, spelling and style of the authors saved)

So we need:
Razor have broken into papula
Scalpel Medical
Plonka and floors (supermarket products are brewed with)
Felt-tip pen UV Inc.
UV lamp

Well and actually itself ksiva desirable that the red stripe was located somewhere in the middle of the joint sheet and photo

1. With a razor blade at 90 degrees we cut a photo with a laminate without paying attention to the fact that the red stripe has been damaged (this is one of the most important moments) further quality depends on this, there is some distance between the sheet and the photo, right between it
2. We separate it from the photo the laminate on the side where there is no red strip, without touching it, carefully cut off all this (do not touch the red strip, and so it is on a white background and does not interfere)
3. Wet the scalpel with water and remove the remnants of the photo on the laminate with a red strip
(a rather tedious task requires attention and patience so as not to spoil the laminate with a scalpel )
4. The photo must be fitted to the cut laminate and so that the photo is printed on paper no more than 200g / m2, we join this case with a red strip on the sheet
5. From an eraser we make a strip with the letters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of RUSSIA, we will rest in water with paint diluted with water from a flamaster, adjust it on the sheet, before that it is better to experiment under a UV lamp to achieve the desired contrast, such as on a sheet with a passport
6. Cover with a thin laminate, dry a little with a hairdryer so that when pressing does not stick the laminate to another sheet, we press the book for 6-7 hours so that the photo with our laminate is pushed through, do not think that after the first second you will succeed in ruining enough discs
if you learn it is worth it after 3-4 hours of stinging work we get ksivu , we run to pour VU open accounts, take loans in the Russian standard

The glue that remained after the old photo, it will then be visible to the light, and if you peel off a lot of glue (along with paper), then the stain is like a watermark.

You can do it yourself, it's not so difficult:
1. Buy a photoresist
2. Buy a DRL lamp (UV source)
3. Buy copper sulfate
4. Buy a film for the printer (transparent)
5. You need a power source.
6. Buy caustic soda.

The pattern (print) template is printed on the film in positive.
We prepare the workpiece: a photoresist aerosol is applied to the polished and degreased surface and at intervals of 10 minutes (until it "dries") is applied more (to give thickness). Either all this is dried for a day at room temperature, or for two hours in an "oven" with a temperature of 70 degrees.
The film is attached to the model, fixed, and illuminated for a minute (it is selected empirically, depending on the thickness and "freshness" of the photoresist. Then we prepare a solution of caustic soda: a tablespoon per liter of water, mixed. (Poisonous thing, burns on the skin) And lays down where there was no paint on the film, the photoresist glowed and washed off, and where the "black" remains.
Prepare a saturated solution of copper sulfate, dissolve until it dissolves. To the bottom of the vessel, where the production will be. electroplating, a copper plate is laid down and a "+" is connected to it, a model is dipped into the solution and a "-" is applied to it. Where the photoresist is washed off, a conductive layer will remain, on which copper will subsequently "grow". The current strength is selected experimentally. Everything. The print is ready.
Copper is generally soft, you can try iron vitriol (Fe2O3), but I have not tried it with it, in theory it should be similar.
Another option is to go to an advertising agency where there is a laser and ask.
You can also do this with the help of a photopolymer, all the same only "soft" printing will be, and it's easier this way.

And finally a prefabricated hodgepodge from recipes

1 method.
The simplest and most reliable get or make, the same laminate as on the passport or (a fragment lying in the photo then with a blade from old Soviet razors cut the laminate along the edge of the photo this is done like this: the blade is placed on the passport with a plane and with one cutting angle moves to the seal of the laminate, due to the photograph, then lightly press on the blade and begin to carefully cut through the laminate, without tearing the plane of the blade from the sheet of the passport along the perimeter of the photo then carefully peel off the photo, there is generally a special glue, but usually it is not enough (and sometimes not at all), but even if it is used in the passport, cotton or linen paper usually peels well then that piece of laminate that you took out or made with a pattern is combined with what remained on the sheet and cut out a part the size of the cut out,then you sculpt your photo on the resulting fragment and glue the resulting photo with a pattern and laminate instead of the old one.
disadvantages: especially vigilant ones can hold a fingernail along the laminate and notice that there is a violation of its integrity in the field of photography Method

2 method
Is not more complicated, but less reliable the glue used in the laminate is fusible that is, between the laminate and the sheet of the passport, just softening glue when heating you heat the sheet from the back of the passport sheet through 1-2 sheets of paper, which heats the laminate and after heating the layer of glue, gently lift the layer of laminate, then just change the photo and stick the laminate in place the second option is more risky, do not heat the paper on which the laminate is glued, and the laminate itself from the front.
the method has a lot of shortcomings but if you manage to find fault, there will be nothing to complain about, but too much with the heating temperature will either lead to the red dye on the laminate and the pattern of the laminate will be clearly broken, and in the worst case, to melting the laminate itself

3 method
The third method the most difficult and expensive. I used it myself at one time because of its reliability in the printing house, a sheet of passport with a photo is printed on a previously ordered cotton paper with RF watermarks and embedded fibers flickering in ultraviolet radiation and its second part sticking out from the other side of the passport firmware the laminate itself is also made or stolen observe the passport number !!!! then the target passport is sewn with the maximum preservation of the stitching thread and this sheet, already issued for any surname with any photo, is sewn in instead of the old sheet the laminate is sewn in with it, then the laminate is glued to the sheet.
disadvantages: the
cost of such a sheet of paper ~ 10- 20 rubles, not every office is able and will agree to make such paper for you.
we need access to a printing house with an offset printing machine and a high-quality scan of the original blank sheet of the passport, which we are replacing the fact is that there is a rather thin guilloche mesh and it is impossible to reproduce it even on a high-end printer.
laminate it can be easier to make or copy at the passport office once a month or two they have to destroy (burn) passports with the so-called "marriage", that is, mistakes made by the passports, some (~ 50%) of the burned passports are not laminated, if agree with the inspector who burns them (usually they drive in twos), then you can simply embroider the passport and pull out the laminate or you can have more than one.