Lecture: Search for shops, analysis of merchants


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Lecturer: Wiz

(8:06:21 AM) Wiz: Hello everyone, I'm your lecturer today.

(8:06:32 AM) Wiz: Please do not flood during my lecture, write down the questions and at the end of the lecture I will answer your questions.

(8:07:02 AM) Wiz: The topic we're going to cover today is finding shops and what merchants are.

(8:07:18 AM) Wiz: You all know what a shop is - it's an online store with goods, services or services that interest you.

(8:07:35 AM) Wiz: But our lecture will be about how you can find the right shop for working with it and how to determine the merchand that processes payments on this site, find out if it suits you for work, your material and skills .

(8:08:04 AM) Wiz: Merchant account - an account for accepting payments by credit card, bank or other means through an online payment on the site.

(8:08:20 AM) Wiz: individuals or legal entities are registered in the merchant account to open an account, which is then used to receive payments on the Internet.

(8:08:29 AM) Wiz: Do not confuse with a payment aggregator !!!

(8:08:36 AM) Wiz: Now let's move on from terms to shopping.

(8:08:53 AM) Wiz: Remember that just with search queries - the words you type in any search engine in the query string, for example: buy apple iphone 11, or buy macbook pro, or buy Gucci jeans.

(8:09:03 AM) Wiz: You won’t be able to find the right site right away, since you have to shovel dozens or hundreds of pages. Since the front pages of search engines will always be shopping giants, like BestBuy, Amazon, Seers, etc. You can work with them, but there you need a completely different approach and experience. It’s impossible to get the first SS and hit 10k dollars, don’t try.

(8:09:12 AM) Wiz: What are we going to do?

(8:09:19 AM) Wiz: I’ll tell you that there are really many options.

(8:09:26 AM) Wiz: Conventionally, they can be divided into two types:

(8:09:32 AM) Wiz: Type # 1 is SEO optimized queries:

(8:10:07 AM) Wiz: 1. You can search for shops using seo-optimization resources, one of the sites of the desired subject. Seo optimization is a set of measures for internal and external website optimization, for promoting it in search engines. Accordingly, the higher the site’s position in the search engine, the greater the traffic, and accordingly, higher-frequency queries are used to promote it.

(8:10:20 AM) Wiz: For example: at the request of Gucci jeans google gives the following picture. http://prntscr.com/gpqxsz, for example, take the 5th site: http://prntscr.com/gpqxig

(8:10:30 AM) Wiz: Go to the site, find any necessary category (in this case, skinny jeans) and right-click on a free field in the browser field.

(8:10:47 AM) Wiz: We need the line View Page Source http://prntscr.com/gpqy48 - click on it, we get this: http://prntscr.com/gpqyez - we see, in the meta name line - registered requests for which this page is moving

(8:11:17 AM) Wiz: All we have to do is compile the queries with our own and go look for it more precisely, for example: if you make such a request “clothes shop + inurl: super slim jeans” then Google will give out http://prntscr.com/gpqzqh

(8:11:35 AM) Wiz: 2. Shops can also be searched through the “query operators”, which can be found in more detail here https://sites.google.com/site/tilromen/poleznoe/kak-pravilno-sostavit-poiskovoj-zapros-google, and even better to study them on SEO forums, there are a lot of interesting things to find there.

(8:11:55 AM) Wiz: As an example, I’ll give the following query statement: clothes shop + inurl: e-gift - gives us a list of shops that have the phrase e-gift in the link, or “clothes totes egift” - Double quotes allow find only the expression that they contain.

(8:12:02 AM) Wiz: 3. Alexa

(8:12:08 AM) Wiz: A very handy tool for finding shops or what is Alexa and why is it needed?


(8:12:37 AM) Wiz: the Wikipedia site for all sites on the Internet, yes believe me.

She conducts statistics, audits and creates reports on sites.

In the paid version, you can order an audit of your site here and it will tell you what can be improved.

(8:12:50 AM) Wiz: But we are interested in something else - this is the top chart of sites. Yes, as there is a top chart of songs on the radio, here on Alex, you put on a top list of sites.

(8:13:00 AM) Wiz: The question is, why?

(8:14:22 AM) Wiz: I’ll answer that so you can find a shop for yourself and our shops are not in the top, but somewhere in the middle or slightly lower. Since fraud is usually weaker on them, but manual checks of orders are often found, there are fewer orders, and therefore fewer fraud attempts, etc.


Here are the search filters, where you can select by country, the specifics of shop goods, etc.

(8:15:04 AM) Wiz: 4. Search with the help of the docks

(8:15:13 AM) Wiz: Units have come up with this concept, let’s take a look at the concept of roads and what it is so that we can understand how you can use it in our future work.

(8:15:26 AM) Wiz: DORKI is a list of various specific queries in a search engine used in the process of (downloading from a server) site databases.

(8:15:36 AM) Wiz: in other words, a request to a search engine, in response to which the system will give a list of pages of sites whose address contains this same DORC.

(8:18:25 AM) Wiz: It is most often used for hacking - hacking databases using SQL injection into site databases through certain vulnerabilities of template sites or sites based on the designer, the public system.

(8:18:33 AM) Wiz: Crackers use databases from so many dorks, although sometimes they squeeze all Juice (juices) from any one, information about which (a hole on the site) was bought somewhere. Special programs search for pages matching search engines in search engines and write them to a file.

(8:19:34 AM) Wiz: Next, the cracker, by another program, scans the database of the received sites for vulnerabilities, as a result of which he finds a couple of (or maybe a dozen) leaky sites from which he then downloads the database (passwords from accounts, e -mail` and so on).

(8:19:39 AM) Wiz: Where to get them?

(8:19:48 AM) Wiz: You can do nothing complicated yourself, a lot of videos on YouTube. You can buy ready-made but do not advise.

(8:20:00 AM) Wiz: Simple Request Example

site: carder.market intext: bestblog

site: carder.market - search only on the site carder.market

intext: bestblog - search for "bestblog" only in the text of the document.

