Importing cookies in Google Chrome


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Hello people!
Today we will try to explain in detail the topic of importing text cookies to chrome of the latest versions without the age-old problem We've detected a problem with your cookie settings


Without unnecessary foreplay, let's get started:

1. Download our latest Google Chrome (I think we can handle this)
I downloaded the portable version here
2. After that, install the CookieBro extension


BUT! this extension allows us to work with cookies in the format .json and since we have cookies in .txt , we need to convert txt to json
To do this, go further:
3. Open Notepad and paste the code below, then save the resulting text file in the format .html

<div class="info-text1">
<center>Cookies converter: Netscape to JSON</center>

function NetscapeToJson(){
var textArea2 = document.getElementById("textarea2");
textArea2.value = '';
var arrObjects = [];
var textArea1 = document.getElementById("textarea1");
var arrayOfLines = textArea1.value.split("\n");
var i = 0;
for (i=0; i<arrayOfLines.length; i++){
var kuka = arrayOfLines[i].split("\t");
var cook = new Object();
cook.domain = kuka[0];
cook.expirationDate = parseInt(kuka[4]);

if (kuka[1] == "FALSE") cook.httpOnly = false;
if (kuka[1] == "TRUE") cook.httpOnly = true; = kuka[5];
cook.path = kuka[2];

if (kuka[3] == "FALSE") = false;
if (kuka[3] == "TRUE") = true;

cook.value = kuka[6];

arrObjects[i] = cook;

var cookieStr = JSON.stringify(arrObjects);

textArea2.value = cookieStr;

<h3>NETSCAPE: </h3>
<textarea id="textarea1" wrap="off" rows="20" style="width: 100%" onclick=""></textarea>
<button onclick="NetscapeToJson()" class="sbutton"> Convert &gt;&gt;&gt; </button>
<h3>JSON: </h3>
<textarea id="textarea2" wrap="soft" rows="20" style="width: 100%" onclick=""></textarea>

As a result, we get the file txtToJson.html (you can give the file name yourself, whatever you want)
Open the file and get the following


4. In the field NETSCAPE: plug-in our text of cookies. and click Convert>>>>>>.>>>
In the JSON: field, we get our converted cookies in the format .json


5. After we received our cookies in the desired format, we need to save them.
We save all the text in the field .JSON to a text file with the extension .json.
6. Next, click on the extension CookieBro => Cookie Editor


After that, Import cookies as JSON


Select our file from P5 and voila, our cookies are loaded


Go to accounts. google and see the list of accounts in our log (if the logs are fresh, then it will log in to the ACC without entering a password)


We log in and continue working.

P.S. I do not pretend to the uniqueness of the method, all this is in the public and here on the forum as well. .

I'll add it.
In the latest versions of browsers (Chrome, Mozilla), the error We've detected a problem with your cookie settings is not resolved.
If you still want to use fresh browsers, then just go through incognito in the Gmail.
Or use the Fox up to version 56. In Mazilu <=56 version set extension, edit text and ship cookies cookies. This error does not appear in Fox before version 56.
In Fox, after version 56, we also install the Cookiebro extension for Mozilla and we ship (import) cookies in the format .json

Today we will try to explain in detail the topic of importing text cookies to chrome of the latest versions without the age-old problem We've detected a problem with your cookie settings
Well, I am happy to offer an alternative solution to this problem - the author's CookieEater utility

I present my debut project to the public. If you like the product (which will be reflected in your donations), then there will be further development.

So, what is a CookieEater:
- this is a standalone utility designed to import cookies directly into the Chrome browser (both in portable and installed).)
- support for any Chromium-like browsers (Opera, MS Edge, etc.)
- works with NETSCAPE cookies stored in a standard txt file
- has nothing to do with running Chrome, which means that AF will not see any Addons and extensions like Edithiscookie and CookieBro
- friendly GUI interface

Quick instructions for correctly importing Google accounts:
- launch Chrome and open the page
- we wait for the page to fully load, do nothing/do not click
- close Chrome, open CookieEater
click the Path to Chrome button and in the window that appears, specify the path to the Chrome file in which it stores cookies. Obviously, in the case of several portable instances of Chrome, you need to specify exactly the one that you will workwith. This file is called Cookies (no extension, just like this!). For a standard

Chrome installation, hash follows the following scheme:
C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cookies

For portable, you need to find this file in accordance with the location of the corresponding folder, for example:
\Desktop\GooglePortable\App\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cookies
- click the Path to .txt button and in the window that appears, specify the path to the text file with cookies that you want to import.
- in the course of execution, pay attention to diagnostic messages that may appear in the text window. If there were no errors, then
- click the INJECT cookies button and watch the progress bar move
- at the end of the import process CookieEater will tell you how many cookies he ate;)
- launch Chrome and open the page
- then, depending on the cookie, you will either be prompted to choose an account to log in to or upload it to any other site.

