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---------- Сообщение добавлено в 15:26 ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 15:25 ----------

чуваши про скам только в этом году от меня прознали :D


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Letter 1

Hello my new friend Han!!! I want to tell to you a little about myself. I work In hospital. I the pediatrist. I have the high medical education. I specialities the expert in pediatrics. You love children? I very much to like my work. My working hours from 8:30 till 18:30 . As you already know, me of 29 years. I was never married and I do not have children. Unfortunately I have no computer and therefore I shall write letters from the Internet of cafe. I hope that it will not prevent our dialogue. … I live in Russia, in city Volgograd. … Your friend Maria

Letter 2

Hello Han!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was glad to see your letter. Your letters became the important part in a life for me. At us today fine warm weather. The sun shines. The breeze blows. I very much love such weather. And I went today on a beach. As I was in a sports hall. So well that we on work had a short day. Because in Russia now holidays. I try to go to a sports hall and pool 3 times a week. And on a beach I go simply because I like to sunbathe. And you like to sunbathe?

I would like to ask you Han You like to prepare? Or you prefer to go to restaurant or cafe? I like to prepare. But I do it seldom because I work. Food mum also cooks. I love different food. But most of all I prefer vitamins. That is fresh vegetables and fruit. As I love sea gifts. Such as shrimps. I like beaters and a land. And we sometimes with friends go to the Japanese restaurant. And what food is preferred by you? What your favourite dish? I probably have set to you many questions. But it is interesting to me to know about you all. And consequently I ask each trifle. I hope that you will answer all my questions. I will wait for your answer. Yours always Maria.

Letter 3

Hello Han! i'm happy have letter from you. How are you today? i was have hard day. i was do so many works today, and i ' m tired. but its not so big problem. Bcs now i'm relax and write to you.

how i was say to you i want find sirios relation. But I understand what to find them very difficult. I consider, that all needs time. And the more so for relations. How you think? For me it is important in relations honesty, an openness, respect and certainly love. For me it is important, that the man would understand me. For me mutual understanding is important. When to me it is bad, that it would support me. I would like to spend with the man time together. I mean, that I would like to visit with it cinema, restaurants. But as I would like to prepare, be engaged in together house affairs. Know I would like to kiss the man, to embrace him, to give it the love. I like that that to do for my favourite. I like to surprise each time it (in good sense of a word). I do not love when to me say lies. I do not understand why the person says lies in this or that situation. As I can not forgive change. I consider what not correctly to change. What for then in general then to build relations if the person changes. It is very interesting to me to know, what you think of it? You would like the same that wanted by me. I with impatience will wait for your answer. Yours faithfully Maria

Letter 4

Hello Han!!! How are you! I'm ok. I only go from work. Also has decided to write you the letter at once. What then not to come back in the cafe Internet. Today again there was very intense day. And I am a little tired. But we with friends have agreed in the evening to go to park to walk. Because in the street so it is good. The sun and very warmly shines. I very much like to walk in such weather on park. And what you did? As there has passed your day.

I would like to tell to you about that as well as where I like to have a rest. 3 years ago I was in Sochi. You heard about Sochi. In 2014 in this city there will pass Olympic games. And all Russia waits for this event. Very much it was pleasant to me in this city. There such beautiful places. There beautiful mountains and there the sea. We walked on a beach and sunbathed. I liked to hear noise of waves. It is such pleasant noise. I very much love the sea, but seldom it turns out to be on it. And as mountains beautifully look. Their tops leave for clouds. It cannot be described words. It is necessary to see this beauty. But very much it was pleasant to me. You would would like that once in the future we together went on the sea? Listened to noise of waves and spoke. Tell as you like to spend your holiday? As it is interesting to me to know and this moment of your life. On it I will possibly finish the letter. I will wait your answer. Sincerely yours Maria.