(8:20:35 AM) Wiz: Dorki is a certain type of vulnerability that you create, then drop the dumper in sql to merge the base with either MAIL; HASH or MAIL: PASSWORD

(8:20:44 AM) Wiz: And in our case, we just use it to search for shops

(8:21:00 AM) Wiz: Type No. 2 - auctions, markets, thematic forums, forums with reviews about goods and shops, etc.

(8:21:57 AM) Wiz: 1. Shops can also be searched through Ebay, but not everyone has their own sites, you need to search. Just go to the product we are interested in and see the seller’s information, if it’s a shop, we’ll see that the page is usually colorful and the seller’s name is like freeshippngshoes, bestshoes, goodwatches, etc. Study carefully

(8:23:33 AM) Wiz: Then we just have to drive this data into Google and go to the shop’s website, if one exists. However, it is not always possible to immediately bypass the antifraud system of the shop, it is sometimes easier to drive into ebay (but more on that in lectures on the brute of Ebay)

(8:24:36 AM) Wiz: 2. Shops can also be searched through Amazon. We go to amazon.com, enter a query in the search bar, for example, SSD. We are interested in the left column http://prntscr.com/dusrr7, go down below, we need the line "Seller" and click "See More" http://prntscr.com/dussij, we will be redirected to the next page http: // prntscr. com / dust0d.

(8:26:49 AM) Wiz: This page lists sellers of products in this category. It remains for us to copy their names and paste into Google, and then by analogy with the previous one.

(8:26:57 AM) Wiz: 3. Shops can also be searched on thematic forums, for example: a forum for young mothers, or a fishing forum. With the right approach and SI - you will be poured a bunch of shops that you will look for a very long time on the Internet.

(8:27:10 AM) Wiz: Thanks to Michelle's young mother - she suggested a great shop with expensive baby carriages and a bespontovaya antifraud system. The shop unfortunately closed, and the strollers arrived in RU)

(8:27:18 AM) Wiz: Shops can be found at http://www.resellerratings.com

(8:27:32 AM) Wiz: The drop down menu has store ratings. There we select browse all stores by category and from the left there will be a menu with categories. We select for example apparel and jewelry. We see "sort by" and click

(8:27:54 AM) Wiz: So we’ll display the lowest rated sites on the first page. But these sites in the section of clothing and bizhi 468 pages. About 70% of them are with a zero rating and about three quarters of those 70% of shops are small, good giving.

(8:28:06 AM) Wiz: Sometimes shops come across, it seems like there is no rating on this site, but in fact the store is big and the hell just sends it.

(8:28:20 AM) Wiz: In fact, there are many ways to find the shops we need, with the right product, but most of the time I use these methods of work. I recommend that you experiment with query operators, as this is the fastest and most convenient way to search for shops.

(8:28:35 AM) Wiz: In my experience, sometimes large stores send much better than small ones, but this is more an exception and direct hands than just luck). Trying to break through all the shops you like.

(8:29:01 AM) Wiz: Sometimes there is also a scam shop, for example, I met one where Iphone 11 cost 399 bucks, so it's better not to beat the mate in such shops, they were created by our colleagues to collect the mat.

(8:29:09 AM) Wiz: Carefully study the shop before driving !!!

read its rules, delivery conditions, communicate with support, etc.

(8:29:18 AM) Wiz: 4.Markets

(8:29:26 AM) Wiz: Searching for shops on the markets is simple, you go to google or any other search engine, but still Google is a giant and many people go there.

(8:29:36 AM) Wiz: First, go only from the ip of the country where you will be looking for goods. Since Google is filtering out shops by country.

(8:29:56 AM) Wiz: For example: I went to google site under ip USA and enter the Xgimi Z6 request

(8:30:03 AM) Wiz: http://prntscr.com/nzvz7r

this is a video projector

(8:30:11 AM) Wiz: We will see the following http://prntscr.com/nzvzr0

(8:30:30 AM) Wiz: You immediately see the block from the sponsors, but this is not our goal, because here there are always top shops, but above we see the Shopping tab, which is what we need. The essence of the search here is through filters, set the necessary requirements and filter out the top shops, we find the suitable option.

(8:30:58 AM) Wiz: Xgimi Z6 came successfully, was ordered from one of the shops on the market. By the way, I really liked it. So go ahead, analyze and try, the main thing is to write everything down, every move.

Especially at the initial stage, this is important, so you will understand what you did wrong or vice versa.

(8:31:09 AM) Wiz: So we come to the second part of our lecture - what is merchandise?

(8:31:20 AM) Wiz: And so again.

(8:32:32 AM) Wiz: Merchant account - an account for accepting payments by credit card, bank or other means through an online payment on the site.

individuals or legal entities are registered in the merchant account to open an account, which is then used to receive payments on the Internet.

(8:32:40 AM) Wiz: To make it easier for you, we’ll talk about the shop, as if we were creating it for ourselves as a lego.

(8:35:07 AM) Wiz: i.e. having created a site, we register our account in the payment system and get a merchant account, the system in which we are registered gives us data for our site, as a rule for the majority of the main site systems (the engines on which the site was created) there are modules (your image, some site engines You are from certain modules, you make the necessary functionality on the site) for such payment systems where you simply enter the data received from the merchant account. And now you have a full-fledged payment gateway on your site.

(8:36:38 AM) Wiz: Payment Gateway - a hardware-software complex that allows you to automate the process of accepting payments online. A payment gateway is developed by a payment system that determines its specification and is responsible for its support.

(8:36:46 AM) Wiz: Usually a payment gateway is divided into several parts:

(8:38:05 AM) Wiz: • form of payment - a page on the seller’s website that contains an HTML form that contains a number of necessary parameters (seller’s identifier, amount and comment of payment). Having activated the form, the buyer is redirected to the payment gateway itself;

(8:38:10 AM) Wiz: • payment page - a page or a set of pages on which the buyer re-sees the purchase data, he is given the opportunity to refuse the payment, log in or select certain options. The actions that must be completed to successfully complete the purchase depend entirely on the payment system;

(8:38:29 AM) Wiz: • payment status pages (“Success URL” and “Fail URL”) - pages on the seller’s website to which the buyer is redirected in case of successful or unsuccessful completion of the payment process;

(8:38:49 AM) Wiz: • payment result page (“Result URL”) - a page on the seller’s website that is called by the payment gateway bot regardless of the buyer’s actions (even if the buyer disconnects after payment and cannot switch to payment status page, payment result page will be called up). The payment result page accepts data on the past payment transaction and it is at this stage that the necessary changes related to this payment should be made.

