Lecture: Security and configuration of a virtual machine


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Lecturer: Payne

(19:15:46) Payne: Greetings. Topic of the lecture: "Security and configuration of the virtual machine."

(19:16:13) Payne: The lecture includes the following parts:

1. General characteristics of privacy and security.

2. Structural adjustment of a virtual machine: programs and parameters.

3. Financial turnover, taking into account the properties of anonymity in the network.

(19:16:49) Payne: It’s customary to start from the basics, first of all, we will consider the fundamental rules of behavior in the field of Internet activity.

(19:17:13) Payne: Security.

It is necessary to be guided by a number of rules, violating which is strictly not recommended:

(19:17:29) Payne: Stop the dissemination of any personal information. The location and composition of the family, details, e-mails, social networks, specific nicknames that match the Instagram account, information about work activities and subscriber numbers should not leave the boundaries of a pure operating system and mind.

(19:18:16) Payne: Regardless of the person interested, buddy or colleague - anyone may not be the one who wants to be seen, I am no exception. It is important to be aware of what we intend to do and remember: “The personal must remain personal, the working must be working.” It applies not only to people, but also to Internet resources, from which the conclusion follows.

(19:18:52) Payne: Do not resort to the use of personal phone numbers, e-mails and social networks to register accounts on gray sites or stores. Mobile and Internet service providers, as well as e-mail companies, in most cases will simply issue information at the request of the competent services.

(19:19:20) Payne: Registration of mail that requires the adoption of an SMS code for activation is carried out using virtual online activators, for example: https://sms-activate.ru/. There are dozens of similar services; finding them will not be difficult. The forum has services, including for receiving messages to real numbers of English-speaking countries.

(19:20:00) Payne: Uncompromising rejection of activities in all countries of the post-Soviet space. It is much easier to track a resident who is in direct physical and administrative reach, which is once again confirmed by statistics and observations.

(19:20:27) Payne: This means that the use of this kind of material, shops and services is prohibited, dictated by common sense, and not by any code of honor.

(19:20:59) Payne: For the same reason, parcels are received through intermediaries and dummies. It is strongly discouraged to involve personal identification data in the characteristic process of the circulation of goods and finances in any form.

(19:21:37) Payne: Communication tools and correspondence histories corresponding to them should not be in open form on the main operating system. Inside a virtual machine? permissible. Skype, WhatsApp, Viber messengers and others like them are nonsense, due to the track record of leaks and vulnerabilities discovered that look like backdoors.

(19:22:36) Payne: Regarding Jabber, it’s important to use only servers that have a sufficient level of trust and reputation, and if possible to protect the communication space, if possible, enable OTR encryption. In the PSI + client, there are plugins, for Pidgin it is downloaded separately.

(19:23:26) Payne: By the way, making contacts in the public domain is fraught with spam, hacking attempts and possible fake accounts that are similar to your own, which in the future can add to your worries. There is such a need - additional ones are created.

(19:24:11) Payne: Methods for storing virtual machine images and information must have their own levels of protection. First of all, physical media: hard disk, SSD (both external and internal) or an ordinary flash drive. A removable drive is also convenient because in a critical situation it can be quickly physically removed or rendered unusable.

(19:24:44) Payne: Two characteristics play a significant role in choosing a device: volume and speed. There is little memory, so the choice is solely at your own discretion, a convenient minimum? 32GB.

(19:25:33) Payne: Speed is a consequence of the type of storage device and the characteristics of a computer. SSDs are definitely faster than hard drives, but the cost is clearly higher. For removable drives, the USB connection method is also significant: versions 3.0 and 3.1 win compared to v2.0 - for a simple definition of the version, you can see the color of the ports, with 3.0+ it is blue.

(19:26:21) Payne: When it comes to drive settings, it's mostly encryption. When choosing a specialized program, you can stop at Veracrypt; BitLocker and similar solutions are not recommended. Veracrypt is a fork of Truecrypt due to the closure of the latter and the doubt that arose on this basis.

(19:27:02) Payne: A container is created or the entire drive is encrypted, then confidential information is placed inside, in order to view which you need to decrypt (unmount) the password. To prevent the risk of capturing a password from RAM, hibernation is turned off, - instructions according to the operating system on the Internet.

(19:27:42) Payne: In addition, the program has the ability to create a hidden operating system. In case of emergency it will be possible to issue a password from the main one, existing in parallel, while the hidden one will continue to store files. Containers with a double bottom work in approximately the same way. Detailed manuals are in the main working conference on the forum and in the program help, in addition, the functionality is intuitive.

(19:28:27) Payne: For each site, account and container, passwords must be unique. The use of identical passwords often results in the loss of all accounts at once, since when draining one database the information from it can be used on other sites. There is no insurance against the sale or hacking of the database of any store of material, leaks from popular resources and subsequently banal brute force attacks by the enemy.

(19:29:05) Payne: The KeePass or equivalent can serve as a password manager. Needless to say, “qwerty54321” is not a strong password at all.

(19:29:28) Payne: However, it’s appropriate to inform about the convenient function of two-factor authentication. 2FA is an additional degree of protection implemented by generating code passwords every 30 seconds, which will not be superfluous to use where possible. For example, Authy or OTP applications are suitable.

(19:30:01) Payne: A separate virtual machine is created as a preventive measure to infect the virus. In order not to establish control over the device or to intercept passwords directly from the system, the installation of dubious and unverified programs is performed in a pre-prepared virtual system.

(19:30:42) Payne: It is recommended to periodically make backup copies of the most important data, which must be encrypted separately from the working system.

(19:31:16) Payne: To summarize the general conclusion on the first part, you can do this: neglect and half measures in matters of security have negative consequences. It’s not as troublesome to observe basic hygiene rules as getting caught because of naivety or losing money due to account theft.

(19:31:58) Payne: Setting up a virtual machine.

Virtualization software - VMware and VritualBox, where the latter version also works on Linux, and the solution for macOS is Parallels Desktop. The set of virtual machine settings does not change depending on the main system, just like the choice of an option for work does not matter.

(19:32:37) Payne: Almost always in bios / uefi virtualization extensions are enabled, but some manufacturers disable them by default. The method of getting into this interface differs from the main system and computer model, so it’s worth using a search engine, virtualization, in the main, appears as VT, AMD-V or V. Extensions.

(19:33:18) Payne: A virtual machine has two fundamental functions: everyday use and work. Combining is not forbidden, however, the craft provides for constant changes of ip-addresses, a number of programs and parameters, so it is possible to make individual assemblies for different purposes.

(19:34:06) Payne: 1. The working arsenal includes the following:

VPN An encrypted connection from the user to the server through which the network is connected. In order to avoid conflicts with other IP accesses, it is installed on the main system. It is optimal to choose a service of third world countries; there can be no talk of a post-Soviet space; commercial service should not keep logging.

(19:34:52) Payne: You can create a VPN yourself by internally configuring a server dedicated to this purpose. A whole lecture could be given under the instructions, and their breakthrough network, for these reasons, will not be covered. After connecting, the IP address must change.

(19:35:20) Payne: The function of blocking traffic in case of unintentional disconnection of IP access for the purpose of insurance against disclosing a real IP address in VPN clients is called KillSwitch (or similar) and is contained in many clients, and it is implemented in Windows by creating rules in Firewall Properties: Outbound connections> Block of three tabs; then Outbound Rules> Program> Networking Application> Allow the connection. There are special programs on the network.

(19:36:33) Payne: A set of common browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, TOR Browser and others. As for the latter, forums and material stores often have mirrors in the .onion zone, which must be opened through a torus. To prevent leakage of the real IP address, disable WebRTC technology in browsers: https://bit.ly/2F2BTLW.

(19:37:39) Payne: - In order to mask the IP address for work, SOCKS proxies and SSH tunnels are used. Present in the format ip-port + login-password (not always). These network protocols use different connection methods, for the initiation of which you should install a kit from Proxifier for socks and Bitvise or PuTTY for tunnels, respectively.

(19:38:21) Payne: The “Resolve hostnames through proxy” checkbox in the “Name Resolutions” item is turned on in the Proxifier, directly the socks are added in the “Proxy Servers” tab. When using Proxifier in conjunction with Bitvise or PuTTY for SSH, a rule is added to “Rules” on the label of the desired client, where the first or second item is selected in Action; the Sox should be of the form without a password.

(19:39:11) Payne: Other settings come down to correlating input fields in clients and information about IP access - ip, ports, logins and passwords. There are plenty of guides on the aforementioned clients in the network and on the forum, so we won’t get acquainted in detail.

(19:39:45) Payne: - Antidetect? a program that uniquely works on the Internet, replacing browser fingerprints, for example, Linken Sphere. If there is a virtual machine, it is optional, although from a security point of view, tools should be stored in an isolated area. Use at will, on this subject there will be a lecture in the future.

(19:40:31) Payne: - Convenient text editor for recording. Freedom of choice is provided here, but if you raise the question with an edge, you can give a few examples: Notepad ++, RightNote, Standard Notes, CherryTree. At the same time, as with passwords and backups, it is definitely not worth keeping information in the cloud storage.

(19:41:04) Payne: The final connection sequence in the minimum acceptable configuration will be as follows: main system> VPN> encrypted storage area> virtual system> SOCKS / SSH> Internet.

(19:41:47) Payne: The chain is variable and can be supplemented in every way by introducing new links. For example, the last two items can be replaced with remote desktops: ... virtual system> VNC / RDP / dedicated server> Internet. Is it possible to supplement with antidetect, building a series of VPN? in sum, maneuvering is limited only by imagination.

(19:42:48) Payne: 2. The spectrum of parameters originates in the antifraud system. Antifraud - a system designed to evaluate financial transactions on the Internet for fraud. In fact, it is at the center of rules, filters, and lists. Knowledge of the internal kitchen in the future will be of help to overcome the "barrier" of antifraud systems.

(19:43:36) Payne: There are two categories to distinguish from the set of rules included in the system: IP-address and digital fingerprints. It is necessary to investigate their contents in order to have an idea of the mechanism of substitution of visibility - camouflage and from what perspective the future "buyer" will be evaluated.

(19:44:02) Payne: A) IP address.

(19:44:13) Payne: Black Lists or Black Lists. Such databases are formed by various companies that monitor IP addresses that carry out DDoS attacks, spam and other dark activities. Then, Internet providers, postal services, payment systems, banks and shops use them to check visitors. Consequently, an attempt to place an order with a dirty IP address will usually end in failure: TOR, public VPNs and proxy services are dotted with black lists.

(19:45:05) Payne: In addition, sometimes subnets of certain Internet providers become victims of prejudice based on the range of addresses previously involved in fraudulent activity.

(19:45:38) Payne: ISP and Hostname, or ISP and hostname. Thanks to flashy headings in names such as "proxy", "hidden", "vpn", intentions can be set to conceal and mask traffic,? one of the business cards of a typical scammer.

(19:46:20) Payne: Also, there are services that provide corporate or private provisioning services of virtual servers on remote access. By analogy with the previous paragraph, the IP address belonging to such a provider and specific systems (servers) contradict the pattern of the average buyer.

(19:46:58) Payne: In simple terms, a virtual server, for example, Amazon’s remote desktop — is not presentable, a VPN service, proxying or tunneling traffic — is reprehensible.

(19:47:39) Payne: In addition, there are providers who are in the high-risk zone from the point of view of many anti-fraud systems, which are often treated with increased attention. Examples from experience: rr, myfairpoint, frontier. Conversely, a few solid ones: qwest, charter, cox, att, verizon, comcast. In light of this, even the absence of black lists does not guarantee a result.

(19:48:22) Payne: DNS or domain name system? the connecting element of the site name and IP address on which this site is located. A kind of appendage and match with the IP address is not required; personal DNS should not leak. The decisive factor is usually not, but matching countries DNS and IP-address is without a doubt a plus.

(19:48:59) Payne: Sometimes it’s absent on SOCKS or SSH, then you can:

• register in the network adapter in the network control center and system sharing;

• register in the settings of the router (router);

• bundled with a VPN as one of the links in the chain.

(19:49:46) Payne: - Two-way ping - the approximate time of the client-server route. When establishing characteristic indicators (mainly over 40ms), the IP address is classified as a tunnel, which through the prism of antifraud systems can be one of the indicators of a potentially fraudulent operation.

(19:50:32) Payne: Unfortunately, without ownership of IP access at the administrator level, this cannot be resolved locally, which is why the following options remain:

• replacement of IP access (SOCKS / SSH);

• changing the link going to it in the connection chain, for example, changing the VPN server, - as an option, it does not always help;

• if you have administrative rights, you must prohibit ICMP traffic, instructions according to the system can be found on the network.

(19:51:49) Payne: Open ports: 80, 81, 1080, 3128, 8123, 8080, 8081 and so on. They testify to the use of proxy means, while at the same time being a double-edged sword. Firstly, a significant number of these addresses are just the web admin interface of the router. Secondly, contrary to the statements of sites for checking anonymity, a lot of pure traffic is generated from the IP addresses of the above types.

(19:52:47) Payne: Most of the properties of an IP address are essentially not “bad” or “good”. Proxies, VPNs, servers, and specific ISPs can be associated with a corporation, university, mobile operator, or other legitimate use of tools, whether it’s a personal purchase at work or operations from legal entities. faces.

(19:53:20) Payne: In this case, the traffic of groups of people is transmitted through one Internet access point, for example, to use a firewall or to increase productivity. It follows that a radical policy of containing all suspicious elements will inadvertently cause the suffering of ordinary users.

(19:54:08) Payne: In essence, this means: a) purchases from one IP address by different payment methods are possible, b) IP-addresses branded as “proxies” can be effective and c) there is a whole carriage for risk assessment and a small cart of other rules. Abstracts are confirmed experimentally.

(19:54:46) Payne: A set of measures for calculating the probability of using a proxy is called "proxyScore". “RiskScore” - as the name implies, a risk assessment when analyzing a transaction in general or an IP address in particular. Are designated within 0-100, respectively, than the value is higher? the worse. Mostly verification services are integrated into material stores, and on the forum and on the network you can find private representatives.

(19:55:48) Payne: The inherent variability of the evaluation criteria should be noted. Blacklists, ISPs and other attributes are changed daily, and also directly depend on specific anti-fraud systems, dozens of which should not have the same device and algorithms. For these reasons, it is extremely important to keep personal statistics.

(19:56:39) Payne: B) Digital fingerprints.

Fingerprint is a unique cast of browser and operating system settings. The receiving mechanism is actively used by antifraud systems both for assessing transaction risks and for simple tracking, because it allows you to recognize a client regardless of changing IP address, clearing cookies, and with a strong system and some settings.

(19:57:11) Payne: From a security point of view, it represents a set of methods that identify a user against the background of others. Including, therefore, the principle of isolation of the working environment is declared: it is one thing to assign a unique identifier to an anonymous observer for the purpose of advertising tracking, and completely different to the “buyer”.

(19:57:58) Payne: So, chronic use of a single configuration in the work will inevitably lead to recognition of the client, which can cause refusals to conduct transactions along with suspicious fingerprints. Very often, a data collection and analysis scenario includes:

(19:58:34) Payne: User Agent Along with the IP address, the first information that the site receives about the user when they visit it? browser name and version, device type, operating system and language. In order to be organic, you need to consider the language properties of the selected masking if the IP address is English? same system and browser.

(19:58:54) BruseLee left the room.

(19:59:19) Payne: One of the standards of analytical processes? statistical coincidence of illegal acts with a specific operating system or browser. You can illustrate this: for example, obviously suspicious proxies for the most part are based on Linux, which affects the attitude to the operating system itself.

(20:00:10) Payne: The more bona fide traffic is generated from the operating system or browser in the world, the more blurry the black to white ratio is, which means camouflage will be more natural. A vivid example? line of Windows, macOS, iOS, Android. Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE, Edge. As with blacklists, analytical materials are collected in real time and depend on the service.

(20:01:20) Payne: Passive OS Fingerprint. A fingerprint is formed from the parameters of data transmission to the network that are typical of operating systems: size, packet lifetime, and others. Mismatch of fingerprints of the traffic IP-address and User-Agent (for example, the packet was sent by Linux, and the Windows client)? flaw in the user's portrait.

(20:02:01) Payne: Because server-side configuration is the easiest way to smooth corners? change of IP access. Of the standard means, WiFi distribution from the required device can help you out through an emulator or neglect, provided that a compliant antifraud system is not crucial in the overall picture.

(20:02:54) Payne: - Screen resolution, window size, scaling. Uniqueization parameters simultaneously involved in risk assessment. Extremely rare indicators distinguish the user, and unnatural for the User-Agent due to the use of anti-detectors or emulators may raise suspicions: the phone does not have computer permission.