Letter 5

Hello Han!!! I was glad to receive your letter. At us today excellent weather. The sun shines and the cool breeze blows. Therefore not so hot. In such weather it is very good to do walks on park. And I right after the cafe Internet will go to walk. I very much love summer. Because it is possible to take a walk and pleasure in fresh air and the nature. And in the winter I very seldom walk. If only sometimes I leave for a city, for this purpose what to drive on skis. And you like to ski. It so is amusing It very funny. But when, I only studied, certainly I have fallen. And mine The girlfriend has helped me with it. The same as I and to it. As a whole not Gift, something, it is difficult, only it is necessary for some time What to study it. But if you not in a condition, I can help you with it. As You look at it? I think, that I the good teacher, and I hope, that you The good pupil.

Han, I wish to tell, that I am happy to receive your letters. Today I send you the seventh letter. You represent, we are already familiar Week. I hope, that our dialogue will be positive. And I am glad, It I have such friend as you. Also I hope, that you as are happy. I with The impatience will look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours Maria

Letter 6

Hi my friend! I hope, that at you all OK! It was pleasant for me to read your message and thank for your words. I send you other picture, probably to those pictures which you already saw, you got used. I hope, that This picture will give again to you good emotions. Today my work is finished earlier and I, having written to you this letter, I shall prepare for a dinner for my family. Mine to mum is sick a little and today to me to prepare for it. By the way, dear, what foodstuffs is loved for you? That you prefer; sweets, meat, a fish? Inform me it. I am able to consult not bad on to kitchen, my mum cared of it many years back. You can be convinced of it, in due time. I easily make various salads, soups, and also game and a fish. In the greater degree I prefer a fish, and also to me very much to like fruit; kivi, bananas, pineapples and a melon. Today houses I shall prepare for the chinese hen and vegetable salad. Probably you Han, love the tasty foodstuffs. We have proverb; " the way to heart of the man - passes through his stomach! " I was many times convinced of it when observed of my father. Therefore Han, I shall reach to your heart with the help of my culinary abilities. It is a joke!!! Now I go on kitchen . I hope, that mine the daddy will be pleased. I wait for your messages! My kisses.
Yours Maria.

Letter 7

Hi my dear Han! I am glad again to speak with you! By the way, yesterday I had quite good evening with my friends. We reached in one club also there were there some hours. First we had the good supper and some glasses of champagne, then played balling Also danced. Impressions have remained good, only when I saw , as some my girlfriends danced and kissed the men - I had small envy to them. I thought of you and represented for itself, what you beside Han. That you too embrace me and whisper to me on an ear gentle words. And you Han, when see around the in love pairs people, - that recollect me? As frequently you with the friends reach in any bar or club? When you are in these places girls frequently try to get acquainted with you? To me very much frequently men approach and try to begin acquaintance, but I at once I help them to understand, that with me these things to fail. Han, I frequently I think above your messages and I understand, that you it is serious concerning me. I too do not look at our dialogue as on an entertainment, and I write you some very personal words and things, as to the close person. And I want to tell to you Han, that I am glad, that at me is such the person - as you! I wait for your messages and I think of you. Mine to you gentle Kisses! Yours Maria

Well I will give to you as my data
Maria Pharhulina
Russia, Volgograd
Street Kostjuchenko 23-34

Letter 8

Hi my dear Han! I am glad to speak to you again. Thank you for your mails.
I am glad that our relations go on and we become closer together. I tell about you about to my relatives and friends. They hope that one day they get aquainted with you. They insist on it especially my parents do. :) I told them that you are very serious and good person. You know that parents are always worry about their children and they wish them only good things. My dad always takes me to go fishing with him. Now he is very happy and says that at last he has a person to go fishing with. He means you. I laught at him because I symply don't know whether you like it or not. And what about you? Have you already said to your relatives about me or not? What do they think of it? Inform me please about it. Have you any plans concerning our relations?I think it will be great to spend some time together, isn't it? To learn each other better. Probably next month we can meet :) For example in Europe or in other place. Please, understand me, I cannot invite you, because I live with my parents and don't have private appartment. I would like to be alone with you, tet-a-tet, touch you. Oh, it's my dream.
Let's discuss it, sweety. I wait for your letters. Thousands of kisses to you.
Your Maria. adress
Russia, Volgograd
Street Kostjuchenko 23-34
Maria Pharhulina

