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Engineers have successfully transmitted digital information using radiation.


Radio waves and signals from mobile phones are based on electromagnetic radiation, however, specialists from Lancaster University (Great Britain), together with colleagues from the Joseph Stefan Institute (Slovenia), managed to transmit digitally encoded information using so-called fast neutrons (free neutrons, the kinetic energy of which is greater than a certain value, the specific meaning of which depends on the context).

In a study with scientists, they measured the spontaneous fission (a type of radioactive decay of heavy atomic nuclei) of fast neutrons from the artificial radioactive isotope californium-252, which is produced in nuclear reactors.

The specialists sequentially encoded several samples of information (word, alphabet and random numbers chosen at random) into neutron field modulation, and the output signal was decoded on a laptop, which displayed the encoded information on the screen.

The researchers used a double-blind method, in which a number obtained using a random number generator was encoded without prior notice to those who download it, and then transmitted and decoded. All tests were 100% successful.

"We have demonstrated the potential for fast neutron emission as a wireless medium for situations where conventional electromagnetic transmission is either impossible or inherently limited," said Lancaster University professor Malcolm Joyce.

As explained by Joyce, fast neutrons have an advantage over traditional electromagnetic waves, which are noticeably weakened when transmitted through various materials, including metals.

“In some critical scenarios, such as the integrity of the reactor containment and metal chambers and baffles in offshore structures, it is important to minimize the number of penetrations through these metal structures of communication cables. Using neutrons to transmit information through such structures may negate the need for such penetrations and possibly will also help in difficult situations where limited data transmission is needed, for example, during rescue operations, "explained Joyce.

Fast neutrons can also be used in mixed signal electronic systems to mix the signal between electrons and neutrons. This can help meet the requirement to ensure the integrity of the information transfer.

Double-blind method is a method of conducting research in which not only the subjects, but also the experimenters remain in the dark about the important details of the experiment until the end of the experiment. The double-blind method excludes the unconscious influence of the experimenter on the subject, as well as subjectivity in evaluating the experimental results by the experimenter.