Is app cloner okay for changing IMEI, Android id and device I'd?


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I have recently started seeing some threads on this forum saying one must have some apps like IMEI changer, phone id changer, android I'd changer e.t.c but I saw a post on YouTube giving out an easy way to have it all done. Do you think it is okay?
Below is the YouTube video link


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How to change IMEI on Android? How to change Device ID on Android?
Changing the IMEI number or Device ID on an Android device is not a good idea, however, sometimes it is simply necessary.
As you know, IMEI is used to track the location of a mobile device. Therefore, if you lose your smartphone, chances are that you will never find it again.
Conversely, if you need to disable tracking of your smartphone so that no one can find it, then you need to change the IMEI number, serial number, Device ID, Donkeyguard number, UDID.

Let's find out why you need to change IMEI on your Android device.

Reasons to change IMEI on Android
  1. Make Android device "invisible".
  2. Fix the bug with invalid IMEI number.
  3. Reset, update, or repair your mobile device.
  4. Get a unique device identifier (Device ID).
We will tell you about a unique method to change IMEI on an Android device (including a tablet). You can use the device with or without ROOT access.

How to find IMEI number or Device ID on Android:
If you want to find out the IMEI number or Device ID of your Android device, follow these instructions:
  1. To find out the IMEI number of your device, just dial * # 06 #.
  2. To find out the Device ID, dial * # * # 8255 # * # *. Another way to find out the Device ID is to go to the following address: Menu> Settings> About phone> Status.

How to change IMEI on Android:
  1. First, dial the following code on your Android device: * # 7465625 # or * # * # 3646633 # * # *.
  2. Now select the "CDS information" option
  3. Then click on "Radio information".
  4. If your Android device has a slot for two SIM cards, then you will get two parameters, for example, IMEI _1 [SIM1] and IMEI _2 [SIM2]. Select one of them to change the IMEI number.
  5. You can change Android IMEI as shown below. Just replace IMEI1 or IMEI2 with any number, then press SEND.
AT + EGMR = 1.7, ” IMEI_1 ” and “AT + EGMR = 1.10,” IMEI_2

How to change Device ID on Android
The device ID on Android can be changed with or without ROOT access.

Change Device ID on Android with Root rights
  1. First you need to get Root rights for your Android device.
  2. After that, download and install Device ID changer.
  3. Follow the instructions that the app prompts.
  4. After changing the Device ID, you need to reboot the device.

Change Device ID on Android without Root rights
  1. First, back up your Android device.
  2. Go to Settings, Backup and Factory data reset.
  3. Then click on the "Reset Data" button.
  4. After a factory reset, you will receive a new and unique device ID.
Please note that using this method, you will delete all data on your smartphone or tablet, including messages, contacts, applications, photos, etc. This is why we recommend making a backup of your device.

That's all! As you can see, changing IMEI to Android is not that difficult, and Device ID is even easier!

Chamelephon: changing IMEI quickly and easily
If you have a smartphone on the MediaTek 65XX platform, then this free app is just for you. By the way, there are a lot of smartphones on MediaTek in the budget segment, and they are the ones that most often need to be restored or changed IMEI. An old smartphone will need to be configured for ROOT.

The program works with the help of standard tools and services, it does not hack anything. It's just that changing the device ID will be much easier and faster with the program. Generation of the number in random order, but all the necessary characters will be correct (the first two digits and the last). The new IMEI is written to MP0-B001-NEW, and the standard system library is called. Next, the program writes data to MP0B_001 for which superuser or administrator rights are needed.

If the smartphone is quite old and only supports one SIM card, then in the random code generation menu, press everything as it is, if it gives an error, then we delete all the numbers in the field of the second SIM card that you do not have. By default, the program itself sees everything, and you do not need to delete anything, just one IMEI will be overwritten. Before changing the IMEI, make sure that it is legal to do this in your country, otherwise questions from law enforcement agencies may arise.

Change the IMEI of the phone
In the next series of articles, we will touch on the issue of changing the IMEI of various devices where it is present. As a rule, these are mobile phones and 3G modems.
We want to warn you right away that these materials are not a call to action. In some countries, these manipulations are prohibited by law. They can also harm your mobile device.

Let's start with the theory - what is IMEI?
IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) is an international mobile equipment identifier, a number (usually 15-digit decimal), unique for each GSM and UMTS mobile phone. The phone model and origin are described by the first 8 digits of the IMEI (the so-called TAC / Type Allocation Code). The rest is the serial number with a check number at the end.
  • IMEI Installed at the factory during manufacture and serves to identify the device on the network.
  • It is stored in the firmware of the device, as a rule, it is written on the packaging, in the warranty card, and also under the battery of the mobile phone.
  • Plays the role of the serial number of the device.
  • It is broadcast when logged in to the network.
IMEI is used to track devices and to block stolen phones at the level of a mobile operator (believe me - in harsh Russia this is a myth, I know from personal experience, of course you will get your phone - but if you have connections with the FSB, although it is doubtful that they will come from - for one phone).