(8:38:59 AM) Wiz: In addition to the payment systems themselves, where you can create a merchant account, there are also intermediaries - this is an aggregator of payments, therefore at the very beginning I said do not confuse these concepts.

(8:39:05 AM) Wiz: Aggregator (e-commerce) - an e-commerce company engaged in the establishment of multiple agreements with individual payment systems and service providers, as well as with telecom operators to facilitate the process of organizing payment for goods by consumers - through the Internet.

(8:39:22 AM) Wiz: To determine the merch, I most often use the site http://builtwith.com/, - whoever has the opportunity can buy a subscription there for their hard-earned money, it costs 500 bucks a month, don’t even think about scraping - will not work!!!

(8:39:28 AM) Wiz: The easiest ways:

(8:39:37 AM) Wiz: 1) We drive the shop address into the line and on the site itself look in the payment section or in the Terms section, where the payment gateway that processes the payment should be described.

(8:39:46 AM) Wiz: 2) Sometimes the merch is not shown, then you have to look for redirects in the browser http://prntscr.com/o02kzb or, at the time of filling in the details, move the cursor over the data and open the Q element inspector in Firefox or ctrl + shif + I in Google chrome and look for data or when you click pay, you monitor changes

(8:39:56 AM) Wiz: 3) Sometimes you have to beat at random, this also happens. When the code is hidden by another code or functions in the code.

(8:40:07 AM) Wiz: As for the Euro merchants, most often they can be seen during the checkout, that is, when you drive in a card, since most euro shops do not post information about merchandise on the initial pages.

(8:40:23 AM) Wiz: Given the peculiarities of setting up the system in shops, it often happens that shops do not see the full address of the holder, but only see ZIP. Therefore, it is sometimes advisable to take a card under a mid / drop zip, and drive a beat = thorn at their address. Such shops can only be found in tests.

(8:40:47 AM) Wiz: I also recommend taking a roller and punching your favorite shops in small amounts to the holder's address in order to see the movement on the map. Some shops write off money right away, some hold and / or require you to enter the code from the test transes, some write off at the time of sending the pack, so having this information, you can easily choose the mat and method of working with a specific merch

(8:40:59 AM) Wiz: We’ll go over yus in detail in the next lecture, and now I’ll give examples of euro merchants:

(8:41:07 AM) Wiz: 1. SagePay (Saga) - always, every shop likes different types of cards. There is no safebox for amex. SK and USU eats on reset, but not all bins. If the card is included, they are almost always sent. As for air, the same principle.

(8:41:25 AM) Wiz: Stub Hub + virtual pos terminal - very often found on sites that sell tickets for various events. It’s quite difficult to drive in this merch, VBV - always, yus couldn’t cram even once, only EU. Everything is firing, right down to the color of the socks on you, but it's worth it).

(8:41:34 AM) Wiz: 2. BancaSella is one of the great merchants of the WBV. With a bang usa and yuk for dumping. There is a miracle and no war. 100% hit if the trans has passed.

(8:41:45 AM) Wiz: 3. Adyen is also handsome, all countries crawl, there is no safe deposit box, the discovery is in most shops, and this is a sure round of the war. However, even with the entered card, the shop can get to the bottom. As for air / hotels - if the card is included, 100% hit. Book and tickets, keep in your pocket

(8:41:56 AM) Wiz: 4. Bucharoo is a complicated Dutch merch. VBV / Seyfkey, You can drive in and you - but very rarely - rather the exception. However, there are shops with which SI is displayed, you can drive in poses or other mat.

(8:42:07 AM) Wiz: 5. Wirecard - there is no VBV, as well as Amexa in fact, it eats wonderful USS, at least 3 months ago, when I tested it. It happens without the war.

(8:42:13 AM) Wiz: 6. Erstes is the same Wirecard.

(8:42:23 AM) Wiz: 7. SaferPay - vbv, only eu. Sometimes without VBV.

(8:42:32 AM) Wiz: 8. Euro payment service - the usa mat goes well under the reset. Yuk mat eats at least 5k, without any complaints

(8:42:45 AM) Wiz: 9. Zerogrey - he eats everything as before, only give the bean fresher. 99% chance that the first order will need rendering.

If done well (photo and not scan) then success is guaranteed. I advise you to always open an acc in a shop, if the card survives after the first sending - squeeze the maximum from it

(8:42:58 AM) Wiz: 10.PayPal and all his brothers - it’s clear here, I don’t consider, there will be separate lectures at which they will explain everything in much more detail. And of course I will touch on it in more detail in my next lecture.

(8:43:24 AM) Wiz: This lecture is over, with regard to a more detailed analysis of the merchandise and a few chips for me from the merchandise, then everything will be in my next lecture - MERCEDES, creating, setting up and working with them.

(8:43:34 AM) Wiz: Thank you for your attention and can you sign? if you have a question

(8:43:38 AM) Wiz: I’m leaving for 10 minutes, and then I’ll start asking in order.

(9:02:54 AM) Wiz: (8:52:10 AM) macpru: is it adviseable to use usa cards in eu shop? Its your question?

(9:03:17 AM) Wiz: Preferably, I won’t say anything about it) But what is possible - yes. But you need to know in some merchants and where you can. And it turns out with tests.

(9:04:51 AM) bloomberg7: I read in parallel the free methodology and practically doesn’t differ in comments about various merchandises in eu, hasn’t anything really changed?

(9:05:56 AM) Wiz: It’s different in that some shops die, others change merchandise all the time, but the basic approach does not change. Only sometimes it gets tougher or goes to a manual check, but it all depends on the shop

(9:06:10 AM) Rarka_: is it possible to search for shops through a search engine by the name of the merch?

