NLP. Rapport and tuning.


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How to build trust and gain understanding in dealing with people.

I explain in Russian.

This material can be used both for cognitive purposes and for teaching purposes.

The relationship between people is based on centuries-old psychological mechanisms, the knowledge of which allows you to control the process.

You started communicating with another person.

His attitude towards you and what you say can be described by two groups of criteria:
  • Confidence.
  • Attention.
  • Agreement.
  • Openness.
  • Willingness to learn.
  • Astonishment.
  • Joy.
  • Adoption.
  • Doubt.
  • Abstraction.
  • Dispute.
  • Stealth.
  • Desire to teach.
  • Contempt.
  • Fear.
  • Rejection.
Obviously, we want to communicate with people who fit the first category.

Sometimes, we meet them, sometimes others.

Before studying NLP, we said in both cases something like this - well, he is such a person, what to do / and that's great.

In other words, we thought that his attitude towards us depends on some circumstances in the surrounding world, and we have almost no influence on this.

We got a client from the second category - he is such a thing to do.

Or, there was a person who was always in communication with us from the first category, but today he somehow moved more into the second. Well, apparently, he has such a day.

We didn't manage it in any way. Although I do not insist.

Let's allow ourselves a small digression into neurophysiology.

Our brains are simply littered with special cells called mirror neurons.

What are they mirroring?

Scientists have found that these neurons began to appear in monkeys at a time when they began to use the simplest tools.

For example, a stone with which you can chop nuts.

Unlike the ability to climb trees, move around, grab fruit, peel and eat, hide from predators, feed a baby - wielding a stone is not an innate skill that has been used by hundreds of generations of ancestors.

In order to learn this from another, one must exactly repeat his behavior.

This is where mirror neurons come to the rescue. They allow you to copy behavior in the learning process.

Today, human mirror neurons have two more functions:
  • Empathy is the ability to feel what is happening to another person.

When a loved one is upset, you not only understand this, but in some cases feel upset.
  • Guessing intention is the ability to understand what a person will do next, based on some elements of behavior.
If he grabbed an ax next to a pile of firewood, he will most likely chop.

Thus, the work of mirror neurons is associated with learning, copying and understanding another person.

It is also important to say that most of these neurons are disabled, otherwise we will uncontrollably feel all the time what others are feeling and repeat after them. This means that mirror neurons can turn on and off.

Now back to our two column friends.

Each person has a unique model of the world.

This is a set of rules and laws of this world, with which a person agrees and believes in their truth.

In NLP, this is called a map.

The map contains everything that we know and think about ourselves, other people and the world in which we live.

One person's card is very different from another's. But there are similarities in them.

One of them likes to walk in cloudy weather, the other does not.

But both believe in life on Mars.

It turns out that if we start communicating with a person, and in the first minutes we somehow present similar parts of the map to each other, then our states begin to strive for the criteria from the first category.

If we saw the differences, the elements of the second appear.

The complex of states and conditions of perception, described in the first column, is called Rapport.

Experienced psychotherapists intuitively came to the conclusion that it was not worth relying on chance, and in communication with the client they began to demonstrate similarities in the cards.

And this caused rapport.

Observing them, the creators of NLP noticed this trick and studied the process thoroughly.

The process of deliberately demonstrating similarity with the interlocutor was called adjustment.

If you adjust to the interlocutor, rapport will come, and he will begin to trust us, agree, accept some of our ideas in the future, even if he previously denied them.

He will begin to show interest in us and our ideas, he will be surprised and pleased by the things that we tell him, and he will be ready to expand his map - to learn something from us.

You have cases in the past when you heard something like - in fact ... from a trusted person ... And after that you began to believe that it was so.

The fact is that all processes in our brain are bidirectional.

If we are having fun, we smile.

If we smile on purpose, after a while we will have fun.

This trick is used by professionals.

If a person learns from us, and his mirror neurons are active in relation to us, he copies us.

If we copy a person, then for his subconscious mind there is no difference, we copy him or he us. There is a fact of similarity that causes the triggering of mirror neurons and all related events. There is rapport.

Great news. It remains to figure out how you can adjust, and we are on a horse. In dealing with any interlocutor, his state of trust or distrust now depends on our behavior.

You can adapt to behavior, or you can adapt to speech. Let's consider the main types of tuning.
  • Adjustment to body position.
If the person you are talking to is sitting cross-legged and you are also crossing your legs, this is an adjustment.

