Interview with the owner of the drug shop "YUNGRUSSIA"


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Hello! Today I managed to talk to a novice drug owner. The store exists only recently, but this did not prevent the owner from telling a lot of interesting things.

I turned to you for questions, you scribbled as many as 200 comments, ahuet, thank you)) I chose some of them. I'm thinking of doing the second part, and I'm waiting for feedback.

Attention! Channel Greedy Life against drugs. Drug addicts are queers. Material for general reference.

The author's spelling is correct, with the exception of some places.
  • Hello! Introduce yourself and tell us about yourself.
  • I am interested in the specifics of working as an operator. How dangerous is it?
  • Are there any safer jobs in narco?
  • How do I identify a red shop?
  • Your income? Your profit? How much does it cost?
  • Do you have a roof, or do they just leave you alone? If the roof is covered, how much do you pay?
  • If you were in front of Putin, what would you say to him?
  • At what age did you start drug therapy?
  • Che as there higher education helps?
  • What are the portraits of people in this field? Con artists or smart types?
  • How many items are consumed per day?
  • What do they order the most?
  • How long do couriers live? Only without pizdezha. Do they pass them?
  • When a courier leaves his job in the agricultural sector, do they hand them over to the cops or something like that? Did you do it yourself?
  • A couple of interesting stories?
  • Thanks! What do you wish your subscribers?

Hello! Introduce yourself and tell us about yourself.​

- Greetings, I am the owner of the YUNGRUSSIA SHOP.

I've been in the field for more than 5 years, I opened my own store only last month, I worked in all positions in the drug business, I started working for the first time at the age of 13, I was already interested in this, I saw an ad in the form of graffiti and got a passport on the same day. I remember they arranged it from the age of 15, and at that moment I just looked 15, I took a black marker and started drawing numbers on my passport so that they would take me, this is such a fun and interesting fact of the first acquaintance with surfactant work)

I am interested in the specifics of working as an operator. How dangerous is it?​

- The vacancy of an operator is quite interesting in itself, in the first week of work you will already be shocked by what people are like, salt guys can write to you, ask staff for a loan in the literal sense, and so on, and so on, payment from operators is most often fixed, one of the smallest on the surfactant.

Security here primarily depends only on you, what site you work on and what security tools you use, a lot of strangers write in a day and you can't know who and which of them is, in conclusion, I will say that this work takes a lot of time and is not worth the money.

Are there any safer jobs in narco?​

— The safest job in the surfactant industry is working in the store administration, owner, manager, and so on, as well as a curator's position, but to get into these positions, you must work hard and invest a lot of effort in a more dirty job.

How do I identify a red shop?​

- Let's talk about red shops. A red store is opened either initially by the police (which is rare in itself, since such employees of state bodies will be put in jail quite quickly, but still as a fact such shops really still exist), or the shop becomes red as soon as the store owners are intercepted by state bodies, in which case most of the store employees are doomed to meet with by the way, it is easiest to understand that the shop was intercepted by changing the style of communication of the administration. I think everyone understands that a dealer who runs his own business, runs it in his own way, it will be easy to understand that another person is sitting in his place. Also check the surfactant forums, very often they write about the acceptance of owners.

In conclusion, I want to say that the probability of getting caught in a red shop is extremely small, and you should not blame the shop for this every time you meet with police officers, most likely it's just a coincidence. Be careful, hugged!

Your income? Your profit? How much does it cost?​

— I will say directly — the income of my store for a week in one city is on average 350k, this is despite the fact that my store is a little less than a month old, the net profit is now jumping, as there is an influx of employees, from each treasure I get about 500-600r for 1g, 900-1100 for 2g, this is despite the fact that some of the lowest prices on the site, an average of 20 treasures are bought per day (2g is taken as 1) who needs to calculate how much I have at the moment, please note that this is only in Moscow, now we are developing other cities as well.

Do you have a roof, or do they just leave you alone? If the roof is covered, how much do you pay?​

— We don't have a roof, we don't need it, it's an additional hassle and big risks. They just don't touch us, we are well protected, and I don't want to risk paying someone else for it.

They pay for the roof in different ways, my colleagues have an average amount of 200k.

If you were in front of Putin, what would you say to him?​

— If I were in front of Putin, I would suggest that he blow and agree on advertising in the Kremlin.

