How to steal from stores correctly


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First steps\ Infantry
The first place from which you need to get thief experience is Walmart. In this wonderful hypermarket, the flow of people is always as big as a tsunami, there are very few cameras and a lot of "dead" zones (dead zones are areas of the hypermarket that cannot be viewed completely or partially by video surveillance).

It is clear that no hypermarket can do without a security service (hereinafter referred to as SS).

The Security Service includes the security staff of the PSC with which the contract is signed, the shift supervisor, the head of security and often the head of the Security Service. And if spi3dili something from the goods of the risk group (more on this later), then the store administrator fucks the head of the head of the Security Service, who fucks the head of the head of the security service, and there already in descending order to the ordinary security guard working in the "take-out" shift.

As a rule, such thefts occur based on the human factor - the video surveillance operator did not inspect, or cashier, but most often due to the presence of "dead" zones. And in order to prevent such incidents, the most dangerous individuals of the security field are released into the hall-detectives (in the jargon of security guards-dodiki). These same dodiki go through dead zones, or near high-risk goods (electronics, headphones, and other rubbish) under the guise of ordinary customers, but their appearance gives them an employee of the PSC, namely:
- constantly walks alone (or with a partner) with an empty or filled with random slag basket exactly near the departments I described;
- as a rule, the appearance of dodiks resembles boys from the category - "Who are you";
- can / can stand in the department with ipods, leaf through magazines with "tits-assholes" and shoot 180 degrees around with one eye, and as soon as the incongruity ignites, it will merge to the side and honk to the operator via mobas, or walkie-talkie the name of the department and the description of the suspect.

In general, it is elementary to burn these characters, walk around the places mentioned above with a cart for 10-15 minutes without arousing suspicion, and you can give them one dodik-conspirator twice, or even three times.

The infantry was dealt with, and now video surveillance is underway.

Don't get caught\ Video surveillance
There are different cameras, but the most fierce-dome, and after them wide-angle stationary.


dome camera


wide-angle camera


hidden video cameras

Dome cameras are a complete game, it has a very cool zoom, plus it rotates 360 degrees, and it is controlled by a person with a special remote control (dewar) and if you were burned during the theft, they will lead you to the last one. I was told about this camera a lot of different things, the bottom line is that from 50 meters you can count all the little things in an open wallet, from 80 (approximately) you can see pimples on your face and cellulite on your ass, and from 100 meters at maximum zoom you can still see your face in general terms.

Wide-angle cameras do not have any zoom, but they have a viewing angle of 180 degrees and they serve to scroll through the recordings from all stationary cameras in case of undetected theft and identify the thief, take a picture, print it out and distribute it to all security personnel in the morning before the shift. In case the thief thought:- "a-za-za, go to steal goods! "-one of the guards is most likely to recognize the thief, inform the surveillance video operator about your visit, and he will rub his hands and" guide " you as long as the camera allows.

the head of security, or the Security Service is waiting for the return of a crook who wants to repeat his past exploits, and has already cut video from stationary cameras to meet so to speak with open arms and quickly start loading the thief and boldly attach it at the exit;
the video has not yet been cut, but the thief has been identified, I throw his signs to the nearest security guard and he provokes anti-theft frames with a "spoon" (in the jargon of security guards, a spoon is an anti-theft alarm that is either issued to each guard, or placed in certain places known to the guards. The guard holds the alarm either in his fist and holds it without fail next to the frame when the thief exits, it doesn't matter where he keeps it, but they can provoke the frame-100% fact.

If you are caught stealing, I do not recommend hitting the security guard's horn if you live in the same city where the store is located. Before you use force, it's still theft, and after you use it, it's robbery. And if you do not write out the guards to fuck, then it's easier to move out of the topic (more on this below), if you attacked the guards, then the senior shift scavenger will give you a drink. In 4 out of 5 cases, everything is solved with money, regardless of the amount of stolen goods, and if they are slammed, then in the inspection room you need to say right away:

- Guys, I know everything and can solve the problem.

And it will be just perfect if the entire amount is on hand at once, if not, then you need to notify the security guards and call friends to give a ride to the money, or leave something as collateral to move for the money yourself.

