Ideal Dedicated Server (RDP) for carding


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Ideal Dediicated Server (RDP) for carding
Today we will try to analyze the main criteria for a selection of a Dedicated Server that we will use for driving. Antiford systems have long been paying attention to other information about a car, not just Geo and other primitive data. The article will help and teach how to select and work with RDP.

Choosing a dedicated server for work
Main parameters of a dedicated server (RDP).
1: OS.
2: Administrator rights (additional account).
3: GEO (Country, State, City, zip-code).
4: Black List.
5: MaxMind (PS, RS, User type).

Operating system
As a rule, the division here goes into home and server, home includes all operating systems designed for home PCs: Windows XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10.
To server all server: Windows server 2003, 2008, 2011, 2012 and others in the name that have the word "server".
There are a lot of opinions on the choice of OS, someone thinks that win 10 is much better than everyone else, someone uses only homework for driving, someone chooses only 2012 servers, someone doesn't care.

Where the truth is - it is impossible to know for sure, but the general idea is this - the browser should not see your OS, but applications see for sure, so for poker clients or some Steam client through the client, the server OS will most likely be worse, for driving through the browser, I prefer focus only on the maxmind parameters, I can't say that something gets worse from the servers.

Most likely, you can find the truth only for a specific site and only with our favorite tests.

Administrator rights (additional accounting)
How much these rights you need primarily depends on the time of our work.

There are two options:
First: coincides with the holder's working time.
Second: does not match.

It is easy to check this: we open google and write a query like "time in New York", compare it with our time and draw conclusions. As a rule, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, less often until 20-21 local time, a dedicated server is used by the holder.

If the time of your work coincides, then I strongly recommend: either purchase a Dedicated Server a little in advance, drop an account on it and log into it from your account during working hours, or purchase a dedicated server with a ready-made account.

In this case, we must have administrator rights on the Dedicated Server, without them creating an account is impossible. Well, if the time of our work does not coincide, the chances that the holder will return and spoil all the raspberries for us is much less.

In this version, for driving, I recommend purchasing "without admin rights" - on average they are cleaner, since they do not have 100% additional accounts from our comrades (colleagues, so to speak), they are also cheaper in price and are more often available from private sellers / shops.
I recommend to beat from the most popular browser holder, as it usually contains many different goodies for antifraud, additional data that the user himself installed / worked up. Sometimes in the same browser it is possible to find the holder's accounts with saved passwords - you can assume that you have hit the jackpot.
Also, I want to add that for poker / self-registrations and everything that requires long-term use / storage of data, or installation of software - users, of course, are poorly suited.

GEO (Country, State, City, zip-code)
Here, I think, everything is clear, but the moment - if you use the material of a country without AVS (address verification), and such countries include everything except Usa and Uk, then you do not need select a dedicated server for a credit card, it is better, when filling out the billing addres information, indicate the address located in the immediate vicinity of the deed - Google Maps to help you.

And yet, if you go to the seller and want to select as much as possible under the zip-code, it should not look like this: "buddy, look at homework under 186234" - this is inconvenient for searching and most likely you will receive a negative answer.

Write the geolocation in full, for example "Usa, California, Los Angeles, 123456", in this case, even if there is no zip-code "123456", then the seller displays a list of zip codes for the city of Los Angeles, which he will probably throw off to you, after which you go to the site:
And choose the zip-code from the list as close as possible to yours, and it is better to choose several zips, indicating which one is more important for you, since the best option in the database can already prove to be invalid.

Black list
Typically shows how much and where IP was seen as suspicious and was blacklisted.
In fact, it is not the most valuable parameter when choosing, especially if blacks are 1-2 / 55, we often met the purest by maxmind ip from which orders flew with a bang, listed in some one black list.

Here the general recommendation is: 0 is ideal, but we still watch maxmind, ok, go watch maxmind and decide. Most likely, a further check will show dirt, we use such only for sites that are immune to this, or not for driving.

MaxMind (PS, RS, User type)
PS - proxy score, shows the probability that the ip-address on the proxy, takes a value from 0 to 3, directly affects RS.
RS - risk score, shows the chance that the IP belongs to a non-holder, takes a value from 0 to 100%.
In fact, I have never seen 0%, as well as 100%, so everything below 1% can be considered ideal, 1-3 is a good value, further - worse ...

User type - the type of user who owns the ip-address , takes values such as:
  • Business.
  • College.
  • Government.
  • Hosting.
  • Residential.
  • School.
  • Traveler.

What is better for you - think for yourself, decide for yourself (and again tests!).
How important the maxmind parameters are, again, I don't have exact data, but undoubtedly the better the shop, the more likely these parameters are analyzed by it.
Choose a dedicated server wisely, do not forget to indicate the parameters you need when buying and try not to do anything with the holder's account during his working hours, and you will definitely succeed!

Another recommendation - when you go to the holder's register, then do not touch anything for at least 1 minute, nothing at all, just watch, if you are thrown out - it means that the holder entered the same record (it is possible that your colleague is also, but this does not change the essence), in any case, do not try to go back into it at the same moment, this will lead to the discarding of the holder again, and if once he writes off to the jamb of his computer, then several times in a row they will already raise suspicions and as a result you will most likely be a dedicated server lose.

If you are already changing something and you are knocked out, immediately reconnect, close everything and wait for 5 minutes to be knocked out again, if knocked out - take a break from work, if not - continue, sometimes there are connection problems.

On this, perhaps, we will end. Today we have sorted out the main criteria that will help us make the right choice when buying. It is worth remembering about: administrator rights, GEO, MaxMind. It is important to note that all of these parameters are relative to the "severity" of your tasks. You don't always have to overpay for the perfect Dedicated Dedicated when you hit an illiquid pet clothing store with almost zero anti-ford. We hope you enjoyed the material!