Linking a YouTube channel to any mail without the possibility of restoration by the owner


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In general, what we need to quickly link a YouTube channel:
1) YouTube channel for work.
2) A little time.
3) A computer is desirable.

1) We go to Google settings and change the password for the account, as well as untie the reserve mail and number.

2) Next, go to the "Data and Personalization" tab.

3) Scroll down the page a bit until we see the "Download, delete and scheduling" tab, we actually need it.

4) Next, we click on "Delete a service or account", we see 4 tabs in front of us, click "Delete Google service"

5) In the window that opens, you can have many services besides YouTube, such as Gmail mail, Google play, and so on. First, we delete everything like Google Play, etc., because they can be deleted in 2 clicks, just click on the trash can next to the service and confirm the deletion), but we do not touch the mail.

6) As soon as you have removed all unnecessary, you can start bandaging the yut to our mail. Click on the basket near the gmail mail and in the window that opens, enter your mail to which you want to link the YouTube channel, after which you will be sent to the mail that you indicated the message from Google, you will need to follow the link from the letter and confirm the deletion of the mail.
