? Mail.Rip V2 ?


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Your SMTP checker / SMTP cracker for mailpass combolists including features like: proxy-support (SOCKS4 / SOCKS5) with automatic proxy-scraper and checker, e-mail delivery / inbox check and DNS lookup for unknown SMTP-hosts. Made for easy usage and always working!

➕ Features
Mail.Rip v2 is a SMTP checker / SMTP cracker written in Python 3.8. Using the "smtplib", it allows you to check common mailpass combolists for valid SMTP logins. It has included dictionaries and lists containing details of common email providers as well as most common ports used for SMTP servers. In case any data is missing, "dnspython" is used to lookup unknown SMTP hosts in MX records.

Moreover, Mail.Rip V2 comes with SOCKS-proxy support including a proxy-scraper and checker function. If the proxy-support is activated, the checker / cracker scrapes SOCKS4 or SOCKS5 proxys from common online sources and will check the results, then.. The working proxys will be used randomly. And you can add new sources by editing the library.json at any time.

Last but not least, Mail.Rip V2 includes an email delivery test / inbox check for found SMTP logins. For every valid combo, it tries to send a plain text email with the found SMTP login. All test messages are sent to your own user-defined receiving address whereby the content of the test emails is generated randomly. The templates can be edited in the "library.json", too.

How-to use Mail.Rip V2❔
Mail.Rip V2 has been written and tested with Python 3.8. It should run on any OS as long as Python and all dependencies are installed.
Just follow the steps below!
Installing needed Python modules

All Python modules / packages needed are listed in the txt-file requirements.txt. For an easy installation, type:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Installing any missing dependencies may take some time. Be patient, please.
Start the Checker / Cracker

With all dependencies being installed, you can start Mail.Rip V2 with:
python3 MailRipV2.py

No extra arguments are needed. You only need to copy your combofile into the same directory before starting the checker / cracker. After starting it, just follow the steps from (1) to (4). For more information see "Options in Main Menu".

For more information & how to use read the GitHub README.md:

How To Clone?
git clone https://github.com/DrPython3/MailRipV2