Security guards call cops only if the attacker is not able to pay, and most often they are constantly being cocksucked, because often the video is either not made in advance, or made with clumsy hands by the head of security. And according to the law, garbage can not be kept in the department for more than 2 hours without making a charge, and, by the way, that's why it's better to steal in the evening, since all the bosses of the house guards are already at 6-7 hours and the shift supervisor is in charge, who can only dial the superiors to formally report the caught thief.

Absolutely in all stores, security guards have a so-called "obshchak", this is the money used by crooks to pay for stolen goods, which in turn also remains in the store. They keep this money and save it up in case of unsolved thefts, so as not to pay to the cash register out of their own pockets.

Usually, money is stored in plastic "pataks" with an alarm inside, and you can open this miracle box either with a magnet or with a hammer).
I moved away from the topic a little. In general, the guards do not need to put the thief in jail, they have a different specifics of work, first let them steal, and then slam and replenish their "obshchak".

Security guards\ Show off
Unfortunately, I could not find badges of licensed security guards, I will describe it in words-it is not an ordinary, standard-sized badge from a kiosk for 10 RE, firstly, it is several times larger, not in plastic, but in a polymer cover, it must have a photo of the guard, Full name, stamp of the LRO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and it is always white or bluish in a grid, visually similar to the face on the injury. Plus, the security guard should always have a private security guard's ID with him, and if all the attributes are missing, then you can make some noise.

All badges of such a plan are worn by unlicensed security guards, who can apply the maximum to any buyer or crook, so it is not to deny the vital-to give a whitefish, or a trifle for beer. At this point, our powers are already, as if that is, uh, in general, everything.(with)

After a long inventory of internal procedures and security work, I want to finish the story on tips for committing theft.
First of all, you need to dress decently, why it is necessary to write I will not be so clear.
Never go to the store twice a day for a major theft.

Before stealing, it is necessary to blurt out the presence of cameras, their type and skip the "dead zones". All this should be done under the guise of a buyer, because if you first walk around and look eye-to-eye with the operator through the cameras, then you are most likely to be burned and driven. One day you study everything, with purchases at the checkout, and after a couple of days you can steal something.

It is best to steal small-sized goods on the go, when moving from department to department, covering the item with a mobile phone, for example, and putting it in your pocket with it. It is best to cover with a piece of paper, ala shopping list.

Always go with a basket or cart and put what you plan to take out first. And after a few departments, it gets to study the composition and is put in your pocket.
You can never make a fuss, look around, you always need to be a "gawker".

It is better to steal large goods in dead zones, in a bag. With a random request from the security guard to show the contents of the bag, you can argue and tell him that the frames did not work on the passage-go for a walk, Vasya. Will touch your hands delicately, please do not crumple the suit, three of us will block the way, we scare you with garbage, because this is an illegal retention and the rules of the store were not violated by you, and they go too far, after all, there are intimate things in the bag.

It is better to open boxes on the shelves of departments where fewer people go. But it is better to choose racks with some kind of frying pans, or kettles no one looks through such departments, only if they lead.

The products of the risk group include: ipods, mobile phones, laptops, cameras, accessories for them, as well as company headphones, mice, and other branded strays. These departments are always under close control every minute. Of these departments, it is better to use pi3 in pairs - one took it, put it in another department and reported the location, the second came and finished the job. It is better again to shift to the above-mentioned racks, or in dead zones. If on a large spi3dil, then in the store is not a foot for a long time. 100% will wait.

Always go through the checkout with some purchases to pay for.

In conclusion, I want to add that it is dangerous to steal in electronics stores on any day, with the exception of Black Fridays and other cool sales, which are attended by whole crowds of people. In Letuale any, too, once at a time is not necessary. Always monitor the situation, do not panic and be healthy! Good luck to all, thank you for your attention!

The store absolutely does not give a fuck about the shortage, they are not fucked for it in any way. For example, Walmart. An average of 3,100,000 items are taken away per month, plus about 70k is eaten per day. This is with an area of 12.5 k sq. m and a daily turnover of 20mn on weekends.
Now we take a smaller Auchan. 8.5 k sq. m for the entire hall 3 "agent 007". People are noticeable, not from a good life they work there, ordinary men with the faces of law enforcement officers, or imitating them as much as possible. They watch you out in the open, walk to the snowmelt until you ask them to leave you alone.

