Interview with former carder Sergey Pavlovich


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Good day friends, for the first time on our forum an interview with such a famous and authoritative person in carding circles - Sergey Pavlovich! Many start their activities after learning about him! Many admire him, because this is a man who stole more than one million dollars from the USA! We begin!

Sergey Pavlovich, I welcome you once again, the first question: How did you come to this type of activity (carding)? Did anyone inspire you or did you have a mentor? Tell us about the dawn of your career, how it all began! And what were the costs of the training itself at that time?

I got into carding, so to speak, by accident. I was surfing the bulletin board of a computer newspaper, there was one in Minsk. And I saw there that someone was selling "CC", "cardboard", and so on. Nobody was hiding anything back then. Having contacted the seller, I realized that "CC" was a credit card number, its CVV code and billing address, in particular "CC" belonged to US citizens. Then, they explained to me for what purposes they could be used. I agreed with the seller on cooperation, that is, I began to resell "CC". Later, I began to use "CC" myself, first of all, I was engaged in clothing carding (this is described in detail in my book). My brother and I entered various DVDs that sold well in our country. Let's say, it was a "trial run".

2. At the peak of your activity, which lasted more than 3 years, the feds came to you, at what point did you make a mistake, for which you were detained? And what was your mistake?

Accordingly, there were no training costs, because no one could even think about it, at that time, carding was just emerging in the CIS, it got to our expanses, of course, on its own. But after some time, the first carding forums began to appear, on them I acquired many reliable connections. I remember and CarderPlanet. Mistakes... there were many mistakes as such. The biggest mistake was that my drops were shopped for real plastic in Minsk, that is, in the country where we lived. Also, then we did not think about anonymity. At that time I was about 17, and I was too young to think about this "nonsense".

3. You were threatened with up to 15 years in prison, you were also charged with 3 articles of imprisonment, served 10 years. Did you feel that it was in vain that you got involved with this type of activity? Tell us how they treat carders in prisons?

Yes, for carding in Belarus you can get from 6 to 15 years, for theft on an especially large scale. An especially large scale in Belarus is over 12,000 dollars. In my entire life, I have only been in prison twice. The first time I was given 6 years, the second time - 14, but I served 10, this was facilitated by: amnesty, change of regime.

4. What was your approximate income from carding? And where did you keep your earnings at that time? After all, cryptocurrency was not developed then!

1.2 million - the amount I earned during my entire time in carding. This is approximately for 3 years of active carding, I kept it in cash, naturally, that is, a little in WebMoney, a little in E-Gold. But these are amounts up to 10,000 dollars, the rest in cash, of course.

5. Tell us the story of how you met Albert Gonzalez? And on what mutually beneficial terms did you communicate? Were you popular in the "black internet" circle, as they called you abroad? And what was your online name!

I was not personally acquainted with Gonzalez. In the criminal case in which I was involved and where the Americans claimed damages amounted to over a billion dollars, there were 11 people involved, then more were added to them. But as for the so-called 11 friends of Gonzalez - I personally knew five, I worked with some of them, but there were still about 4-5 people whose existence I did not even suspect, as well as Gonzalez himself. But nevertheless, Gonzalez was also the one who got the dumps, I resold them, so I have a relationship with him, albeit indirectly. My nicknames on the Internet were Police Dog, Panter757 and Fallen Angel.

6. Your project “Market Dump” Tell us, was it more about social engineering or, in your time, did you actually sell Dumps in this shop?

Normal people gathered on Dumps MSrket and I appointed them as moderators and basically any topics were discussed, there were strong hackers and carders there. Dumps were sold, yes of course, i.e. it was not social engineering. It was a full-fledged forum. Such a replacement for carderplanet which at that time was already basically closing.

7. Tell me all the pros and cons of carding, because most people come to this field not because they have a better life! If you had the opportunity to go back and not engage in this type of activity, would you decide to go back? After all, 10 years in prison is not a short term!

Yes, if I could go back in time, I wouldn't have gotten into carding. But a combination of circumstances happened: I accidentally came across some cardboard, credit card numbers on a computer newspaper board. And the family had practically no money. So somehow everything came together and naturally I got into carding. I even regret that at that time I didn't come across some venture investors on my way, so to speak, and we didn't start some kind of project.

8. In all your previous interviews you said that you no longer have any connection to crime, I'll ask again, can you answer honestly, do you continue to do this (maybe in a minimal version)? And do you keep in touch with your former work partners?

Yes, I really don't do any crime at all, that is, all my projects are legal. The white cashback service SecretDiscounter, which is now entering the West. Well, a number of other projects, and I meet with colleagues from my previous job. I correspond with some, call some, these are basically all grown-up guys. They are closer to 40, and some are closer to 50, and they have all long since retired.

