In Altai, a hacker demanded a large ransom for restoring access to hacked computers


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A commercial organization from the Choysky district of the Altai Republic suffered from the actions of an unknown person who gained access to the company’s computer equipment. After the hack, the hacker extorted 1.5 million rubles from the company for unlocking personal computers (PCs). The details of the crime were reported by the press service of the regional prosecutor's office.

According to the department, from January 9 to 10 of this year, the hacker gained unlawful access to legally protected computer information belonging to the company. This led to its destruction, blocking and modification. Subsequently, the attacker invited the company to transfer him electronic currency equivalent to 1.5 million rubles for restoring access to information on the PC.

A criminal case has been initiated into the incident under Part 2 of Art. 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (illegal access to computer information protected by law, resulting in the destruction or blocking of computer information, committed for selfish reasons). The offender faces up to four years in prison. The progress and results of the criminal investigation are under the control of the district prosecutor's office, the department noted.

Earlier, two cybercriminals were identified in the Altai Republic who entered false information into the databases of mobile operators. This was reported by the press group of the Republican Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia. Now a criminal case has been opened on this fact, which threatens the attackers with real sentences.