This should be done imperceptibly. Therefore, I give a recommendation.

Change your body position the moment you start speaking.

It looks natural. Verbal activity appeared, and activity in the body appeared.

If he is standing, his hand rests on the table, do the same, and this will be an adjustment.
  • Tuning to the voice.
You can adjust to speed, volume and altitude.

The most important thing for tuning is voice speed. And it's easier to manage than height.

The fact is that our speech is the translation by the brain of internal images, sounds and feelings into words. Each person carries out this process at his usual speed. Some are faster, some are slower. And this is reflected in the speed of the voice.

If you speak to a person faster, he does not have time to translate your words into images, sounds and feelings. If you speak more slowly, he is stressed by the excessive anticipation of information. And if you speak with his speed, you not only show his subconsciousness the similarity, than adjust, you also facilitate the process of understanding him, which causes positive emotions.

Moreover, the fast voice is automatically louder and the slow one is quieter, which provides an adjustment to the volume.

If your voice is fast, sit up straight or lean back in your chair; if it is slow, rest your elbows on your hips. This will make it easier to control the speed.
  • Adjustment to systems of perception.
This adjustment requires the development of a skill, switching to one of the systems of perception.

Visual, auditory, or sensual.

If your interlocutor speaks - pay attention to what a clear idea.

I see that we will agree with you - he clearly prefers to draw more information from the visual system. And if we are able to switch to visual perception and transmission of information by visual speech, we adapt.

Or he says - I feel that this is a weighty argument. We need to try to work together - this is sensual speech.

It is important not to start using words from another system in speech, it is important to switch yourself to the state of such a perception of the world.
  • Tuning to Beliefs.
When a person says buckwheat porridge is not tasty. He expresses conviction.

If we agree with him, it will be an adjustment.

Below I will describe how you can express consent in different ways.

- The weather is so-so today.

- Agree.

Try to act as if you honestly agree with the other person. And in emotions, and in a voice game.
  • Adjustment to goals.
When a person states that he wants or desires something, we can approve of it, and then we will adjust.

- I want a house by the sea!

- A wonderful desire, I can imagine what a pleasure it is to live like this.

It is important to show not that you like this goal, but that you want it too.
  • Adjustment to the problem.
If the interlocutor talks about his problems, and we share that this is a problem, that it is really unpleasant or bad - we adjust.

- In the last month there were fewer clients ...

- This is definitely a problem. I myself have been in such situations and I understand you.

Don't just use an adjustment like - great, good.
  • Tuning to objections.
It happens that a person expresses disagreement with our ideas or proposals.

We, of course, can prove to him that we are right, but before that we have to agree, then we will adjust.

- It seems to me that as you told here, we will not succeed.

- If I were you, I would also react. I understand you perfectly.

The reaction after the adjustment is usually followed by an argument that breaks this objection.

- But I have a wonderful experience, which suggests that with me you will succeed.
  • Adjustment to hobbies and interests.
People collect stamps, play sports, knit a cross, or walk in the park every day.

If the person has a hobby and we have the same, we will adjust by stating it.

- Walking every day for an hour in the park is wonderful!

- Who would doubt that. Naturally it is so.

If you are not well versed in the matter, you should not say that you are doing the same.

After a minute of talking about it, you will start to get lost from a lack of information.
  • Adjusting to values.
Family, friendship, love, self-development, self-realization, communication, comfort, health are our values.

Some are more important to us at a certain period of our life, some less.

If we were able to identify the important values of the interlocutor, we can show that this is important to us too. And it will be a powerful adjustment.

- I would continue to talk with you, but we must go to the garden for the child.

- Children, despite all the difficulties, what happiness it is!

Identifying priority values, not a 2-phrase process. A person can report the presence of children, but we still need to find out how he relates to this fact.

It is important to understand that the adjustment should not make you feel uncomfortable.

Otherwise, you will ruin everything, including your mood and the result of communication.

If the interlocutor's legs are twisted as you can only twist them in yoga classes, you should not do this.

That's why we have a whole arsenal of adjustments to choose the ones that will be easiest to reproduce.

It doesn't work according to your voice, adjust according to your beliefs and body position.

Now about what are the ways of speech adjustment, which we use with paragraphs 4-9
  • Positive ratings.
Good, great, great, right, great, great, yes, right, right, ...

- We are already working with a similar company.

