Karma of carding


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Hello my carders!

What do you think about and do you think about anything at all when something happens to you? Getting into certain incidents, when it would seem that fate itself took you away from your chosen road to a safe one, or vice versa, everything worked out and went precisely to the point of going through a difficult and confusing path. Have you ever analyzed why this happens? Why is everything going well for some, while for others every day there are accidents?

When a person finds himself in situations related to carding and fraud, the first question he has is: why is this happening to me? At this moment he is in a victim state, I think before this moment he was in this state, because for some reason this situation happened. Probably, the person was a victim, did not live his own life, went where he shouldn’t and got what he wanted: he became a tasty morsel for carders and played out his role for the mistakes of the past.

Why does a person fall into fraudulent carding schemes? Why does one become either a carder or a victim? Obviously, such cases do not happen so easily and this is hello from past incarnations. In a past life, a person himself was engaged in fraud and in this life the Soul from whom he stole something in the past takes away from him. This is the answer if you live honestly and don’t understand why this happened to you.

But there are also cases that occur as retribution for real life, when a person himself is not clean and steals in one place and loses in another, not realizing that the bill has arrived, for example, for a book stolen ten years ago from a bookstore... .

Everything in this life, if you understand and realize it, is quite simply arranged and every action requires energy exchange. A man who steals a girl’s time, her good attitude, and gives nothing in return, later receives a similar attitude and complains that they only want money from him. Over the course of his life, each person accumulates a fairly large layer of various meannesses, which he does not notice and forgets, but the Higher Powers remember everything and bring everyone to justice, with the difference only in the degree of retribution.

No one has ever canceled the Boomerang principle and a person loses until he repays the debt in full.

By committing carding, theft, fraud and intentional harm, the Universe will issue a bill, where a person, not having time to pay in this Incarnation, will pay in the next either with health, or with the loss of money or property, or Fate will deprive him of his loved ones and he will definitely feel deceived by which he once did to someone else.

When stealing, one should not forget about responsibility before the law, and not just according to karma. Theft was never encouraged and it was not for nothing that in ancient times hands were cut off for such acts - karma arrives in different ways. If fate often tests your honesty, you should think about it.

Therefore, it is always better to remember that everything comes back and by living the truth you receive it and vice versa. Until next time.

(c) https://dzen.ru/a/Y6d0bt1VZx3smh5T