9. Share in detail the process of carding, how did carding in the shop look like at that time of your work? How did you warm up? And what shops were relevant at that time? After all, now is so to speak a "new school" and in most cases there are now a lot of changes!

At that time, the maximum that needed to be done was to change your IP to a relevant one. That is, if you enter, for example, from an American map, then you should also have an American IP + GEO settings. That is, so that it was visible that this is American time and the American keyboard layout. But in fact, the process of entering was reduced mainly to changing the IP. Of the shops at that time, Abercrombie and others were popular. Now I can't remember everything. At one time, I stole a lot from the Sotheby's auction.

10. Nowadays, many new directions in Carding have appeared, such as: Working with logs (stealers) where we pour traffic, installations, etc., new sections with bank accounts and cashing out from different offices, but we mostly do not have boundaries to large amounts, what is the failure of current carders? The influx of newcomers (minors) or are there other reasons for this? And what was your success at that time? A weakened fraud system, security? Or uniting-cohesive projects with people from the CIS and also Foreigners?

Now carding has become much more diverse than it was in our time. In our time, it was essentially a thing, then work with bank accounts, then they started working with botnets and poured logs accordingly, there was also real plastic, but now there are many more directions, but there are also many newcomers, that is, if we add up the number of participants on all modern carding forums, there will be about 600 thousand people. Well, naturally, many have several nicknames there, on the same forum, I am not registered on all of them, but I think that the number of active carders in the CIS is about 100,000 people. And in our time, now, more precisely, everything has become much more complicated. Due to the fact that a large number of newcomers who burn topics and also due to the fact that banks and other stores and other commercial structures have improved their anti-fraud systems, it is much more difficult now, but professionals, the same militants, work as they did 20-30 years ago. That is, in fact, little has changed, but for newcomers, of course, it has become more difficult.

11. Let's assume that at the moment a "carder" lives in the CIS, works with scams abroad (US) and has a profit of $5,000-20,000 per month, can he be afraid of law enforcement agencies in the CIS? And another question, how much should a carder "suck" from the United States to attract attention?

You don't have to be afraid of law enforcement in the CIS at all, unless they are Belarusian, of course. Almost no one is ever arrested while in the CIS, in Ukraine or Russia, and even if they are, they simply start to protect them. In fact, they pay off, or if the case goes to court and it is a very high-profile case with large amounts of damage, then most often carders in Russia and Ukraine will get off with a suspended sentence. But it is generally better not to touch the USA, because if you steal a hundred thousand dollars or maybe a million from them, then naturally, that is, they will figure out your real name and you will end up in jail anyway, that is, for this reason, many carders at one time only attacked Europe but did not touch the USA, but in principle it is clear that the USA has the highest earnings and the most stores and cardholders, potential victims, so in principle carders do not think about it. But if you very strictly monitor your anonymity and do not expose your full name and drop data, in principle you can do this. But again, I say: a very short time. The US is hunting for very big figures, introducing its agents into groups. That is, they are not interested in a lone carder, they are interested in a close-knit group of carders or hackers.

12. Why do you think that in this period of time, carders do not adhere to the well-known first rule "DO NOT TOUCH THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND THE CIS COUNTRIES" and work in this area without fear, not knowing what punishments await them from law enforcement agencies? Or is it because of a lack of money and a desire to get a big jackpot? After all, in your time it was not just a rule, but an honor and a face in this matter! Give your opinion!

Well, recently many carders who worked on RU had problems because of Wildberries. They were constantly hacking iPads, more than half a year passed and they started accepting, so I would advise everyone who works on RU to think about it again and not only is it not noble to deceive your people who have already been constantly fleeced by the State and continue to fleece, but also the risk is incomparably greater than hacking foreign countries.

13. Sergey, tell me, what did you consider yourself an expert in the previous "Carding" business? Working with dumps? Recording to a blank and draining the cache, or doing the stuff? Entering into shops and sending to drops. Which business was considered more profitable at that time? After all, stuff and dumps are a distant direction at the moment.

I was engaged in carding of things, and then dumps and real plastic. That is, I recorded on a blank, looked for where to buy documents, sent drops to work in stores in the CIS and the world, and later I established connections with hackers, made my own forum DumpsMarket and, accordingly, was already engaged in selling dumps, credit card numbers, documents for making counterfeit credit cards on it, that is, my strong point has always been establishing contacts with people and finding what is well hidden.

14. Sergey, a personal question for you (in my area of carding) How relevant was the topic with Bank accounts at the time when you worked? And how did you work with them at that time? It would be interesting to hear, because at that time it was a new topic for you, but now it is well developed and we "Carders" work with Zelle, cashing out through Movo and a bunch of other schemes! Tell us! It would be interesting to hear!

