I tried carding, but it didn't work. Why?


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I was sitting here at 4 in the morning, picking my nose and wondering if I should write an article. What topic? I see many people have questions about clothing bags, so I'll try to collect all my knowledge in an attempt to answer the question - why don't shops provide them.

I hope it will be possible to help newcomers to this business and answer the questions that people face when starting to engage in clothing.

Let's go in order and start with the fact that ALL shops give, that's why they are shops to give, and if someone can buy from them, then we can too.

It's just a hassle with some more, with some less. The “non-givers” include those who punch the holder's (real) number in their databases and do not send stuff until the holder says “yes”. That is, you can also deal with them, but this is a separate topic and this game is not always worth the candle.

Here, as with chicks, each shop needs its own approach, but of course there are common points and that's what we'll look at today.

Let's say you have a drop in some American state, you found a CC with a holder closer to the drop, tried to drive it in and nothing worked. Here it is worth thinking and analyzing everything we have done, identifying the reasons, so to speak.

Why did it happen? So, the reasons why the track is not given and which can be easily fixed:

1. First of all, you should pay attention to IP.

Crooked IP (displayed or not suitable for the holder's place of residence).

The problem can be solved by human codes and non-server dedicated computers with a clean IP. At the same time, the antifraud takes into account the distance from the sox to the holder (not to the drop), so ideally you should have a clean sox under the CC zip.

2. Failure of the browser and system.

This category includes system time, flash, Java, webRTC, DNS and other crap. This is solved with plugins that plug these holes; on whoer.net they have even entered what percentage you are burning and where exactly. You can read how to solve these problems on the same fuck; describing everything on each point is long and impractical, on the forum already full of materials on this topic.

3. Public email.

Some shops openly ignore the fact that you are from a public email, because... We are all people, some of them require that you write to them from the building, here you need to deal with each shop. In ascending order of coolness go gmail/mail/yahoo -> comcast/verizon -> building for a new domain. You can buy the last 2 from the carding brothers, fortunately there are sellers on the forum. This reason is situational and does not always occur. But be warned.

4. Order amount and high fraud goods.

Everything is obvious here - there's no point in shipping MacBooks if you don't want to bother.

5. Phone number.

Many shops check the connection of the phone number to the name and if there is no holder, or even worse - an empty entry, then they will immediately give you a declaration. Of course, there are many shops that don't care about this movement; they just need to indicate the wrong numbers so that they don't kill the card if they call.

6. Drop far from the holder.

An important point that is not always paid attention to. The distance between the drop and the holder exceeds the minimum in the anti-fraud system and the order goes into pending. Solved with another credit card. So check carefully on Google maps.

Some of the problems that can be solved, but are a little more difficult, include:

1. Different billing and shipping addresses

Some shops simply do not allow you to send to another address, so either look for another shop or change the CC address

2. Ringing

Pay for the dialer, well, they're not small anymore

3. And of course the docks

I don't know about the rest, but when a shop asks me for documents, it's an alarming bell - they rarely give drawings after scans.

4. Holder ringing

Not to your number from your head indicated during the order, but to the real number of the holder from your own database, here only telephone flooding will help, you will receive a letter saying that they cannot get through and this is where dialing and number substitution comes into play.

Returning to the beginning of my monologue - you need to look for an individual approach to each shop. Namely, goods that are processed quickly and provide a track, amounts up to which you can safely order, the need for registration, etc. So, for example, Apple sends iPhone SE without ringing if the card is for zip drop, Neweg - only promotional processors, and bhfotovideo - only after preliminary registration. Dell at one time sent XPS laptops of the same brand almost immediately after typing in, resulting in 20+ laptops for $ 800 per week.

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