Hydra. All you need to know.


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So what is Hydra?
Hydra is the largest in the CIS, and according to ChainAnalysis in the world, a darknet trading platform that sells goods and services related to the criminal world. It is called a trading platform due to the fact that the site itself does not sell anything, but is only an intermediary between the buyer and the seller.

In very simple terms: Hydra is a huge bazaar on the Internet that rents out places for traders from the criminal world.

A little background
It all started with Silk Road. This is the first large anonymous online trading platform that operated from 2011 to 2013. We can say that this is the Father of the Hydra.

For 2012-13, annual sales through Silk Road were estimated at $ 14-15 million

On October 2, 2013, William Ross Ulbricht, owner of the Silk Road site, was arrested in San Francisco. He is accused of drug trafficking, hacker attacks and conspiracy to launder money. The agents were able to arrest him thanks to a package discovered by the Canadian government with nine fake documents sent to San Francisco, which Ulbricht planned to use to rent servers for Silk Road.

After the closure of Silk Road, it was replaced by Hyrda and RAMP.

(Russian Anonymous Marketplace) is a drug selling site that exists on the darknet. It was launched in September 2012 by a man hiding under the pseudonym Darkside.

Already by 2014, the site had become the longest-lived marketplace on the darknet. Its annual turnover reached 24 billion rubles, but in 2017 RAMP started having problems. So, in July 2017, RAMP closed completely.

From this moment the Great History of Hydra begins. The site, which once people simply bypassed (most preferred RAMP), became the main one.

What is for sale on Hydra?
Of course, the site became famous thanks to the sale of drugs, but this is not its entire spectrum. In addition to drugs, on the site you can buy counterfeit banknotes, hacker services, fake documents, weapons and many other prohibited goods and services.

Where and how much does Hydra earn?
I already said that Hydra does not sell anything, but even so, she has good sources of income:
  • Shop rent. Hydra rents out space for online stores. Those. anyone can pay a $ 300 entry fee and pay a $ 100 rent every month. In total, Hydra has about 2076 stores. It is difficult to give an exact figure, it is constantly changing.
  • Commissions. Any money transfer is subject to a commission. Moreover, the policy of Hydra prohibits the transfer of money without the participation of the site. There are penalties for this.
- 5% commission for transactions up to $ 3k

- 3% commission for transactions from $ 3k to $ 10k

- 2% commission on transactions from $ 10k to $ 30k

- 1.5% commission for transactions from $ 30k

  • Guarantor services. There are a large number of scammers in Darknet, and in order to secure a transaction between two people, they connect a third party (this is Hydra's confidant), which controls the entire transaction process and takes a small percentage for it.
  • Auction. As I said, there are many shops on Hydra, which means a lot of competition. With the help of an auction, anyone can raise their store higher in the list. This increases the likelihood that the store will be noticed. The auction starts from $ 100 and often ends at around $ 50k - 100k.
  • Penalties. There is nothing to say. On Hydra there is a set of certain rules, for violations of which shops are fined.


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Darknet is there life beyond Hydra?


For 2020, and in particular for the end of it, the market of domestic darknet marketplaces and sites that complement them has undergone major changes.

I heard about this site some time ago, but the audience of potential consumers started to learn about it only recently, when the site decided to launch an advertising campaign on telegram channels related to surfactants. The high-profile advertising post promises disputes that will not have a bias towards the seller, the lowest prices for substances, weapons and everything else that a resident of the Russian darknet environment is so fond of. And of course, where is it without saying that Meduza is a modern, almost the best option from all the offers on the market?

Well, we go to the site and immediately see that the portal is completely based on JavaScript. If you disable it, it becomes impossible to use the site, since all product loading is based on a script. If you have difficulties with Hydra when JavaScript is disabled, but you can live in General, then you will have to immediately click on closing the tab in the browser. If you don't understand what my claim is, then JavaScript is a thing that collects information about your screen resolution, browser, environment, and other data that you would ideally like to hide.

But whether to believe the promise of Meduza is a big question. In the early days of this site, it was often confused with Medusa, a Scam forum that copied Hydra's design and profited from gullible customers. So that the Meduza marketplace is not confused with Medusa scams, the first one started actively Ddosingthe second one and wrote on his branch on rutor that the Medusa Scam will soon go into the sunset, since the attacks will never stop. At first, the site was really not available, but then it started working as if nothing had happened.

