I want to learn spamming


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A quick guide to how to spam correctly:
1. Collect a spam list (email address)
2. Install the program or script
3. Prepare your smtp accounts
4. Set up filters
5. Start the mailing list.

All advanced tutorial on how to do it correctly you can find on this forum.

Instructions: how to make an email campaign competently and not spam
Many people perceive email newsletters as horrible, useless and intrusive. This applies to both the recipients of letters from the mailing list and the senders themselves. It is important to understand here - it all depends on the inner content of the letter. Do not be afraid of what you did not have time to fully understand. “My letters are not being opened. Most likely, they end up in spam, ”the senders complain. So write in such a way as to bypass this ill-fated folder. How? Read on in my new post.

1. Get the user interested. Experiment with the title.
Mailing text should start with the subject and subject line of the letter. The frequency of viewing email messages depends on how attractive your header is. If you want your newsletter not to be ignored - intrigue! The main rule of an intriguing headline is to articulate a benefit to the reader. Pay attention to how the founder of the some service, encourages his clients to open an email.The user of the service does not yet understand what kind of "bomb" they planted on him today, but he is already intrigued. And here is useful information from the Senders have indicated from the beginning who should view this inbound message. Specifying the subject will reduce the likelihood of a message getting into spam. The newsletter will not be complained about if it matches the preferences of your customers or readers. We have found that both of these options are correct. Now let's compare the viewed headlines with the less successful version. Would you open any of these emails? I doubt it. I think they rightly ended up in the spam folder. Now open your letter from the last mailing list and find the error in it.
Tip: Email headers should be useful and intriguing not to the sender, but to the subscribers. Specify topics.

2. To change or not to change the subject line of letters - that is the question
Viewers get tired of monotonous scenarios and are not ready to revisit the same annoying plot several times. What am I doing? You need to surprise your subscriber, at least sometimes. If today in the mailing list you offer a super promotion, which is valid until 23.00, then tomorrow such an offer will no longer work, please note. Another situation. You are the owner of a famous brand and billions of people know about your company. In this case, your letters will be expected, recognized and carefully examined. Don't chase a variety of headlines here. It is better if the newsletter is in a consistent style and reflects your brand.
Tip: Change the subject matter and style of your email headline if your brand is not promoted.

3. Content is all the power! Write intelligible text
Let's say the reader has taken the bait with the headline. What's next? Most likely, he will open your letter and begin to study its content. And now the most important thing is not to disappoint the subscriber. Two layouts:
  • The subject of the header matches the content of the email. The reader carefully scans your text, delves into the essence of the sentence and begins to trust you more.
  • The subscriber opens the message and sees a complete inconsistency of the title with the internal content. Will he study your "spam" in the future?
Suppose that you bypassed this problem and matched the text with the heading of the letter. Excellent! Then the next question. Is your newsletter easy to read? Is there a lot of water in the text? Will the subscriber understand what you want to carry to him? If your mailing text is complex, incomprehensible and empty, then your subscriber will not read a single sentence. Learn to express yourself in simple language. Readers love this. Before sending a letter to the mailing list, give it to your parents, friends or colleagues for review. Let them be the first to assess your efforts.
Tip: Learn to write clear and understandable copy. Delight your subscribers with useful material, avoid advertising if it was not stated in the headline.

4. Create urgency
Few people follow email newsletters. Surely you also rake your mailbox once every three months, and maybe less often. Even if among thousands of new letters you come across an interesting topic or proposal, you will hardly want to open it right now. This is because the bulk of email newsletters do not contain any urgency for the reader. Here are some examples. Avito's classifieds site uses this technique:Seeing this letter, site subscribers will have to react instantly. You won't be able to postpone the message until tomorrow. “Either today or never”, says the sender.An example of such a mailing does not oblige the subscriber to make a decision right now. You can forget about this letter, but only FOR 3 DAYS! But the SMMplanner service takes care of its customers twice in one message. Oh, how nice it is to receive such news.
Tip: Set a time frame for your proposal. This technique will prevent your letter from getting lost in the crowd of other messages.

5. Send mailing as "person to person"
What does it mean? It is better if all emails come from a specific person, not a brand. The simpler the message, the higher the credibility of the subscriber. It is immediately clear who writes, where and why. Next, you should take into account the personal data of the client himself. If in a letter you refer to a person by name, then he will at least be surprised.
Mailing "person to person".
Mailing "man to man".
Most of all I am pleased with the newsletter distance learning site. In their letters, the guys use several techniques.Personalization, timer, intriguing title - a supermix. Tip: personalize your newsletter emails. Write on behalf of a real person and remember to contact the recipient accordingly.

6. Replace links with buttons
The content of the letter can be either ordinary informational or advertising. In the second case, senders use a bunch of inconspicuous links to products or services within the message itself. But who will lead them? Not only are the links too intimidating, they are also not user-friendly. The solution is simple - use buttons instead of long links like https: /
These guys take care of their customers. Moreover, the mailing list from your company does not differ in any special style. It's all about the approach. Anyone can create convenient buttons and attach a couple of pictures to a letter. But not everyone considers it necessary to waste time on "such nonsense". The design of the letter is interesting. Everything is simple, clear and beautiful. Do you already want to click on the red buttons? Me too, although these courses are no longer relevant for me.
Tip: Get rid of links in your email. Replace creepy and unattractive footnotes with buttons.

7. Build your target audience base
The most important and decisive point. The reputation of your company depends on how carefully the subscriber base is selected. If the mailing list includes clients who have not been interested in you for a long time, then, most likely, they will be enraged by your “unique offers”. The base of target subscribers is formed in months, and not in one day. If the purpose of your newsletter is to quickly show the new promotion to at least someone, then the rule of the seventh point is not for you. “Patience and work will grind everything”, have you heard?
Tip: Update your subscriber base every time before sending a new mailing list.

8. Design a "thug" box
A "thug" mailbox in my understanding is a specially created mail for a domain. What does it look like? Suppose an individual entrepreneur John Doe sent you an email with an offer to purchase a coffee maker at a 90% discount. John's uses all the tools to influence subscribers in his mailing list, but the number of orders does not increase. “How so? I offer a 90% discount, I worked out the content of the letter, I came up with a cool headline, but the clients are opposed, John gets upset. John provided for everything, except for the mail with which he made the mailing. Will you trust the person who sells their goods through the mail [email protected]? Most likely not, even if you are offered super low prices. Bulk mailing without special mail for the domain is simply meaningless.
Test letter to subscribers. Disseminate useful content among online readers. The newsletter goes exclusively to subscribers, so such an email does not become harmful "spam" for recipients. Any self-respecting company has a special work mail, from which all letters are sent to customers, readers or subscribers. You can create such mail using special services, of which there are a huge number on the Internet.
Tip: Send your newsletter from a unique special mail. That's all the tips for today. Well, did you find your mistakes? Then fix everything by running!