Let's look at the main types of fraud. What is carding and how to protect yourself from hacking.


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Many people have paid at least once with a bank card in online stores. We are so accustomed to new technologies that we don’t hesitate to make online purchases. Running out of food? Can be ordered. No shampoos? Online order. Want to update your wardrobe? One more order! With this approach, there is a risk that sooner or later you will end up on a fraudulent site. In this case, bank data may fall into the hands of carders.

Carding, for those who have not encountered or heard of it before, is a type of fraud using a bank card when transactions on it are carried out by third parties and not by its owner. There are various options - cash withdrawal from an ATM, transfer between current accounts. One of the complex and advanced methods is clothing carding, because... requires additional intermediaries (drops).

Drop is an intermediary who, for a fee, accepts a parcel from an online store and forwards it to another address specified by the carder.

Cash withdrawals and money transfers are risky for fraudsters - law enforcement agencies are quickly on the trail of the carder. And clothing carding is a complex area, but for the carder in this case there are fewer risks, because The parcel goes through intermediaries.

What is carding?

Carders, that is, fraudsters hunting for other people's payment cards, can use attacks on their potential victims using various reading devices on ATMs, or remote attacks - phishing, vishing and others.

In the first case, a skimming device is used - this is a miniature device that is attached to an ATM and reads information from your payment card. Banks, in turn, are constantly improving the level of their ATM systems and installing electronic means to protect them and detect skimmers. Therefore, thefts using skimmers are becoming less and less due to the improvement of the technical equipment of banks.

Fraudsters show ingenuity, so do not succumb to provocations; maintain critical thinking in all situations.

What methods do scammers use at a distance?

One of the methods that fraudsters use to gain access to card data is to hack the servers of an online store, payment and settlement systems. Using remote access programs and various malware (software), hackers can obtain important personal information about you and your payment card information.

Fraudsters can steal your card, use its photograph, which you once posted on various sites, social networks or instant messengers, using a phishing site, that is, a clone site, for example, an online store, where you yourself indicated the full card details to purchase goods. They just need to find out the card number and the three-digit code on its back (CVV/CVC code) to leave the owner of the “plastic” without funds. To minimize the risk of password theft using the above method, it is better not to use the auto-save password function in the browser of gadgets (smartphones, computers, etc.); if necessary, check the current browser settings and disable this function.

If you notice that money has been debited from your card, contact the bank and law enforcement agencies.

How to avoid becoming a victim of carding?

1. The first and most important rule is that you don’t give your own bank card to anyone, and neither do its details. It is prohibited to transfer the card to third parties. Also, do not leave it unattended for a long time. Remember that a neglectful attitude may not lead to the best consequences. And carding is no exception here.

2. Do not use unknown ATMs that are located in strange places - gateways, on uncrowded streets, etc. The PIN code should be entered in such a way as to prevent strangers from spying on it, including with the help of CCTV cameras. Under no circumstances should you store your PIN code together with your plastic card.

3. Be vigilant and careful when working with a bank card. Especially when it comes to the Internet and computer. Try to check the authenticity of the sites you visit. And do not directly enter your account details when making any purchases in online stores. After all, your data can simply be stolen.

4. Use antivirus programs obtained from official sources that you can trust. Do not install unreliable software. Keep your device software up to date. Updates increase the level of its security against hacking.

5. Change passwords more often, use complex passwords with different symbols and numbers. The faster you detect a hack, the higher your chance of quickly responding and reducing the negative consequences of a fraudulent attack.

6. Recognize phishing. Do not click on suspicious links or download attachments from unknown sources, because the virus may be in a ZIP archive.

7. Set up SMS or PUSH notifications for your mobile banking apps to keep track of all your transactions.


Now you know everything about such a concept as “carding”. You can tell your friends what this is to warn them. In conclusion, I would like to add that the craving for easy money is a phenomenon that cannot be eradicated. Therefore, carding is constantly improving and acquiring new directions. But technological progress does not stand still. Every day, hundreds of specialists work to make non-cash payments safer. If you purchased a card, this means that scammers are already after your money. Therefore, do not neglect the safety measures given in the article and do not fall for tempting offers of super-profitable purchases.

(c) https://vk.com/@omvdsl-razbiraem-osnovnye-vidy-moshennichestva-chto-takoe-karding-i