- Perfectly. Let me tell you what is unique we can offer

  • Go to the position of the interlocutor.
I understand you, I agree, if I were you, I would think / say / feel / do the same.

- It is expensive.

- Agree. And I'll explain to you why.

  • A similar situation.
The general idea is as follows - this happened to me.

- So they got me today with calls on advertising.

- Oh, I recently had such a situation. 5 times in one day, they came to the office from different companies and offered insurance.

It is important that in this adjustment strategy we are indeed choosing a similar situation, not exactly the same. If they called him, they came to us. If he has an advertisement, we have insurance.
  • Repeat.
We repeat the key phrase that the person said.

- It is expensive!

- It's expensive ...
[thoughtfully, as if it accidentally burst out of internal dialogue]


- I don't like the look.

- Taak, you don't like the look ...
[the intonation of the statement of fact, as if reminding himself]

Of course, there are more ways to adjust in NLP.

You can adjust to the emotional state, however, not with all emotions - it's just mirroring. You can go to meta-programs, you can go to the archetype, you can go to the height and volume of the voice, to the usual strategies, to bodily signals, to the environment, to the leader of the group ...

But, when in the course of training you can switch to the state of a master of aikido, who first reacts with acceptance to each step of the opponent, and then uses his behavior to perform the technique.

You will feel the desire to agree with the person and hear absolutely everything that he has to say.

You will feel grateful that he is not silent, but gives you material to influence yourself.

When this begins to happen to you, the above techniques will be more than enough to establish rapport.

The tuning is based on the idea that the map is not territory.

That the perception of each of us may differ from the perception of another, and this difference in perception does not indicate right or wrong.

Both people successfully play in their own way in life, but their cards differ in many ways.

When we think this way about others, we respect their thoughts, ideas and strategies.

And we just can't say - no, when they say something that goes beyond the boundaries of our map.

We say - great!

And then, when the rapport is established, we take the person to another reality.

I wish you success in mastering the strategies of geniuses in practice.


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NLP: language tricks, promotion​


For environmental reasons, Safety does not need to use language tricks to unwind beliefs that may be useful to their bearers. If a person believes that everything will work out for him, then let him believe. But if you are "run over" (or you want to scare), language tricks are what you need.
Ultimately, it all boils down to changing the framework of perception. You either expand it to the level of belief nonsense, or narrow it down, or shift it to other aspects of the situation. Your answer should shift your focus away from an uncomfortable topic. And how you do it is not so important.

This is the most popular topic in NLP. In some teaching traditions, it is studied in a master course and is one of the main reasons to go there (although in fact they are taught by all and sundry and as soon as these same tricks are not called).
I will say right away that if you know how to use it, then the thing is not only fun, but also very effective. Anyone who is considered good negotiators, charismatics, good orators do not know their magic tricks. You need to strive for this.
Tricks of the language can be used to shake a person's faith in their beliefs, but if you look at the source - Richard Bandler, he played with them, bewildering his interlocutors and easily leaving undesirable topics for him.

So, the essence of the tricks of the language is the translation of the focus of attention. This can be done gently and imperceptibly, and the person will not immediately understand that the topic of the conversation has already changed, but it can also be done brightly and brazenly in order to seize the initiative while the interlocutor chooses what was said. Well, to the point!
Let's take 5 options for verbal aggression and see how you can deal with them:
• Why don't you give me flowers, you don't love me?
• This watch is too expensive, I cannot afford it.
• You offend me with your silence.
• You are late for work again!
• A good boss should take care of his subordinates.

Expanding the frame
The narrow frame is often cramped. And the result is predetermined. Therefore, when you are given some framework, you go out of them. "This is not us - this is life." Answers:
• Love is not equal to gifts. She is more than life.
• We live once. It is foolish to deny yourself the pleasure of life.
• I think about our relationship. It seems to me that you take offense too often over trifles.
• Transport is so unpredictable that sometimes I can't guess right.
• We always expect our elders to care, but what are we doing for this?

Model of the world
How many people, so many opinions. And there are very authoritative opinions. You can always find an authority whose subjective reality is more favorable to us.
• At one time it was believed that "beats means loves." You don't want me to prove my love to you according to someone else's beliefs?
• If you plan to do business with serious people, you need to know that deciding whether to take you seriously, they will be on your watch too.
• Psychologists believe that a person cannot be offended if he has not decided to be offended.
• Yes, I also believe that a true patriot of his Company should spend the night at the workplace in order not to be late for work.
• Our CEO believes that the boss should only care about those who do the best.