At what age did you start drug therapy?​

— At the age of 13, I started this activity. I described it in more detail in the view above.

Che as there higher education helps?​

— I'm studying at HSE, but ... honestly... no, it doesn't help, I'll never work in my specialty.

What are the portraits of people in this field? Con artists or smart types?​

— I will say this, I am a beautiful boy, girls run after me all my life, and of course, it still seems that all people in this world are the same, except for me.

How many items are consumed per day?​

— Depending on the number of cities, the amount of goods consumed per day is still only Moscow, and the amount of 40g is now spent every day, as we work in advance.

What do they order the most?​

- Mef is most often ordered.

How long do couriers live? Only without pizdezha. Do they pass them?​

— I will be honest, couriers are never handed over, I can tell you in detail about this later, this is a separate topic for discussion, but I will say this: a huckster will NEVER hand over a courier, this is stupid, couriers live for a long time, I have not even stopped anyone yet, and in general I personally know many examples when couriers worked for years and they were not caught, still some are cooing, the rest earned money and quietly left.

When a courier leaves his job in the agricultural sector, do they hand them over to the cops or something like that? Did you do it yourself?​

— You can leave your job at any time, but absolutely every curator will try to keep you as long as possible, there will be a lot of threats, they will tell you anything so that you don't leave, there may even be cases when they said that they would kill you if you quit, but in fact it's always a wind, they won't do anything to you, they won't even think about it seriously, yes, I quit, there were a lot of threats, but they didn't do anything to me.

A couple of interesting stories?​

"Well, listen to another interesting story. In 15 years as a warehouse, I took mk 100g of mef, it was winter, I was told that it was an earthen prikop...

So it's already night I go to some area in the forest, there is no shovel, there is nothing, there is frozen ground everywhere, I ran into the last store that opened, bought a teaspoon, came to the place and started digging, my curator was very strict, I had to dig with a teaspoon on the frozen ground, I dug in in the area of 100 cm through the roots, through the stone ground, it was very difficult, but I came there the next day, but already with a shovel, I start to remove the snow from the tree, and the treasure turns out to be just lying in the snow by the tree...))) There was not even 1 cm, then the most interesting thing happened: as soon as I took the treasure, a car started up somewhere on the other side of the road near the forest, I immediately hid, the headlights were shining almost directly at me, I somehow bypassed them from the other side and already went out on the road, I look, and there people in uniform are coming, fortunately I behaved very well calmly, and even more so no one would have thought of a child, it was very scary, but I knew how to hide it.

By the way, then I went with these 100g of mef by train, and then by metro to my home, staffchik was very attractive. It's not the most fun story, but it's not the most boring either. Also, the most interesting story was about how I met the French drug lords who held all of Nice :)

In conclusion, the narcosphere gives you wild adrenaline and skills for the rest of your life that you can't get anywhere else.

Thanks! What do you wish your subscribers?​

I hug everyone once again, have a profitable time of day. I wish you every success!


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Interview with the owner of the drug shop "YUNGRUSSIA". Part 2.​

Hello! Last time, I managed to talk to a novice drug owner. The store exists only recently, but this did not prevent the owner from telling a lot of interesting things.

I turned to you for questions, you scribbled as many as 200 comments, ahuet, thank you)) I chose some of them, and I won't let you miss my attention. As promised, I made the second part. I will also supplement it with your opinions and my own blots, so as not to produce completely dry and scarce material.

To understand what the discussion is about after the interview that follows, you need to read the last part.

Attention! Channel Greedy Life against drugs. Drug addicts are queers. Material for general reference.

The author's spelling is correct, with the exception of some places.
  • How do you sleep at night?
  • Do you often think about peaceful life?
  • Did you regret this type of business?
  • How often does paranoia haunt you?
  • How is cheating really punished?
  • What is the harshest punishment I can remember?
  • How do you hide your earnings from the tax service?
  • How much initial capital is needed to open a drug shop?
  • You die and go to hell. Your reaction? Which celebrities will you be looking for? What do you say to the naked she-devil (gridi)?
  • Comments from the editor about your feedback.

How do you sleep at night?​

— I can't sleep at night, not because I'm paranoid, but because I've had insomnia since I was very young.

Do you often think about peaceful life?​

— I've thought about a peaceful life more than once, but it's too boring.