(9:06:21 AM) Wiz: through the dorks

(9:06:33 AM) Wiz: condition is written there

(9:06:48 AM) Revolvervv81: Are there Euro merchas without 3dS? (you can give an example, or how to look for them) I saw on the forum that they were selling such information, is this a divorce?

(9:06:55 AM) Wiz: either google via seo request, wrote out

(9:07:16 AM) Wiz: Revolvervv81: Are there euro merchas without 3dS? (you can give an example, or how to look for them) I saw on the forum that they were selling such information, is this a divorce?

(9:08:07 AM) Wiz: There are, but as I said, everything is constantly changing. In one month, the shop uses for example WorldPay merch, and then it was blocked there or he decided to change the merch and another

(9:08:16 AM) Wiz: only with tests with a roller to do everything and from personal experience

(9:08:35 AM) Wiz: And buy any info through the guarantor on the forum

(9:08:44 AM) Wiz: test and then confirm

(9:11:03 AM) Wiz: Speak on english please

(9:11:37 AM) xevious: when searching for the site. Should i use in vm or isnt that important

(9:12:31 AM) xevious: and after the search and i want to card the website, can i use the cookies from the search?

(9:14:16 AM) Wiz: if you are just looking for stores, then it's not necessary, just search from the ip of that country and from the browser with the necessary language installed. if you are doing cookies for furute payment, it is necessary did from the sphere or a configured browser like as card holder

(9:15:04 AM) bloomberg7: is it possible to use shops that are displayed in advertisements, for example instances, are they not very popular there? How many clothing items can be driven into examples in a shop?

(9:15:04 AM) xevious: no thx

(9:15:10 AM) net23: explain in detail what merch is, didn’t you understand anyway, is it like a payment system ?, like kiwi, Yandex money, etc.?, Is there anything similar in Russia?

(9:15:42 AM) Wiz: Well, there are usually insta shops in Ints, not shops

(9:15:52 AM) Wiz: but if they have websites, then why not

(9:16:08 AM) Wiz: just roll test their merch and find out for yourself

(9:16:10 AM) Wiz: Record

(9:16:30 AM) Wiz: by clothing up to 1000usd

(9:16:40 AM) Wiz: initially no more than 500

(9:16:48 AM) Wiz: then flair comes with experience

(9:18:56 AM) Wiz: Merch is the one who accepts payments. For example, the highest level on cards is merchandise from mastercard and visa companies, below are intermediary companies whose accreditation is to accept payments from cards, that's what we are talking about

(9:19:12 AM) Wiz: Kiwi and Yandex are just examples of such

(9:19:22 AM) net23: ok

(9:20:13 AM) Wiz: there are also aggregators, for example in Russia - a robotic cash desk that offers you to register an account with them and accept up to 20 payment methods, for%. Otia, you can register directly with poison or kiwi, etc.

(9:20:59 AM) MaisWindows: What is Rolka?

(9:21:14 AM) Wiz: This is a card with full access to the online bank. for instance

(9:21:40 AM) Wiz: you have a card with full data on the holder, including a response to MMN or the like

(9:21:57 AM) Wiz: you can go to the bank’s website and try to clear a card

(9:22:04 AM) Wiz: i.e. set up an online bank

(9:22:29 AM) Wiz: if it was not created before you, if it was, then you can zenrolit, i.e. recreate with the same data

(9:22:47 AM) Wiz: if all goes well and all the info comes up, then you get an online bank

(9:22:53 AM) Wiz: see the balance and the transes on the map

(9:23:03 AM) Wiz: hence you will see what the shop did

(9:23:17 AM) Wiz: deducted or only made authorization of the amount

(9:23:31 AM) Wiz: or asked for minicrafts for the shipyard and asked you what

(9:23:49 AM) Wiz: and you answered him, therefore your order will go through 90%

(9:24:14 AM) xevious: is it better to buy hacked accounts / logs for carding the big websites or should you beter create your won one?

(9:25:25 AM) Wiz: At the beginning of work, it is better to use your logs and look for shops there and try to change addresses or send them to the hold of postal shipment

(9:25:46 AM) Kto-to: who pays for everything in the end?

(9:26:26 AM) Kto-to: merch, bank, shop

(9:26:30 AM) Wiz: How often does Holdr then submit to an unauthorized trance and he is refunded, pays the shop

(9:26:45 AM) Wiz: but situations are different

(9:26:54 AM) Wiz: but 80% is a shop

(9:27:08 AM) Kto-to: what does an unauthorized trance mean

(9:27:10 AM) Rarka_: not a lot off topic, you can change the bill in the rollers, which means the bill can be made by drop and everything is in chocolate

(9:27:42 AM) Wiz: no, in most cases now you can’t change the beat in roll

(9:27:51 AM) Wiz: but there are map beans that allow

(9:28:00 AM) Wiz: either in the online bank, by dialing

(9:28:10 AM) Wiz: Kto-to: what does an unauthorized trance mean

(9:28:49 AM) Wiz: this is when a holder writes a statement to the bank that he didn’t make such a payment and the bank starts an investigation and then withdraws money from the merchandise, and the merchand hangs the debt for the shop

(9:29:12 AM) Wiz: Theme for reviews, I will be grateful for your reviews

If you have any questions, write to the jabber [email protected]

(9:29:18 AM) Wiz: but better in PM

(9:29:26 AM) Wiz: that's it for today, thank you all

(9:29:32 AM) bloomberg7: and another important question for me, I live in Europe, is it dangerous for me to work on my eu cards? Why do you recommend testing with rollers, because you can test without enroll?

(9:30:39 AM) Wiz: there’s a separate conversation, but there is always danger. You need to secure yourself maximally with the PC settings for work. Enroll I already wrote what is needed and what are the advantages, but this is in the USA. By eu rollers can rarely be created
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Carding Education 2021​

Lecture - "Searching for shops and Merchants"

Lecturer: hoseramires

[19:04:35] <hoseramires> Well, let's start, please do not flood, write down the questions that arise - we will discuss the latter !!!

