Mifare Classic 1k contactless cards are the most popular cards in the world

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Mifare Classic 1k contactless cards are the most popular RFID cards in the world today. These chips are high-frequency (HF) and operate at a frequency of 13.56 MHz. The memory capacity of such cards is 1024 bytes, into which hidden coding can be written. Place an order for RFID cards with a Mifare 1K chip, and we will encode them for safe use. Information from them can be read at a distance of up to 10 cm. One of the most important advantages of Mifare 1k is the ability to add and rewrite information repeatedly. Mifare Classic 1k smart cards are widely used in many areas of activity. Let's consider some of them.

With Mifare Classic 1k cards, it is possible to regulate access to different sectors of the enterprise. For example, an employee from the accounting department cannot enter production. This not only ensures the safety of the company's unique developments, but also allows employees who are not familiar with safety precautions to be protected from industrial injuries.

Mifare Classic 1k cards are widely used in ACS. They help to instantly identify the owner and deny or allow access to the organization's territory. Using the same card, an employee can raise the barrier, enter the department, pay for lunch in the canteen and open the door of the locker in the changing room.

Such cards are also used in fitness clubs, swimming pools, and all kinds of health centers. Contactless cards with a Mifare chip will allow you to work with each client individually. With the help of the card, you will be able to delimit zones, and thus close sections for the client for which he has not paid. The introduction of such contactless cards will only benefit the staff, since they will be aware of how often a specific client visits their establishment, which trainer he prefers to work with, and how much time he spends on their territory.

Use this data to tailor your approach to each client.

Mifare Classic 1k cards can be used to organize paid access. For example, a limited number of passes can be made on a ski lift, all this can be regulated using a Mifare Classic 1k card.

Both customers and employees and owners of paid parking lots will enjoy working with Mifare Classic 1k RFID cards. When leaving the parking lot, information is read from the card, and an invoice for payment is automatically generated in a matter of seconds. Management personnel will be able to easily track the client's movement around the parking lot, and the owner will be able to receive financial reports automatically, in two clicks. And for those who are used to traveling by public transport, these cards will help pay for travel instantly and without unnecessary fuss.

Mifare Classic 1k is also widely used in the service sector at petrol stations. The quality of service provided at petrol stations has improved significantly, as has the speed of customer service, thanks to the fuel card. Usually, the company's loyalty system is linked to the fuel card, which allows you to use various discounts and accumulate bonuses.

If you liked this article and you are seriously thinking about implementing contactless Mifare Classic 1k cards in your business, just call us. We will be happy to tell you how to introduce RFID cards into use without unnecessary costs. We will answer your questions and fulfill your order quickly, and, more importantly, efficiently. Do you have ideas on how to decorate contactless cards? Our designers will make a personal design layout especially for you, and production specialists will manufacture the order using unique equipment in a short time.