It is useful to point out the consequences of such phrases and thoughts. They are often so exciting that you will already be discussing them.
• Do you think after such words I will want to give you flowers?
• Doesn't play without an expensive watch and an expensive suit.
• They carry water to the offended.
• If we discuss my lateness, there will be no time left for work.
• And as a result, he does everything himself?

People put meaning in their actions. Or they don't. In any case, you can always indicate good intentions. Or vile ones. Depending on the purpose.
• What do you want more: love or flowers?
• Do you want hours or save money?
• I just admire your lips.
• Do I understand correctly that you want me to do the job on time?
• Do you want the boss to stop doing his job and start caring?

Hierarchy of values
People love to talk about important things. And they also like to compare importance. Let them do this, and for this we will refer to the highest values.
• What is more important to you: my gifts or my love?
• Your social status is more important than the money saved.
• Is it more important for you to hear the truth or enjoy my words?
• It seems to me that the quality of my work is more important than the time I come to work.
• Is it good to make such reproaches to your boss?

You can narrow the frame of perception, and then the focus will be completely different from what the opponent focused on.
• What flowers will prove my love to you: roses, carnations, gladioli?
• Look what a beautiful dial!
• And the pose? Facial expression?
• Yes, for 4 minutes and 12 seconds.
• I just dissuaded the chief from sending you on a business trip to the Kuril Islands.

You are not arguing - you are specifying. You are sincerely trying to understand, and for this you ask about numerous details.
• How are flowers and love related?
• How much did you expect?
• What do I need to say to make you feel better?
• What do you call being late?
• And how should this be manifested?

A good way to shake off pathos is to try to apply some kind of scale or measurable criterion to value. Prepare a ruler!
• What are you more accustomed to measuring love: in rubles, in pieces, in gifts per day?
• What digit does “expensive” start with?
• And for how many seconds are you already offended?
• How do you distinguish between being late and delayed?
• How do you measure care: in rubles or on weekends?

Opposite example
The logic goes: One counterexample proves the generalization false. Look for an exception, and you will be happy!
• I kissed you, I love you.
• Haven't you ever bought on credit something that you could not buy right away?
• Yesterday my silence did not offend you.
• But yesterday I came on time.
• Henry Ford didn't care, but he was a good boss.

Application to yourself
And what happens if you apply the reproach to him? All these "laziness to be lazy", "terribly afraid", "is it modest to boast of modesty" ... In general, "there is nothing to blame the mirror if the face is crooked."
• It seems to me that by saying such things, you do not love me.
• Unwillingness to pamper yourself is expensive.
• I am more offended when they take offense at me over trifles.
• Is it too late to talk about being late? It can't be fixed anymore.
• Are these the words of a subordinate?

Returnable reference index
And if you switch places, will the statement remain valid? Rarely. Usually people give themselves more rights. But they are caught in the value of justice.
• So the fact that you don't give me gifts every week means that you don't love me?
• If you were selling a good item, would you charge less than the purchase price for it?
• Ie. when you are silent, do you want to offend me?
• Has this happened to you?
• May I ask you for counter-care?

Another result
Impudence of pure water. We declare: we will not discuss this - we will discuss something else. Only our tone proves it. But this is usually enough.
• The question is not whether I love you, but what you did for this.
• Ie. Do you need some advice on how to accumulate the required amount?
• Let's better discuss how I feel about your grievances.
• I just wanted to ask you to sign one act!
• Now you need to think about how to sit at your workplace.

Call cowardice caution, greediness thriftiness, and hysteria, sincerity. Or, on the contrary, courage is stupidity, generosity is waste, and calmness is indifference.
• I collected money for a joint trip to the Canary Islands ...
• Lack of availability of the required amount is not a reason to step on the throat of your desires.
• Does my sincere reaction offend you?
• Yes, I came later than you expected.
• But he should not turn adults into his children.

It is not always convenient to say the opposite right away. But we can agree that the meaning will turn over. How? Making their own additions and clarifications.
• Yes, I do not like it when they demand sacrifices from me.
• Of course, you cannot buy them without paying in installments.
• Silence can offend only if you do not trust the silent one.
• I agree, delays are unacceptable if they disrupt an important deal.
• Yes, if subordinates reciprocate.

