Leaked Chainalysis Video Reveals Way to Track XMR


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A leaked video from analytics firm Chainalysis has suggested that transactions for the privacy cryptocurrency Monero (XMR) can be traced.

• Video:

Probably, the company uploaded the video by mistake and quickly deleted it. However, users downloaded and reuploaded the material to YouTube.

According to the description, the video was recorded back in August 2023.

Earlier, footage from the video appeared in a thread dedicated to Monero on Reddit. The author of the post, nicknamed _It_, claims that the leaked video demonstrates how Chainalysis has been tracking XMR transactions since 2021 through its own "malicious" nodes on the network.

According to the video instruction, Chainalysis runs a large number of nodes from different geographical locations and uses multiple ISPs to capture transaction IP addresses and timestamps.

This method potentially reduces the privacy of Monero and allows you to track the location of wallets that have interacted with the "malicious" node.


XMR tracking methodology from Chainalysis video

Back in 2020, the US Internal Revenue Service selected Chainalysis and Integra FEC to develop a solution that can track transactions on the Monero network.

Recall that in January 2024, the National Bureau of Investigation of Finland reported that it was able to track down XMRs associated with hacker Julius Kivimäki.