(20:03:43) Payne: Time & time zone. The time and time zone of the operating system must correspond to the location of the IP address, because the roughness in the disguise can sow doubt. Acting intensively from one locality, to prevent identification, it is worth setting the deviation in seconds between local and system time.

(20:04:23) Payne: - Fonts of the operating system. Font definition via Flash or JavaScript is a standard technique for user uniqueization. Operating systems have them by default, and the general list is replenished by installing programs with their own fonts: various kinds of Office, Adobe PDF, and so on.

(20:05:05) Payne: Extensions & Plugins? browser extensions and plugins installed. They can be detected by good antifraud systems by requesting the presence of certain id in the browser and fixing the display changes on the page. The simple “AdBlock” is unlikely to have a significant impact, but the tools to falsify the “User-Agent” and fingerprints against a serious opponent can play a trick.

(20:06:02) Payne: • Flash Player. A plugin for playing audio and video Flash-format sites, as well as one of the unique mechanisms. To some extent, openness gives the impression of honesty, and yet it is not necessary to install it, since accessing Adobe Flash provides information about the browser and operating system.

(20:06:45) Payne: Moreover, for today Flash the old module is turned off by default for many security reasons, due to the decline in popularity among users. However, it may be required to display the Flash content of certain sites, which will be notified accordingly.

(20:07:28) Payne:? HTML5 Canvas (Canvas Fingerprint) and WebGL. Invisible rendering of elements by GPU resources with effects superimposed on them: text for Canvas and 3D object for WebGL. After processing, the data is converted to a hash code and attached to a common fingerprint for subsequent user identification.

(20:08:17) Payne: Fonts, versions of the GPU drivers, color depth, filtering, lighting and shadows, textures, and so on - to produce a personalized result, the hardware and software features of the device are used, where are each of the fragments? variable, and as a result, the existence of distinctive signs is understandable.

(20:09:08) Payne:? AudioContext Fingerprint. Evaluation of browser playback of low-frequency audio signal, similar to Canvas and WebGL, proceeds covertly taking into account the characteristics of the operating system and user equipment. Far from the most common method.

(20:09:49) Payne: Filling of the fingerprint are: bitrate, decibel value, number of input and output channels, output delay, sampling frequency, operation time and others, based on the antifraud system. It is possible to correct the print by modifying the parameters in the Virtual Audio Cable program or analogs.

(20:10:46) Payne: - Cookie. A small piece of data from a specific site stored in the operating system for authorization and settings. If there are cookies in the session, the site uniquely identifies the user, therefore, changing the disguise, you need to get rid of them.

(20:11:20) Payne: - Personal data of a mimicking personality: addresses, contact information, payment methods. Association by, for example, email between different accounts in the same store is a compromising attribute.

(20:11:50) Payne: To summarize. Is it smart to protect yourself from collecting a number of fingerprints by disabling the JavaScript programming language in the browser with which they are extracted? no way out. In this case, many sites will cease to function correctly, and there is no need to talk about strict compliance with the template of a respectable buyer.

(20:12:42) Payne: That's why camouflage is used, purposefully changing the components of prints: a device for User-Agent, plug-ins for the browser, fonts for the operating system, by this principle. Nevertheless, it is important not to upset the delicate balance, too unique settings will lead to recognition.

(20:13:29) Payne: It’s ironic, but even prohibiting tracking in browser settings (doNotTrack) or disabling cookies are parameters that highlight the user in and of themselves. Add to this atypical fonts or plugins, and we already have the opposite effect, a recognizable fingerprint.

(20:14:11) Payne: On the other hand, the antifraud system is a tool for forecasting risks, but the main task of any store is to securely receive and maximize profits. Stores are able to control algorithms so that the antifraud system does not respond to every “zilch”, substituting honest buyers with a hot hand.

(20:15:02) Payne: For any reason, whether it is a low-risk assortment or maximizing profits, stores set their own combinations of rules and an acceptable threshold for anomalies in prints. So, individual checks may be absent, and errors may not be taken into account, for example, AudioContext or some blacklists, and on the contrary, somewhere they will poke on all fronts.

(20:15:55) Payne: Examples of sites for checking the characteristics of an IP address and operating system (checkers):

• whoer.net;

• whatleaks.com;

• browserleaks.com;

• 2ip.ru/privacy/;

• ip-score.com;

• maxmind.com;

• f.vision.

Repeatedly checking proxyScore, riskScore, Black List indicators sometimes provokes IP address pollution, you should not overdo it.

(20:16:41) Payne: Financial turnover.

Cryptocurrencies are an integral part of the profession. Most accepted have passed the test of time and the community: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin. The use of cryptocurrencies is technically possible, perhaps better implemented or more profitable in terms of investments at your own peril and risk.

(20:17:28) Payne: It is noteworthy that, contrary to popular belief about cryptocurrencies as a “anonymous” payment system, they do not give carte blanche in the matter of financial transactions, this is a myth. Anonymity is the inability to establish the source, but due to the availability of cryptocurrency transactions in open form, the source address is the source, which allows you to track the cash flow vector.

(20:18:12) Payne: On closer inspection, the prerogative of cryptocurrencies is confidentiality, lack of personal data during registration and transactions. It is necessary to distinguish between “anonymity” and “confidentiality”, while not taking into account the carelessness of “medium-sized fish”.

(20:18:47) Payne: You can confuse the tracks by regularly changing the sending and receiving addresses (provided by many wallets), passing funds through various exchangers, cryptocurrencies or mixers. Mixer - transaction anonymization service. In practice, the technology of crushing customer funds into small parts and subsequent mixing with parts of other customers. The choice of mixers and exchangers, based on reviews and reputation.

(20:19:38) Payne: There are two types of cryptocurrency wallets: “hot” and “cold”. Hot - anyone who needs access to the Internet: exchanges, online wallets, exchangers. So, in fact, the funds are located on the servers, and the client only gets access to them? I recall the news about the loss of funds after hacking exchanges.

(20:20:07) Payne: Cold? The concept of local storage, which does not require constant access to the Internet. Despite the vulnerability of hot to hacking, they are convenient for frequent and small transactions, and the idea of cold is to safely store funds.

(20:20:47) Payne: Recommended Wallets:

• Bitcoin Core;

• Electrum;

• Blockchain.

It is worth emphasizing that dealing with cryptocurrencies leaves the probability of losing funds due to external factors: depreciation, hacking of the exchange, exchange fraud.

(20:21:18) Payne: In relation to fiat currencies (USD, EUR, RUB, UAH and so on) and operations from official exchanges, wallets or exchangers, the incognito behavior model is applied. The history of customer actions is preserved, so IP addresses, personal information and device fingerprints should not be involved in the financial turnover process.

(20:21:43) Payne: Instead, you can use:

? Virtual machines and SMS activation services.

(20:22:16) Payne: Wallets, exchanges, and credit card accounts for dummies (drops). They can block or steal, it’s better not to delay such funds and periodically replace them. The corresponding services for verifying accounts and selling cards are on the forum.

(20:22:46) Payne: Many exchangers conduct cash transactions. Courier services are suitable for both withdrawal and deposit.

? Terminals Entering pre-registered confidential wallets.

(20:23:08) Payne: An informal rule of cooperation with users in this field of activity? Guarantor Service. Saves nerve cells and finances.

(20:23:25) Payne: That's all. Optionally, a review of the lecture can be sent here.

We pass to questions, put "?".

(20:24:27) Serrwrtet: 1. What is the fingerprint of proxy services? How critical is using a Linux fingerprint proxy?

2. How critical is it to use socks without your own DNS?

(20:26:20) Payne: 1. Specifically, there is no such imprint. But in the name of the provider may appear the trigger word "proxy" or in a passive fingerprint. About both points was in a lecture, more attentively. Too critical - uncritical if the antifraud system is not from the breed of the toughest.

2. It is uncritical for the same reason, but in this case it should either not be determined at all, or not be Russian or similarly suspicious.

(20:26:31) bloomberg7:
1) what is the difference between tunnels and Soxes?
2) Is it true that the sphere burns with many antifrauds?
3) Does Anitfrod provide a site for Marchant?
4) A lot of user identification methods, how to deal with it and how to find out which what is the antifraud that pays attention to?
5) if you work with the logs, then you do not need to bathe with the settings, just copy everything that the victim has?

(20:29:12) Payne:
1. The fact that these are different connection protocols.
2. Depends on the settings of the sphere itself; I repeat, there will be a lecture on antidetects, and ask there
3. Shops can both write their own and rent a third-party one, there is no definite answer.
4. How to deal is described in the prints themselves and in the quote: “That's why camouflage is used to purposefully change the components of the prints: a device for User-Agent, browser plug-ins, fonts for the operating system - by this principle. Nevertheless, it’s important not to break fragile balance, too unique settings will lead to recognition. ", - I repeat, more carefully. Also, there are antidetects, various kinds of remote accesses, emulators and so on.
5. Well, the victim may not have all the necessary data, also, something may leak somewhere, so I would not call the approach after the sleeves acceptable.

(20:29:18) Rarka_: Where do I see DNS on the Sox or not and the second question is whether the macadress antifraud is burning

(20:29:45) Payne: 1. I gave a list of sites to check the characteristics

2. Through the browser - no

(20:30:00) id666: Payne: where is it better to buy a proxy? (price / quality ratio) and which type is better to use?

(20:30:35) Payne: SOCKS5. Material stores near the end of training will be in the main working conference

(20:31:18) macpru: What about contacting vendors from the forum thru telegram or jabber? Also best to use in virtual?

(20:32:06) Payne: Yes and yes. Jabber better. Telegram only on fake number, in virtual.

(20:32:55) id666: Payne: will there be a separate topic for logs?

(20:33:23) Payne: id666 Specify in the list of lectures in the topic of training, I do not make a schedule, I can not say)

(20:34:02) macpru: if one can always change virual within intervals of 6 months with the same system with every indentity change?

(20:34:13) macpru: or does it all rely on the system?

(20:34:20) ShadowConsult: will we touch on all of this from today's lecture in practice? When using a sphere, do you need a lot of settings, can you configure VPN and TP, or is it all generated in it?

(20:34:59) macpru: i meant will identity change as you change your virtuals?

(20:37:16) Payne: ShadowConsult and why not? With any drive, you will touch the fingerprints, depending on the antifraud system, somewhere more, somewhere less. As you gain experience and the number of maganizas, go through everything. Scope - browser, it does not generate IP-access as a VPN, and SOCKS / SSH.

macpru Didn't get your question. How to change fingerprints? By change their details, like system to USER-AGENT or fonts to system. There is some fingerprints, based on computer and system configuration, so just reinstall virtual machine won't always help. Idk try to ask again in other words.

(20:38:27) usbnet: I write again, for some reason the toad does not plow with the clipboard

(20:38:33) usbnet: wanted to copy

(20:38:52) macpru: I got the answer thank you.

(20:39:11) bloomberg7: how to find out which of the merchants in the shop and which of the merchants is the weaker antifraud, because they are somehow classified?

(20:39:33) bloomberg7: as I understand it through trial and error?

(20:40:34) usbnet: 1. regarding the encryption of the machine, are there any differences in performance if you use a separate removable drive and the main hard drive?

2. At the beginning, the moment was mentioned about not disclosing any personal information, and not storing the data. Did you mention this when working through a virtual machine? after all, working with the virtual machine will not cause any problems, and draining data from the main OS

(20:40:40) Payne: 1. In the future we’ll tell you, now the topic is to configure a virtual machine :)

2. At least the approximate stability of the antifraud system can be deduced purely logically: a ballpoint pen store will not have an Amazon antifraud system, like Amazon or any other world-famous store with thousands of purchases per day, it will not have an antifraud store with socks; more details - experience, of course.

(20:40:47) Payne: This is the answer of bloomberg7

(20:42:07) Payne: usbnet 1. If, for example, a removable SSD, and the main HDD - differences in speed. In short, it depends on the drives themselves, the principal ones do not.

2. It is always relevant in this field of activity. Outside of her, it’s a personal matter.

(20:42:20) id666: Payne: will we get detailed step-by-step instructions for setting up a working PC in the future, or will we have to shovel, think out and read everything ourselves?

(20:43:29) usbnet: 3. And which option is the best for encryption, in the main conference there are 4 encryption options, which is better to choose for someone who just at the beginning (at the moment I encrypted the main OS and the whole drive)

(20:43:47) net23: I have a virtual activation key asking where to get it?

(20:44:07) Payne: No need to think through anything, everything has already been voiced. But if this answer did not suit you, I will say this: we do not provide step-by-step instructions from the category "how to install a browser" or "how to install an operating system." Examine the information, understand the essence of the terminology - understand the principles of work. According to the functionality of some leadership programs, there is in the main working conference, the rest is just surfing, you can say.

(20:45:14) Payne: usbnet That at the moment is enough. The best, in my humble opinion, encrypted external drive.

net23 KMSAuto activator, for example.

(20:45:19) Rarka_: The question about ports was raised, I don’t really care where I look at them in ip

(20:45:38) Payne: Sites for checking the characteristics of the IP address and system were given in the lecture on them.

(20:46:16) stic_: Question about AudioContext Fingerprint, I haven’t heard about it before, so I’m wondering if you need to install Virtual Audio Cable ”or an analogue and on the basis of and on the virtual machine where will we drive it from?

(20:46:46) stic_: based on additional security when surfing, for example

(20:47:50) Payne: No, not to be fired, but to change. To put there - from where the network is connected, go out from the virtual - and put it on it. This is not the most popular fingerprinting system, so you should not go in cycles. And on the basis of security, an extension to the browser will be sufficient, generating a fingerprint at random.

(20:50:28) Kto-to: The sphere, as it were, separates the data from my computer and the data that is in the sphere

(20:51:40) Payne: It’s as if generating new, but the idea is in the right direction. The sphere is antidetect, now the lecture is not about that and in the future a whole lecture will be reserved for antidetects, more details there.

(20:51:57) Payne: Now I definitely say goodbye. All the best.

Carding 4 Carders

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Carding Education 2021. Part 1. "Settings and security".​

Lecture #1 Introductory

Lecturer: Mans

[19:31:40] <Mans> Today we will have an introductory lecture and at it I will tell you what awaits us this month, what and how it will be and what to look for.

[19:32:08] <Mans> Let's also get to know each other a little closer.

[19:32:44] <Mans> Karzh loves acquaintances in this business, as well as in any other business, without more experienced comrades. So, from the outset, I advise you to organize a powerful team within the group that will help and motivate each member.

[19:33:05] <Mans> This year has seen the biggest update to our training.

[19:33:42] <Mans> Now the tutorial is divided into 6 blocks


1 Introductory

2 Linux security

3 Security and anonymity on the network. Setting up a virtual machine


4 Maps

5 Drops, in the middle

6 Antifraud

7 Finding shops and what is merch

8 Basic fundamentals of shop / service warm-up behavior

9 Antidetect

10 Android


11 Driving from A to Z

12 Pickup

13 Europe


14 Enroll

15 Working with Enroll

16 Gift and Egift

17 Gift and Egift (online driving)

18 Working with Amazon

19 Working with FaceBook


20 Paypal introductory

21 Paypal self-registers and working with them

22 Working with brute accounts

23 Working in Bank accounts

24 MERCHI, creation, customization and work with them.


25 Hotels

26 Air

27 Rent part-1

28 Rent part-2

29 Excursions

[19:35:18] <Mans> There is a lot of information, I advise you to immediately delve into and read.

[19:35:57] <Mans> I'm talking about security right away.

[19:37:18] <Mans> For Linux. Who wants to transfer to it, but nothing fumbles about it, we take those. literature on this OS and study it independently. Without it, you will not understand nichrome and will not be able to work comfortably, you will sit and suffer and in 90% will not be able to move along the carzh.

[19:38:57] <Mans> Also, many asked for vpn and servers. I will throw off a mini lecture for you now. you can ask questions after the lecture in questions.

[19:39:30] <Mans> https://ded.im/notes/?68f6cfafe4c1da66#GB6cGVcy42T75mR3Dy1rScoNiSi7jPQ3XcMeLADBEPdd

[19:39:37] <Mans> Let's move on.

[19:40:28] <Mans> Those who came with zero knowledge and do not understand anything, you can not worry! Our training is structured in such a way that you will understand everything, and what you do not understand, we will tell you everything and show you everything.

[19:41:32] <Mans> We will get to know the lecturers as we progress through the studies. Also, all lecturers are in our conferences on the forum.

[19:41:45] <Mans> Each lecturer has his own area of expertise. Some by Gift, some by PP, and some by Air and Hotels.

[19:42:11] <Mans> The average lecture lasts 1-1.30

[19:42:22] <Mans> After question / answer

[19:42:42] <Mans> If there are any deviations from the schedule, we will post announcements in the main conference.

[19:44:04] <Mans> First comes the material on the lesson, then you ask questions and the lecturer answers them.