Letter 9

Hi my lovely Han! I am glad to see yours e-mail. to me pleasantly to learn , that you support idea to meet and also wish me to see and to spend with me time. I think, that in our following messages we can discuss in more detail our meeting and establish time and a place for this purpose. I want to tell to you dear, that it is very pleasant, for the woman to be convinced that exist the man which waits her also wants to hold in the hands. Such idea influences opinions women and her behaviour. Therefore thank you Han, that you have given me to feel it. And what you have ideas and imaginations about that day, when you will meet me? Inform me please it. Dear, at me there is a plenty of ideas, how we can to spend together our time. Also I shall be going for you some surprises and I think, that you will be pleased it. I shall be to inform you Han, about some ideas in the following messages . But you should know, that when you will be in my hands it is not fast you can get out of my embraces. I now shall not write about those things by which I shall make with you, but you will remember for a long time it !!! Now I finish the letter. I shall wait for your messages . My gentle kisses! Yours Maria.

P.S.For me there is no value our age difference. You the fine person.
And this most important thing.

Letter 10

Hi mine dear Han! Have good day! I am glad, that my messages pleasant for you. How you feel yourself , dear? I - ok. I a little excited, and yesterday I hardly fell asleep. I was grasped with an idea about to our meeting. For me and I have this joyful event from it much emotions. Such as excitement both the big impatience and expectation of this day . You have brought the whole sea of emotions in my life Han, and it is difficult for me with it to consult, but I can tell, that it pleasantly and gave me new push and the purpose for life. I think, lovely, that it is necessary for us to arrange our meeting so that there were no difficulties and inconveniences in our affairs. I can arrange on my work, that to have some days free for me. Han, and your work will be to allow you to make it? Probably you have the intense schedule with the work also you should be absent. Then we can meet more close from you or even I could arrive to you on some days. For me there is no problem to make longer travel. If such way more convenient for you and my arrival to not create inconvenience for you Han, let's choose this plan. It for me even it is more good, because I can see as you live , your friends, you can show me the city and various, , that you can loved for you, a place. And if for you it is necessary to visit the work. My work not so important also can manage without me, therefore I do not worry about the affairs. Inform me dear, the opinions! If it is a good way for you too I shall make preparations for travel. My kisses and embraces. Yours Maria.

Letter 11

Hi my lovely! It is pleasant for me to read your words. I am glad to learn , that you are ready to accept me in the house. Thank, that you trust me , my dear. Han, I want to tell to you that in the past the message I wanted to check, as far as seriously you treat to me . Forgive for this lovely, but you should understand me. For me was it is very important to know, whether you will agree to accept me in the the house whether or not. If you insisted, that we met somewhere in hotel or in the other place, - that to me should to think, what not you want to play host to me because you have the wife or or you not it is serious enough to me, and you want to meet me for an entertainment. It check - was small precaution. I heard, that many people get acquainted to have only sex with the new person, though in the structure inform, that have serious intentions. Now I am sure in you Han, and I am glad, that you appeared really that the person whom I want to meet! Loved, I with big pleasure, I shall carry out at you some days. These days I shall reach in agency of travel and to receive the information for that , to reach to you the next month. I shall inform you for detail about it in the following e-mail. I wait your messages. I of you adore mine dear Han! My kisses!!! Yours Maria.

Letter 12

Hi my dear! I'm glad to receive your letter, thank you that you understand me! Honey, you are one of the few people in who I can find understanding. How was your day today, Sweety? I hope you are OK? I have some good news for you. Today I had a telephone talk with a travel agent. He said that it's rather difficult to get a visa to your country. But he will try to help me to form it. He didn't tell the details on phone, but we have appointment tomorrow. We'll meet and discuss the question about the visa. I hope, Han, everything will be OK! I' m really very excited about it and have a great desire to see you! Even difficulties and charges of money won't stop me. Write me, Sweety! It'll give me more force and energy! My kisses to you, mine favourite Han!
Your Maria.

