Krivoy Rog police exposed two accomplices in fraud


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Employees of police department No. 3 of the Krivoy Rog district police department established that the suspects posted information about the sale of goods on one of the advertisement sites on the Internet. A mandatory condition of sale was partial or full subscription to a bank card. After receiving money on their cards, the attackers cut off contact with potential buyers.

Law enforcement officers, together with cyber police, established that two local residents aged 32 and 36 years were involved in fraudulent activities. The amount of damage caused by the accomplices is about 100 thousand hryvnia.

On December 19, with the involvement of force support from the special police regiment, 5 authorized searches were carried out at the places of residence of the men, as well as in their cars. As a result of investigative actions, the following were discovered and seized: bank cards of various financial institutions, mobile phones, SIM cards, laptops, flash drives, modems, notebooks and cash.

The issue of informing men of suspicion of committing a criminal offense under Part 1 of Article 190 (fraud) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and choosing a preventive measure is now being resolved.

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