[19:44:32] <Mans> When the topic passed. Is the lecturer making a sign? and writes that we ask questions.

[19:45:17] <Mans> The Lecturer writes nicknames in turn -> You write a question -> The Lecturer answers.

[19:46:02] <Mans> When a topic comes up and a question appears, I advise you to immediately write it down in a notebook and when your nickname is called, you just made a copy-paste. Saves a lot of time for everyone.

[19:47:10] <Mans> All relevant information (lecture logs, links) will be added in the first posts on the forum in our group LAN.

[19:47:44] <Mans> Here we look at all the information. Those who missed the lectures will have logs in this conference.

[19:48:38] <Mans> All questions that appear, write to the Confu Question / Answer.

[19:49:32] <Mans> We ask any questions at all. What is connected with karzh. we all write there. Because many have similar questions and so that everyone can see the answers and not ask all the same question a hundred times.

[19:51:02] <Mans> Just want to say about the questions and their answers) Many people write to me in the PM with a request to ask questions in the PM, motivating so as not to interfere with the guys from the conference, etc., etc. Guys, your phobias about stupid questions are all nonsense! Let's start with the fact that you yourself are not small and our contingent is 95% adult and everyone understands perfectly well that everyone has come to learn a new profession and if we do not jointly solve all the issues and problems we will not succeed!

[19:51:56] <Mans> Also, whoever has complaints / suggestions / in the config question / answer does not answer the question - we write to me in the cart https://t.me/gwwhss

[19:52:03] <Mans> Or something urgent

[19:52:09] <Mans> I answer the fastest in the cart.

[19:52:41] <Mans> Since everyone writes to us a lot in LAN \ Carts \ Toads, there is a simple instruction to get you 99% answered

[19:53:14] <Mans> In order not to miss you, you must do the following:

1. Unsubscribe in PM

2. Duplicate the question in a telegram or a toad.

3. If there is no answer, update the drug after 2 days

[19:54:07] <Mans> I am online from Monday to Friday from 10 to 21 Moscow time. Sat is a day off and in the sun in the late afternoon is already online. Don't be surprised if you write at 4-5 am Moscow time, but I don't answer)

[19:56:01] <Mans> As for virtual machines, some have a question, download everything or how. I explain.

VB7EN64 and VB7EN32 - the difference is only in the bit width. a sphere is set in 64, and so they are the same. We choose the one that is needed for your tasks.

VB7RU32 - RU assembly suitable for surfing and chatting.

For English speakers, you can safely take any assembly in English for communication.

[19:56:20] <Mans> Your security lectures start tomorrow

[19:56:36] <Mans> Big start tomorrow!

[19:56:52] <Mans> By the way, for security, who has not bought VPN yet, we must put it! The guys from DED.IM have prepared discounts for you

DED.IM service introducing discounts.

[19:57:04] <Mans> Now let's put it on? and drove on questions

[19:58:22] <ame> Vpn now to take, or as the practice begins, also on the remote desktop.

[19:59:57] <Mans> ame: VPN should be taken now and used everywhere, even when visiting BBX and similar forums. Since the provider writes all the logs where you roam. According to the Desktop, it is not necessary to take it at all. Those who need it and thinks to work with it, then you can now take it. And so you can safely work from the Virtual Machine.

[20:00:05] <Izolentna>) Regarding the scope of work. You said about the penguin. That is, it is better to sit with him than with the window?

2) A question about methodology and, in principle, information on the forum. Is there any reason to read it before teaching? Or will they all chew what and how?

[20:01:58] <Mans> Izolentna: 1. Did I say that it is better to sit on it? I said that for those who are not prepared for this system, it is worthwhile to study it, since you will only have pain with it. I myself work with Windows and do not complain. 2. There is no sense, since infa is outdated and then there will be a mess in my head.

[20:02:18] <RedHeadCockatoo> Regarding vpn. Based on links: is it more advertising + proven resources? Or you can also install other vpn. What is the priority when choosing vpn? Do you need to install both on the PC itself and on the virtual machine?

[20:04:58] <Mans> RedHeadCockatoo: Proven resource and discount for you. But we do not call, you can put the one that you like. There are a lot of VPNs and until you test you won't say anything for it. We always put on the basis of vpn, since there can be a couple of virtual machines and so that everywhere Ip is hidden.

[20:06:32] <polosatiy-55> 1. what update was there this year?

[20:06:46] <Mans> polosatiy-55: above bro dropped blocks

[20:07:02] <IB $ integral> Each block of study in a week goes approximately with the exception of the first. Interested in when it will be about BA and self-registers of the RR: in a week, in two, etc.

[20:07:33] <Mans> I find it hard to pick out all this later

[20:07:46] <IB $ integral> If that was the question

[20:07:47] <IB $ integral> 1. Each block of training a week goes approximately with the exception of the first. Interested in when it will be about BA and self-registers of the RR: in a week, in two, etc.

[20:09:00] <Mans> IB $ integral: The schedule is always floating, so hard to tell.

[20:10:06] <dat_user1> Will there be information on current shops?

Where is it better to get everything.

Will there be an example of driving practice?

[20:10:35] <Mans> dat_user1: 1. We will give shops where we buy ourselves. 2. Will be driving online.

[20:11:00] <Koba787> 1Do I need to update the software in Windows?

2 still did not understand whether it was necessary to buy only vpn and work through a virtual machine or nadly buy vpn and vps?

And why do we need virtual machines if we buy VPS?

Do I understand correctly that from now on and forever and ever we do not use our mail, even in those resources that you discard?

4installation on the main pc or virtual machine; that is, if I have a poppy base, then I still buy a vpn for a poppy? and will it be forwarded to the virtual machine?

[20:11:29] <Koba787> and 5 will we have extended info on the linked sphere?

[20:12:02] <Koba787> 1-1 Windows downloaded from links and vvh and branded wallpapers and presets

[20:13:51] <Mans> Koba787: 1. You can have a browser, the rest is optional. 2. We read carefully my answers, I said that the UPU does not have to be taken at all. Whoever wants him to let him work, the rest can safely work with the VM. 3. Of course, we register tutanota / protonmail and use them. 4. You put the client under the poppy, and the configs are the same there and it will work on the VM. 5. There will be a separate lecture.

[20:14:20] <Mike Wazowski> What kind of VPN services are there that match the level of general security recommended by ded.im? Are there any recommendations for analogs?

[20:14:54] <Mans> Mike Wazowski: If only https://mullvad.net/ru/

[20:15:10] <loodsman> Downloaded and now I'm sitting with your build 10ki (eng), but I added a Russian layout for communicating at the conference, so as not to infuriate people here with transliteration ... in the future for work - it will not show through where what?

[20:15:45] <Mans> loodsman: will, because of this there are assembly RU and EN. Unpack another EN for work.

[20:16:13] <deadhasan> I correctly understood vpn not for work, but for protection, we need it, and if we have our own vpn services that do not contain logs, can I use them?

[20:16:27] <ZellyBoBa> 1. about Linux. is there a recommendation which distribution is best for our purposes? tales / heads / whonix or something else?

[20:16:41] <Mans> ZellyBoBa: This will be told to you at the lecture tomorrow

[20:17:20] <deadhasan> I generally have such an understanding, why switch to Linux if you’ll admit it all your life on Windows, it’s like going to first grade with an extra haemorrhoid.

[20:17:29] <Goodman> 1. As I understand from the blocks, we will not touch the logs?

4. Will there be homework for the practice?

[20:18:30] <Mans> Goodman: 1. let's be superficial 2. No. 3. Ok 4. Will practice on the weekend.

[20:18:48] <titanfinancierstoic> VPS + sphere - enough for all learning tasks? Approximate period before the start of practical lessons on clothing / will work with large shops be covered?

[20:20:24] <Mans> titanfinancierstoic: 1 Yes, of course 2. And we do not touch large shops, you will not pull them out, because there is antifraud every week, you leave all the coins there. We must start with small / medium-sized shops.

[20:20:39] <ame> At what stage for practice or dz investment is needed. Can I immediately transfer to btc or, in fact?

[20:21:11] <Mans> ame: not earlier than 3-4 weeks of training. While gnawing the granite of science at the lectures.

[20:22:46] <centurion_52> 1. About the Russian layout. I'm sitting through honix on a normal Windows. Do I need to create a separate

[20:22:55] <AK-Baks> 1. What about free VPN services? How effective are they? ITop VPN Currently using

2.How soon practice and first results?

3.How to buy VPN? Just throw it to the guys from your card? Or Qiwi?

4. Will you have a homework for practice?

[20:27:50] <Mans> AK-Baks: 1. Forget them like a bad dream. They write logs, merge them at the first requests of the FBI. In general, you do not need it. 2. Let's start learning first. Where are you in a hurry? There were individuals who have already gone to the induction to drive in and I will tell you that they have successfully driven in, but this is fraught with mistakes and leaks of money. 3. Buy a cue ball on exchangers. Reception for security reasons only jammed. Your safety if anything. 4.Will

[20:29:38] <HuggoBoss> vWhen will the materials accompanying the training be issued?

There activation of the sphere, etc.

[20:29:56] <ZiVert> Yes, I have already caught up with everything myself slowly) VPS is a server? Right? You wrote about the sphere in the English version. What does she give? ??

[20:30:04] <Mans> HuggoBoss: I'll write everything down in the first posts

[20:30:46] <maxmaximov88> if I have already paid for nord vpn, you can use it or not

[20:30:51] <Mans> ZiVert: yes, these are remote servers. 2. Sphere in English does not give anything. There is a substitution in the very sphere of everything.

[20:31:22] <Mans> maxmaximov88: well, nord is very popular. I would not, but if I have already paid, use it.

[20:31:57] <centurion_52> About the Russian layout. I'm sitting through honix on Windows. Do I need to create a separate workstation without Russian layout?

[20:32:49] <Mans> centurion_52: yes, it is necessary, because if you drive in from the VM clean, then when driving in, the layout is visible. and with ru layout, they will send the goods to you.

[20:33:04] <Izolentna> The question is completely green for the cue ball. Do you need to figure out how what works or will there be some kind of short lecture in the security section? Blockchain and all that ... How to work with it

[20:33:33] <htuf> on a secure wallet for cue ball, should you think about which one to use right now, or will it be discussed in the future?

[20:33:37] <Mans> Izolentna: we will tell everything in the lecture.

[20:35:51] <riba12> Mans How many hands-on sessions with lecturers will there be for doing things? And when there will be a practical lesson, will it be interciative or will we just watch how the lecturer is doing?

[20:38:37] <Mans> riba12: We will have 2 classes with real-time driving in, where we will analyze all your questions later.

[20:39:08] <Qqmalo> is there a timeline for curatorial advice after training?

[20:40:28] <Mans> Qqmalo: unlim, of course, if the advice is within the framework of training, and not from the category of how to hack the Pentagon.

[20:41:48] <blazhkin> Mans: will the logs after the lectures be posted only with the text of the lecture or followed by questions from the students, too?

[20:41:59] <Mans> blazhkin: of course with questions

[20:43:15] <riba12> We will use virtualka in the next lectures? do you have to run it every day?

[20:44:00] <Mans> riba12: no, it won't. so far only Theory

[20:44:08] <bulbik> Screen recording can I do?

[20:44:35] <Mans> bulbik: even if it wasn't possible, how would we know that you are writing a screen?

[20:45:19] <Nexxtip> Will the questions be answered in the logs?

[20:45:28] <Mans> Nexxtip: yes

[20:45:53] <RedHeadCockatoo> 1) At approximately what level do you need to know English? Fluent spoken? or will google translators master the help? As I understand it, knowledge of the language will be a very good bonus when communicating directly with shops / banks if something happens. Based on the courses for beginners, I already know that certain people are engaged in these for money, but still ...

[20:48:17] <Mans> RedHeadCockatoo: Bro, through a translator you can successfully earn money and communicate with shops, but knowledge of English is a very big plus.

[20:48:53] <ame> On the forum, in the general purchases section, my balance is 0, is that how it should be? Some have more than 0 on the balance sheet.

In the end, how long will the training last?

[20:50:35] <Mans> ame: It should be so if you didn't buy anything through the forum automation. 2. 29 lectures, 4 per week.

[20:50:53] <user80> 1. when registering a mailbox on a protonmail, you do not need to specify additional. address to restore access? Or is it still possible to indicate, just in case?

[20:51:23] <Mans> user80: can be specified. register before this on tutanota and point it in proton

[20:51:24] <ame> the tuber has just registered and did not make a purchase

[20:51:28] <ame> but he has balance

[20:51:39] <ame> only bought the course

[20:51:52] <Mans> ame: he could pay for tuition through a voucher and these money fell on the counter

[20:52:27] <user80> 2. What is the best way to pay for VPN using the link above?

[20:52:36] <Mans> user80: jammed

[20:52:41] <Koba787> would like to return to the keyboard layout? there was a talk about what to use then 2 Os. Closer to practice, can you just remove the Russian keyboard and continue your successful work on English Windows? or in practice we will sit in a sphere and it will disguise it?

[20:54:39] <Mans> Koba787: what's the point to put, but to delete? put two VMs ru and en. If the Sphere, then no difference.

[20:55:22] <htuf> question again about the cue ball, is there a difference which wallet to use?

[20:56:23] <Mans> htuf: we'll talk about this in the lecture.

[20:56:43] <Koba787> purchased vpn is also useful when working with a sphere?

[20:57:02] <Koba787> prostite za mnojestvo glupix voprosov

[20:57:16] <Mans> Koba787: of course! Vpn is the very foundation of your security, but few people understand about it.

[20:57:18] <dat_user1> Bro, when will the sphere be?

do we buy proxies through faceless?

If so, will we be given active accounts?

Because first deposit there 50 $

[20:58:40] <Mans> dat_user1: 1. In the first posts I will sign. 2. Not only 3. Will not give, there is where and without a depot you can buy.

[20:59:03] <RedHeadCockatoo> I am asking not for myself, but rather for those who ask questions about where and how best to charge bitcoins to a bitcoin wallet. It seems to me that they are asking at the moment, without waiting for a lecture on the topic, based on the recommendation to put vpn as soon as possible.

[20:59:45] <Mans> then make a knight move

[20:59:48] <RedHeadCockatoo> The wording is very clumsy right now, but I hope you get what I mean

[21:03:15] <Mans> In general

[21:03:22] <Mans> by wallets

[21:03:47] <Mans> you can start a wallet here in the first pairs

[21:03:49] <Mans> https://www.blockchain.com/

[21:03:54] <Mans> start left mail

[21:03:58] <Mans> and we commit to it

[21:04:11] <Mans> Verif does not need to go there to store and send the cue ball

[21:04:24] <Mans> you can buy the cue ball here

[21:04:37] <Mans> https://www.bestchange.ru/

[21:04:40] <Mans> watching a couple

[21:04:43] <Mans> select by course

[21:04:47] <Mans> and tarim

[21:04:57] <Mans> so you can safely buy your first cue ball

[21:05:54] <htuf> if I buy from the stock exchange on which zaregan can lead to de-anonymization of me?

[21:06:14] <Mans> htuf: where are you going?

[21:06:23] <Koba787> is binance.com for us? there must be verified

[21:06:33] <Mans> Koba787: verification is needed there

[21:06:37] <htuf> Mans: to a bitcoin wallet, well, in the sense of replenishing it

[21:06:58] <Mans> htuf: well, in general, they can, but for buying a VPN, no one will catch you like that

[21:07:09] <user80> RedHeadCockatoo got it right. But there are no fewer questions, I write on tutanote - I need payment (card or pp), what should I do?

Or maybe just wait for a lecture on security? Security paranoia will set in soon

[21:07:30] <Mans> user80: there is a free plan.

[21:07:49] <htuf> user80: yes there is such a thing, you always get nervous when there is not enough information

[21:08:23] <Koba787> Is the withdrawal from the above wallets carried out without verification?

what is tutanote? and protonmail

[21:09:01] <Mans> Koba787: from the blockchain yes. mulberries and proton are mail services

[21:09:42] <AlexFlex2134> Windows 8 on the virtual machine will go?

[21:10:18] <ame> Does it make sense to work through a virtual machine if you want to use the sphere?

[21:10:20] <Mans> AlexFlex2134: you can put it too

[21:10:37] <Mans> ame: on VM and put the sphere as an option

[21:10:49] <ame> is not allowed on the base?

[21:10:52] <Mans> you can

[21:10:53] <ame> or is it more reliable?

[21:11:02] <Mans> no difference

[21:11:48] <centurion_52> to install vpn on a clean VM?

[21:11:54] <Mans> vpn

[21:11:59] <Mans> is better to put on the base

[21:12:05] <Mans> since there may be more than one virtual machine

[21:13:07] <Koba787> Taking into account that we are talking about work in the sphere, then the meaning of the VM is - or will we have tools: which will allow us to work with the sphere but without the VM, and also in the VM and without the sphere?

