Making money selling CC! $ 10-30 per day for a minimum of effort!


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Hello everyone! I decided to write a couple of themes that helped me earn a coin back in my youth, when I was just starting to delve into the Internet earnings in principle, not to mention carding. Naturally, what is described here looked completely different a few years ago, I just tried to adapt this scheme to modern realities. Nostalgia creeps through me, I am writing this article, and flashbacks of the recent past draw a smile on my face. What a cool time it was, everything was different. Then any actions were conditioned by pure interest, everything happened on enthusiasm. Inexpressible emotions from the first drive, when the cards got absolutely free, and the only one came in for $ 180, the first successful drive is probably cooler than the first sex !!! Sheer shock when purely by accident Yesterday there was no money from the word at all, but today, in one day, such an amount appeared that there is an opportunity to buy a first car (I did it, after 3 months the engine went down). And there are a lot of other stories and memories, the warmth of which will warm me from time to time when I want to remember it again.

Now is a completely different time, and there are a lot of opportunities, you just need to have brains so as not to lose this very opportunity. Speaking of carding, let some morons write that he died, etc. Any topic dies if stupid nerds appear in it, and in this area there have always been and will be very smart people. This area introduced me to cool people with whom I work to this day. At the moment, I am more interested in the topic of the crypt, but a coin is also dripping from the card.

Probably a lot of water, let me tell you my own experience of earning?! I came up with this Temko even before I started to get something in carding. Those. I already knew about the very existence of carding, but I didn't really succeed, besides, I almost never had money. I had no desire to pour into bitcoins from outside, but in the reverse order, this scheme worked flawlessly. Then I thought, if I don't have money for CC to drive in, I need to take it somewhere. And then it dawned on me, at that moment it seemed to me the ideal idea - to sell CC myself. Yes, yes, you didn’t hear, in fact, this is the usual resale scheme, but not a very mass product.

So that a mess does not form in your head, I propose to show everything step to step. We choose any shop that sells CC. I do not advertise anything, choose the one that you like the most. It is desirable that there is no minimum deposit, since I know with 100% certainty that newbies have no attendants, and others simply will not use this scheme.


Next, we need a site that is well indexed in order to be able to receive traffic from search engines. Create your own website gemorno - hosting / domains blah blah blah. Not everyone knows how to do this, it is dreary, and again - not everyone has the means for this. The alternative for us is Very similar to the telegraph article from the cart, but here all the pages are indexed well by search engines. After registration, you will be able to create many pages as a blog.

Now you need to create an article, it's very good if you know how to write, and even better if you know how to write for search engines, using keywords by which you will be found in the search. How exactly to write an article - so that it is 100% included in the index of search engines and gives traffic to the page - I cannot say in a nutshell, there is a lot of information about this on the Internet, read some professional sources better. Better yet, spend all of these $ 10-15 bucks on one or two articles that copywriters will write for you.

The meaning of such a publication is that you write an article with keywords on the topic of selling CC, in it you indicate your contacts in the cart, they say you sell cards, write here. When an article flies into the index and gives traffic, people start bursting into your cart with questions and the desire to buy cards. As a rule, these are newcomers to carding, since experienced guys have a number of stores with which they are comfortable working. Newbies do not know about shops yet, and are looking for where to buy CC, and they find you.

Then the scenario is as follows - a person buys CC from you, transfers the payment to BTC, let's say $ 20 per card. For example, this is a USA card, you go to a shop, buy a card for $ 15. Remaining - 5 $ = this is your profit. The scheme I think is very clear. Some stupidly threw people in this way, after sending funds to BTC, they stupidly fell in the cold or blocked them. I do not advise you to do this, because after a successful purchase of a card, there are often cases when a person contacts again and has already bought 10-20 cards, and this is at least $ 50 profit for a few clicks of the mouse.

At one time, according to this scheme, I got from $ 10 to $ 30 per day, for a young boy it was good money. There were times when $ 100-200 flew in, then in general it was possible to go out for a week. If you try hard and put the scheme on the passive - it will feed you for a long time. You only need a phone to work, cool, isn't it?