Letter 13

Hi my dear! I am glad to your message and thank, that you understand me . You are, one of those few people Han, in which I can find understanding. How has passed your day dear? I hope, that at you all OK! I have some news to you Han. Today I have met the agent travel to learn concerning the visa. he has explained me a situation about reception of the visa to you. Your government has made more strict control over entrance to the country because of terrorism and consequently to receive to you the visa uneasy. But the agency will make it for me. The agent has told, that they recently already received some visas of tourists in your country. I am very glad Han, that we will not have with it big difficulties. I all over again had fears, that the agency cannot it to make or for this purpose very long time will be required. But the agent has told, that the visa will demand from them two or three weeks. Tomorrow I will need to reach in office of agency, to sign there the contract and also we shall decide question on payment of them. Now it is time to me to go lovely to make photos for the visa and to fill in questionnaires for embassy. The agent has told, it should be is prepared tomorrow when I shall come to them to office. I very pleased Han, that now our preparations have begun and through small time we shall be together! Write to me lovely ideas, I wait for your messages. Kiss of you!!! Yours Maria.

Letter 14

Hello my dear Han. I do not know about what you speak. System of the international monetary transfers the Western Union the most reliable in the world. And never money there vanished. The travel agency will not accept money directly from you. Because at payment I should put the signature. For this purpose what to do a transfer through the Western Union, you should go itself there darling Han. I hope that you will make it. I will give to you a copy of my contract. And I hope that tomorrow or today you will make all that is necessary. And I can pay my travel to you. I will wait for your answer. And I very much hope that at you all to turn out. Yours always Maria.

Letter 15

Hi my dear Han. I was glad to receive your letter. Thanks for that that has helped our meeting. Today I have not had time to descend in the Western Union. But tomorrow I promise that I will go there in the morning and at once after to receive money I will go to travel agency. And I will inform you exact date of my arrival in the evening. The darling I would like to specify the exact size of a transfer. Because this information as is necessary in the Western Union. The darling I very much wait for our meeting. I so am glad, that we soon will together. I will wait for your answer. Yours always Maria.

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 03:50 ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 03:49 ----------

Letter 16

My darling Han I was glad to receive your letter. What for you create new difficulties. I will bring back to you your money. And I not to spend from them cent. And if to do the invitation that I have already paid all will simply be gone. That is it will be necessary to do again the visa. To do other tickets. Or you have ceased to trust me Han? I already in Moscow and all that it is necessary to pass it customs July, 20th and to sit down in the plane. Darling Han give we will make so, that I already would be on July, 20th at you and your son wrote to me, that he as waits for me on July, 20th. You can ask it itself. The darling give we will make as now it is necessary. You will help once again. And all on July, 20th we will be together. And happens nothing with your money. I am direct in the airport I will give them to you and all. I very much love you and I hope that you will arrive so. I will wait for your answer. Yours always Maria.

Letter 17

Darling Han, I at all do not understand you. I as the idiot sit in Moscow. At first you speak that I can not worry and you will help my arrival. And then you sharply change the opinion and speak that I am similar on scammers. Also that me will plunder or there will be still that that and money will be again necessary to me. And you consider that you have not offended me by it. I have already told to you if you do not trust me I go tomorrow I refuse the visa, I cancel tickets and I leave home. You can arrive itself, I will give you your money because they are not necessary to me. And I would will make it that you did not think that from you money is necessary to me. I have asked for you the help because I love you on the present. And I would want that we were on July, 20th together. I am assured that to you who that has told, that I can simply deceive you. And you have believed to it. But to solve to you. Only you to the son tell as you has offended me. Or I can write itself to it about it. Let knows that his father has for no reason at all offended the girl which loves it. Now it is necessary to you to make a choice. If you still think that I will not arrive to you on July, 20th, tomorrow I refuse the visa and I leave home. And as I come back to work what to earn that money which you has given to me. Maria.