[21:14:11] <adik89> are we going to work from a VM on Windows 10 or install and learn Tails?

[21:14:29] <Mans> Koba787: we will consider all options for work

[21:14:46] <Mans> adik89: I advise you to sit on Windows

[21:15:32] <adik89> Mans: Then I don't understand why to learn Linux - you wrote before

[21:16:16] <Mans> adik89: guys, read carefully what I am writing and delve into the text that I am writing.

[21:16:31] <Mans> there was no call to switch to Linux.

[21:17:12] <Mans> and there was a recommendation, if you want to switch, then start reading special literature on Linux.

[21:17:47] <Mans> any more questions?

[21:18:58] <blazhkin> So far, you can not regret anything - no mail, no wallets, but just wait for the relevant topic at the next lecture?

[21:19:07] <Mans> Izolentna: where is it written here?

[21:19:19] <Mans> blazhkin: yes, right.

[21:19:47] <Izolentna> I realized that you can sit with Windows. No questions asked anymore, trash

[21:20:20] <dat_user1> Bro, can I put OpenVPN on my base, Shove a Sphere into a crypt and move through the sphere from the base using the sphere?

Plus, we will create a few more crypts (false)

Like if the cops are looking for me, let them look for a fake))

It's simple Dedic and stuff that's already for 911 it seems to me)

[21:21:04] <dat_user1> If the cops accept *

[21:21:09] <bulbik> And the banks will say what is said,

[21:21:11] <bulbik>?

[21:21:31] <bulbik> Cash and withdrawal with a bunch of vcts, etc.

[21:21:54] <Mans> dat_user1: 1. You can 2. There is no sense in making false ones, there is a special software that sees cryptocontainers. 3. The delusion is complete. 911 has nothing to do with it))

[21:22:06] <Mans> bulbik: No, we don't have it.

[21:22:08] <Mans> Tax

[21:22:12] <Mans> That's all for today

[21:22:18] <Mans> Thank you all for coming

[21:22:22] <Mans> See you tomorrow!

[21:22:29] <Mans> Big start tomorrow

Lecture#2 Linux 11.17.2020

Lecturer: partyboy

(7:02:18 PM) partyboy: Today you and I will have a lecture on Linux

(7:02:34 PM) partyboy: we'll look at the Linux operating system as the system we'll be running on, as well as the security aspects of this and other operating systems

(7:02:51 PM) partyboy: OS - Operating System

(7:04:20 PM) partyboy: I'll try to explain in plain language how you could theoretically be hacked.

Try to avoid complex terms

I will also give you a colorful idea of hacking the operating system, and more advanced users will read technical information between the lines.

(7:05:04 PM) partyboy: First, let's start with a little educational program: Linux (hereinafter * Lin *) is an operating system, the same as Windows, Mac OS X. It was developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991. In our modern world, servers of the world's largest companies, refrigerators, telephones and much of what we see in life work on the basis of the line.

(7:06:00 PM) partyboy: Linux advantages over other operating systems:

(7:06:25 PM) partyboy: 1. Open source

One of the main advantages of Linux is that it is an open source operating system, meaning its source code is readily available to everyone. Anyone who is capable of coding can contribute, modify, improve, and distribute the code to anyone and for any purpose.

(7:07:42 PM) partyboy: 2. Security

Linux is more secure than other operating systems. However, Linux is not completely secure as it has some malware, but it is less vulnerable than others. Every program in Linux, be it an application or a virus, needs authorization from the administrator in the form of a password. If the password is not entered, the virus will not start. No antivirus software is required in Linux, although it is quite possible to hack you

(7:08:55 PM) partyboy: 3. Working on older computers

(7:09:11 PM) partyboy: 4. Software update

(7:10:10 PM) partyboy: I believe that the user of any operating system, and even more so those who are associated with it at work, need to understand that professional viruses are not an executable file that has been renamed into a document and ask you to run (stealer or warrior). And not always blocking macros will prevent an attacker from executing code on your system.

(7:11:00 PM) partyboy: I work on Linux, but sometimes I use Windows. Further, there will be a lot of negativity about Linux, but it is not connected with any fanatical beliefs, I just want to objectively tell and convince you that no matter what operating system you use, you can be hacked everywhere.

(7:11:54 PM) partyboy: Your choice of operating system matters to your security, privacy and anonymity. Different operating systems suit different needs

The choice is always yours;)

(7:12:18 PM) partyboy: don't get hung up on Linux, start with Windows)

(7:12:42 PM) partyboy: For example, to draw graphics for you I have to leave Linux on Windows as I need Photoshop and other graphics editors, we'll talk about that later. But I think the main message of the information is clear;)

(7:13:24 PM) partyboy: Nobody forbids you to put both Windows and a couple of different Linux distributions on your hard drive) or a USB flash drive)

(7:15:00 PM) partyboy:. A long time ago, when Linux was in its infancy, most of its users were professionals. But over time, distributions, convenient for a simple user, appeared (for example, UBUNTU) and the number of housewife users began to grow. What does any housewife do? That's right, he makes online payments, and where there is money, there flock there like bees to honey, a swarm of various rabble, which wants to improve their finances free of charge. 90% of housewives use Windows - and viruses are developed for this operating system, and only at least 20-30% of housewives will switch to Linux, then big finances will immediately be poured into it for the development of malware. And reports from antivirus companies show a slow but increasing number of such programs.

(7:17:41 PM) partyboy: Here are the basic steps and rules to follow in order to reduce security problems under Linux to almost zero:

(7:17:56 PM) partyboy: Install software exclusively from the official Linux Mint, Ubuntu and Fedora Workstation distribution repositories

(7:18:45 PM) partyboy: What is a repository?

(7:19:02 PM) partyboy: https://im0-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=1de03d7b24d10a85b7f327fdfc05525f&n=13

(7:19:16 PM) partyboy: It's a database, an archive, a huge archive of programs. As a comparison - like google play or app store

(7:19:42 PM) partyboy: Install programs only from there. Because they all undergo a rigorous test and there cannot be viruses initially

(7:20:09 PM) partyboy: Don't install any antivirus (yes, that's not a bug!)

(7:20:44 PM) partyboy: On distributions of Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc, you don't need antivirus software or rootkit removal utilities. After all, if the system is regularly updated, a virus or rootkit will not be able to penetrate it. In addition, in Linux, malicious software downloaded by a user can only function in his home directory. Based on the above, in order to install a virus or rootkit into the system, it will need your password, or the vulnerability of one of the system components. But in the overwhelming majority of cases, he will not be able to use either one or the other;)

(7:22:56 PM) partyboy: Ubuntu checks daily for security updates.

We recommend that you install all proposed security updates as soon as they are released if you want to make your system as secure as possible.

If the vulnerability is found and fixed in a timely manner, it will not be a big problem)

(7:24:07 PM) partyboy: Avoid questionable or third party web browser add-ons !!!

(7:24:16 PM) partyboy: https://otvet.imgsmail.ru/download/46355980_e73047cddf8468c5e2f913bee72cde9a_800.png

(7:26:03 PM) partyboy: If there is no doubt about the quality of the product provided, namely the browser itself, then extensions should not completely relax you.

As a user of your "machine", you should understand that any third-party code can become a serious security problem.

Extensions can not only help you, block pop-ups, but also remember the passwords you enter, keep a log of your visits, and the most annoying thing is to copy your credit card details. =)))

(7:27:53 PM) partyboy: That is, roughly speaking, in whatever protected system you are sitting - you just need to follow the questionable link, then click on the "OK" or "ADD TO MAIN SCREEN" button on the pop-up window and so on - accidentally install the plugin in your browser or, alternatively, start the execution of the JAVA script)

(7:29:11 PM) partyboy: and this script (plugin), to the extent of its coolness, can stupidly steal your cookies, passwords, autoforms, etc.))

(7:29:55 PM) partyboy: But, as a rule, browsers warn that the link is suspicious, there you already think with your head and make a decision)

(7:30:33 PM) partyboy: Now about WINDOWS

(7:30:54 PM) partyboy: In general, I agree, the security of Windows operating systems is gradually improving, but this is not enough, and even more so for us)

(7:31:18 PM) partyboy: The problem is that in these operating systems everything is closely interconnected with the Microsoft servers, all your actions in the system are reported to Microsoft servers as if by strings, Windows also fail, especially in the current version of Windows 10 , the issues related to surveillance and privacy are not particularly related to security tools, but this turns off some people, what to say about us ..

I would recommend that you read this article.

So that you can look at the whole picture from the outside) (after the lecture)

(7:33:04 PM) partyboy: An important point: If you read the Microsoft license agreement that comes with every Windows operating system, you will see that they will give your encryption key from BitLocker on the first call from law enforcement, and this is in their the queue bumps into the idea of what the fuck is Windows ?! Why do you keep my encryption passwords on your servers, what the fuck? =))))))

(7:35:25 PM) partyboy: The thing is, by ticking the box in the licensing agreement with Microsoft, users are giving corporations control over their data. “We may access, disclose and store for ourselves your personal data, including any content, any files on your devices, in your letters and in other types of personal communications, if we have reason to believe it is necessary to protect our customers or to comply terms and conditions governing the use of our services ”- reads the license agreement.

(7:37:19 PM) partyboy: In other words, whatever you say on the web, write, save, create or download on your computer or any other device with Win 10, it can all be remotely deleted or copied from you - if someone at Microsoft decides they need it. That is, according to the terms of the Microsoft EULA, you do not even need authorization from the authorities to interfere with the privacy of customers and control it!

(7:38:19 PM) partyboy: Now let's talk about Linux distributions)

(7:38:57 PM) partyboy: We'll take a look at the more standard operating systems: Ubuntu, Debian, Kali, Tails, and others - again, they all have reasonably robust security features.

(7:39:48 PM) partyboy: Debian is a Linux based operating system, it is a Linux distribution. It is composed entirely of free and open source software, most of which is under the GNU General Public License.

(7:41:08 PM) partyboy: The Debian distribution contains over 51,000 compiled software packages that are packaged in a great format for easy installation on your machine.

They are all free.

It looks like a tower)

At the base is the core, above it are the main tools, then all the programs that you run on your computer follow.

At the top of this tower is Debian, carefully organizing and putting it all together so that all the components can work together.

(7:42:39 PM) partyboy: See https://wiki.debian.org/Derivatives/Census for all Debian derivative distributions.

Many of them are security-critical operating systems like Kali, Tails, and so on.

The Debian project does an excellent job of providing security updates for Debian.

(7:43:33 PM) partyboy: Kali Linux is a GNU / Linux-LiveCD that emerged from the merger of WHAX and the Auditor Security Collection. The project was created by Mati Aharoni and Max Moser. Designed primarily for safety tests.

(7:44:39 PM) partyboy: Tails is a Debian-based Linux distribution built for privacy and anonymity. It is a continuation of the development of OS Incognito.

All outgoing connections are wrapped in the anonymous Tor network, and all non-anonymous ones are blocked.

The system is designed to boot from LiveCD or LiveUSB and leaves no trace on the machine where it was used.

The Tor Project is the main sponsor of TAILS.

The operating system is recommended for use by the Free Press Foundation and was also used by Edward Snowden to expose PRISM.

(7:45:46 PM) partyboy: Use it only for surfing, for example, surfing is a browser, communication, etc. that is, one-time meals like surfing and mustache)

(7:47:22 PM) partyboy: Linux is an amazing system that you need to learn to work with and will become your true friend.

It's like with a pet, how you train it, how to master it, it will be so flexible and half-shy for you =))

(7:49:24 PM) partyboy: The choice of OS is always yours! Test, study, try and everything will be ok;)

(7:51:05 PM) partyboy: Now ask questions in turn, put +

(7:52:00 PM) RedHeadCockatoo: 1. As a Linux user: how long does it take to "figure out" the system from scratch?

2. I heard that IOS is a closed OS. Is it relatively safe to carry out transactions from an old / new / personally used iPhone? Or it will not work, because company YUSA, and provide data to their own services at the first request?

3. in the lecture part (Tails) LiveCD and LiveUSB are indicated. What is it?

(7:54:18 PM) partyboy: 1) half a day, 10 hours, if 24 hours is to the brain - you will fumble so that you can explain to others)

2) I do this and don't worry) I won't go further than my village anyway)))

3) it is one and the same. you can just burn the system to USB or CD - well, there is no difference)

(7:54:23 PM) RedHeadCockatoo: 4. And some literature recommendations for learning Linux. I'm not going to myself (at the moment), maybe someone from the trainers will be happy right now

(7:54:43 PM) partyboy: 4. google bro)

(7:55:13 PM) goldenbaum: 1. What about mac os? Is it possible for the first time to work with it without a VM using a sphere

2. If on my Mac it has already happened: I bought a card on bingo directly from safari and climbed also from my safari, am I crazy already? Maybe I'm already on some list of suspects and can sit down?)

(7:56:55 PM) partyboy: 1) I wouldn't work through a mac at all - fuck this gimora? )

2) I do not know how your Yabloko people collect information there, but in general, of course, the Pindos are in the courses about your laptop) but nevertheless forget it) drive in and do not worry)

(7:57:11 PM) Nexxtip: How much one-time surfing do we recommend TAILS, just google what is interesting and go out, or let's say it's okay to chat on the same?

(7:57:34 PM) partyboy: ok

(7:57:50 PM) Izolentna: So it's better to use Tails for surfing, and take something else for work? How many do you need to have? : D

(7:58:17 PM) partyboy: it all depends on paranoia) you can have one system

(7:59:27 PM) partyboy: Friends, the lecture is not the most interesting - I'll tell you right away) but in the future many of you will want to switch to lin (linux)

(8:00:02 PM) Koba787: 1 - from the point of view of the security of our work, how much is Linux safer than the same Windows with a sphere and all that?

2 - which distributor would you recommend, what to start to deal with and then use in your work?

(8:00:10 PM) Cash.Delivery: Linux discussion? Have you already talked about FDE + SecureBoot?

(8:01:25 PM) partyboy: 1) the same, but the work itself initially under Linux is easier in safety

2) Xubuntu, Linux Mint

(8:01:43 PM) AK-Baks: At first, if you use Windows in conjunction with VPN and WMware, and after the session you clean CCleaner, will there be any norms? After all, it takes time to master at least the base on Lina, and we are all hungry here))))

(8:02:13 PM) partyboy: AK-Baks - that's right! start with Windows

(8:03:02 PM) htuf: Using TOR to surf and read carding forum. Does he really protect me from prying eyes outside the onion net? So far, I have not used VPN separately and am reading from the main computer. (I understand that torus uses a lot of vpn sequentially)

(8:04:26 PM) partyboy: htuf: - I can't say anything here) contact the developers of the torus) but at least they haven't accepted me yet, and I'm giving a lecture =)

(8:05:04 PM) Temporary: Sorian for offtopic - why is it recommended to install Veracrypt? Is it put on Lin?

(8:05:20 PM) partyboy: yes) but I don't put

(8:05:39 PM) Qqmalo: maybe I'm a brake, but I don't understand all this fuss about linkus and Windows, we create vr, so we also put vpn, isn't it all that serious? isn't this combination enough?

(8:06:53 PM) partyboy: enough) just linux is one of the operating systems, and my task is to tell you that the world is not only made of Windows and poppy;)

(8:07:12 PM) ZellyBoBa: 1. Why is tails mentioned in the lecture, and let's say not heads / whonix, is it preferable in terms of security or is it due to the fact that it is more common?

(8:07:25 PM) Cash.Delivery: partyboy: Debian + FDE + SecureBoot + killswitch for WireGuard is it reliable? How can you describe the WireGuard protocol itself? It is better than OpenVPN in terms of surveillance security.

Is LUKS full-disk a sufficient security measure?

Well, that joke with the keys that were found with SecureBoot

(8:08:16 PM) partyboy: 1) everyone's choice. we give * pop systems * and programs (personally me), so that it would be clearer

(8:09:01 PM) partyboy: Cash.Delivery - write to ls on forum, this is a long answer

(8:09:45 PM) OTJlU4HUK: Are there some encrypted Linux laptops for sale on some onion marketplaces? How do you feel about buying such a device?

(8:10:47 PM) partyboy: Bad, because it’s not clear what they wrote to you on such a flash drive - this is the main aspect. The second point - you can sit for 3-4 hours and stir this up for yourself)

(8:11:07 PM) Yarah: at what point in carding did you feel like you needed to switch to linux for security?

(8:11:30 PM) partyboy: I originally worked on Linux;) I didn't have to switch

(8:11:49 PM) centurion_52: How safer is it to sit through windows + whonix than just through Windows? Should you switch to Linux after whonix in the future?

(8:12:27 PM) partyboy: Start working on windows, as you get the first profit - look towards development there)

(8:17:37 PM) Koba787: 1 - is it not possible to just install the wrong Linux from Google?