Did you regret this type of business?​

— No, I didn't regret it at all, on the contrary, I want to develop in it.

How often does paranoia haunt you?​

- Paranoia from the word absolutely no, was when I first started working.

How is cheating really punished?​

— You all know perfectly well how to punish "scammers", sports games, videos, all this is true, but many people now turn a blind eye to scammers.

What is the harshest punishment I can remember?​

— I've never come across sports shoes, and I've never ordered their services myself, I can't even say.

How do you hide your earnings from the tax service?​

- Confidential information, I will not tell the mass.

How much initial capital is needed to open a drug shop?​

- Confidential information, I will not tell the mass.

You die and go to hell. Your reaction? Which celebrities will you be looking for? What do you say to the naked she-devil (gridi)?​

"Fuck you little pervert.

Comments from the editor about your feedback.​

That interview gathered a hundred fucking comments, I thought wow, the discussion went on. But no, you fought with this very dealer on absolutely all issues.

Let's introduce the theses of the audience (ZM) and the guest (D).

ZM: - In the work of couriers, luck is most affected. But if the chicken is a moron who does not know the banal work of ordinary PPS, he will not live a week.

G: - Most of the time the brain. If Kura soley sniffed and went to work, then he definitely has no brains. And they go to work in this shit, as a rule, only salt bibizyans.

ZM: - Couriers are never turned in, you fucking idiot.

G: - They don't hand them in if the shop isn't trash. Fucking, fucked up yelling, in the comments types who scam on Avito and try to prove that they are better at fumbling.

ZM: - Did you dig up a meter of frozen ground with a teaspoon? Hopefully a typo)

G: - A little less of course, but there were definitely 70-80 of them.

ZM: - Fuck it, Mom's a millionaire of some kind. He just bit the system in his 20+ years. He is still studying, and after listening to his thoughts, I got a cringe, thank you. The interviewer is great, the guest is fucked up. (Editor's note:Thank you, sun <3)

ZM: - I've been on the topic since Ramp, but this is the first time I've heard about the roof. Is this an offline shop that trades on the local market? What kind of nonsense is this who the fuck needs a roof if you are located on the site?

Question about Putin in general krynzh, here che Z channel? Or is it some kind of authority?

As for the miners, some of them work for 3 years or more, there are such people, just a lot of people who think stereotypically out of the topic, and they can't even imagine that these people have their own non-obvious ways of working and conspiracy.

Yes, and in a normal store, you can quit whenever you want and you will not have anything for it, I don't know what kind of shop you will be threatened, probably in some tg shop where the owner / curator himself sits tight))

Well, yes, it can be seen from the comments that CA is completely different here, many write shit without even understanding what it is)

As it is, scam and surfactant topics are very close to each other, especially in terms of anonymity and accepting funds.

Answer from the editor: This was written by a proven person who is familiar to me personally.

The roof is probably needed so that they don't even try to look for it... what if there really is some kind of garbage site? Who knows?

Question about Putin for fun.
We do not support his policies in any way. But from another point of view, the guest of the interview and all other drug owners only thanks to his "grace" can safely do this. Pinned down? - Cops on the paw and now the grovers, HR and all sorts of drop-garbage such as miners and stencils are to blame. If we would like to fight the drug problem — we would not accept only businessmen and grovers.

And with the similarity of surfactants and scam generally dropped out. No fucking way! Have you seen our anonymization methods? We are the same fucking year in 19 sat on the browser "Sphere" (free), a Nord vpn, bought from your Kiwi and skamili their own country! What the fuck is this? So we are so brave, we are not afraid of garbage! Because articles are sewn mainly in the area of 228, and no one will look at 159, except when offline.

We accept payments to the crypt, but what is the point of it if a bunch of vpn+proxy? Hucksters buy at least a separate router...

However, if the methods of anonymity are primitive, then again the question arises about the roof, which you are questioning. How was it not accepted? How does this benefit the Interior Ministry? Not to show cattle on TV the next priyamalovo, nor to take a tax, only to allow them to starchivatsya? Then from here we swim to the proof of my thesis that thanks to whose "grace" we all gathered here and did not receive terms for the scam for at least 15k.

G (to the polemic about the roof): - How do you think they live and why is the administration of Hydra still at large, and the case has been solved for several years?

That's all. It turned out, as for me, quite interesting material. I would like to get a response, write comments.