All analogies are false. But they are effective. We will not discuss the proposed question - we will draw a picture, based on which the desired way out is obvious. And the interlocutor, agreeing with the analogy, himself will draw the necessary conclusion.
• Religious is not the one who goes to church, but the one who Believes.
• If the farmer spares the seeds, he will never wait for the seed to emerge.
• If you don't have an umbrella, you will get wet in the rain.
• Do not shoot the pianist - he plays as best he can.
• Do not spoon feed a seven-year-old.

For examples I thank: Mikhail Pelekhaty, Yuri Chekchurin, Alexander Gerasimov, Robert Dilts, the author of all these "Tricks".
Sources: Textbook, "NLP-Master", Author: Mikhail Pelekhaty, Yuri Chekchurin


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NLP: Speech Strategies. Practice​


Hello everyone! Today I would like to give you practical material on speech strategies, tk. empty and naked theory is unlikely to help you in your manipulations, and not only.
This article is a direct addition to the theory of speech strategies. Be sure to try the exercises if the topic interests you.


In order to correctly draw up a speech strategy, you need to first clearly define what kind of action you want to get from the other person. All of these speech constructs work as teams. And this command should be formulated.
First, you need to be more clear about the context. So, who meets whom and what is the catch.
- Must there be a snag?
If there are no snags, that is, there are no difficulties, then I do not see the need to use all sorts of cunning techniques.
- A young man meets a girl. Outside.
And what is the difficulty?
- I would like to be more confident that she will not refuse.
More confidence in a young man? That is, we are now going to construct phrases to increase the confidence of a young person? I just don't quite understand who should tell him. Young woman? Or I suspect that the target is not well defined.
- Team for the girl: call.
That is, other methods of communication: e-mail, SMS are rejected? Good. Why do you need her to call?
- To continue the relationship.
That is, you need a relationship, not a call. What kind of relationship?
- To like it.
So. Team: you like me. True, for most young people, the very fact of a call is a criterion for what they like. Then options are accepted with calls.
What are the options for strategies?
- The longer we talk, the more you like me.
- How much do you like me?
- I am pleased that you paid attention to me.
- You can call me or email me.
- As soon as you remember - call.
- When you realize how much you like me, call me.

A bit impudent, but in some cases it can work.
- You can call me tomorrow, you can not call at all, but it will be better if you call today.
- Don't call me tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

Good. You have dealt with the girls.
Let's take another option: a girl meets a young man. The situation and what difficulties we are overcoming.
- For example, we met at a party. And she wants him to take the initiative.
Good. Options.
“You can call me tonight or tomorrow afternoon.
- It is customary for a man to call first.

Here's a truism.
- In case you forget my phone, I give you my business card.
Yeah. And he forgets everything. You give him the command to "forget your phone". I would suggest as an option:
- To make you remember my phone even better, I will give you my business card.
At least here it is assumed that your interlocutor has already memorized the phone.
- And if you don't remember?
In the reality that you created for him - the interlocutor remembers the phone. And he will try to match.
- If you don't want to forget my phone, write it down on a piece of paper.
Not bad already. Only the particle "not" with the verb is omitted. That is, you assumed that He "wants to forget" - sometimes this technique is useful if you want to cause blackouts. But it is not suitable for memorization.
- If you want to remember my phone number, write it down on a piece of paper.
- Do you remember my phone well enough?

Better. But something you got carried away with memorization. The fact that a person will remember your phone does not mean that he will call you. And in this context, calling is more important than remembering. He does not need to memorize the phone - it is enough for him to have it. For this there are business cards, paper, pens, lipstick ...
- And what does lipstick have to do with it?
She is very good at writing on a piece of paper or on the hand of a gentleman - and the anchor is good, and stands out, and there is a reason to say:
- During our telephone conversation ...
True, this technique works well in the field of intimate relationships. When applying for a job, this will not be the best option ...
- But here there is no command to call?
You don't have to give a direct command - you can be more flexible. These are indirect presuppositions: in order to talk on the phone, you first need to call. This is already present in the experience. So, more options.
- The more attentively you look at the number, the better you will remember it.
As I understand it, this is a tracing paper from the phrase "the more carefully you read the contract ..." And a team to improve memory. That is, the main problem with men is that they forget ... The phone numbers, whose numbers are, and in general where they were yesterday ... Then the optimal phrase: "The more attentively you look at the number, the better you remember my face? "- Maybe it's better to write down numbers, and give commands for action?
- You can call me tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
- Call me, tell me how it ended?
- During our next telephone conversation, I will tell you the continuation of this story.