2 - since I have high hopes for the sphere - is it multiplatform?

3 - if the sphere flies on Linux and disguises everything, can you use the Russian version of the OS, or how is the English distribution necessary with Windows?

4 - can CashDelivery write a question to the forum with questions / answers? we are all interested in a sufficient measure of protection for Linux, including)))

(8:19:11 PM) partyboy: 1) not if you download the distribution from the official site

2) yes

3) no difference

4) yes

Lecture#3 Security and configuration of the virtual machine 11.18.2020

Lecturer: Payne

(19:14:58) Payne: Hello. Lecture topic: "Security and configuration of a virtual machine."

(19:15:08) Payne: The lecture includes the following parts:

1. General characteristics of privacy and security.

2. Structural configuration of the virtual machine: programs and parameters.

3. Financial turnover, taking into account the properties of anonymity in the network.

(19:15:34) Payne: It's customary to start with the basics, first of all, let's look at the fundamental rules of conduct in the field of Internet activities.

(19:15:58) Payne: Security.

It is necessary to be guided by a number of rules, which are strongly not recommended to be violated:

(19:16:08) Payne : Stop the distribution of any personal information. The location and composition of the family, details, emails, social networks, specific nicknames that match the Instagram account, information about work activities and subscriber numbers should not leave the boundaries of a pure operating system and mind.

(19:16:38) Payne: Regardless of the interested person, friend or colleague - anyone can be not who they want to be seen, I am no exception. It is important to be aware of what you intend to do and to remember: the personal must remain personal, the work-worker. It refers not only to people, but also to Internet resources, from which the conclusion follows.

(19:17:13) Payne : Do not use personal phone numbers, emails and social networks to register accounts on "gray" sites or stores. Mobile and Internet service providers, as well as e-mail companies, in most cases will simply issue information at the request of competent services.

(19:17:54) Payne: Registration of mail that requires acceptance of the SMS code for activation is carried out using virtual online activators, for example: https://sms-activate.ru/. There are dozens of similar services, it won't be difficult to find them. The forum has services, including for receiving messages to real numbers of foreign countries.

(19:18:17) Payne : Uncompromising rejection of activities in all countries of the post-Soviet space. It is much easier to track a resident who is in direct physical and administrative reach, which is once again confirmed by statistics and observations.

(19:18:49) Payne: So, the use of this kind of material, shops and services is prohibited by common sense, and not by any "code of honor."

(19:19:04) Payne : For the same reason, the receipt of parcels is carried out through intermediaries and dummies. It is a bad idea to involve personal identification data in the process of circulation of goods and finance in any form.

(19:19:35) Payne : Communication means and corresponding correspondence histories should not be in open form on the main operating system. Inside a virtual machine? permissible. Messengers Skype, WhatsApp, Viber and others like them are nonsense, due to the track record of leaks and discovered vulnerabilities that look like backdoors.

(19:20:25) Payne: Speaking of Jabber, it's important to use only servers that have a sufficient level of trust and reputation, and in order to secure the communication space, you need to enable OTR encryption if possible. In the client PSI + is in plugins, for Pidgin it is downloaded separately.

(19:20:57) Payne: By the way, making contacts public is fraught with spam, hacking attempts and possible fake accounts similar to our own, which in the long term can add worries. There is such a need - more are being created.

(19:21:25) Payne : Methods for storing images of virtual machines and information should have their own levels of protection. First of all, physical media: hard drive, SSD (both external and internal) or an ordinary flash drive. Removable storage is also convenient because in a critical situation it can be quickly physically removed or rendered unusable.

(19:21:59) Payne: Two characteristics play an essential role in choosing a device: volume and speed. There is never enough memory, so the choice is solely at your own discretion, a convenient minimum? 32GB.

(19:22:17) Payne: Speed is a consequence of the type of storage device and the characteristics of the computer. SSDs are definitely faster than hard drives, but the cost is clearly higher. For removable drives, the USB connection method is also significant: versions 3.0 and 3.1 outperform compared to 2.0 - to easily identify the version, you can see the color of the ports, with 3.0+ it is blue.

(19:23:01) Payne: Speaking about the settings of the drive, this is mainly encryption. When choosing a specialized program, you can stop at Veracrypt; BitLocker and similar solutions are not recommended. Veracrypt is a fork of Truecrypt due to the closure of the latter and the doubts arose on this basis.

(19:23:37) Payne: A container is created or the entire drive is encrypted, then confidential information is placed inside, in the future, to view it, you need to decrypt (unmount) with a password. To prevent the risk of capturing a password from RAM, hibernation is disabled - instructions according to the operating system on the Internet.

(19:24:13) Payne: In addition, the program has the ability to create a hidden operating system. In case of emergency, it will be possible to issue a password from the main one, which exists in parallel, while the hidden one continues to store files. Double bottom containers work in much the same way. Detailed guides are available in the main working conference on the forum and in the program help, in addition, the functionality is intuitive.

(19:24:55) Payne : Passwords must be unique for each site, account and container. The use of identical passwords often results in the loss of all accounts at once, since when one database is drained, information from it can be used on other sites. There is no insurance against the sale or hacking of the database of any store of material, leakage from popular resources and subsequently banal brute-force passwords by the enemy.

(19:25:40) Payne: "KeePass" or similar can serve as a password manager. Needless to say, "qwerty54321" is not a strong password at all.

(19:26:04) Payne: However, it is appropriate to report on the convenient two-factor authentication feature. 2FA is an additional level of protection implemented by generating passwords every 30 seconds, which will not be superfluous to use where possible. For example, Authy or OTP applications will do.

(19:26:53) Payne : A separate virtual machine is created as a preventive measure against a virus infection. To prevent control over the device or interception of passwords directly from the system, the installation of dubious and unverified programs is performed in a previously prepared virtual system.

(19:27:51) Payne : It is recommended to periodically make backups of the most important data, which must be kept in encrypted form separately from the working system. It is desirable not in a single copy.

(19:28:24) Payne: The first part can be summarized as follows: neglect and half-measures in matters of security have negative consequences. Maintaining basic hygiene rules is not as troublesome as making problems due to naivety or losing money due to account hijacking.

(19:28:58) Payne: Setting up a virtual machine.

Virtualization software - VMware and VritualBox, where the latter option also runs on Linux, and the solution for macOS is Parallels Desktop. The set of virtual machine settings does not change depending on the main system, as well as the choice of the option for work is not of fundamental importance.

(19:29:42) Payne: Almost always in bios / uefi virtualization extensions are enabled, but some device manufacturers disable them by default. The method of getting into this interface differs from the main system and the computer model, so it is worth using a search engine, while virtualization, basically, appears as VT, AMD-V or V. Extensions.

(19:30:14) Payne: A virtual machine has two main functions: daily use and work activities. Combining is not prohibited, however, the craft provides for constant changes in IP addresses, a number of programs and parameters, therefore, separate assemblies can be made for different purposes.

(19:30:48) Payne: 1. The working arsenal includes the following:

VPN. An encrypted connection from the user to the server through which the network is accessed. To avoid conflicts with other IP-accesses, it is installed on the main system. It is optimal to choose the service of the third world countries, there can be no question of the post-Soviet space; a commercial service should not log.

(19:31:15) Payne: VPN can be created independently by internal configuration of a dedicated server for this purpose. A whole lecture could be assigned to instructions, and there are a lot of them on the network, for these reasons, they will not be covered. After connecting, the IP address must change.

(19:31:49) Payne: The function of blocking traffic in case of unintentional disconnection of IP access in order to insure against disclosing the real IP address in VPN clients is called KillSwitch (or similar) and is contained in many clients, and in Windows the firewall is implemented thanks to creating rules in "Firewall Properties": Outbound connections> Block of three tabs; then Outbound Rules> Program> Outbound Application> Allow the connection. There are also special programs on the network.

(19:32:47) Payne : A set of common browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, TOR Browser and others. As for the latter, forums and material stores often have mirrors in the .onion zone that must be opened through the torus. To prevent the leakage of the real IP address in browsers, the WebRTC technology is disabled: https://bit.ly/2F2BTLW.

(19:34:05) Payne: - In order to mask the IP address for work (in particular, for the owner of the material), SOCKS proxies and SSH tunnels are used. They are presented in the format ip-port + login-password (moreover, login-password is not always). These network protocols use different connection methods, for the initiation of which you should install a kit from Proxifier for socks and Bitvise or PuTTY for tunnels, respectively.

(19:34:46) Payne: The Proxifier turns on the "Resolve hostnames through proxy" checkbox in the "Name Resolutions" item, the socks are directly added in the "Proxy Servers" tab. When using Proxifier in conjunction with Bitvise or PuTTY for SSH, a rule is added to "Rules" on the shortcut of the required client, where the first or second item is selected in Action; sox should be like without a password.

(19:36:06) Payne: The rest of the setup comes down to filling in the fields for entering in clients with information about IP access - IP, ports, logins and passwords. There are plenty of guides for the aforementioned clients on the web and on the forum, so we won't go into more detail.

(19:37:02) Payne: - Antidetect is a program that uniquely works on the Internet by replacing browser fingerprints - for example, Linken Sphere. A virtual machine is optional if present, although from a security point of view, the tools should be kept in an isolated area. Use at will, there will be a lecture on this topic in the future.

(19:37:36) Payne: - A handy text editor for the sake of keeping records. Freedom of choice is provided here, but if you put the question bluntly, you can give several examples: Notepad ++, RightNote, Standard Notes, CherryTree, Atom. At the same time, as with passwords and backups, it is certainly not worth keeping information in the cloud storage.

(19:38:16) Payne: The final sequence of connections in the minimum allowable configuration will look like this: main system> VPN> encrypted storage area> virtual system> SOCKS / SSH> Internet.

(19:38:50) Payne: The chain is variable and can be supplemented in every possible way, introducing new links. For example, the last two items can be replaced with remote desktops: ... virtual system> VNC / RDP / dedicated server> Internet. Is it possible to supplement with antidetect, building a VPN series? in sum, maneuvering is limited only by the imagination.

(19:39:43) Payne: 2. The spectrum of parameters originates in anti-fraud systems. Antifraud is a system designed to assess financial transactions on the Internet for fraud. In fact, it is the center of rules, filters and lists. Knowledge of the internal kitchen in the future will help to overcome the "barrier" of anti-fraud systems.

(19:40:30) Payne: Of the many rules included in the system, there are two categories: IP address and digital fingerprints. It is necessary to investigate their content in order to have an idea of the mechanism for substituting visibility - camouflage and from what perspective the future "buyer" will be assessed.

(19:41:05) Payne: A) IP address.

(19:41:15) Payne : Blacklists or Black Lists. Such databases are formed by various companies that track IP addresses that carry out DDoS attacks, spam, and other dark activities. Then Internet service providers, postal services, payment systems, banks and shops use them to verify visitors. Consequently, an attempt to place an order from a dirty IP address will usually end in failure: TOR, public VPNs and proxy services are downright littered with blacklists.

(19:42:18) Payne: In addition, sometimes entire subnets of certain ISPs are targeted for bias based on the range of addresses previously involved in fraudulent activity.

(19:42:53) Payne : ISP and Hostname or Internet Service Provider and Hostname. Thanks to the flashy titles in the names such as "proxy", "hidden", "vpn", can the intentions to hide and mask traffic be set? one of the business cards of a typical con man.

(19:43:39) Payne: Also, there are services that provide services for corporate or private provision of virtual servers on remote access. By analogy with the previous point, the IP address belonging to such a provider and specific systems (servers) contradict the pattern of the average buyer.

(19:44:27) Payne: In simple terms, a virtual server like Amazon's Remote Desktop is not presentable; VPN service, proxification (SOCKS) or tunneling (SSH) traffic - reprehensible.

(19:45:24) Payne: In addition, there are providers that are in the high-risk zone from the point of view of many anti-fraud systems, which are often treated with increased attention. Examples: rr, myfairpoint, frontier. And on the contrary, a few good ones: qwest, charter, cox, att, verizon, comcast. In light of the above, even the complete absence of black lists does not guarantee a result.

(19:45:58) Payne : DNS or Domain Name System? connecting element of the name of the site and the IP-address on which this site is located A kind of appendage and does not have to match the IP-address; personal DNS should not leak. Usually it is not a decisive factor, but the consistency of the DNS countries and the IP address is definitely a plus.

(19:46:42) Payne: Sometimes it is absent on SOCKS or SSH, then you can:

• register in the network adapter in the network and shared access center of the system;

• register in the settings of the router (router);

• supplied complete with VPN as one of the links in the connection chain.

(19:47:40) Payne: - Two-way ping - approximate client-server route time. When characteristic indicators are established (mostly over 40ms), the IP address is classified as a tunnel, which, through the prism of anti-fraud systems, can be one of the indicators of a potentially fraudulent operation.

(19:48:46) Payne: Unfortunately, without ownership of IP access at the administrator level, this cannot be eliminated locally, which leaves these options:

• replacement of IP access (SOCKS / SSH);

• changing the link that goes to it in the chain of connections, for example, changing the VPN server - as an option, it does not always help;

• if you have administrative rights, you must prohibit ICMP traffic, instructions according to the IP access system can be found on the network.

(19:49:39) Payne : Open ports: 80, 81, 1080, 8123, 8080, 8081 and so on. Indicate the use of proxification means, at the same time being a double-edged sword. First, a significant number of these addresses are just the router's web admin area. Secondly, contrary to the statements of the sites for checking anonymity, a lot of pure traffic is generated from IP addresses of the above types.

(19:50:25) Payne: Most of the properties of an IP address are not really “bad” or “good”. Proxies, VPNs, servers, and specific ISPs can be associated with a corporation, university, mobile operator, or other legitimate use of the toolkit, whether it be a personal purchase at work or transactions from a legal entity. faces.

(19:51:01) Payne: In this case, the traffic of groups of people can also be transmitted through one point of access to the Internet, for example, to use a firewall or improve performance. It follows that a radical policy of containing all suspicious elements will inadvertently cause suffering for ordinary users.

(19:51:37) Payne: This essentially means: a) purchases from the same IP address by different means of payment are possible, b) IP addresses branded as "proxies" can be effective and c) there is a whole carriage for risk assessment and small cart of other rules.

(19:52:30) Payne: The method for calculating the probability of using a proxy is called "proxyScore". "RiskScore" - as the name suggests, a risk score when analyzing a transaction in general or an IP address in particular. Are indicated in the range of 0-100, respectively, the higher the value? so much the worse. Mostly, verification services are integrated into material stores, and private representatives can be found on the forum and on the network.

(19:53:11) Payne: There is an inherent variability in the criteria to be noted. Blacklists, ISPs and other attributes change every day, and also directly depend on specific anti-fraud systems, dozens of which should not have an identical device and algorithms, in general. For these reasons, it is extremely important to keep personal statistics.

(19:53:55) Payne: B) Digital prints.

Fingerprint is a unique snapshot of browser and operating system settings. The receiving mechanism is actively used by anti-fraud systems both for assessing the risks of transactions and for simple tracking, because it allows you to recognize the client regardless of changing the IP address, clearing cookies, and with a strong system, some settings.

(19:54:33) Payne: From a security point of view, it represents a set of methods by which a user is identified against the background of others. This is one of the reasons why the principle of isolation of the working environment is declared: it is one thing to assign a unique identifier to an anonymous observer for the purpose of advertising tracking and collecting statistics, but completely different to the “buyer”.

(19:55:09) Payne: So, the chronic use of a single configuration in the work will inevitably lead to customer recognition, which can cause denials of transactions on a par with suspicious fingerprints. Very often, a scenario for collecting and analyzing data includes:

(19:55:46) Payne : User-Agent. Along with the IP-address, the first information that the site receives about the user when visiting? browser name and version, device type, operating system and language. In order to achieve consistency, you need to take into account the language properties of the selected masking, if the IP address is English? the same system and browser.

(19:56:27) Payne: One of the norms for analytical processes? statistical coincidence of illegal acts with a specific operating system or browser. It can be illustrated as follows: for example, deliberately suspicious proxy servers for the most part operate on the basis of Linux, which affects the attitude towards the operating system itself.

(19:57:11) Payne: The more bona fide traffic is generated from the operating system or browser in the world, the blurr the ratio of black to white, which means the camouflage will be more natural. A striking example? line Windows, macOS, IOS, Android. Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE, Edge. As with blacklists, analytical materials are collected in real time and depend on the service.

(19:59:23) Payne : Passive OS Fingerprint. The fingerprint is formed from the parameters of data transmission to the network inherent in operating systems: size, packet lifetime, and others. Mismatch between the fingerprints of the sending IP address and the User-Agent (for example, the packet was sent by Linux, and the client is Windows; or, in other words, the Internet connection via SOCKS on Linux, while using Windows)? flaw in the user's portrait.

