In the Orenburg region, police detained suspects in Internet fraud


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Employees of the Inter-municipal Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Orenburg" detained two residents of the region. They are suspected of serial fraud using Internet technologies.

"It was previously established that the attackers developed two criminal schemes. The first of them was based on the acquisition of data from hacked pages in social networks in the shadow segment of the Internet. Scammers logged into other people's accounts and sent requests to their friends to borrow money on behalf of the owners. For example, a resident of the city of Vladimir made three transfers totaling 12.5 thousand rubles to the bank card details sent to her during virtual communication. Only after some time did she find out that she was having a dialogue with a fraudster.

The second scheme was to deceive subscribers of Telegram channels created in support of a special military operation. On behalf of their administrators, the attackers entered into correspondence with users and convinced them to transfer funds allegedly for the purchase of thermal imagers, quadrocopters and ammunition for military personnel. Donations were transferred to bank cards that were at the disposal of accomplices and stolen," said Irina Volk, an official representative of the Russian Interior Ministry.

The suspects were detained by police with the support of Rosgvardiya employees. Previously established their involvement in 30 facts of theft from residents of different regions of Russia. The damage caused exceeded 400 thousand rubles.

"Investigators of various territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia initiated criminal cases on the grounds of crimes under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. One of the defendants was given a preventive measure in the form of remand in custody, the second – in the form of recognizance not to leave and proper behavior.

Police officers are taking measures to identify all victims as a result of illegal activities," Irina Volk said.

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