- Before you leave work tomorrow, call me.
- I'll write down my phone number for you, and you call me tomorrow afternoon.

Okay, pretty neat.
- I'm curious, will you call me in the morning or in the evening?
Two speech strategies at once in one phrase.
- You will go to dinner tomorrow - call.
“Don't call me as soon as you come back.
- When you call, remind me to give you the phone number of that company.



1) Exercise "Mirroring".
Unite in threes: Operator, Client, Director. You make 9 cards for speech strategies:
The Director will show the cards to the Client, he will insert the appropriate speech strategies into his speech, and the Operator must respond with a construction of the same type, but, if possible, using other connectives (or other semantic phrases). That is, if the Client said:
- If you look out the window, you will see something interesting there.
The operator can answer:
Yes, indeed, due to the fact that I look there, I can see something interesting there.
Client: - People can talk.
Operator: - And the animals run.
~ 20 min.

2) Exercise "Constructing speech strategies".​

You define a situation (task) and write for it 3 speech strategies of each type. It turns out (3x9) 27 options.
Make your son do the dishes.

- Families usually share household chores.
- You can wash the dishes right now.
- Children usually help their parents.

- Before you wash the dishes, call Dima.
- Eat and wash the dishes.
"I'll cook dinner and you wash the dishes."

- The longer you eat, the faster you wash the dishes.
- The less time before the movie, the faster you need to wash the dishes.
- The longer you wait, the more dishes will need to be washed.

- When do you want to wash the dishes?
- Have you noticed that it's time to wash the dishes?
- Do you remember that you need to wash the dishes?

- I like it so much when you wash the dishes.
- It is important to wash the dishes immediately after eating.
- I doubt that you will have time to wash the dishes before the start of the cartoon.

Changes over time
- When are you going to start washing the dishes?
- Have you washed the dishes yet?
- Start washing the dishes as soon as you eat.

False elections
- Will you wash the dishes now or after you go to the store?
- Will you wash the dishes before or after the cartoon?
- You can wash the dishes both now and in half an hour.

All elections.
- You can wash the dishes after the movie, you can not wash them at all, but it is better to wash them as soon as you sing.
- Do you wash the dishes with your brother, do I wash her, or do you wash everything yourself?
- You can only wash the dishes for yourself, for your sister too, but it will be more correct if you wash everything.

Negatives in teams
- Don't wash the dishes right away.
- Don't wash the dishes with this sponge.
- You shouldn't wash the dishes before you finish your homework.
At least 3 situations.


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Materials of NLP training by R. Bandler "States of Shamanism".​


Often many of us do what we don't want to do and behave in ways we don't want to. This is because we were born and grew up, being constantly loaded with some crazy information. Just remember what we were told. In the beginning, when we were growing up, it was necessary to study all these different religions, which contradict each other and even themselves. All this mixed with study, which is similar to the Voodoo rules if you think about it (there are silent letters everywhere, I keep listening to them, but I can't hear). They keep saying to you: “There are so many letters in the alphabet - however, some of them correspond to different sounds. There is a long "A" and a short "a". Therefore, if you see "A", it may be "aaaa", or maybe "a", in fact there are many options. and they all continue and continue to tell you different stories. " and they all continue and continue to tell you different stories. "

Here is one of my favorites; when I first came to England, the first thing I saw was a portrait of George Washington. I was amazed by this, I thought, wasn't he a traitor to the British? Was he a bad guy? I walked over and read the sign that said "George Washington is the initiator of the revolution, the patriot and all that", and I thought, Jesus, great. If you are a bad guy and become successful, you are already a good one. Was he good or bad? Who knows? If Hitler had won World War II, could history have portrayed everything in such a way that he would become the savior of the world? Perhaps I like how the story is called his story (in English pun: history - history and his story - his story (sounds the same)). If you go back and look at the veracity of the story, the story may change.

For the next weekend we'll be looking for things that will make us feel better. What all of this has in common is that it all has to do with healing. Some things have to do with sympathetic magic. The point is, if you can make your thoughts work, you can make the other's thoughts work. I think it's the same as when you smile, they smile back at you. I don't think it's supernatural.

