Materials of the criminal case on embezzlement of money from bank accounts of bank clients were sent to the court in the Khabarovsk Territory


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An investigator of the investigative unit of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Khabarovsk Territory has completed the investigation of a criminal case on large-scale embezzlement of funds from bank accounts.

It is established that in the period from 2020 to 2023, a 29-year-old resident of the regional center, who had no previous criminal record, worked in one of the bank's offices and made an illegal transfer of funds from the bank's customer accounts. The attacker had access to an automated banking system, which reflects information about the balance of funds on accounts, the activity of cash flow on accounts and personal data of customers. The accused, using her official position and the access granted to her to work in the banking system, repeatedly made money transfers from bank accounts without the knowledge and instructions of clients. To do this, she looked for those clients who had not used the remaining funds on their accounts for a long time. For the purpose of conspiracy, the defendant intentionally changed the personal data of bank account holders: full name, phone number, passport, date of birth without their instructions. To cash out the stolen funds, the Khabarovsk resident illegally used payment cards issued to bank customers.

As part of the investigation of the criminal case, a wide range of examinations were conducted, including handwriting. It is proved that the malefactor forged signatures of clients. In total, during the period of illegal activity, she stole funds from 14 bank depositors. The total amount of damage caused was more than 4 million 500 thousand rubles. For the purpose of compensating the civil claim, the property was seized: cash, cell phone, money in the defendant's bank accounts.

The investigation of the criminal case initiated on the grounds of crimes under Part 3 of Article 158 "Theft", Part 3 of Article 272 "Illegal access to computer information" of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation has been completed. With the approved indictment, it is sent to the court for consideration on the merits.