[19:05:03] <hoseramires> Divide the lecture into 2 parts, the volume of material will be large!

[19:05:17] <hoseramires> Part 1 - Finding shops.

[19:05:24] <hoseramires> Part 2 - Merch analysis.

[19:05:48] <hoseramires> You all know what a shop is - an online store with goods, services or services that interest you.

[19:06:09] <hoseramires> Our lecture will be about how you find the right shop to work with and how to identify the merchandise that processes payments on this site, find out if it is right for you for the job, your material and skills.

[19:06:28] <hoseramires> First, I'll tell you what merch is, as many people don't know it.

[19:06:49] <hoseramires> Merchant account - an account for accepting payments by bank cards, bank or other means through online payment on the site.

[19:07:03] <hoseramires> individuals or legal entities are registered in a merchant account to open an account, which is then used to receive payments on the Internet.

[19:07:35] <hoseramires> Don't confuse with a payment aggregator !!!

[19:07:50] <hoseramires> Now let's move on from terms to finding shops.

[19:08:11] <hoseramires> Remember, just search queries - words that you enter in any search engine into a query string, for example: buy apple iphone 11, or buy macbook pro, or buy Gucci jeans.

[19:08:42] <hoseramires> you will not be able to find a suitable site right away, as you have to browse through tens or hundreds of pages. Since on the first pages of search engines there will always be giants like BestBuy, Amazon, Seers and so on. You can work with them, but they need a completely different approach and experience. You won't be able to take the first SS you come across and drive in for 10k dollars, don't try.

[19:09:13] <hoseramires> What are we going to do?

[19:09:30] <hoseramires> I'll tell you that there are actually many options.

[19:09:40] <hoseramires> Conventionally, they can be divided into two types:

[19:09:56] <hoseramires> Type # 1 is seo optimized queries:

[19:10:19] <hoseramires> 1. You can search for shops using SEO-optimization resources of one of the sites of the desired subject. Seo optimization is a set of measures for internal and external website optimization, for its promotion in search engines. Accordingly, the higher the position of the site in the search engine, the more traffic, and accordingly, higher-frequency queries are used to promote it.

[19:10:38] <hoseramires> For example: on request for Gucci jeans, Google returns the following picture. https://prnt.sc/vsc7do

[19:10:54] <hoseramires> let's take the last site on the first page of the search site as an example: http: //prnt.sc/vsc97g

[19:11:20] <hoseramires> Go to the site, find any category you need (in this case, skinny jeans) and right-click on a free field in the browser field.

[19:11:46] <hoseramires> We need the View Page Source line http://prntscr.com/gpqy48 - click on it, we get this:

[19:12:05] <hoseramires> http://prnt.sc/vscdaf - we see, in the meta name line - the requests for which this page is being promoted are written

[19:12:25] <hoseramires> All we have to do is compile requests with our own and go to search more pointwise, for example: if you make such a request "clothes shop + inurl: Straight Slim Fit Jeans", then Google will return http: // prnt. sc / vscg6o

[19:13:00] <hoseramires> 2. Shops can also be searched through "query operators", about which you can read in more detail here https://sites.google.com/site/tilromen/poleznoe/kak-pravilno- sostavit-poiskovoj-zapros-google, and even better to study them on seo forums, there is a lot of interesting things to find there.

[19:13:26] <hoseramires> As an example, I will give the following query operator: clothes shop + inurl: e-gift - will give us a list of shops that have the phrase e-gift in the link, or "clothes totes egift" - Double quotes allow find only the expression that they contain.

[19:13:45] <hoseramires> 3. Alexa

[19:14:09] <hoseramires> A very handy tool for finding shops. What is Alexa and why is it needed?

[19:14:17] <hoseramires> https://www.alexa.com/

[19:14:34] <hoseramires> analogs: similarweb.com, similarsites.com, semrush.com - you can also specify Gucci and go down 10-15 levels of similarity. So there are also options to look for technically similar shops to the shop that allows you to drive well (I myself use them in another industry at all).

[19:14:58] <hoseramires> This is the wikipedia of all sites on the internet!

[19:15:20] <hoseramires> It maintains statistics, audits and reports on sites.

[19:15:39] <hoseramires> In the paid version, here you can order an audit of your site and she will tell you what can be improved.

[19:16:06] <hoseramires> But we are interested in something else - this is the top chart sites. Yes, as there is a top song chart on the radio, here on Alex, you put on a top list of sites.

[19:16:28] <hoseramires> The question arises, why?

[19:17:05] <hoseramires> My answer is that this way you can find yourself a shop and our shops should not be in the top, but somewhere in the middle or a little lower. Since, as a rule, fraud is weaker on them, but manual verification of orders is often encountered, there are fewer orders, and therefore there were fewer attempts to cheat, etc.

[19:18:13] <hoseramires> https://www.alexa.com/topsites

[19:18:25] <hoseramires> at this link you can see the top sites

[19:20:01] <hoseramires> https://www.alexa.com/popular-articles/online-shopping this is the link for online shops- what we need- take a look

[19:20:15] <hoseramires> 4. Search using tracks

[19:20:25] <hoseramires> Units have encountered this concept, let's break down a little the very concept of dorocs and what it is so that we can understand how you can use it in your future work.

[19:20:40] <hoseramires> DORKI is a list of various specific queries to the search engine used in the process of (downloading from the server) the site databases.

[19:20:55] <hoseramires> in other words, a request to a search engine, in response to which the system will return a list of pages of sites, the address of which contains this same DORK.

[19:21:21] <hoseramires> Crackers use bases from many dorks, although sometimes they squeeze all the Juice (juices) out of one, information about which (a hole on the site) was bought somewhere. Special programs search the search engines for pages matching the tracks and write them to a file.

[19:21:43] <hoseramires> Next, the cracker scans the database of the obtained sites for vulnerabilities with another program, as a result of which he finds a couple (or maybe a dozen) holey sites from which he then pumps out the database (passwords from accounts, e -mail, etc.).

[19:22:05] <hoseramires> Where can I get them?