And a small digression.
Margin in Auchan on products up to 5% (maximum 10% and this is at the opening). Markdown of the product up to 70% maximum, no longer allowed. Yellow price tags and stands under them are really savings, because suppliers of these products make big discounts. Turnover is important for this network, which is why everything is so cheap there.
You can safely eat there and not pay, because according to their policy, the buyer is always right, and you can explain your choice by not knowing what the taste qualities of the product are.

I would recommend starting with the supermarket network. Especially with the recently opened ones, there are stupidly no cameras. And even if there are cameras, there are many dead zones.
It is easy and simple to remove from the supermarket, but the range is too small. It is better to do it around the time when everyone goes home from work and when the cars come with the goods, or rather when the calculation begins (here all the sellers are busy with this calculation and they don't give a fuck about you, and not for a long time before that, all the male store staff is busy moving heavy objects, so the chance The main thing is to take a closer look at the store and understand where fewer employees live.

As for alcohol.
They're watching him. You will understand this when you look closely at it, almost half of the employees will look at you, if you see such a thing, do not take any chances, they will either follow you or just remember you.
Employees also often wear casual clothes, so remember their faces (I was accepted because of this stupidity, a new person came to work, and he burned me down).

About clothes.
The author correctly said that you need to dress normally. Because the fuckers are always being followed, and you can see it from the outside. I often used a bag from under a laptop, and it looks normal and voluminous.
It is better to steal in winter, because there is no clear amount of people. The pockets of winter jackets fit a lot.
About other networks. Theft is possible, but you need to know the small nuances of what and how, how many guards there are in the hall, whether there is someone on the monitors and all that.

Small chips

Phone Trick

"Cool stuff. You put the crayons in your hand, then you take out the phone, stick in it or just talk, then you put everything in your pocket together, even if you fuck up, you will say, I'm sorry, I'm probably careless, I'll pay for it now.
If you took the product from the shelf, then make it beautiful so that it was not visible. Restore the shelf to its original appearance, as if you didn't take anything, so the chance that they will find the missing item is reduced.

Events in stores.
Pass the fuck understand how. But in a good way, they should be on the 15th or 30th (31st) day of each month. Therefore, if pi3dite not popular products, for example, Martel SUN, in a store where they take a bottle of vodka for 200r and say that it is expensive, keep in mind. That they will try to view the product group on the cameras and find out who took it.

These are data storage devices, or rather records from video surveillance. The biggest thing I've seen is a month of record retention. It's just not real anymore, it takes up a lot of memory, and it's very expensive. This will be useful for the point about events.

Politeness and manners.
Behave with dignity, from the very entrance to the store, be polite to everyone. Be restrained in your behavior, even if you have accepted it.
Always be on top of the money, so there will be a chance to move out on something that you forgot to pay for. "Guys, I have money, I just put it in my pocket/backpack when I was too late/my ex." It is important-until you leave the store, you can carry the goods in anything and as you feel comfortable, you can only be asked to take the basket and put everything there.

As long as you haven't passed the cash register, you don't care at all, even if they accept you, then you say that you don't give a fuck, you're not going anywhere yet and want to pay for the goods, if they fuck around, then you ask them to call the cops, the law is on your side, the main thing is not to piss and

Theft up to 2500 decriminalized. If the product costs less than 2500 rubles according to the purchase price (not according to the price tag), then there will be an administrative fine. But if you got caught in the administrative department and still got caught during the year, then there will be of the Criminal Code. As the year passes and the administrative fee is paid off, you can again take out up to 2500 without fear of the Criminal Code.

They don't have the right to accept you outside the store, so you can beat the fuckers if you can, when the garbage arrives, then the law is on your side. "I was walking down the street, someone attacked me, I defended myself and that was it." If they say that you have an item in your bag/pocket, etc., then you say that you bought it in another place. You don't have to carry the check with you.

Barcodes. Wash and remove them as much as possible, so that they won't be able to pass through the cash register, if anything happens.
If you were accepted
If you were accepted. Don't be nervous. It all depends on the circumstances. Calmly step aside. Don't let yourself be held down by your hands. Show that you are the master of the situation here.

Ask what the reason is. Turn on the one who knows nothing. If they ask you if you don't have anything that you haven't paid for, then say no. When asked to go somewhere, don't agree. Right here on the spot. If you are asked to show it, then either you agree and show it, and then you say " Oh, I completely forgot about /name/, let me pay for it now, sorry, etc.". Therefore, pi3dim is less than 1k and we have money with us. About multiples of sizes and so on-send them to the fuck, and ask them to call the cops, believe me, they will break through as you need.