Also from the bad, Meduza has a huge number of spelling and stylistic errors. So, in the categories MEDUZA Drugs Cannabis, MEDUZA Drugs Stimulants, the word drugs is given in the plural, but in the category MEDUZA Drug Psychedelics, for some reason, it is already in the singular. In the MEDUZA Eiporetic category, the word Drugs does not exist at all, not to mention that the correct spelling is Euphoretic, not Eiporetic. From what I noticed, the category name also spelled Eqvipment instead of Equipment. The marketplace claims to have some kind of audience, jokes on its channel about the backwardness of Hydra, but it didn't even bother to check the spelling. It's not serious.

In addition, the site does not filter by city sub-regions (you can't select a specific metro station from the General search like on Hydra), test stores and products with the names Test2Test hang, and the category with ice-extracted hashish is called "ice o lattor". Among the good things, you can highlight an interesting idea of posting on the forum, a filtering system inside products (it is fashionable to filter the types of hoards and packaging in the products themselves, which is very lacking on Hydra, especially for stores with dozens of addresses), as well as a chat for customers.

OMG gives me extremely positive emotions every time I visit this site. First of all, I am extremely partial to the XTS cartel, which is the Creator of this project (the name of the Bob Shop store owned by XTS flew out on the site during the bug, and the purchase of advertising for the project is carried out by the XTS advertising Manager). And secondly, for the entire period of the site's operation, and this is from the end of August last year, 259 transactions were made on the site, 256 of which fall on the store associated with the administration.

Communication from one of its representatives on the rutor branch adds a good attitude to the site. There for several months there was everything: the removal of posts with objective criticism, and the removal of posts with messages about non-visitors, and just a mountain of inadequate reactions and responses to completely adequate comments. Some time after opening the branch, apparently, the management got word that their employee was writing, so his ardor subsided slightly, but in the beginning it was very funny to read everything.

At the same time, what is sad. The site has a wonderful frontend, it is convenient to use, it is pleasant to look at (personally, I like the design even more than on Hydra), it is pleasant to make purchases on it, and OMG has its own clear advantages in terms of functionality over the three-headed one, despite all the obvious disadvantages (like the lack of categories and their different number on mobile phones and desktops). When OMG entered the market, I even believed for a while that the banner of healthy competition was shining ahead.

I've already talked about ALEx so much that I don't even know what to write this time.
The fact that there are still not a large number of transactions on the profiles of performers and customers may be depressing, but this is due to the fact that many orders that this platform attracts take place outside of it.
Among the interesting aspects, I would single out rarely occurring, but nevertheless found on the site deals on surfactants that are not related to the layout of ordinary hoards.
If we talk about the negative aspects, I still miss the date of transactions on ALEx, which would be indicated in the transaction blocks on user pages.

P.S. No one and nothing for articles where Hydra and smaller sites are mentioned - they don't pay me, so don't cry about it in the chat.
And for the same reason, there are no links to resources.


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How to find a real Hydra.​


True valid link to Hydra

As you may have noticed, there are no links to Hydra from the word "absolutely" in Telegram this is understandable: the messenger actively bans any resources, even those that are closed from public access, if the algorithm automatically calculates an inscription somewhere that looks like a three-headed link. It is also likely that user reports contribute to bans, but this does not change the overall picture. Any admins are afraid of spreading links, so even when drug shops are advertised here, they simply indicate their market number.

According to SafeKlad's calculations, a 99.9% chance of finding an ad platform through the clearnet search engines will lead you to a phishing resource. Once you log in to your account, you will send the data to the scammers, and after transferring money, you can say goodbye to the funds they filled someone's already thick wallet.
In any case, do not look for a link in Google, where the address is constantly changed in the smallest detail, like a dash above the letter O.

Asking people from chats is also not a good idea: administrators often ban those who send it, and there is also a risk that you will be sent an incorrect address.

In all this mess, we offer two solutions! First, ALEx http://alexmyworkmq6dqgmtrngire7kjliflprv2o5fsqj6yvj7i4fxrz7oyd.onion - copy the link to TOR, go in, scroll down and look to the right. Partners will be listed there, including the real Hydra! This is also where we are located - this is the second way to find the three-headed one, through our website SafeKlad.com where there is not only a map of garbage patrols throughout, but also a bunch of links to Hydra. These are all real ones that can be used even in the event of a DDoS attack.

In general, we recommend that you just learn the link. It is quite easy to remember, it almost always works, and if there are any problems, we just run to the resources mentioned above and calmly go in.

That's it! Thank you for your attention and see you soon!