(20:00:01) Payne: Because server-side tuning is the easiest way to smooth corners? change of IP access. From the number of standard tools, distribution of WiFi from the required device through an emulator or neglect can help out - subject to a compliant anti-fraud system, in the general picture this moment is not key.

(20:00:51) Payne: - Screen resolution, window size, scaling. Uniqueization parameters that are simultaneously involved in risk assessment. Extremely rare indicators highlight the user, and unnatural for the User-Agent due to the use of antidetect or emulators can raise suspicions: conditionally, the phone does not have computer permission.

(20:01:43) Payne : Time & time zone. The time and time zone of the operating system must match the location of the IP address, as roughness in disguise can sow doubt. Constantly working from the same locality, for the prevention of identification, it is worth adjusting the deviation in seconds between the local and system time.

(20:02:43) Payne: - Operating system fonts. Defining fonts via Flash or JavaScript is a standard technique for user uniqueness. Operating systems have them by default, and the general list is replenished by installing programs with their own fonts: various kinds of Office, Adobe PDF, and so on.

(20:03:26) Payne : Extensions & Plugins? extensions and plugins installed in the browser. They can be detected by good anti-fraud systems by requesting the presence of certain ids in the browser and fixing the display changes on the page. Unpretentious "AdBlock" is unlikely to have a significant impact, but the tools of "User-Agent" spoofing and fingerprints against a serious opponent can play a cruel joke.

(20:04:09) Payne: • Flash Player. A plugin for playing Flash audio and video on websites, as well as one of the unique mechanisms. To some extent, openness gives the impression of fairness, but it is not necessary to install it, since the access to Adobe Flash provides information about the browser and operating system.

(20:04:41) Payne: Moreover, today Flash is an old module and many browsers are disabled by default for security reasons, which is due to a decrease in popularity among users. However, it may be required to display Flash content on certain sites, which will be notified accordingly.

(20:05:08) Payne : HTML5 Canvas (Canvas Fingerprint) and WebGL. Subtle rendering of elements with GPU resources with imposed effects: text for Canvas and 3D object for WebGL. After processing, the data is converted into a hash code and attached to a common fingerprint for subsequent user identification.

(20:05:52) Payne: Fonts, GPU driver versions, color depth, filtering, lighting and shadows, textures, and so on - hardware and software features of the device are used to produce a personalized result, where are each of the fragments? variable, and as a consequence, the existence of distinctive signs is quite understandable.

(20:06:43) Payne : AudioContext Fingerprint. Evaluation of low-frequency audio signal playback by the browser, like Canvas and WebGL, proceeds covertly, taking into account the characteristics of the operating system and user equipment. Not the most common method.

(20:07:24) Payne: The fingerprint is filled with: bit rate, decibel value, number of input and output channels, output delay, sampling rate, operation time and others, based on the anti-fraud system. It is possible to correct the fingerprint by modifying the parameters with an antidetect, in the Virtual Audio Cable program or analogs.

(20:08:00) Payne: - Cookie. A small piece of data from a specific site, stored in the operating system for authorization and settings. If there are cookies in the session, the site uniquely identifies the user, therefore, changing the masking, you need to get rid of them.

(20:08:51) Payne: - Personal data of the impersonating person: addresses, contact information, payment methods. An association by, for example, email or phone between different accounts in the same store is a compromising sign.

(20:09:24) Payne: Let's summarize. Smartly protect yourself from collecting a number of prints by disabling the JavaScript programming language in your browser, with which they are retrieved? not an option. In this case, many sites will stop functioning correctly, and there is no need to talk about strict compliance with the pattern of a respectable buyer.

(20:09:49) Payne: This is why masking is used, deliberately changing the components of fingerprints: the device for the User-Agent, plugins for the browser, fonts for the operating system - according to this principle. However, it is important not to upset the delicate balance, too unique settings will lead to recognition.

(20:10:27) Payne: Ironically, even disabling tracking in the browser settings (doNotTrack) or disabling cookies are in themselves user-specific options. Add to this atypical fonts or plugins, and we already have the opposite effect in the long run, a recognizable imprint.

(20:11:17) Payne: On the other hand, an anti-fraud system is a risk prediction tool, while the main task of any store is to consistently receive and maximize profits. Stores are able to manage algorithms so that the anti-fraud system does not react to every "puff", substituting honest buyers under the hot hand.

(20:12:19) Payne: Whether it's low-risk assortment or maximizing profits, stores set their own rule combinations and thresholds for print anomalies. So, individual checks may be missing, and errors are not taken into account, for example, AudioContext or some blacklists, and on the contrary, somewhere they will press on all fronts.

(20:12:48) Payne: Examples of sites for checking the characteristics of the IP address and operating system (checkers):

• whoer.net;

• whatleaks.com;

• browserleaks.com;

• 2ip.ru/privacy/;

• ip-score.com;

• maxmind.com;

• f.vision.

Repeated checks for proxyScore, riskScore and Black List indicators sometimes provoke IP-address pollution, you should not overdo it.

(20:13:35) Payne: Financial turnover.

Undoubtedly, cryptocurrencies are an integral part of the profession. Most are accepted by those who have passed the test of time and the community: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero. The use of cryptocurrencies is technically, perhaps, better implemented or more profitable in terms of investment at your own peril and risk.

(20:14:18) Payne: It is noteworthy that contrary to popular belief about cryptocurrencies as an "anonymous" payment system, they do not give carte blanche on financial transactions, this is a myth. Anonymity - the inability to establish the source, but due to the availability of cryptocurrency transactions in the clear, the source is the sender's address, which allows you to track the vector of funds movement.

(20:14:44) Payne: On closer inspection, the prerogative of cryptocurrencies is confidentiality - the absence of personal data during registration and transactions. It is worth distinguishing between "anonymity" and "confidentiality", while not taking into account the carelessness about the "small fish".

(20:15:09) Payne: You can confuse traces by regularly changing the sending and receiving addresses (provided by many wallets), passing funds through various exchangers, cryptocurrencies or mixers. Mixer is a transaction anonymization service, in fact, a technology for crushing client funds into small parts and then mixing them with parts of other clients. Selection of mixers and exchangers based on reviews and reputation.

(20:15:46) Payne: There are two types of cryptocurrency wallets: "hot" and "cold". Hot - any that need access to the Internet: exchanges, online wallets, exchangers. So, in fact, the funds are on the servers, and the client only gets access to them? remembering the news about the loss of funds after hacking or blocking exchanges.

(20:16:27) Payne: Cold in turn? local storage concept that does not require constant Internet access. Despite their susceptibility to hot hacking, they are convenient for frequent and small transactions, and the idea of cold ones is to store funds safely.

(20:17:22) Payne: Recommended wallets:

• Bitcoin Core (cold);

• Electrum (semi-cold);

• Blockchain (hot).

It is worth emphasizing that dealing with cryptocurrencies means the likelihood of losing funds due to external factors: a fall in the exchange rate, exchange hacking, exchange fraud.

(20:18:12) Payne: In relation to fiat currencies (USD, EUR, RUB and so on) and transactions from official exchanges, wallets or exchangers, the incognito behavior model is applied. The history of customer actions is saved, so personal IP addresses, personal information and device fingerprints should not be involved in the process of financial turnover.

(20:18:46) Payne: You can use instead:

• Virtual machines and SMS activation services;

• Many exchangers carry out cash transactions. Courier services are suitable for both withdrawal and deposit of funds;

• Terminals. Depositing to pre-registered confidential wallets;

(20:19:11) Payne: • Accounts of wallets, exchanges and credit cards for dummies (drops). They can block or steal, it is better not to delay with such funds and periodically change. The corresponding services for verifying accounts and selling cards are on the forum.

(20:19:32) Payne: An informal rule of cooperation with users in this field? Garant-Service. Preserves nerve cells and finances.

(20:20:06) Payne: That's all. Moving on to the questions, put "?"

(20:21:39) gangass13: 1) Do I need to completely clean the system before each new drive, reinstall the virtual machine, buy new socks or tunnels, even if the staff of different kx is the same?

2) Do I need to memorize all these plugins / add-ons, or is it enough just to get acquainted and in the process we will study in more detail?

(20:23:38) Payne: 1. If you drive into the same store or the same anti-fraud system (even if it is installed in two different stores)? Yes. Otherwise, optional.

2. Why memorize? Create a note here that no more than 10 programs and 20 parameters will be used. And there is nothing special to consider in more detail: both the settings and the basic principles are voiced, and how to check too.

(20:23:50) AlexFlex2134: 1) Earlier I used windscribe vpn for work, as you wrote above about the black lists of public VPNs, does it turn out to be part of the retiurns and the midrange was for this reason?

2) As far as I know, the sphere allows you to adapt as much as possible to kx, up to the screen resolution, that is, the best thing for work is this sphere?

(20:25:07) Payne: 1. If you mean Paypal, then most likely yes. Even commercial VPN services are usually not good for practice, everyone is looking for private openvpn configs.

2. Everything is relative, but about masking is true: the range of parameters is wide.

(20:25:13) user80: Honestly, a lot is not clear. Just pain) Is this normal? All information on today's topic can I find on the forum?

(20:25:59) Payne: It's okay. Clarify after a meaningful and calm re-reading in the conference question / answer. Also, visit checkers? sometimes it is enough to look at your own user parameters.

(20:26:09) IB $ integral: 1. Do I understand correctly that if I use vpn on the main machine and connect to the Dedicated Server, it is still better to install a virtual machine to drive it onto the Dedicated Server itself and drive a Dedicated Server from the virtual machine? Or can you drive it in (from the point of view of safety and usability) on the Dedicated Server itself? There is a password manager on the Dedicated Server, electrum and everything else is working.

2. Is it worth encrypting a disk on a Dedicated Server?

3. Is the coincidence of socks OS and its own system specified when buying a sock? and how then to check this correspondence? in the checker?

4. Can you please recommend multicurrency analogs of electrum to work not only with btc, but for example, with usdt

(20:29:08) Payne: 1. No, here is the correct option to connect from a virtual machine to a Dedicated Server. Plus, you put the IP address (Dedicated Server) and the system (virtual machine) in the same category, but the systems do not have an IP by default. The meaning of the Dedicated Server is that it is a 95% ready-to-use system with its own IP.

2. Should you store files on it? Definitely yes.

3. Yes, in the checker. Whether it is specified or not depends on the service where you buy the sox.

4. Alas, multicurrency is a problem in this case. But you can install multiple wallets for specific currencies.

(20:29:22) Koba787: 1 - Antidetect - do I understand correctly that every time a new virtual machine is created, the shops perceive the virtual machine as a new machine? Does the fingerprint change completely?

2 - Do additional security variations lead to our safety or to more successful work with material and shops?

3 - does the hostname change in the virtual machine when using vpn + socs + shh?

4 - speaking of riskScore - when setting up the system, before starting work, are there services that can check from 0 to 100, where am I now about?

5 - about the simplest way to smooth corners by distributing wi-fi - it's not clear (((

6 - do you always need to get rid of cookies - or is there a scenario when, on the contrary, you need to save?

7 - association by email or phone between different accounts - can be an example for tight ones - how's that?

8 - how to understand that 2 stores have one and the same anti-fraud system?

(20:30:42) Koba787: please ask in advance if the questions are stupid

(20:34:26) Payne: 1. If the antidetect fully fulfills its functions? yes, because this is its purpose. The very meaning lies in the name "antidetect". Well, it also depends on the settings. In any case, there will be a lecture on the topic of antiques.

2. Of course, for your safety. Work is already a disguise.

3. Yes, because the hostname in the context of the Internet connection is a parameter of the IP address. This is not about the host operating system of your particular computer.

4. I repeat, there is: either integrated into stores, or can be found on the forum. Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that the anti-fraud system can have its own, different criteria.

5. This literally means: distribute wifi from the desired system name.

6. It is necessary when there is consistent work with one store and / or one accounts.

7. "Two persons have registered in the store: Vasya and Petya. But they have registered for the same e-mail! Could it be the same person ?!"

8. There will be a lecture.

(20:34:45) Yarah: 1. where can we get the users fingerprints in order to spoof it on our system? if the only info. we use are CC/Day of Birth/Address etc. will we also buy this information to insert it into linken sphere for example?

2. do mixers really work to remove our previous wallets address and definitely cannot be tracked?

3. if you cash out in "dummy" cards, which are based in Russia, do you have to travel to Russian in order to cash the money from ATM's? What if you don't live in Russia? How will you cash the bitcoin?

(20:37:42) Пейн: 1. Logs, for example. Also, there is some shops, selling real-person configurations. But in most of time we just cloaking by geolocation info.

2. Depends on what crypto u use and how many times.

3. Same way. Find someone.

(20:37:53) htuf: 1) Are stores implementing their own anti-fraud systems or are they using ready-made services like receiving payment systems? 2) Is there a way to probe the merchant without first burning the material or only by trial and error?

(20:39:52) Payne: 1. Delat both so and so. 2. Alas, only by testing. No, of course, a preliminary inspection can tell something: the name of the anti-fraud system, the degree of its implementation in the store, etc. But all this will never give as much as practice can give.

(20:40:09) riba12: do I understand correctly - the Sphere browser is capable of emulating the OS, User Agent, fingerprint, etc. in each new open tab, for each task as needed? that is, there is no need to keep several virtual machines in which you need to reproduce the settings for issuing a new personality in each separately.?

(20:40:24) Payne: That's right.

(20:40:39) Koba787: Are there antidetects other than the sphere? or a separate lecture?

(20:41:12) Payne: Yes, but more or less tolerable no more than 3-5 pieces now. Well, for a separate lecture, it is just as true. I'm still not a lecturer on this topic.

(20:42:04) goldenbaum: 1) regarding the distribution of wi-fi from a specific device. how often it is necessary in today's reality. can raspberry be used for this?

(20:42:48) Payne: In today's realities, there is practically no need, except for some specific work. This is just one of the possible options for eliminating a specific, not the worst problem.

(20:42:58) Payne: Malinka is it? ..

(20:43:13) AlexFlex2134: prints similar to audio and others are not immediately visible and understandable, they are mainly used in the anti-front systems of giants like ebay, in small and less popular ones, antifraud is most often easier, so I am looking for unused shops and Basically, when adjusting to kx, do not use these nuances?

(20:43:57) Payne: Exactly. But even in large stores, they are not in the foreground: you always need to focus on the overall impression, and not one single indicator.

(20:43:58) goldenbaum: yes

(20:44:10) goldenbaum: rake the pie

(20:44:49) AlexFlex2134: Payne: this is understandable) that no one gets hung up on 1 nuance, you need a whole picture that you are supposedly the owner

(20:44:56) Payne: goldenbaum Let's just say if this function is executed, it doesn't matter.

(20:45:14) Izolentna: Will there be an example of system setup before work? In the plan, you told what to build for what. The theory is clear + -

Or is it to fill your cones before work and burn the mat?

(20:46:01) Payne: All parameters are universal. Before work is it all about the material? its location, time zone, the type of material itself.

(20:47:11) Payne: For example, under the hacked account of the store with its own cookies or under the customizable from scratch by driving from the purchased card, different configurations may be required. The same with all sorts of paper, work from the phone, etc.

(20:47:26) Payne: under the hacked *

(20:48:15) riba12: can the material be used only in the shops of the country to which it belongs? Or is it possible, for example, to shop YUSA with obscenities from South Africa, and a thorn there, followed by a reut?

(20:49:39) Payne: It can be different. Only there are, for example, bank locks for the region of use, the subtleties of the regions themselves, logistic problems, and so on up to VBV. I think the picture will become more complete after analyzing the relevant topics: Europe, directly driving.

(20:49:47) htuf: by VM. Are ordinary stock operating systems installed or do you need some tweaks? Can I download it myself or be sure to download it?

(20:50:20) Payne: There is no fundamental difference, except for the principle voiced in the lecture: prevalence and average.

(20:51:10) centurion_52: I would like to clarify. Store information on work on a working virtual machine like this? Create an encrypted container for this on a working VM, right?

(20:51:50) Payne: It is possible on a working VM, but do not forget that, in an amicable way, the VM itself should already be in the encrypted area.

(20:52:15) ame: Did I understand correctly, from the lecture?

1. Your own safety.

I put my vpn server on the main machine, then I go into the virtual machine. I work in the field

2. Directly work.

Purchase of SS, under the parameters I need. (the availability of tools in order to become like kx)

Or buying a CC, then setting up the system in the field for the KX parameters, this is setting the language, time zone, time, buying socks, a tunnel for the KX spare parts.

And then work ...

(20:53:37) Payne: 1. Well, if you have one of your own, then yes. And in general, it was said about just a reliable VPN (although your own is undoubtedly better).

2. Purchase, then customization.

(20:53:52) dat_user1: Is it better to take the proxy under the log, or under the SS?