We were hammering certain bank accounts that we received through a botnet, but many bank accounts were received through Enroll cards. That is, you had an Enroll card, well, a full one, that is, and you already opened bank accounts on it. There was even the fact that you could change, for example, the PIN code of the card. Well, but basically they received it this way through Enroll cards. Accordingly, then they tried to pour in, Citibank suffered the most, naturally. Because they poured in mainly through internal transfers. International Veyron takes a very long time, they can burn it for several days, and an internal drive, for example, City takes 10 minutes to carry, so everyone tried to open accounts for drops, specifically in those banks in which they had bank accounts, that is, from logs and from Enroll.

15. Let's talk about your book, to be honest I'm not familiar with it, but I've already downloaded it and am starting to read it! The question is: What inspired you to write a personal book, "HOW I STOLE A MILLION" during your time in prison? And tell us about it!

My book started as a diary. That is, in the first days in prison it was much easier for me to drag out my existence when I was distracted by thoughts, and then I saw that I had written quite a lot of material, decided to add certain points there, more details about carding. I put it in the form of a conversation with a lawyer so that beginners and adults could understand and it turned out to be a full-fledged book.

16. The final stage of writing the book, what did you feel? The desire to just put an end to it, or some inner desire to prove yourself? Did your views on life change during your imprisonment?

The final stage of the book is to show an example of my life path and what is possible with any carder if he does not get out of this business in time.

17. You are now trying yourself in a new field, this is both media and business! Tell us what prompted you to open your channel on YouTube? And also tell us about your new product: vodka "CARDER"!

I was inspired to open my YouTube channel by Dud and Transformator, because I learned about their advertising income and it seemed to me that this was a great way to earn money. At present, the channel gives me great fame, it helps me move forward even at this stage with two thousand subscribers. It helps me promote many of my projects + many acquaintances come and naturally the book sales have improved. Also, through my channel, I will promote several more topics and cover in detail CARDER vodka, which is now being released by me in a limited edition of 500 copies, it will be ready by May 10. Made in France. Pleasant to taste, black matte bottle, golden letters and white cardboard packaging. I will never allow myself to release a raw product on the market. Well, you can say that it is ideal, and given that the circulation is limited, pre-order at

18. And so! The final question! What can you wish to your subscribers, readers, your fans, where should they start if they are new to Carding? How can they avoid ending up in your situation with prison? And if the feds come to them, what should they do! And in general, just give some parting words for those who have decided to do this!

To all your readers I would advise:
Maintain anonymity - One
Don't do carding in Belarus - Two
And don't gossip on every corner, to all your friends and chicks about what you do, how you earn money, and also, if possible, talk less about the USA - Three


1. Does Sergey remember the day of his arrest? Let him tell what he was doing and how the process took place? What was he feeling and thinking about at that moment?

I remember the day of my first arrest. It is described in detail in the book, we were in a cottage, there were me and a number of other carders from Estonia, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk. In short, an international crowd gathered. There were two Odessans, me, my girlfriend's brother, invited prostitutes for the guys, well, we kind of rented a big cottage with a lake, and relaxed for a few days. The arrest happened after we hung out for a few days, went to my girlfriend Katya's dacha, where we were arrested. Well, I felt some confusion, but I thought everything would work out, I had a lot of money stashed away, I thought everything would be resolved, I wasn't too upset. Of course, when I entered the hut, I was a little downhearted. But my first hut number 144 is also described in detail in the book.

2. How do you feel about the fact that more and more young guys are interested in carding at the moment? What are your thoughts on this?

Regarding the fact that more and more young guys are interested in carding: I think it's sad, it only shows that in the CIS countries: in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, normal conditions for entrepreneurship have not been created, conditions for the selection of talented youth at an early stage have not been created. That is, we do not have such developed startup movements, cheap loans and all this, of course, is sad.

3. I wanted to ask, maybe he knows or thinks that he was betrayed (by enemies, etc.) or did Yusa herself try to do it?

No, my enemies didn't give me up. The United States and Belarusian garbage tried to do it themselves. Including many factors that came together, they are written about in detail in my book.

4. Honestly, I'm your fan! It was you who inspired me to start in this business! Here's the question! What did you feel when you were released? And now do you have a desire to continue doing carting?

What did you feel when you got out? I felt a huge relief and that now I belong to myself, I can realize my potential. That is, do things that are useful for society and for the world as a whole. Now I am engaged in business because it is an inevitable evil, you know, I do not have $50-100k of passive income per month, but I plan to leave the business within 3-4 years, before I turn forty. And do some educational projects that will benefit society.

Thank you for your time, Sergey Pavlovich, good luck in your work and peace to your home!