If you are still catch and taken somewhere, then get fucked by the knowledge of the laws and the inevitability of punishment of employees. I hope that you spi3dili no more than 999r, you say that cops will let you go, because this is an administrative office, fines for administrative offices are not large. If you are pi3dili, then tell me about this, that the beatings will be removed. If you tear your clothes , you'll get paid. In short, load them so that there is no point in calling the police, they will offer to pay you and leave safely, which is exactly what you need.

How I was reinforced[/B]
1 time, I stupidly fucked up, because women grabbed my hands, and I stupidly tore my hands out and ran away, because they had already called the PSC by that time.
2 times I was fixed by 3 men of employees and it didn't work out to fuck. Then all the most delicious things started. I started to move out on the topic of the fact that there are less than 1k products here.

They called the PSC, started scaring them with garbage bags, they say they will put them in jail, I say that there is an administrative office. They start charging me that the fine will be 40-50k, I told them that from 500 to 1500. They tore my clothes. I said that if they come, you will pay for the clothes. They immediately slightly reduced the fee and offered to pay everything in 5 times the amount, I said no. CHOP arrived and it all started again. A similar dialogue was repeated 4 times.

When I arrived, I realized that almost all the Persian had changed and everyone had forgotten about me.

Shoplifter Reviews
Here is my story, in 15 years I regularly went and pi3dil in a local supermarket chocolates and cottage cheese, it all lasted about a month and a half, and here I was accepted in 1 day because of 3 Alpen Gold chocolates, they closed the store with a key and called garbage collectors, I offered the sellers to pay everything on the spot, but they don't give a fuck about my offer, garbage arrived, sellers showed a record where I put chocolates in my pocket, and we went to the department, arrived, there were 3 cops in the office,

Last year, Adidas managed to re-paste the barcode from SHORTS that were not expensive to track adidas from the new collection, I was sure that it would not work, but my soul demanded its own) it rolled for a long time, after that I was still bespectacled that they would find out the fraud and they would pass me through the cameras and come for me ))) they didn't come))) BACK in Auchan, I pasted the barcode from cheap ballpoint pens to PILOT pens, oddly enough, it rolled!

At one time, in his youth, he also worked in stores. I don't know about you in the capitals, but in our electronics stores it was like this: in front of the entrance to the department there was a stack of boxes (DVD players, flat-screen TVs, heaters, laptops ) and on these boxes as a stand-up copy there was a product usually locked and tied with a cable. So stupidly made a muzzle with a brick took from a stack of boxes with goods and left!!!

Thus, I personally managed to steal an oil heater, a laser printer and the pinnacle of my activity is an 80-liter boiler!!!))) And the most comical thing was that the guard helped him carry it out!
On a laptop almost caught, already in the doorway at the exit from the store caught up with one of the consultants and says this, - a man and we have a licensed Windows for 600 UAH with this laptop.

And I'm like, " What the fuck do I need him for?" I gave him a dazed laptop and took a nap in the confusion... There is a friend-a former football player (hooked on aids ), so he made mink coats pi3dil... In the markets and just on the streets before, now I don't know, they put mannequins near A LA Boutiques, and they put fur coats on them... So stupidly ran up and tore, legs two meters, try to catch up...

On the fourth, or rather in the fourth, men's mink coat he was accepted... Because she's alone in the city!!! ))) His father's ex-trash was bought off like that...

After that, they rushed with him on tour to Kiev. We worked according to an ingenious and at the same time simple scheme: Who can get into trouble?! So, a person enters a store, takes for example expensive ceramic knives, goes to the checkout, pays. Be sure to take the receipt!!! He leaves the store. Gives the product to a partner or just puts it in a storage box at a nearby supermarket! Second act: In an hour... He goes to the first store, picks up exactly the same knives from the shelf and goes to the same cash register with a check. It tells something like this story...
Quick FAQ

Where should I put all this stuff?
It is best to sew in the studio inner pockets in the form of a large tight mesh, which will hide anything. If you don't have outerwear, you can put it in your belt. What goes in is right in your pockets. Classic trousers and an untucked fitted shirt will perfectly hide stolen goods. For larger volumes, you can use bags.