Letter 18

Darling Han and you think as itself I feel? I have arrived in Moscow with such mood that we will be together on Tuesday. You speak that as will arrive home, at once will help to solve last problem which have arisen at us. And trace you say, that you do not trust me. Also that I deceive you. Why you have solved that you will not see me? I spend last money which at me is, only to write to you. To cause you by phone. And you suspect it any woman will go? And you simply to spit. To me now so it is lonely in Moscow. I thought that the day after tomorrow a meeting you. And you why have solved that that I can deceive you. Who has inspired you such thought? I so much time tried to prove to you, that I do not lie and I will not lie to you. And here you unexpectedly have returned all by that moment when we only have got acquainted. I now simply to cry in front of the computer. You have broken to me heart, you have caused me such pain. I did not think that you can so to arrive with me. Maria

Letter 19

You now speak nonsense. Simply there is such connection as dynamical IP the address. That is it has no attachment to what that to a concrete place. If you such clever why itself could not ask whom that? Wi Fi the Internet - you heard about it. It cheaper but is connected to that aerial which will give less connections. And then it will show a city to which the aerial it is connected. You simply would search for the reason what to accuse me. You can well do it. And I give tomorrow the visa and tickets and I go home. To me has bothered to suffer your insults. Then as soon as at me 400 euros I will send them to you through the Western Union. I not to wish to suffer the insult which I have not deserved. And I am going to write the letter to your son. Let he knows precisely as you offended me. And let you know what actually.

Letter 20

I did not play with you. I only have written you that that have explained to me. I do not know as all it works. The system has name WCDMA. It that that similar as Wi-Fi but works on distance. In general to me has bothered to prove that that to you. I leave home. I some times would come what to write today to you. Because I very much miss. But each time only saw you accuse me of lie. If and tomorrow will be as I will make as has told. And then I will send you back money or I will give them to you when you will arrive to Volgograd. But I will not suffer any insults more. I have a pride. And I will not begin to be humiliated more and to ask you about what that. You have not wanted to believe to me and to help our meeting of 20 numbers. Let will be so. But do not think that when you will arrive to Volgograd that I will run for you. As I have already told at me there is a pride. And I will find than to be engaged. And you will wait for me instead of I will listen to insults and reproaches. Maria.

Letter 21

Han the darling I have reserved flight. Now all depends only on you my darling. If you again decide to offend me I any more will not write to you words. Because I have born only for the sake of so much what to be with you. I hope that you will have time to make a transfer before my flight. Otherwise again it will turn out nothing. Here data of my flight you can check up all.

Moscow (MOW) - Amsterdam (AMS)
Czech Airlines
Flight OK4903
The house-keeper a class
Departure: July, 22nd 2010 11:30, Sheremetyevo Arpt
Arrival: July, 22nd 2010 12:10, Ruzyne Arpt
Flight with change, a city of change Prague (PRG)
Czech Airlines
Flight OK622
The house-keeper a class
Departure: July, 22nd 2010 14:15, Ruzyne Arpt
Arrival: July, 22nd 2010 15:45, Schiphol Arpt

Time in a way: 6:15 m.
Now I will wait for your answer. Yours always Maria.

Letter 22

Han the darling, I ask you to descend simply in office of the western union and all. Also do of their office just as last time a transfer on my name. If you yet have not forgotten that my name Maria Pharhulina. And tomorrow the darling we already will be together. There is no other variant More. The darling I beg you do not do to me more painfully. I to wish to be tomorrow together with you. I very much love you. Yours Maria.

Letter 23

Han the darling, thanks that you trust me. Forgive for all that I have told to you earlier. But I see that this misunderstanding only has strengthened our feelings and tomorrow we will be together. I am happy. Now I would will rise in number in hotel for this purpose what to collect things. And I am happy that we will together tomorrow. As I will inform my mum. Because she very much worried all these days. I very much love you. One million kiss. Yours always Maria.

Letter 24

My darling Han. Many thanks to you for the help. I to receive money tomorrow because already late. And then it is direct from the western union I will go to the airport. And when there will be in the airport I will write to you my darling. I love you and I will wait for our meeting. Yours always Maria.

