In Dnipro, 13 members of a criminal organization headed by the so-called "looking"were detained


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Two criminal authorities established the functioning of the fraud center. In the field of view of fraudsters were citizens who are now forced to live abroad.

Operatives of the Strategic Investigation Department in the Dnipropetrovsk region of the National Police, together with their law enforcement colleagues, neutralized the activities of another fraudulent call center with millions of turnover. Organized "business" so-called "looking" for the left bank of the Dnieper. The 42-year-old man attracted another "criminal authority" to his activities, who was responsible for withdrawing funds from abroad and cashing them out.

Posing as employees of the security service of banking institutions and using psychological techniques, call center operators received information about bank cards and accounts from individuals. In the future, members of the group embezzled funds from Ukrainian citizens who were forced to travel abroad due to the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation.

Money was transferred to e-wallets and drop bank cards (people who agreed that their bank cards should become "transit" for money stolen by fraudsters). Subsequently, the funds were withdrawn to cash through a conversion center in Dnipro.

On September 27, the police detained 13 members of a criminal organization of fraudsters in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. They also conducted more than 40 searches in office premises, residential addresses and vehicles of the defendants. Mobile phones, SIM cards, computer equipment, "rough" records, weapons, almost 2 million UAH in different currencies, cars were seized.

The so - called "observer", his trusted person - "criminal authority" and 11 accomplices were informed of suspicion under Part 4 of Article 28, Part 4 of Article 190 (fraud), Parts 1 and 2 of Article 255 (Creation, leadership of a criminal community or criminal organization, as well as participation in it). The Criminal Code of Ukraine. The issue of choosing preventive measures for the suspect is being resolved.

Pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings is carried out by the State Bureau of Investigation, located in the city of Poltava, under the procedural leadership of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office.

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Employees of the State Bureau of Investigation have completed a pre-trial investigation against the leaders of an organized criminal group, whose members lured about UAH 1 million from Ukrainians who live and work in Poland.

The indictment was sent to the court.

The organizers of the fraudulent call center were criminal authorities from Dnipro. They attracted 12 people to the group, including a local law enforcement officer who helped the criminals. The office was located in an ordinary apartment, which was equipped with the necessary computer equipment. For the" operators " of the call center, a training manual was created that described in detail how to work with clients.

The scammers used the phone numbers of Polish operators and IP telephony. During the calls, they identified themselves as representatives of Polish banks and informed the victims that their bank card was blocked. During the conversation, employees of the call center persuaded victims to install a special application on their phone. Thanks to this virus software, the attackers gained remote access to the gadgets and bank accounts of the victims.

The role of the law enforcement officer was defined separately. He helped criminal authorities avoid exposing criminal activities, "leaked information" about possible special operations to block the work of such fraudulent schemes, and gave advice on organizing illegal business. Through special databases, the law enforcement officer also checked information about potential candidates for work in the office.

In September 2023, the State Bureau of Investigation, in cooperation with the Department of Strategic Investigations of the National Police, exposed and blocked the work of fraudsters. During the investigation, about 2 million hryvnias of cash in various currencies, premium class cars, draft records, telephone and computer equipment, bank cards and SIM cards of mobile operators were seized. All property was seized in order to compensate for the damage caused.

14 people, including the organizers of the transaction and an expravookhranitel, are accused of creating, leading a criminal organization, as well as participating in it and fraud (Part 1, 2 of Article 255, Part 4 of Article 28, Part 4 of Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 12 years with confiscation of property.

Procedural guidance is provided by the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office.