You can do nothing complicated yourself, a lot of videos on YouTube. You can buy ready-made but I do not recommend

[19:22:16] <hoseramires> Simple Request Example

[19:22:34] <hoseramires> site:carder.market intext: bestblog

site:carder.market - search only on the site carder.market

intext: bestblog - Searches for "bestblog" in the text of the document only.

[19:23:07] <hoseramires> And in our case, we just use it to find shops

[19:23:37] <hoseramires> Doors are a vulnerability of a certain type that you create, then you throw a dumper into sql to drain the database either MAIL; HASH or MAIL: PASSWORD

[19:25:07] <hoseramires> Type # 2 - auctions, markets, thematic forums, forums with reviews about goods and shops, etc.

[19:25:17] <hoseramires> 1. Shops can also be searched through Ebay, but not everyone has their own sites, you need to search. It is enough just to go to the product we are interested in and look at the information about the seller, if this is a shop, we will see that usually the page is colorfully framed, and the seller's name is like: freeshippngshoes, bestshoes, goodwatches, etc. Study carefully

[19:25:37] <hoseramires> Next, we just need to drive this data into Google and go to the shop's website, if one exists. However, it is not always possible to immediately bypass the antifraud system of the shop, sometimes it is easier to drive it into the ebay (but more on this at the lectures on brut Ebay)

[19:26:03] <hoseramires> 2. Shops can also be searched through Amazon. We go to amazon.com, enter a query in the search bar, for example SSD. We are interested in the left column http://prntscr.com/dusrr7, go down below, we need the line "Seller" and click "See More" http://prntscr.com/dussij, we will be redirected to the next page http: // prntscr. com / dust0d.

[19:26:29] <hoseramires> This page lists sellers of products in this category. We just need to copy their names and paste them into Google, and then, by analogy with the previous one.

[19:26:48] <hoseramires> 3. You can also search for shops on thematic forums, for example: a forum for young mothers, or a fishing forum. With the right approach and SI - you will be merged with a bunch of shops that you will be looking for on the Internet for a very long time.

[19:27:13] <hoseramires> Thanks to young mother Michelle - she suggested a great shop with expensive baby strollers and a non-pontoon anti-fraud system. The shop unfortunately closed, and the strollers arrived at RU)

[19:27:39] <hoseramires> Shops can be searched at http://www.resellerratings.com

[19:29:09] <hoseramires> Above the store category dropdown menu. There we select browse stores by category and on the left there will be a menu with categories. For example, choose apparel and jewelry. We see "sort by" and click

[19:29:42] <hoseramires> This will display the lowest rated sites on the first page. But there are 468 pages of these sites in the clothing and jewelry section. About 70% of them are rated zero, and about three quarters of those 70% are small, good givers.

[19:29:57] <hoseramires> In fact, there are many ways to find the shops we need, with the right product, but these are the methods I use most often. I recommend that you experiment with query operators, as this is the fastest and most convenient way to search for shops.

[19:30:20] <hoseramires> In my experience, sometimes large stores send much better than small ones, but this is more an exception and straight hands than just luck). You need to try to break through all the shops you like.

[19:30:51] <hoseramires> Sometimes it happens that a scammer shop comes across, for example, I met one where Iphone 11 cost 399 bucks, so it's better not to use mate in such shops, they were created by our colleagues to collect mate.

[19:31:09] <hoseramires> Carefully study the shop before driving !!!

[19:31:22] <hoseramires> read its rules, terms of delivery, communicate with support, etc.

[19:31:46] <hoseramires> 4. Markets

[19:32:04] <hoseramires> Searching for shops in the markets is simple, you go to google or any other search engine, but still Google is a giant and many are striving there.

[19:32:27] <hoseramires> First, log in only from the ip of the country where you will be looking for the product. Since Google weeds out shops by country.

[19:32:43] <hoseramires> For example: I went under the ip USA to the Google website and enter the request Xgimi Z6

[19:32:53] <hoseramires> http://prntscr.com/nzvz7r

[19:33:08] <hoseramires> is a video projector

[19:33:21] <hoseramires> We will see the following http://prntscr.com/nzvzr0

[19:33:43] <hoseramires> Immediately you see a block from sponsors, but this is not our goal, because there are always top shops, but above we see the Shopping tab, which is what we need. The essence of the search here is due to filters, we set the necessary requirements and filter out the top shops, find a suitable option.

[19:34:08] <hoseramires> Xgimi Z6 came successfully, was ordered from one of the shops on the market. By the way, I really liked it. So dare, analyze and try, the main thing is to write everything down, every move.

[19:34:23] <hoseramires> Especially at the initial stage, this is important, so you will understand what you did wrong or vice versa.

[19:35:14] <hoseramires> Excel table with all sources- site- map- link to product- when inserted- result and so on .... Must Have

[19:35:45] <hoseramires> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++

[19:35:56] <hoseramires> Now we come to the second part of our lecture - what is merchie?

[19:36:04] <hoseramires> And so, again.

[19:36:19] <hoseramires> Merchant account - an account for accepting payments by bank cards, bank or other means through online payment on the site.

[19:36:37] <hoseramires> individuals or legal entities are registered in a merchant account to open an account, which is then used to receive payments on the Internet.

[19:37:30] <hoseramires> To make it clearer, we will talk about the shop, as if we are creating it as a Lego for ourselves.

[19:38:22] <hoseramires> Ie having created a site, we register our account in the payment system and get a merchant account, the system in which we registered gives us data for our site, as a rule, for most of the main site systems (the engines on which the site was created) there are modules (their image, some site engines You are from certain modules, make the necessary functionality on the site) for such payment systems, where you simply enter the data received from the merchant account. And now you have a full-fledged payment gateway on your website.

[19:38:53] <hoseramires> Payment gateway is a hardware and software complex that automates the process of accepting payments online. The payment gateway is developed by the payment system, which defines its specification and is responsible for its support.