(20:54:56) Payne: What log? The fact is that logs are different, including those already containing CC, so the question loses its meaning. In general, yes, under the material? be it CC or whatever.

(20:55:01) Yarah: why did you suggest using VPN from third world countries?

(20:55:44) Payne: Because the advanced states in most cases exchange intelligence information and cooperate on issues of the information space.

(20:57:10) adik89: Payne, thanks for the lecture, it was very informative. infa a lot, tomorrow I will slowly learn everything. Question - to whom to contact for questions on today's topic?

(20:57:44) Koba787: here it would be to digest and absorb it all) great lecture. brain broke

(20:57:47) Payne: To the question / answer conference, everything can always be sent there.

(20:59:04) Payne: So no questions? Then thank you all for your presence and wish you luck. See you.


Reaction score
How to hide your digital fingerprint. Configuring anonymous virtual machine
Does everyone know the word deanon? And this is not at all about the fight against anonism. With the help of clever technologies, you are identified by all and sundry - from advertising and media agencies, collectors of big data and ending with various state agencies. The problem is very serious, and in this article we will touch only the tip of the iceberg and tell you about how to secure your Internet experience at least a little.
The ubiquity of digital fingerprinting technologies makes it easy to collect personal information. In addition, users independently share personal information on social networks, instant messengers, by e-mail and on other online platforms, often without even knowing that their data may fall into the wrong hands.
In the first part, we figured out what fingerprinting is and made Firefox a little safer. In the second part, we will talk about how to hide a fingerprint, setting up a virtual machine, anonymous and not quite browsers, and of course about protecting your identity on the network.

Setting up VirtualBox
It's no secret that a virtual system has a very peculiar config and digital fingerprint. To make sure of this, you don't even need to use software like AIDA64 or EVEREST. You just need to open the "Device Manager". Your entire system just “screams” that this is a virtual machine.
Here I will describe several manipulations with the VM in order to make its fingerprint less recognizable and hide the very information that it is a virtual machine.

We will use VBoxHardenedLoader:
This is a great add-on for VirtualBox that allows you to change almost any parameters of your virtual machine.

Just downloading the file is not enough. You also need to make the necessary settings. To do this, we do everything in accordance with the manual.

Download and install VirtualBox.

Open VirtualBox and create a virtual machine with the settings you need.

Note: 2048 MB is optional, you can adjust or decrease this value as you wish, but keep in mind - some detection systems try to identify the virtual machine by the available amount of physical memory, and if it is too small, this is a red flag that, that this is a virtual machine.

Create a virtual disk

Remember that the recommended disk size should be over 32 GB, and preferably 64 GB. The smaller size will be an indicator that this is a virtual machine.
After the virtual machine is created, open its settings - you will need to make certain changes.
On the System menu, Motherboard tab, select the Enable I / O API checkbox.


In the Processor tab, enable PAE / NX and install at least 2 processors. If it is indicated that there is only one processor, this is an indicator that a virtual machine is being used.
In the Acceleration menu, set the Paravirtualization Interface to Legacy and enable VT-x / Nested Paging. If you leave the value of paravirtualization "By default" it will give the virtual machine the Virtual Box hypervisor and even the name of the hypervisor via the cpuid value. And this is a complete fire!


On the Display tab, turn off 2D / 3D Acceleration.



It should look something like this.

Save all settings and close VirtualBox completely.
Download the program from here and save it wherever you like. For example c: \ vboxldr.

Now for the important part. Go to the data folder and select the system startup script.
hidevm_ahci for VM with SATA / AHCI controller and classic BIOS
hidevm_ide for VM with IDE controller and classic BIOS
hidevm_efiahci for VM with SATA / AHCI controller and EFI
hidevm_efiide for VM with IDE controller and EFI

We edit the script corresponding to your configuration for your needs:
set vboxman = "C: \ Program Files \ Oracle \ VirtualBox \ vboxmanage.exe"
set vmscfgdir = D: \ Virtual \ VBOX \ Settings \

Change vmscfgdir to the folder with your machine's settings.

Make the rest of the settings and run the script with the name of your virtual machine.

But don't start VirtualBox - you're not ready yet.
Run loader.exe with Administrator privileges.

You will have to repeat this step every time you restart the OS.
Attention! Remember that installing Virtual Box Additions is by no means impossible - it will ruin everything.
As practice has shown, each configuration needs its own approach during installation and its own writing of the config file. Much depends on the operating system and its version on which we are going to build the virtual machine.
There is no doubt about the flexibility and reliability of the system. Everything is customizable to your taste.

Let's replace all the hardware of our virtual machine:
- processor model
- manufacturer / firm of the motherboard
- BIOS ID, version / date
- Windows product ID
- replacement of the video card (Important!)
- random Mac-Address of the network device or manual installation for each machine
- unlike a simple virtual machine, on ours we will be able to control the parameters of the sound card (a hint of replacing the audio print), but of course, of course, you still need to work on it manually and install the necessary software.

Through VboxHardenedLoader we give our future virtual machine random properties and parameters, and only then we install Windows itself there. All settings for our miracle machine must be done before the first launch of the OS. That is, your virtual machine already starts with these settings as a full-fledged PC and will be identified as someone's PC, and not a virtual machine with VBOX fingerprints.

You can see how all this can be configured in this video:

How to work with a virtual machine ?
Having created a machine, let's call it MAIN, load into it all the software you need to work, set up a browser antidetect and so on.
We will clone the finished MAIN machine and in the future we will work only with its clones. After "working off" the clones can be deleted and, if necessary, make other clones. Do not forget to give the clones different values from the MAIN VM, remembering that this is a cloned machine and it is similar to the MAIN one. And you need it to be different. We launch the written config file and everything happens automatically. VboxHardened does its job.
One-click clone randomization works with all hardware except the processor and motherboard.
The processor model does not need to be changed as often, as long as it differs from the host processor model. It is important that the CPUID itself has changed. The final choice is yours - when, how and how often to change the model.
For the paranoid, the tuned car (and subsequent clones) can be used in conjunction with Whonix. You can add to this the neighbor's Wi-fi.

Configuring VMWare
There is also a commercial virtual machine from the pioneers of the topic of virtualization. Although the hardware settings in VMWare are not as flexible as in VirtualBox with add-ons, it is possible to hide the fact that this is a virtual machine without any add-ons and plug-ins, by its own means.

I have used VMWare Workstation for Win.

1) To work, a newly installed system is required, I did not find how to make changes to an existing one.
Prepare the virtual disk, specify the system, as you usually do, and in the settings for the installed machine, I have this item called Isolation, turn off any data exchange with the host OS.

2) Next, you need to find the VMX configuration file created at the stage of creating a machine in VMWare, and add the following lines to the end:

isolation.tools.getPtrLocation.disable = "TRUE" isolation.tools.setPtrLocation.disable = "TRUE" isolation.tools.setVersion.disable = "TRUE" isolation.tools.getVersion.disable = "TRUE" monitor_control.disable_directexec = "TRUE "Monitor_control.disable_chksimd =" TRUE "monitor_control.disable_ntreloc =" TRUE "monitor_control.disable_selfmod =" TRUE "monitor_control.disable_reloc =" TRUE "monitor_control.disable_btinout =" TRUE "monitor_control.disable_btmemspace =" TRUE "monitor_control.disable_btmemspace =" TRUE " monitor_control.disable_btseg = "TRUE"
These options prevent programs from detecting the virtual environment through such complex checks as tracking memory address space, counters.
Important! If at the stage of setting up the installation there is an option like "Express install", "Express installation" - turn them off. Also, do not install VMWare Tools on the installed system, because some software also includes the presence of this package in the check.

3) Save the file, specify the ISO with the system installer to load, install the OS as usual.

4) Despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of programs that do not like the virtual environment do not go beyond the checks that we cut off in step 2, some especially stubborn ones still go further and try to search, for example, everything that looks like the name of virtual controllers disks.

To defeat them in Windows, go to the registry editor in the HKLM \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Disk \ Enum branch. As you can see, there is a clear reference to the fact that the disk is virtual.

We need to change it by removing VMware, Virtual, Ven, etc. from the parameter, and save it like that.
It also makes sense to replace everything that changes in the registry with a VMware / Virtual search for some Intel or IBM, and not just disk variables.
Then try to launch your stubborn object of experiments - in 70 percent of cases, the steps described will help you pass the tests for the virtual environment.
Important! The value in HKLM \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Disk \ Enum is overwritten after every reboot, so it needs to be changed after every new system start.
And more about virtual machines:

Structure virtual machines
We strongly recommend that you divide your tasks on the Internet into several categories and use your own virtual machine for each of them. For example, to access personal mail, banking, State Services and other completely personal sites, use one machine. For access to social networks - another. For surfing the Internet - the third. For work - the fourth. Believe me, all this is not so difficult. Don't be lazy and set everything up once. After all, safety is above all.

Check how you will protect yourself from detection, as well as to get acquainted with other popular developers detection means sandboxes and virtual ok possible means Pafish.

Fingerprint Traversal
Let's start with what identification methods exist, and then move on to ways to bypass / disable them.
The usual way websites receive your data is through the use of cookies. Cookies are small packages of text files that are stored on your computer and contain certain data that can provide information to websites to improve the user experience.
Every time you visit the website, your browser will load cookies. When you visit the same website at a later date, it will verify the data packages and provide you with a customized user interface.
Think about the font size or screen resolution you are viewing on a website. If the website knows that you are always using an iPhone 8, it will provide you with the best settings for your iPhone. In addition, in this way, the site knows if you are a unique visitor or a returning visitor. Cookies also store data about page browsing, their habits, interests and more.
In addition, websites use Javascript, which will interact with visitors to perform certain tasks, such as playing videos. These interactions also trigger a response, and therefore they receive information about you.
In order to identify the user's browser and without cookies, technologies for building digital fingerprints (fingerprint) have appeared. The most widely used are Canvas fingerprint and WebGL fingerprint. Perhaps the most popular library for obtaining a digital fingerprint is FingerprintJS2, written by our compatriot Valentin Vasiliev: https://github.com/Valve/fingerprintjs2. The updates were made a few months ago, so development is active.
One of the most effective methods of protecting against fingerprints in the browser is to disable JavaScript and Flash.
When JavaScript is disabled, websites will not be able to detect the list of active plugins and fonts you are using, nor will they be able to set certain cookies on your browser.
The downside to disabling JavaScript is that websites don't always work as expected.
On the other hand, Flash can be turned off without negatively impacting site performance.

Font Fingerprint
It is not known exactly when the technology appeared, but it is no longer a secret that, due to its simplicity and efficiency, the font imprinting technology has found its application in almost all large anti-fraud companies. This technology receives a list of fonts installed on the user's PC.
For protection, the user must disable Adobe Flash and JavaScript in their browser.
Conclusion - it is worth turning off if you are just surfing the network and want to be anonymous, but for work you need a substitution.
The easiest way to change the font imprint is to change the page scale. If you wish, you can choose an extension in Mozilla for this purpose.
There are tests of this fingerprint on the network, you can try.

WebGl Fingerprint
The technology is responsible for speeding up and working with graphics, is part of Canvas.
Microsoft at one time called for abandoning WebGL due to its vulnerability to external attacks.
Its essence lies in the fact that 3D triangles are drawn, then effects, a gradient, various anisotropic filtering, etc. are applied to it. Then it is converted into a byte array, to which various information about platform-specific constants that are defined in WebGL are also attached. There are a lot of these constants, there are dozens of them, both the color depth, and the maximum size of textures, etc. As a result, all this information is added to our 3D triangle image.
The version of the drivers, the version of the video card, the OpenGL standard in the system, the version of the shader language - all this will affect how this image is drawn inside. And when it is converted to a byte array, it will be different on many computers.
Through the fingerprint, information about the user's video card is communicated.
What to do, you ask. It can be disabled by plugins, but we are interested in substitution.
Since WebGl is part of Canvasa, it can be partially spoofed using one of the Canvas spoofing plugins.
A complete substitution occurs with the manipulation of the video card.
On the virtual machine we configured through VirtualBoxHardened, with the specified commands and parameters, it had its own fingerprint, which was different from the main one.
In such a machine, in the Device Manager, instead of the “Virtualbox Graphics Adapter”, you can see “Standard VGA graphics adapter” with its drivers and identifiers preinstalled along with Windows. As a result, a complete substitution of the video adapter device in the virtual machine was performed. When we installed Windows on a virtual machine, he saw there not a VBox video adapter device as usual, but a full-fledged PC with its own hardware, and therefore the drivers were just what we needed. Hence the substitution of the imprint.

Сanvas fingerprint
The method itself is quite clear: when you enter a site with the user tracking code installed, such a resource asks the user's browser to draw a hidden image, and text is drawn using the fonts and renderer available to the system. The font set and anti-aliasing methods are slightly different on different machines. The renderer depends on the browser version, OS and even GPU. As a result, the rendered image is unique.
There are various browser plugins that disable Canvas, such as this one:

Mouse fingerprint
It is widely used in various fields - from the simplest anti-fraud systems to government tracking programs.
Like many other things implemented via JavaScript
To protect against mouse fingerprint technology, it is recommended to disable JavaScript in the user's browser.

The new technology, which was invented by a researcher from Barcelona, Jose Carlos, allows you to identify a user even in the TOP network.
According to Jose Carlos, the Ubercookie technology is one of the main methods for deanonymizing users of the TOP network and is actively developing in the field of anti-fraud due to its effectiveness.

Evercookie (persistent cookie)
A small file ends up on your PC. It multiplies and multiplies furiously throughout the system, hiding from you in hidden folders / files.
Evercookie is a very smart plugin that can save your data almost anywhere. Evercookie uses all available browser storage - modern HTML 5 standard, Session Storage, Local Storage, Indexed DB and others.
For the average user who does not know all this, it is simply impossible to delete these cookies. You need to visit 6-8 places on your hard drive, do a number of manipulations in order to just clear them. Therefore, the average user, when visiting a site that uses evercookie, will most likely not be anonymous.
Despite all this, evercookie does not work in incognito mode.
For everyone else, of course, there is a solution.
The method allows you to protect the system from this infection - a properly configured antidetect machine will accept Flash cookies, Local Shared Objects-LSO cookies will gladly, but all of them will be sent to our RAM. As a result, the system sees that we accepted cookies, but, in fact, they did not fall on our PC, as a result of which they did not register there and could not multiply, causing us harm. After we finish working with the site, we close the browser window, cookies will be deleted from RAM.

WebRTC Fingerprinting
WebRTC is a peer-to-peer communication standard over audio streams, or it is an audio communication standard in modern browsers. It allows you to make audio calls, etc.
Why is she so dangerous? Because P2P, during the exchange of information, asks for the user's IP address, and WebRTC kindly provides this information to everyone.
Even if the user works through VPN or TOR using WebRTC, the site can easily find out your real IP address.
You can check it on the website whoer.net or ipleak.net.
You can turn it off, but it's better to hide your local IP from the WebRTC service. There is such a solution. As a result, you have WebRTC enabled, but the IP itself is not transmitted. Only your VPN will be detected on top, for example.

Appeared in 2012, the author does not sleep and updates his brainchild to this day. We wrote about her a little higher.
Its essence is that the code of this library queries the user's browser for all the specific and unique settings and data for this browser and for this system, for the computer.
The entire list of what the code asks is listed here.
GitHub - Valve / fingerprintjs2: Modern & flexible browser fingerprinting library - looking for maintainer
FingerprintJS doesn't use cookies at all. No information is saved on the hard drive of the computer where the browser is installed.
Works even in incognito mode, because in principle it does not use hard disk storage. Has no dependencies and is 1.2 KB gzipped in size.
Currently used by companies such as Baidu, Google in China, MasterCard, the website of the President of the United States, AddThis - a website for hosting widgets, etc. This library quickly became very popular. It is used by about 6-7% of all the most visited sites on the Internet at the moment.

Here's how it works.
The question is: how unique and precise is the definition? The research it was based on was done by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, they had the Panopticlick project. It says that the uniqueness is about 94%, but according to the developer on the real data that he had, the uniqueness was about 90% -91%.

The so-called audio imprint ends our hit parade.
The method works as follows: using the AudioContext API, low-frequency audio signals are sent to the user's computer, after which it is determined how it processes them, and a unique "sound fingerprint" is created. Despite the complexity, this method is extremely effective.
With its help, law enforcement agencies and advertising services can de-anonymize users via VPN without having to decrypt traffic.
A study was conducted and of the 1 million sites, over 80% had audio fingerprinting technology.
There is a database on the web for May 2016, there is a list of sites that use this fingerprint.
At the moment, audio fingerprinting technology is actively used by the US special services - the FBI and NSA, Europe - by Interpol, and is also gradually taking a leading position in anti-fraud systems around the world. This form of user identification has not yet been investigated so much that even the creators of the TOP browser since May 2016 have been unsuccessfully trying to bypass it.
To protect against audio fingerprinting, it is recommended to completely disable JavaScript in the browser, however, such drastic measures will lead to the complete inability to work with most sites.
Substituted through manipulation of the audio device configured on the aforementioned virtual machine.