Letter 25

Han my darling certainly I understand that you now feel. You think I lie to you. But it not so. I have already forgotten about this credit. After all I thought that my aunt has paid all completely. You can arrive itself. I will not begin to object to it. It will be simply insulting, that we so have much made for the sake of this meeting. And all will end so. The darling if you will decide to arrive, at me to you such question. You will take with yourself the son? Because I very much would wish to get acquainted with it as. And still I hope that ? you can quickly arrive, yet have not begun confiscation of my property. Which at cost will be equivalent a debt under the credit. It will be approximately in 2-3 days. I very much hope that you will have time to arrive. I will not begin to ask from you money. Because you so have already made much for this purpose, that we would be together. I very much love you. And I think that I will wait for you in Moscow. And if they take away all that belongs to me, I as to inform you on it. I love you and I will wait for your answer. Yours always Maria.

Letter 26

In Moscow I am in hotel near to the airport. It is called "Airhotel" certainly residing at it not cheaply. Cost makes 75 euros a day. But I hope that you can arrive in 2-3 days. And then you will see that I had an unexpected problem. And than more likely we will solve it. That earlier we can go to you. I love you the darling. Forgive that we today not together. And I cannot embrace and kiss you. I at all did not begin to change flight date for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Because I know that to me will be no place to take 1000 euros for these days. I wait for you my darling. Yours always Maria

Letter 27

Han the darling certainly I to meet you. I now will go and I will try to prolong my number in hotel. It is a pity that you will not arrive earlier. Because my things which will confiscate can sell. And there there are things very expensive to me. One of which this wedding ring. It very ancient also is transferred in our family. I at first wished to take it with myself to you. But has then thought, that the problem at customs can create it. Also has decided while to leave its houses. It very ancient. Also was it is made during the Monarchy in Russia. In 18 century. You do not forget to tell to me an exact times when you will arrive. I love you the darling. I very tired and will go to number. Yours always Maria.

Letter 28

Han favourite mine. I so understand that you will help me to solve today this problem? I mean now I can go and book to myself the ticket for flight to you? I ask you to answer this question. If you to tell yes I at once to go to the airport and after to give to you data on my start to you. And I already precisely know, that this time anybody and nothing will prevent me to be with you the darling wash. I love you and I will wait for your answer. Yours always Maria.

Letter 29

The darling I necessarily will arrive. I am grateful to you for all that you would do for this purpose that we were together the darling. I descended in the airport and have booked tickets.

Moscow (MOW) - Amsterdam (AMS)
Czech Airlines
Flight OK893
The house-keeper a class
Departure: July, 25th 2010 14:45, the Sheremetyevo Arpt
Arrival: July, 25th 2010 15:40, Ruzyne Arpt
Flight with change, a city of change Prague (PRG)
Czech Airlines
Flight OK618
The house-keeper a class
Departure: July, 25th 2010 17:05, Ruzyne Arpt
Arrival: July, 25th 2010 18:40, Schiphol Arpt

Time in a way: 5:55 hours.
You should not be followed me. After all I will follow you though on a world's end. I very much love you. Also I regret that has created to you so much difficulties. I will wait for your answer. Yours always Maria.

Letter 30

Han only do not forget that I at first should solve a problem with the credit. Only it stirs to my arrival to you favourite mine. And we should solve it today or tomorrow. Because in revival I already should sit down in the plane. And thus to solve what there was no problem. I very much love you. Transfer to the son that I will be in revival. I very much to wish to get acquainted and with it as. I will always wait for news yours Maria.

Letter 31

Han I said to you, that the debts under the credit make 1000 euros. And I have no need to remain illegally. After all I will be at you 3 months. Then we will issue the visa of the bride. It operates 1 year. And all that to us will be necessary to marry it. And then I can leave never from you. And I wish to be always with you the darling wash. I very much love you Han. Your wife Maria.

Letter 31

Han my darling big to you thanks. I am very glad that I have you. And I never will make so, that you would be disappointed in me. You do all for us with you. And I am very glad that we will together the day after tomorrow. This time already precisely we will together. I feel today the happiest in the world. And it because I love you. And I wait our meeting the darling. I so strongly worry. I will wait for your answer in the evening. Yours Maria.

Letter 31

Han my darling. Thanks for that that has gained me with this credit. I have paid a debt. And the day after tomorrow nothing will prevent us to be together. I very much love you. Tell to the son that we soon will together. Yours always Maria.

