Next year, Russians may face massive theft of digital identities


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Evgeny Tsarev, one of the experts in the field of cybersecurity, told when the Russians were overtaken by massive thefts of digital identities. As a reminder, these cybercrime schemes involve the illegal use of the victim's personal data to obtain funds.

Yevgeny Tsarev, who holds the post of managing director of the RTM Group, believes that already next year, citizens of our country may face large-scale campaigns of cybercriminals trying to get to digital personalities.

Moreover, almost all Russians who have funds in bank accounts will be in the risk zone. The fact is that criminals are driven primarily by financial incentives.

Fraudsters will be interested in the maximum amount of personal information, but first of all: residence addresses, passport data, SNILS, marriage and divorce certificates, as well as information about children, employment and property.

In an interview with RIA Novosti, Tsarev noted that all of the above data can be easily obtained from databases that are sold on forums in the dark web. Biometric data and digital signatures can be more problematic for cybercriminals, but with the proper training, they can also be obtained.

Also, deepfakes can help scammers, with the help of which you can fake the voice or appearance of the victim.

Grigory Kovshov, an expert of the Gazinformservice company, spoke about ways to protect a digital identity from theft:
“The loss of digital identity can lead to a number of serious problems. An attacker, possessing certain information about you, can gain access to your social media account, issue fake documents, a loan in your name, or simply steal funds from a bank card. Maintaining digital hygiene is an important part of defending against cybercriminals. Today, it is especially important to publish sensitive information about yourself deliberately: do not post photos of your documents, air tickets, announcements with bank details, home or work addresses on social networks and on forums. Read carefully what access rights are requested by applications, remove unnecessary services from your mobile devices. Disable geolocation where you don't need it, or use it only while working with certain applications. "