[19:39:12] <hoseramires> Usually the payment gateway is divided into several parts:

[19:39:32] <hoseramires> • payment form - a page on the merchant's website that contains an HTML form that contains a number of necessary parameters (merchant ID, payment amount and comment). By activating the form, the buyer is redirected to the payment gateway itself;

[19:40:03] <hoseramires> • payment page - a page or set of pages on which the buyer re-sees the purchase data, he is given the opportunity to refuse payment, log in or select certain options. The steps that must be taken to successfully complete the purchase depend entirely on the payment system;

[19:40:23] <hoseramires> • payment status pages ("Success URL" and "Fail URL") - pages on the merchant's website to which the buyer is redirected in case of successful or unsuccessful completion of the payment process;

[19:41:02] <hoseramires> • payment result page ("Result URL") - a page on the merchant's website that is called by the payment gateway bot regardless of the buyer's actions (even if the buyer loses connection after payment and cannot go to the payment status page, the payment result page will be called). The payment result page receives data on the past payment transaction, and it is at this stage that the necessary changes related to this payment should be made.

[19:41:31] <hoseramires> In addition to the payment systems themselves, where you can create a merchant account, there are also intermediaries - this is a payment aggregator, so at the very beginning I said do not confuse these concepts.

[19:41:59] <hoseramires> Aggregator (e-commerce) is an e-commerce company that establishes multiple agreements with individual payment systems and service providers, as well as with telecom operators to facilitate the process of organizing consumer payments for goods - through the Internet.

[19:42:51] <hoseramires> Sometimes it is easier for some to make an account here than in many payment systems, but believe me, this is not the case. Here everyone can block at once, when only the one where you stumbled is blocked in the payment systems, while others will work. And sometimes there are stricter requirements for reg, for example Braintree.

[19:43:51] <hoseramires> To determine the merch, I most often use the site http://builtwith.com/ - whoever has the opportunity can buy a subscription there for their hard-earned money, it costs 500 bucks a month, it won't work! !!

[19:44:08] <hoseramires> The simplest ways:

[19:44:30] <hoseramires> 1) We drive the shop address into the line and on the site itself, look in the payment section or in the Terms section, where the payment gateway that processes the payment should be described.

[19:44:56] <hoseramires> 2) Sometimes the merch is not shown, then you have to look for redirects in the browser http://prntscr.com/o02kzb or at the time of filling in the details, hover the cursor over the data and open it in the inspector of the Q element in Firefox or ctrl + shif + I in Google chrome and look for data or when you press pay - track changes

[19:45:24] <hoseramires> 3) Sometimes you have to hit at random, this also happens. When the code is hidden by other code or functions in the code.

[19:45:38] <hoseramires> As for euro merchandise, most often they can be seen during a checkout, that is, when you are already driving in a card, since most euro shops do not post information about merch on the home pages.

[19:46:06] <hoseramires> Taking into account the peculiarities of configuring the system in shops, it often happens that shops do not see the full address of the holder, but only see the ZIP. Therefore, sometimes it is advisable to take a card for a zip in the middle / drop, and drive a beat = thorn into their address. Such shops can only be found by tests.

[19:46:41] <hoseramires> I also recommend taking a video and punching your favorite shops for small amounts to the holder's address in order to see the movements on the map. Some shops write off money immediately, some hold and / or require you to enter a code from a test tranza, some write off at the time of sending the pack, so having this information, you can easily choose a mat and a method of working with a specific merchandise

[19:46:56] <hoseramires> We will go over yusa in detail in the next lecture, and now I will give examples of euro merch:

[19:47:19] <hoseramires> 1. SagePay (Saga) - vbv always, each shop loves different types of cards. There is no safe for amex. YUK and YUSU eats by discharge, but not all bins. If the card is entered, it is almost always sent. With regard to air, the principle is the same.

[19:47:56] <hoseramires> Stub Hub + virtual pos terminal - very often found on sites that sell tickets for all kinds of events. It is quite difficult to drive in this merch, EBV is always, Yusu has not been able to cram it even once, only EU. Fires everything down to the color of the socks on you, but it's worth it).

[19:48:26] <hoseramires> 2. BancaSella is one of the great vbv merchs. With a bang yusa and yuk under the discharge. There is a miracle and there is no vbv. 100% hit if the tranza passed.

[19:48:51] <hoseramires> 3. Adyen is also a handsome man, all countries climb, there is no safekeeping, there is a discover in most shops, and this is a true bypass of the VBV. However, even with the included map, the shop can get to the bottom. As for air / hotels - if the card is entered, 100% hit. Reservation and tickets, count in your pocket

[19:49:37] <hoseramires> 4. Bucharoo is a complex Dutch merch. VBV / Safekei, You can also drive in with a yusoy - but extremely rarely - rather an exception. However, there are shops with which, having shown SI, you can drive in a yusu or other ey mat.

[19:50:14] <hoseramires> 5. Wirecard - no vbv, like amex practically, YUSU eats wonderful food, at least 3 months ago, when I tested it. It also happens without a vbv.

[19:50:32] <hoseramires> 6. Erstes - the same Wirecard.

[19:50:48] <hoseramires> 7. SaferPay - wbw, ey only. Sometimes without vbv.

[19:51:07] <hoseramires> 8. Euro payment service - the yusa mat goes well for dumping. Yuk Mat eats at least 5k, without any complaints

[19:51:22] <hoseramires> 9. Zerogrey - as before eats everything, only serve fresh bins. 99% chance that the first order will need rendering.

[19:51:51] <hoseramires> If done well (photo, not scan) success is guaranteed. I advise you to always start an account in the shop, if the card survives after the first sending, squeeze the maximum out of it

[19:52:18] <hoseramires> 10.PayPal and all his brothers - here it is clear, I don’t consider, there will be separate lectures in which they will explain everything to you in much more detail.

[19:53:04] <hoseramires> This concludes this lecture, as for a more detailed analysis of merchs and a few tricks on merch, then everything will be in one of the next lecture - Merchie, creating, configuring and working with them.

[19:53:28] <hoseramires> Thank you for your attention and can you post a sign? if you have a question

[19:53:39] <hoseramires> I'm going to leave for 10 minutes, after which I'll start asking in order.