Blind spot
Probably the most reliable and most common scheme among professional shoplifters. We take the basket, slowly, walking around the store put all the products in it. Those that we are not going to pay for - we put them down so that they do not attract attention. We find the blind spot and put what we want in our pockets. The most suitable place is a section of the store that is enclosed by three walls, where the camera looks only at one of them or does not exist at all

What should I do if there are cameras everywhere?
For this purpose, the zone with the least number of cameras in the lens of which we fall is suitable. The best option is just one camera. Finding the least viewed location. The basket should be worn as girls carry a purse, on the forearm, closer to the torso. We turn our backs to the camera and carefully, without waving our hands, put what we want in the inner pockets of the unbuttoned jacket

Working with a partner
After visiting the store in advance and seeing all its attractions, you can go shopping with a partner. For this method, a magnet is best suited : store employees view cameras right at the checkout, so we can monitor their work. In this case, both need communication tools. The phone number matches. One of the accomplices goes to the right department, while the second one is watching the observer at the cash registers.

Rough, but true
A way for amateurs, which, by the way, I do not particularly recognize. You can work in a store where the entrance and exit to the hall are located in different places. If you don't have one, you can find a store without security. The same magnet. The idea is simply to fill the basket and go out (run out) to the same place where you came from. After such an operation, you should run to the courtyards, because on the road you can attract the attention of valiant employees of the bakery.

The best helper in this case is a puller, which can be replaced with a powerful neodymium magnet. Using the selection method, I found out that the smallest magnet that is suitable for this case is a 20x10 mm washer. The breakaway force is approximately 10 kg. The cost is about 100-150 rubles. Removes the simplest sensors

Hide from prying eyes
Most often, shoplifters work in fitting rooms. Even if things are counted at the entrance, there are still several ways to go home with new clothes. The most reliable way is to take, for example, three things. Two carry in the open, and the third carefully hide between them. There is an option to put the item on yourself or put it in a bag in advance before the fitting room. Practice shows that checking things kisulkam absolutely do not care, to look at where and what you have lies they have no desire. If there are no such young ladies in front of the fitting rooms - even better

In my opinion, this is one of the most interesting topics in our profession. The best way is to take the shoes together with the box, measure them, and doubt the purchase. Pack it back up and take it to the clothing department. There you will choose a pair of T-shirts, together with which you will go to the fitting room (of course, not forgetting the box). We take out our shoes, remove the protective clip with a magnet, and throw the shoes into the briefcase. T-shirts and an empty box with an alarm put in their places. We're moving away.

Oh, it fell
This method works best not at hangers, but at counters. We choose the right place so that the counter partially closes us off from the supervising consultants. We put a bag or backpack on the floor. We take a couple of things, rotate them in our hands. Then we accidentally drop it on the floor. We bend down, pick up things and put them back, with the exception of one that falls into the backpack. After changing the location, you can put the item in a foil armor or remove the "plastic gizmo" with a magnet, which is removed at the checkout."

Pay honestly
Walking around the store, we put two drinks in the basket: Non-alcoholic and alcoholic. You should also have an empty bottle in your bag. Through simple machinations in the blind zone, we use the third bottle to swap mineral water and vodka, cognac and tea, wine and cherry juice. We return the alcohol bottle to its place. We pay for a cheap bottle with expensive contents at the checkout. Drinks in opaque packaging are simply poured into their own containers in the blind zone and put the empty product in its place.

Small electronics
You can get it in a hypermarket. We pick up what we want, then head to the clothing department. In the locker room, we spoil the packaging that we hide inside things. We hide the take-out item in the booth itself, which is taken away by an accomplice after a while. It is better not to delay its release, as the fitting room can be checked by a store employee.
Electronics stores have very good video surveillance cameras, and the security service is not asleep. You need to be as careful as possible. There is an option to move to the least visible area and put the item in the armor. Or make a bookmark: hide the item in the store in a secluded place. Her partner picks her up the next day

Perfume industry
Perfume is usually found in perfume shops at the exit. Suitable Perfume-Leader. The easiest way is to pick up a probe, move some distance away and tactfully drop it into an open bag. If you need to get a whole box, check the integrity of its packaging. inside can put magnetic strips that beep when passing through the gate. They can easily be persuaded with a foil armor. You can also fold the bottle into a thick book with a pre-cut hole.