Anonymous and not so browsers

1. Tor Browser
Available on Windows, Mac and Linux.
The TOR network is designed for one simple task - anonymous communication. This browser is the most secure.
TOR allows you to hide your location, browsing history, forwarded messages and other confidential data from people or traffic analysis software.
This browser forwards traffic through many individual relays and tunnels in such a way that header parsing is meaningless. To put it simply, instead of a direct transfer from point A to point B, a transfer takes place through a network of many nodes.
A sniffer listening to only one node in this route will never know the source or destination of the intercepted information.
However, the TOR browser also has disadvantages, the main one being speed. Since traffic is forwarded through many nodes, page loading may not be as fast as you would like. If you have a good channel, the problem will not be felt, however, in the case of low-speed internet, surfing through TOR can be annoying.
It should be noted that TOR is the best solution in terms of anonymity, but complete privacy is not guaranteed. For example, downloading torrents or illegally watching TV leaves you vulnerable. However, compared to well-known browsers such as Chrome and Safari, the TOR browser is far ahead.

2. Epic Browser
Available for Windows and Mac.
While Epic's browser does not use a dedicated onion network, many options are disabled here that negatively impact your privacy while surfing.
For example, history is not saved, DNS pre-fetching (used to speed up page loading) and cookies are disabled. Also disabled DNS cache and form autocomplete.
After closing the session, the browser automatically deletes all associated databases, settings, contents of the Pepper Data folder and cookies used by the Flash Player and Silverlight plugin.

3. SRWare Iron
SRWare Iron is a free, secure Chromium-based browser optimized for maximum performance. SRWare Iron was developed by the German company SRWare as a secure alternative to the Google Chrome browser, which does not 100% protect users from being monitored by websites. SRWare Iron uses the latest version of WebKit and V8, the browser does not track user actions, which ensures a high level of security and privacy.
The main difference between Chrome and SRWare Iron is the improved anonymity. Experts criticize Chrome for using the "Unique User ID". Every time a new session starts, Google is alerted to the use of your data.
SRWare does not use unique identifiers and other security-related features such as search hints.

4. Comodo Dragon Browser
Available for Windows and Mac.
Comodo doesn't even come close to resembling TOR, but it has some built-in tools to improve safety while surfing. For example, it automatically blocks tracking, cookies and web spyware. In addition, this browser has a built-in validation function that separates strong and weak SSL certificates. Antivirus is also used to protect against Trojans, viruses and other attacks.
As with the previous browser, Comodo Dragon is based on Chrome. Accordingly, many users can easily switch.

And now about the not at all anonymous Brave
You've probably heard of the Brave browser, but the company's website explicitly states that the application "anonymously" monitors user activity. In addition, the default search engine is Google, which by itself does not imply any anonymity. The browser start page connects to the brave.com home page and sends certain requests towards it, by default, crash reports are turned on, which are sent along with the characteristics and settings of the browser (and possibly the PC), each time Brave is turned on, it will address requests that are clearly related with their advertisers to deliver targeted ads. The browser blocks ads partially, one might say selectively, even when the ad blocker is enabled.

You can disable it. And change?
Here we will only touch on Firefox, I will talk about other methods and browsers in the next article.
Go to browserleaks.com and let 's go browserleaks.com
Go to the left menu on the site and select JavaScript:

I will not touch on IP and WebRTC here. There is too much talk about these parameters and, moreover, I will touch upon WebRTC in one of the next articles, namely, how to organize its substitution in a virtual machine with one of the powerful technical solutions for antidetect.

Flash merging IP - must not be skipped. Now many, of course, no longer have an installed flash on your desktop solution, but if there is one and you do not want to get rid of it, then you will have to perform the following manipulations:
It is necessary to modify the mms.cfg file (if Flash is installed on the computer).
If there is no file, then create along the path:
Windows (32Bit): C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Macromed \ Flash \
Windows (64Bit): C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ Macromed \ Flash \
And write at the end of the file: DisableSockets = 1
But it is better to demolish it anyway, it is practically no longer needed anywhere. Since the same plugins are drained through it.


We look at the system. It would seem that they set the time as at the location of the proxy / ip and that's it? No, this is not enough. Some of the technical points that will merge you:
- Accordingly, the time itself and the coincidence with the IP time zone.
- The system time has text in brackets (Moscow, standard time). Sometimes it happens that it says, for example, Saudi Arabia (there was such a problem on one of the machines), although everything is indicated correctly in the time settings in Windows. As it seems to me, this is due to the Windows itself and you can change this only by demolition and reinstallation with a different image. All virtual machines hosted on it had the same problem as Zennoposter.
- Deviation in seconds. As you can see the difference between local and system here is 21 seconds. How many cars with the same time deviation can be logged into Facebook accounts in a row? And even more so on the same IP subnet?

The language, namely the share of one (q = 0.9 or 90%) of the user is determined by his history and cookies. The higher the value, the higher the likelihood that the user is using this language as their native language.
The value after the forward slash in the Title and JavaScript is determined by the settings in the browser. (In Chrome: Settings -> Advanced -> Languages -> Language).


Before changing settings in Chrome.


After changing settings in Chrome.
The value in brackets 100% will be different for different virtual machines with different history in the browser.


As for the operating system, I will not debate anything, the virtual machines close this case for sure. The last parameter, TCP / IP, is interesting here .

What to read about this:

In short - the MTU value for wired Internet and some Wi-Fi modems should be 1500 (maximum value).
Mobile operators have 1400 or 1500 (sometimes there are less than 1400, usually a multiple of 10, such as 1380). Some usb modems have 1340-1380, same usb modems 1340.
Also, the text value ( Windows NT kernel ) gives you a user not as a mobile operator, but on the desktop Internet. The same Android user will have at least a text about Linux 2.2.x-3.x , etc. Sometimes some (Megafon modem) have an inscription about VPN .
Why am I all this? If you emulate a mobile user, but sit with a modem, this item will give you up with giblets. Bad VPN / Proxy rental service providers who do not bother with such a security setting will also "pass" this item. Moreover, they may close the problem with the numerical value of MTU, but few people on the market have solutions with a text value at the moment.
One of the solutions: emulation of a mobile device occurs - use a mobile device to distribute the Internet. From a desktop - of course a desktop, a modem, a cable.

I don't see anything wrong with DNS from Google ( and ), but at a distance using only it on one subnet is already a suspicious thing for AI. Better, as for me, to use the standard DNS of your subnet:
- Gives you a less experienced computer user;
- The distance to DNS servers is closer (Google has the nearest ones in Finland);
- Different subnets - different DNS.

The data we need:
hardwareConcurrency - the number of cores.
deviceMemory - the number of GB of RAM.
In my opinion, there is no need to replace them if they are more or less standard (for example 4 and 4). But if you have a machine with 32 GB of RAM, it will be a bad sign at a distance.
Here, in terms of substitution, I cannot suggest anything (at least in this article at the moment, since I use my templates for this). But in one of the next articles I think I will.
The remaining data in the Navigator submenu does not matter, the virtual machine closes the problem with it.

If chrome - you will be shown a more or less standard set of three plugins. Naturally, the site sees more of them. To do this, you must have a set of links to the most popular 25-30 plugins and install 2-3 plugins each time you set up your own antidetect browser.

I see no point in discussing the location, since if the IP is configured correctly, the location will be tied to it.

There is no reason to be perverted and use some obsolete computer permissions. You can use the standard and most popular 1366x768, and it doesn’t take too much steam. Of course, at a distance of 50-100, it is already necessary to change something, but I do not think that the negative from AI will go according to this parameter. Most popular permissions statistics:

Bitness 24 is the standard. And there is no point in changing it.

Virtual machine also closes the problem with them.

What are we paying attention to?
The screen resolution parameter also has such a parameter as the viewport (the working area in the browser). That is, because of the address bar and tabs in the browser, the taskbar strip at the bottom with the start button and the scroll button in the browser on the right, the viewport resolution will differ downward from the screen resolution. This should be taken into account if you emulate, for example, a resolution that is larger than the screen size of the monitor (let 1920 × 1080), but leave the viewport the same as at a lower resolution (for example, viewport 1349 × 657, which belongs to the resolution 1366x768). This will be very harmful for detection systems, especially if it is repeated.
I don't touch on the doNotTrack parameter , it doesn't really affect anything when working with the same virtual machine, rather, its forced change already allows you to think of you as a more sophisticated user.

I specifically checked whether the latest version of Chrome has a drain for this parameter by turning off my laptop from the network. It has:

Therefore, when working with a laptop, you need to have a 100% charge and a constant connection to the network (when logging out and logging into different accounts, especially in the same IP subnet).

I'll touch on when discussing AudioContext Fingerprint (below).

I touched on in the last article. Keep a list of links to the 30 most popular plugins and install randomly every 3-5 times.

Next, in the left menu, skip Flash and select Silverlight.

If you see this inscription, then everything is fine and you have one of the latest versions of your browser (checked on the latest Chrome and Firefox), which does not support this outdated and insecure plugin.
In the same case, if it is present and you do not want to get rid of it, then it is worth clearing all the data on your virtual (host) machine every time along the way:
  • C: \ Users \% Username% \ AppData \ LocalLow \ Microsoft \ Silverlight \ is \

The next item in the menu on the left is Java Applet.

As you can imagine, the situation is the same here as with Silverlight. An outdated and insecure plugin that has been removed from support in newer versions of browsers. So outdated that I won't even tell you how to enable it. Do you need it?

I will tell you only with changing the values: Unmasked Vendor, Unmasked Renderer and WebGL Report Hash (which changes after changing the first two). And only for Mozilla. I will analyze the latter meaning later in one of the following articles.

To do this, type about: config in the address bar, then type Vendor in the search and change it to any value. For example, just Mozilla.

Next, enter Renderer and select webgl.renderer-string-override:

I entered for example ANGLE (Intel (R) HD Graphics 620 Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0).
WebGL Report Hash should change for us too. But with Image Hash you have to work hard. I will leave this moment, perhaps I will supplement it, but while I do not have a handicraft solution for this point, I can only say that it is different in different browsers. I do not need this, since I have my own self-written browser, where this moment is automatically replaced.
You can, of course, block access to WebGL - but this is a powerful call to Zucker and a quick subsequent ban.

With WebRTC, I can single out one thing here - the so-called Media Devices . Again, this moment is changed in my browser, but here I can tell you that you can add some devices to this list using the Virtual Audio Cable program (found on torrents). Play around with this program, no matter what parameters you change. The main thing is to change the final value of the audio footprint.
About the presence / absence of a video camera and a microphone - a request is provided by the site and the user himself confirms whether he wants to provide the site with access to them or not. So there can be no drain here.

You can use the Canvas Defender extension to replace the Canvas fingerprint . It is available for both Mozilla and Chrome. Yes, this is pale to some extent, for sure the sites can pull up that you are using this extension at the moment. But if there are no other ways out, then you can do just that.

Alternatively, in Mozilla you can go to Settings and find this section in the General menu:

Select Advanced ... and uncheck the box next to Allow websites to use their own fonts instead of the ones above. Let's save the changes. And now we will select the default font (supporting Cyrillic) with some size (better standard).

This will change our Canvas (like the Font Fingerprint, by the way).

As I said in the last article - you need to have a set of fonts, randomly install some of them before starting a new virtual machine, for example. I will add some thoughts - it is necessary to install the most popular fonts (and have a set of the most popular fonts). Since when pulling using JS, the site pulls the installed fonts according to its internal list (that is, it may not detect your overseas fonts and your fingerprint will be similar to the past). He can pull out the entire list only with the help of Flash, which has been disabled for a long time.

What I was talking about. Canvas Protection fizzles out and the alternative solution is better in this regard.

Adblock fires, it's natural, BUT ESPECIALLY a non-standard and repetitive set of block lists will fire. The way out is not to use Adblock, or not to touch it in any way, so as not to differ from a group of people.

A huge set for the selection of any working / non-working parameters on the machine. What can you say? When an account is banned on a virtual machine and you did not demolish the Windows or clean everything thoroughly, it is possible that this set remained and will give you its fingerprint on the next account. That is, do not install unnecessary drivers like the KLite Media Codec Pack. Of course, you do not need to peer at each stage, but compare, for interest, what values you have on the host and virtual machines for Modernizr.video.h264 and, for example, Modernizr.jpeg2000 and Modernizr.jpegxr. On the host machine, h264 is probably true , but on virtual machines it is not. And the values from jpeg both there and there are false. This is quite a normal thing, but if there is something unusual and for a long time, this will again make an unfavorable imprint on you in the eyes of anti-fraud systems. You should not cling to this, as to one of the moments of the ban, but with a chain of values where the drain will occur - this will play more negatively than vice versa.

Select More Tools next and I will explain some of the options:
Firefox Resources Reader is not up-to-date, as it was drained on older versions of Firefox. The drain consisted in the fact that Firefox gave out that it was Firefox and merged some data hashes that were stored in its JS files.
ClientRects Fingerprinting - The method of fighting is exactly the same as with Canvas . That is, changing the default font in Mozilla.
CSS Media Queries - Should be different on different virtual machines.
Social Media Login Detection is one of the most interesting things in this article as I haven't seen any thoughts about it anywhere. As you will notice, the site will determine on your machine which of the social networks you are logged into. And, for sure, Facebook will do the same before your registration. How unpleasant it will be for him to be your very first social network in which you will be registered, do you agree? Save this list to yourself and each time before registering register for any of them randomly.

I use a separate site audiofingerprint.openwpm.com for the audio print. As I said above, to change it, you need to play around in the installed Virtual Audio Cable program . To check your fingerprint, click Fingerprint me! and see.

How can I check my safety?
There are several resources out there that use the same data collection methods, but show you the weak points in your settings. By visiting such sites, you can clearly see how likely it is that you are identified on the network:
You can check your browser for disclosure here: https://browserleaks.com/
And this site from American human rights defenders will allow you to analyze your anonymity on the web: https://panopticlick.eff.org/
Another good resource showing exactly what flaws can compromise your anonymity on the network and how anti-fraud systems respond to these anomalies: https://www.whoer.net/
Are you still reading and are not crazy about all these methods of collecting your personal information? It means that you are with us on the way and you take care of yourself and your safety. So we will definitely tell you how to protect yourself.
Take care of yourself and remember: safety comes first. Do not be lazy and set everything up correctly.
You have been fucked, fucked and will be fucked. The state, hackers, bureaucrats. It is impossible to stop this swinger party. But I will teach you how to protect yourself.
I will show and tell you something that Hacker magazine does not write about and that other channels do not tell or simply do not know. Find here a selection of the best cybersecurity articles and videos. Everything from Wi-Fi audits to auto openings (in case you've lost your keys). And also hot news with author's comments.


Reaction score
Virtual machines allow you to experiment with a different OS without having to install it on physical hardware. For example, this is a great way to get acquainted with Linux and see it in action. When the user finishes exploring the guest OS, they can simply delete the VM.

A virtual machine is indeed completely virtual - it doesn't have its own hardware, except for the hard drives that it installs on. In a virtual machine, the guest OS is installed on a virtual hard disk - a large file (~10-30 GB) stored on the user's real hard disk.

Virtualization is quite a complex process, so the guest OS will not be as fast as if the user installed the operating system on real hardware.

There are many different programs for installing a virtual machine - VirtualBox, VMware, Parallels, QEMU, and others.

VirtualBox (Windows / Mac / Linux) is a powerful and, most importantly, free tool. Below you will find instructions for installing the Ubuntu guest OS via VirtualBox.

Download the VirtualBox app for your operating system.

Download the Ubuntu iso image on the official website.

First, you need to install VirtualBox on your computer step by step, following the instructions in the app.


After successful installation of the app, click on the "Create" button.
Then select the guest OS type and enter its name.
The next step is to select the amount of RAM allocated to the guest OS.
Before creating a virtual hard disk, you need to make sure that the real hard disk has enough free memory.
We recommend that you leave the default virtual disk type unchanged.
You need to choose the storage format depending on your own preferences.
Then select the storage folder of the virtual disk and its maximum volume.
The OS icon will appear in the upper-left corner of the VirtualBox app. Select the OS and click "Run”
In the new window, select the path to the iso image of the Ubuntu operating system downloaded from the official website.
After selecting the iso image, click on the "Continue" button.
If the iso image loads correctly, the window will display the Ubuntu OS installer.
By clicking on the "Start Ubuntu" icon, you can immediately start learning the operating system.

Virtual machines have many advantages and are fairly easy to install on your computer.