Morse Micro engineers set a new record for Wi-Fi range


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The technology was tested using a real-time video call.

The American company Morse Micro, specializing in wireless technologies, has set a new record for the distance of data transmission over Wi-Fi. Using the relatively new HaLow standard (802.11 ah), the engineers managed to transmit the signal over a distance of 2.9 kilometers.

The HaLow standard was introduced back in 2016, but its widespread adoption is just beginning. It is optimized for transmitting small amounts of data over long distances with low power consumption. This makes it an ideal solution for the Internet of Things and industrial sensor networks.

During the tests, Morse Micro engineers achieved data transfer speeds from 11 Mbit / s at a distance of 500 meters to 1 Mbit / s at a maximum distance of 2.9 km. This was enough to maintain a stable Wi-Fi video connection between the two locations.

Particularly impressive is the fact that this result was achieved in urban environments with many potential sources of interference, which indicates the high noise immunity of HaLow technology.

For testing, the company's engineers used its MM6108 chip, which is fully compliant with the standard and certified by the Wi-Fi Alliance and the FCC.

Although the HaLow standard is unlikely to be suitable for home use due to its low speed, this experiment clearly demonstrated its huge potential for organizing wireless communication between IoT devices in manufacturing, logistics, and other areas that require long-distance data transmission.