Letter 31

Hello my love!!!
How are you?
At me all is good.
How weather at you?
At us weather today simply magic, because today at us in city very warmly,
And consequently such weather very much is pleasant to me.
I very much love warm weather because I like warm weather.
At us in city brightly the sun today shines, the warm wind blows.
And consequently it is very pleasant for me to feel a touch of a warm wind
On my person.
This touch of a wind reminds me a touch of your hands
To my person, and to my hair.
I very much would like to feel a touch of your hands to my person, and to my hair.
I very much would want it.
You would like it, my love?
Many young people of our city go on park.
At us in city young couples walk on park.
They embrace, kiss.
I too very much would like to feel your kisses, and yours of caress.
My mum asked me that I transferred you
Big and ardent greetings, and also the most strong embraces.
Accept and from me my most sincere wishes, my most sincere
And passionate air kisses, and also my hottest and ardent embraces.
You would like to feel my passionate kisses, and my passionate embraces
From my loving heart?
I ??????? feeling your passionate kisses and hot embraces.
What you think in this occasion?
I very much miss under your letters.
I very much want, that you wrote to me each day about the love to me.
And now my time has approached to the end, and it is time to me to leave.
I leave with ideas on you, my love.
Remember, that I love you, my charm.
I shall wait for your letters, my love.
Yours Maria!!!


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ошибок многовато достаточно простых. с антискама нарезал )))


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Нет знакомый человечик делал ))) сразу видно что промт, но они у него в принципе неплохо прокатили


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шаблонов море щас а толковых мало и все при себе их держат. Так что вперед товарищи - учить инглиш и писать мелким почерком)
а насчет ситуации в банке в чебах так это многие разводят на проценты...если вы поддались их схеме то вы уже не скамер)))
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Главное дело не в шаблонах, а в том как с чуваками общаться. Шаблоны тоже играют роль, но уже давно прошло то время, когда только по шаблонам без ответов на вопросы сразу посылали деньги.
Я уже несколько лет сижу на одних и тех же шаблонах, изредка их корректирую и дорабатываю. Меняется постоянно только первое письмо. И я бы не сказал, что шаблоны гениальные... Обычные письма, с рассказами о себе и мыслями об отношениях.
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Больше внимания уделяйте тому как проходит ваш день на работе, на отдыхе в зависимости от того в какой день приходит письмо. не надо писать расплывчатые письма и тогда вам будет счастье)


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Грамотность шаблонов это 90% успеха.
Шаблоны должны быть составлены так, чтобы в каждом из них мужик узнавал что то новое о тебе, не важно работа или отдых. Отношения не должны развиваться быстро. Сделайте сначала план, как будет проходить весь процесс развода, затем напишите шаблоны по плану, если у самих не получается, то лучше конечно заказать. Но девочки пишут шаблоны значительно хуже, чем парни. Объясню почему, а все потому что "ты" работаешь с мужчиной и знаешь, что нужно мужчине от женщины, поэтому в этом плане легче давить на эмоции. Девочки пишут шаблоны слишком сопливо и неинтересно (проверено на личном опыте). Так, что если есть маза, то лучше писать все самому.
Mr.Medved, что ты имеешь ввиду под расплывчатостью?


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расплывчатость это значит что о себе ты пишешь сликом много ненужной информации. Пендосов как правило больше интересует твое настоящее из прошлого из могут только интересовать прежние отношения. о них можно упомянуть как то вскользь в начале переписки типа очень неприятно вспоминать и привести пример почему. Таких привером в жизни хватает, поэтому это сделать не сложно. И так же освободит от многих ненужных вопросов


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ты пару шаблонов пропустил!


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Чебоксары на первом потому что с Йошки все едут туда снимать))))


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Вчера было сообщение, что Чебоксары первое место по скаму занимают.
Я на него и написал ответ. Но то сообщение удалили и я остался в дураках)))) Всё больше не буду флудить)


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Не Чебоксары, а Канаш (Чувашия) на первом месте, у нас самые лучшие программисты!!


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Блеать!!! Название темы читайте! Затерли бы оффтопы эти если случайно набили.