I have witnessed heart surgeries performed with hypnosis and acupuncture. If they did something like that, I would rather be unconscious, I think I would choose a sledgehammer. I would not like, like some brave men, to sit and look in the mirror as someone opens my chest with the help of some kind of rib expander. It's a little too much for me. Some people are pretty good at getting out of their bodies. I would also like to leave my body for a short time, but I do not want anyone to dig into it while I am away. Especially with knives and forceps, pulling the veins out of my legs, if I had to do a triple bypass, I would just run away. You know, they would have to make me unconscious, they would have to do it unnoticed.

It seems that every time I went to the hospital, something strange happened. I was only unconscious because I was diagnosed incorrectly. I am a diabetic, but they were sure that I had something unusual when I said that I was not feeling well, and all because I returned from a long trip. Instead of paying attention to the most ordinary things, they began to test me for diseases that can be contracted in the jungle or elsewhere while traveling. They didn't check the most routine tests, and I fell into a coma; They found out the real reason only when the doctor, who was himself a diabetic, came in, he was able to determine that I had the same thing just by the smell. Of course, then they conducted many tests, and the diagnosis was confirmed (I have a genetic type of diabetes, in which there are antibodies in the body, which destroy the pancreas). While I was in the hospital, they tried to practice Voodoo on me, tried to make a post-hypnotic suggestion. They came and told me negative things all the time while I was taking medications, not only did I have a difficult process of coming out of a coma, but they also put me on sleeping pills. I don't know about you guys, but it seems to me that something is wrong here.

There was one person to whom these doctors constantly came and said that he was 67 years old and the operation was rather complicated, not to wake up after it was the best outcome for you. What a horror, I thought. I told him, listen, these people come and say bad things to you all the time, I know that you are here and you can hear me now, I am going to do something now that may seem strange to you. I will put my hand on your chest, and I will move it in time with the breath; and when I moved, he suddenly began to breathe, and I continued and continued to move my hand. I started chanting, I don't know why, but I heard how it is done in various temples. I also heard Indians, American Indians do it, for me their chants sound more convincing, the guy in India did it too weakly, I like a stronger sound, even a little scary.

By the way, you know that they give patients liquid pharmaceutical cocaine, so they try to wake you up while you sleep. If this does not work, then it is better to use straw and say "ff-aa-tt", maybe this will help the patient to come to his senses faster, as did the peoples of the Aztecs and Mayans. This is how their postal system worked: there was a messenger running through the jungle with a letter. For many miles, as soon as he stopped, there was definitely someone who would take two tubes, fill them, bring them to his nostrils, "ff-aa-tt"; "Of" - the messenger will scream and rush off along the road. I'm not kidding, this is how it worked.
When I read all these history books, I thought “Lord!” Why did we forget all this.

They used the same substances, with some additions, to put a person into a state where he could talk to the dead. One of the enlightening experiences happened to me when I went to the jungle, to a certain person; a guy from a pharmaceutical company told me there is a healer in the jungle, but he won't tell them anything. He just didn't like them; in truth, he swore them to appear near his dwelling. This doctor did amazing things, and the pharmacists couldn't figure out what recipes he was using. This guy was a real medic, just imagine - a medic in the jungle. He had no pharmaceutical laboratory, no research center, 150 people with microscopes, nothing like that, but he had something that gave him the ability to heal people. He had a forest filled with all sorts of things; I thought he might not say how he cures, but at least he will show where he conducts his research. These pharmacists said that all this is probably passed on from generation to generation, I objected, and that if something new appears, someone should have thought of it. And they went on and on, all this guy does is climb a tree 200 feet high, take a couple of beetles from a flower and mix it with some leaf, give it to a person and he is healed of anything. To tell the truth, it was so. And they went on and on, all this guy does is climb a tree 200 feet high, take a couple of beetles from a flower and mix it with some leaf, give it to a person and he is healed of anything. To tell the truth, it was so. And they went on and on, all this guy does is climb a tree 200 feet high, take a couple of beetles from a flower and mix it with some leaf, give it to a person and he is healed of anything.
So I sent one of the guys and he brought me a satellite phone. Cool thing, can be used everywhere in the world, now we have them tiny, but then it was a whole suitcase with its own plates, etc. He also found translators and had to climb into a cave teeming with snakes. When I spoke to him for the first time, I asked how things were going, he also answered: "They have the biggest scorpions there that you have ever seen." He washed his socks, and stepped on one scorpion, he was stung, he was also bitten by mosquitoes, he was almost bitten by a snake, but someone stopped her. He thought it was a stick and wanted to pick it up. They had to go and they went on a motor boat, then they had to make their way through the rapids, got to this place, went to the village and returned on foot. In the end, they found the village where this guy lived, he didn't really want to cooperate, and I decided to give him something. I thought maybe this way we could get his attention. I asked the translator to go and give him a gift; what might this guy be interested in? Obviously, they already tried to surprise him with all sorts of Western tricks, so in order to get his attention, I sent him a stone deity that belongs to a culture different from the one he knows. In fact, it was a sample from the repository of a British museum, which I covered with a layer of polymer clay, thereby increasing it 3 times, I put marks on it that looked like hieroglyphs, then I thought that this was not enough, and added magic signs that I've seen in some books. So I sent this stone to the healer as a gift, that guy took it and was really amazed. and I decided to give him something. I thought maybe this way we could get his attention. I asked the translator to go and give him a gift; what might this guy be interested in? Obviously, they already tried to surprise him with all sorts of Western tricks, so in order to get his attention, I sent him a stone deity that belongs to a culture different from the one he knows. In fact, it was a sample from the repository of a British museum, which I covered with a layer of polymer clay, thereby increasing it 3 times, I put marks on it that looked like hieroglyphs, then I thought that this was not enough, and added magic signs that I've seen in some books.