Download CookieEater 0.2.1 password to the archive wwh-club

If this utility helped You in your work, or you want to get additional functionality, or just support the further development of the project, then a donation to the author will be very useful (the BTC address is clickable)

Further development of the project
- implementation of saving (exporting) stuffed cookies for further storage or use in another workplace
- adding the ability to work with cookies in json format
- extending the ability to work with Mozilla-like browsers (FireFox, etc.)

The file is signed with a non-valid signature in order to reassure Windows Defender

Please leave your questions, suggestions, and comments in this topic. I haven't decided yet if I need my own branch.

Update! Current version 0.3.1

What's new:
- added the ability to download cookies from the Chrome browser (extract mode)
- the interface has become simpler and clearer
- fix minor bugs

What is a CookieEater:
- this is a standalone utility designed to import/export cookies directly to the Chrome browser (both in portable and installed).)
- support for any Chromium-like browsers (Opera, MS Edge, etc.)
- works with NETSCAPE cookies stored in a standard txt file
- has nothing to do with running Chrome, which means that AF will not see any Addons and extensions like Edithiscookie and CookieBro
- friendly GUI interface

As practice shows, with good cookies, you can not shamanize anything, but immediately import and log in to Gmail, etc.
However, Sometimes chrome refuses to see the presence of accounts directly.

Quick instructions for correctly importing Google accounts (INJECT):
- launch Chrome and open the page

- we wait for the page to fully load, do nothing/do not click

- close Chrome, open CookieEater

- click the Path to Chrome button and in the window that appears, specify the path to the Chrome file in which it stores cookies. Obviously, in the case of several portable instances of Chrome, you need to specify exactly the one that you will work with. This file is called Cookies (no extension, just like that!). For a standard installation, Chrome is located according to the following scheme::

C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cookies

For portable, you need to find this file in accordance with the location of the corresponding folder, for example:
\Desktop\GooglePortable\App\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cookies

- click the INJECT cookies button and in the window that appears, specify the path to the text file with cookies that you want to import.
- in the course of execution, pay attention to diagnostic messages that may appear in the text window. If there were no errors, then
- watch how the progress bar moves
- at the end of the import process, CookieEater will tell you how many cookies it has eaten;)
- launch Chrome and open the page
- then, depending on the cookie, you will either be prompted to choose an account to log in to or log in to any of the accounts
- if the accounts are not visible, close Chrome and re-import the cookie (click INJECT)
- launch Chrome and open the page, and through it we go to
- in particularly severe cases, you will need to import cookies several times, while experimenting with the initial page of Google services
- if the cookies contain any information about your Google account at all, you will log in sooner or later. Don't be afraid to experiment )))

Quick instructions for downloading cookies (EXTRACT):
- close Chrome, open CookieEater
- click the Path to Chrome button and in the window that appears, specify the path to the Chrome file in which it stores cookies. Obviously, in the case of several portable instances of Chrome, you need to specify exactly the one that you will work with. This file is called Cookies (no extension, just like that!). For a standard installation, Chrome is located according to the following scheme:
C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cookies

For portable, you need to find this file in accordance with the location of the corresponding folder, for example:
\Desktop\GooglePortable\App\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cookies
- click the EXTRACT cookies button and in the window that appears, specify the path to the text file in which you want to save cookies. You can name it, for example, 'chrome'. In any case, CookieEater will append the current date and time to the specified name. So you don't have to worry about getting confused in the upload versions or accidentally overwriting the desired file.
- in the course of execution, pay attention to diagnostic messages that may appear in the text window. If there were no errors, then
- watch how the progress bar moves
- at the end of the export process, CookieEater will tell you how many cookies it has eaten ;)

Download CookieEater 0.3.1 password to the archive

If this utility helped You in your work, or you want to get additional functionality, or just support the further development of the project.

Further development of the project:
- adding the ability to work with cookies in json format
- various modes of importing cookies (re-recording, overwriting existing ones, skipping existing ones, etc.)
- extension of the ability to work with Mozilla-like browsers (Firefox, etc.)
- implementation of the x32 version (for gourmets)

The file is signed with a non-valid signature in order to reassure Windows Defender

Friends, feedback is VERY IMPORTANT! Even just by writing "good downloaded Google", you will make it clear that everything works as intended!
Please leave your questions, suggestions, and comments in this topic. I haven't decided yet if I need my own branch.


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Hey there , ive been carding for a while but am just now getting into paypals. Ive been trying to import paypal cookies into firefox using cookie manager, but keep getting the error message "ERROR: Failed to import: unrecognized format". I use the converter on to convert the cookies to json and the cookie manager tool does in fact accept json, so im not sure what im doing wrong. Could you offer any advice?

Carding 4 Carders

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When buying PayPal accounts, it is recommended to purchase them with cookies. If it is self-registering, then I advise you to log into your account from a dedicated server (tunnel, socks, vpn) from which it was registered. Or, using a similar ip-address mask, so as not to arouse suspicion in the anti-fraud system of this payment system.
To avoid errors, please follow the steps in this guide.
If you use third-party tips and services, you can contact their technical support.

Please study this topic

Watch this video