Minsk resident was double-crossed by crypto scammers


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A Minsk resident has twice become a victim of cyber-bullies. For the first time, the victim was promised quick and easy earnings on the Internet, and for the second time - the return of stolen funds. BelTA learned this from the police department of the Minsk City Executive Committee.

The Zavodskoe district police department of the capital was contacted by a resident of the district who believed the promises of easy earnings on the crypto exchange and lost more than Br3 thousand. The applicant said that on the Internet he found an offer for additional earnings related to investments. By clicking on the link, he contacted the manager and clarified the working conditions. Further communication took place in the messenger, where the Minsker's activities on the stock exchange were allegedly supervised by a representative of the company. Malefactors persuaded the victim to transfer funds to a certain account, promising quick earnings.

After a while, the resident of Minsk decided to withdraw the invested money, but faced difficulties. Realizing that he was deceived, the man found a company on the Internet that promised to return the money stolen by false traders. The victim contacted her representative, paid for the service, after which they stopped contacting him. The Minsk resident realized that he was twice a victim of fraudsters and turned to the police. Criminal cases have been initiated.


The young man invested more than Br30 thousand on the Internet exchange, but could not withdraw the allegedly earned $30 thousand. This was reported to BelTA by the press service of the Internal Affairs Department of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee.

A 28-year-old resident of the district center applied to the Dyatlovsky District Department of Internal Affairs, who said that he had become a victim of Internet fraud. At the end of January, he found an exchange and began to deposit considerable amounts to the platform. As a result,I invested Br30, 5 thousand rubles.

By trading on the site, a Dyatlov resident was allegedly able to earn about $30 thousand. And when it was time to withdraw some of the money, I couldn't do it.

The victim reported the fact of fraud to law enforcement agencies. The Dyatlovsky district Department of the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under the article "Fraud committed on a large scale".