The determination accuracy, according to various sources, ranges from several tens of meters to several meters. Therefore, for special services or law enforcement agencies, if necessary, calculating the location of a person with a mobile phone turned on does not pose any particular problems (this is so that you know that if you screw it up, then you will be found and inserted).
Do not forget that changing IMEI in some countries is criminally punishable (In general, before going somewhere I recommend to be realistic and read the criminal code).

Lost to the point
Is it possible to change the IMEI? Can.
Technical aspects of changing IMEI depend on the model of the device. In some models (most old phones and devices of Asian-Chinese production), changing the IMEI is quite easy - a special program and a phone-to-computer cable are enough.

In other models, in order to completely change the IMEI, it is necessary to replace with new parts of the electronic components of the phone (processor chips, flash memory, or controller), and then re-program the device's flash memory. Some models allow a "partial" IMEI change, in which the phone software is modified (a patch is installed to the firmware) so that it sends the correct IMEI number to the base station, and not the one programmed in the phone's hardware. In case of an "incomplete" IMEI change, the original IMEI value will be restored after updating the phone software. We will not consider the legal aspects.
However, I want to note that in real judicial practice there were both facts of indictments with the imposition of sentences in the form of three years of suspended imprisonment, and the closure of cases due to the lack of corpus delicti. Depending on the country, the maximum sentences for committing such crimes are quite tough - up to 5-8 years in prison.

Since I have a Samsung phone, then the models of this company will be examined (I will add descriptions to others later, but since the alcohol content in blood is off scale today, then ... a little later) To change the firmware (and change the IMEI), we will need a service cable (a data cable is often included in the kit, which is not suitable for such purposes). I will say right away that the procedure for changing IMEI is similar on many phones.

For work we need:
  1. the device itself
  2. correct firmware
  3. firmware cable and necessary software.
I hasten to please you - everything related to software - everything can be found on specialized forums. Don't be lazy.
Before you start, you must be clear about what you are doing. Attention! Power should not be turned off until the end of the procedure. Therefore, it is better to sew from a laptop with a fully charged battery. Otherwise, the problems can be very serious (and imagine that half of the operation and the lights are turned off and ... the mobile will be RIP).
Let's look at the example of Samsung IMEI changer.
I deliberately do not post this software (and do not knock on PM) - it can be found on the Internet (but check on the virusstotal!). Make sure the software works with your model!

0. (Programmers have a score from 0!). Now we carefully read the procedure 10 times !!
1.Run the program test.exe
2.In the opened window of the GSM Phone Test Program V1.0 click the Download button
3.The WTDN RAM Downloader window will open
4. Press the Open button and from the TEST directory open the file corresponding to your phone model.
Example: for the N500 model, you need to open the N500.axf file
(As I said, you need to search for these files in advance, and only for your model).
5. Click the Line Settings button and set the following values in the Comport Line Settings window that opens:
Baud Rate: 115200 (this is the port speed)
Data Bits: 8
Stop Bits: 1
Parity: None
Port: Com1 (attention - the com port number to which the cable and phone are connected!).
7. Click OK to close the settings window.
8. Make sure the cable is connected to the phone and click the Start button.
9. The boot process takes about 10 seconds (depending on the model and capabilities of your computer).
10. After the download is complete, the program will display the message “Downloading operation finished”.
11. Click OK, the WTDN RAM Downloader window will automatically close and a menu for selecting further actions will appear.
12. Press the EXIT button to exit the program.
13. Attention! If the menu does not appear, you need to check the connections and repeat all over again. (look for where you made a mistake, may Google come with you!).
14. If you have succeeded up to this point, I congratulate you, young phreakers, now we will not waste time - immediately launch the IMEI.exe program.

16.In the New IMEI line, enter the IMEI number and click the Change IMEI button.
17. If the program displays an error message, it means that either the phone is not connected, or it is not in test mode, or the program does not work with this model.
18. If there is no point 17, then everything is fine

A few recommendations from me:
1. If you are not sure of even the smallest detail - do not do it! It is better to understand and understand than to carry it to the trash heap.
2. This article is for informational purposes only.
3. I am not responsible for your actions - you do it at your own peril and risk! Remember this. If the mobile phone is not cheap - buy an old one, practice will only be a plus.
4. I will replenish the article as far as possible - post reviews of how to sew other models, as well as possibly phone models that are best to deal with, and if there is time left, I will probably touch upon gsm modems.

Outro: Samsung owners (tested on SWIFT platform) can reset their IMEI code on the keyboard * 2767 * 3855 #. But there will be a complete reset - everything will be lost! iMEI will be changed to a standard factory one !!! Do it at your own peril and risk - it will be much more difficult to restore it!