Illegal online casino: members of a criminal group will be tried in Poltava


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Cyber police and detectives of the Economic Security Bureau, under the procedural guidance of the Prosecutor General's Office, stopped the activity of an underground online casino. The indictment against five members of the group was sent to the court.

Law enforcement officers in February of this year found that the organizer of the "business" thought out a criminal scheme and involved a person familiar with programming skills in illegal activities. The latter created a website for online gambling. The men advertised online casino services on social networks.

The participants organized a round-the-clock call center for accepting payments from players, communicating with them in instant messengers, forming an individual link to the game and paying out winnings. Three other people I knew were hired to work as cameramen.

For conspiracy, the group members used card accounts of third parties, the so-called drops.

Law enforcement officers stopped the operation of the online casino and conducted searches in the premises of the defendants in Kiev and Poltava.

Now the pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings has been completed. Five members of the organized group were charged under Part 2, 3, 5 of Article 27, Part 3 of Article 28, Part 2 of Article 203-2 (Illegal activity in organizing or conducting gambling games, lotteries) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine in the Oktyabrsky District Court of Poltava.