Irkutsk police detained a suspect in a series of frauds


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Employees of the criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Irkutskoe" during a business trip to Moscow detained a suspect in a series of frauds.

"It was previously established that the 33-year-old native of Irkutsk for several years through a popular dating site, as well as in hotels, restaurants and even in a taxi entered into the confidence of young men and girls. By deception under the pretext of allegedly arising difficult life circumstances, he borrowed money from his new acquaintances, and then stopped contacting them. In rare cases, the attacker returned a small part of the debt, after which he stopped fulfilling his obligations," said Irina Volk, an official representative of the Russian Interior Ministry.

The investigator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Irkutskoe" initiated eight criminal cases on the grounds of a crime under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which are combined into one production. The total damage caused by the fraudster's actions is about 8.5 million rubles.

"The suspect was detained by police in an apartment rented by him in an elite residential complex on Minskaya Street in Moscow and taken for questioning to an investigator.

There are grounds to believe that the person involved may be involved in the commission of a number of similar illegal acts. He was given a preventive measure in the form of house arrest. The preliminary investigation continues," Iryna Volk said.

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