In St. Petersburg, a suspect in fraud was detained under the pretext of investing in cryptocurrency


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Employees of the UBK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region during a business trip to the Stavropol Territory detained a local resident. He is suspected of fraud committed on a particularly large scale.

It was previously established that a 22-year-old young man under an assumed name posted ads on social networks for his own courses on successful investment in cryptocurrency. However, in fact, he was not a financial expert and did not own the author's investment method.

"The attacker used proven methods of social engineering to steal money from Internet users. In his training courses, he broadcast photo and video materials that created the appearance of successful trades and making super-profits. In fact, this content was not based on data from existing crypto exchanges, but on simulations of trading in special computer programs.

To some of the clients who applied to him, the defendant paid small amounts as income on their deposits. However, he did this only so that misled people would transfer even more money to him, which he stole," said Irina Volk, an official representative of the Russian Interior Ministry.

To create the image of a successful investor in the media space, the swindler moved to St. Petersburg, where he rented an elite apartment and recorded videos in it. In his accounts, he said that he moved around the city in his own business class car, which was actually on a short-term lease. In addition, the blogger increased the number of subscribers and positive reviews by purchasing online bots.

"An investigator of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Central District of St. Petersburg opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The suspect was taken into custody. During the search, the police seized communications equipment, information carriers and other items of evidentiary value.

Currently, illegal actions are documented against 45 residents of the country who lost more than 3 million rubles. Investigators are establishing the identities of all the victims as a result of the criminal scheme," Iryna Volk said.

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