The essence of the metamodel is to obtain information that will allow you to reconstruct the behavior. If someone comes to a psychotherapist and says that he has depression, you ask him about those things that will help you restore the behavior, because you need to know not about the state of depression, but information about how the person enters this state .. ... Therefore, when they come to you and say that they have depression, you ask the question: "How do you know this?" The point is that the same process that allows a person to enter this state helps you to stop him. If the shaman can find an answer on how to heal people by asking the forest; the first thing I want to know is where. Because if he says - everywhere - then this is not the point. But he must have some way, since he is addressing - he did not say that he was asking the trees or the gods, he said he was asking the forest. So the guide asked a question, the healer did not answer with words, instead he said that he needed to go somewhere.

They went together, and I did not hear the translator for 4 days, apparently, they had to visit many “God save” places: they climbed rocks and descended into disgusting-smelling lowlands and many other places; eventually came to the lagoon. There was a tree in the middle of the lagoon, and the healer swam up to it, climbed up and pointed to this very tree. The translator called me, saying "he brought me to this place." He called me in the middle of the day, I was half asleep, "So are you there?" - I said. He answered - "yes", I asked the translator to describe the area, and he did. I asked what diseases he had. He was puzzled. I asked if he had blisters? Something. HE replied: "Well, I have bites," then I told him that I want him to swim, stand in this place and asked the forest how to get rid of it, he agreed. This guy is a pretty good artist. He took lessons in the art of painting and dancing - he can even dance ballet. He came back and said “I asked the forest, but nothing happened,” I said that we need to delve into this. Go into a deeper altered state, you were in a trance before, I added: "You need to really believe that you will receive an answer - and then you will tell me what happened." A few minutes later he came back and said, "I saw a picture," so draw it - do you have paper? Draw it and show it to that healer. And so he drew a picture and showed it to the healer, he went into the forest and brought the plant, mixed everything, added a little dirt, mixed a little more, boiled everything over a fire and then smeared it all on the legs of the translator, the next morning all the bites disappeared. He took lessons in the art of painting and dancing - he can even dance ballet. He came back and said “I asked the forest, but nothing happened,” I said that we need to delve into this. Go into a deeper altered state, you were in a trance before, I added: "You need to really believe that you will receive an answer - and then you will tell me what happened."

I know scientists will say that perhaps the shaman already knew what could heal it, they always find excuses. But they will not be able to find an explanation for where this picture of plants came from, which the healer later brought. He may have already known about this, but now we need to understand, did the shaman psychologically communicate this to the translator? Or is the forest really conscious? In my opinion, if a tree already knows when another tree is being killed. If yogurt knows when they want to eat it, it doesn't surprise me at all if something the size of a forest, the earth, the universe can have consciousness, besides the consciousness that we, as individuals, have. Do not know.
Like cultures all over the face of the Earth, no matter how far away they are, everyone on Earth began to worship gods. How could they do this without talking to each other?
Here they are on some unknown island in the center of nothing, in Burma, and they have no connection with the outside world, and yet they worship gods and all the gods have something in common. There are powerful and not so powerful, but they all do something. The good and the bad. There are gods who are prayed not to drown or to send a storm and kill you. There are some similar to the Jewish ones.