[19:56:31] <AK-Baks> sorry for the questions

1.Why do I need a renderer?

2 Are there any examples of where to find a good renderer.

[19:57:18] <hoseramires> 1 to draw the document you need in Photoshop - passport - rights

2 our forum has a bunch of suggestions

[19:57:26] <blazhkin> If a shop with a bad rating among ordinary US buyers: long delivery, poor customer support, a lot of spam, low-quality goods, etc., then most likely such shops will have poor protection and will be easier drive in? Does it make sense to target low-rated shops that do not follow their reputation?

[19:58:45] <hoseramires> there is a twofold situation - less fraud - easier to drive in - but maybe they check everything with pens and can reject the order, you need to take shops slightly below average - not at the very end

[19:58:53] <IB $ integral> 1. Do I understand correctly that conceptually you can make your own merch acc. And the trick is that there is no antifraud shop, and only antifraud merchandise remains?

2. Looking at the list of merchs. Almost everywhere vbv. And we, for most of the bins, cannot reset it (vbv) as far as I understand. So what to do then?) Just some kind of dissonance arose

[20:00:18] <hoseramires> 1. there is both, but it is interconnected, one does not work without the other

2. everything is correct, such a mate is worth its weight in gold - you find and beat while it gives - there is no other way

[20:00:24] <blazhkin> hoseramires: if there is a manual check, will there most likely always be a failure? why? with manual verification, I will not be able to prove that I am what I am not?))

[20:00:33] <Izolentna> I know it was mentioned in another thread but ... how to bypass 3d at all?

[20:00:52] <Izolentna> Already answered

[20:00:55] <Izolentna> Didn't see, litter

[20:01:45] <hoseramires> blazhkin: no, this is not always a refusal, but this is no longer on the machine, it’s one thing when you prove nothing, and another when you prove anything))

[20:01:50] <hoseramires> the difference is

[20:02:35] <goldenbaum> A question about the stripe for euro shops. Everywhere I read that the stripe is dead. They don't even try to drive into him?

[20:03:56] <hoseramires> goldenbaum: very capricious, I would not climb, but he continues to give - the system works - ordinary people send

[20:04:03] <dat_user1> How will the course end, can I write to you?

In a month, two

If you need help from a pro))

[20:04:25] <hoseramires> dat_user1: of course anyone can write - it's very difficult without support

[20:05:00] <hoseramires> guys if there are no questions, thank you all !!!!

[20:05:07] <hoseramires> answered everything?

[20:05:13] <hoseramires> or else he missed

[20:06:38] <hoseramires> everyone dispersed)

[20:06:48] <hoseramires> Good luck to everyone !!!!!

[20:07:23] <blazhkin> Mediums are large offices that send goods to the desired country, to which the shop does not send directly. So the shops should know exactly what they are all about? If so, then 99% of driving will not work, since through the eyes of a shop I pay with a yusa card in the middle, so that later this product will go to another country?

[20:08:39] <hoseramires> blazhkin: you think correctly, but no, you can hit in the middle, let's say you want to send to your father in Russia, they don't send a direct message from the shop, you send it through the middle

[20:08:47] <IB $ integral> And how to find shops that check mini deposits? there is some kind of query operator for google

[20:09:30] <Koba787> in aleska, within free frames, can we check shops or do we have to pay $ 149?

[20:09:58] <hoseramires> IB $ integral: no, there is no such thing, minikis cannot be pierced by searching in Google - just try

[20:10:00] <blazhkin> hoseramires: but in such situations, will there be more attention from the store and there will be more problems when driving in the middle?

[20:10:31] <hoseramires> blazhkin: many factors affect - address is not the most critical factor

[20:10:57] <hoseramires> Koba787: free to search

[20:11:16] <blazhkin> hoseramires: got it. OK. I will understand further. thanks :)

[20:11:19] <hoseramires> all guys - see you soon !!!


Reaction score
Learning how to Google correctly

1. Logic.

As in any programming language, there are special logical operators in The Google language:

| - or

& - and

+ - hard search only for this word (if you search for the iPhone 12, then we will display information for both the second and third films. Enter the iPhone +12 and get info only on the first iPhone.

"..."- will search for words in quotation marks only in the order in which you wrote them. ("convalia field" and convalia field will give very different results. Compare it yourself.)

Unknown word in the phrase. If you don't know part of the phrase, replace it with '*' and Google will find it. For Example, Gul'*, Friedrich *.

- - the 'Not' operator. Removes all pages with the search query combination and the word after '-'. Enter iPhone shop UK.

~ - searches for synonyms of words.

For example, a book about ~stone transformations.

.. - range

For example, buy a car for $1000..$1700

2. Functions

site: site.com

Site search site.com


Copy site.com from the cache


Searches for files with the '.xxx'extension


This operator allows you to see all pages that link to site.com. So, the request is link:www.google.com returns pages that contain links to google.com.

For example:
Friends link:www.shoplife.ru
allintitle: keyword

If you start the query with the allintitle operator, which translates to "everything in the title", then Google will display texts where all the query words are contained in the headers (inside the title tag in HTML).

For example:
allintitle: iPhone 12 pro
allintitle: e-gift cards

Shows pages where only the word immediately following the intitle statement is included in the title, while all other query words can be found anywhere in the text. If you put an intitle statement before each word of the query, this is equivalent to using the allintitle statement.

For example:
Intitle programs: store
intitle: store intitle: e-gifts

If the request starts with the allinurl operator, then the search is limited to those documents where all the query words are contained only in the page address, i.e. in the url.

For example:
allinurl:iPhone 12 pro
allinurl:e-gifts store

The word that is located directly together with the inurl operator will be found only in the address of an Internet page, and the rest of the words will be found anywhere on such a page.

For example:
inurl:e-gifts store
inurl:e-gifts shop

This operator describes pages that are "similar" to site.com. So, the request is related:www.google.com returns pages with a similar theme to Google.

For example:

This operator acts as a kind of explanatory dictionary that allows you to quickly get a definition of the word that is entered after the operator.

For example:
define: Kangaroo
define: Motherboard