How to recognize payment fraud over the phone?


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Payment fraud

The number and expiration date of the payment card are not enough to make a transaction with a stolen credit card. After all, most cards are protected by SMS-password (3D Secure). To find out this code, cybercriminals use various forms of phishing: they send letters, fake online banking sites, and call potential victims on behalf of their financial institution.
More often than not, phone scammers use similar scenarios. If the conversation goes on one of them - you can safely hang up the phone.

The call comes from an unknown number or from a mobile
The bank always calls from the official numbers indicated on the website. It is not necessary to remember the number, but it must be at least local or federal (8-800).

SMS from the "bank" comes to new correspondence
SMS from the bank also come from one or two numbers that you already know. In any case, do not rush to follow the links in the message.

The interlocutor cannot answer simple questions
The call center operator sees on the screen everything that the bank knows about you. If the interlocutor is not ready to answer a simple question, for example, to name the balance on the card, this is a fraud.

Troubled subject of a message or call
In order to scare the victim and force them to take the desired action as soon as possible, scammers come up with frightening scenarios. They say that the bank blocked the account, charged a fine for the loan, or that a suspicious transaction was carried out.
In such a situation, do not rush, two minutes will not solve anything. Call the bank and check. Call only by phone indicated on the website or on the map.

The interlocutor asks for card details or a code from SMS
A code from an SMS is like a password. Bank employees will never ask him, and they already know the card number.

You are promised benefits without effort
To lure the victim, the scammers promise a solid income quickly and effortlessly: super lucrative jobs, win-win contests, courses that will make everyone rich. But there is no free cheese even in a mousetrap: you will not get money, you will only lose. For example, scammers will take prepayment for tuition and disappear. Or they will promise a prize and entice the card details from you, ostensibly to transfer the winnings.

The interlocutor rushes you or tries to convince you
A bank employee will never insist or rush. He's at work.

Errors in the message
The bank has vigilant editors, but scammers write with errors. Don't be fooled by an illiterate criminal.

Sender's name is spelled incorrectly
Fraudsters register addresses that look like bank names. Here the property of the brain works, which reads the meaning of solv dzhae elsi buvki in them are pereutana. When such an SMS arrives, you should also be alerted that the message was in a new correspondence.