How to protect personal data on the network: TOP-5 tips

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It is very difficult to completely secure your data when using the Internet.

How to protect personal data on the network: TOP-5 tips.

Personal data leaks have become almost a traditional history for Ukraine. Back in the days of push-button telephones and rental films on the shelves of the good old Petrovka in Kiev, it was possible to purchase a full set of registers for $ 100-200.

Not every new leak of personal information is surprising, but the reaction - often people themselves provide personal data to strangers, send copies of documents in unprotected ways and calmly associate all electronic media with their own names.

This behavior makes the extraction of information a trivial matter for fraudsters, so trifling that they are sold in gigabytes - one of the scandalous Telegram bots offered 900 gigabytes of databases: 110 million phone numbers, 148 million contacts, 4.5 billion emails, 3.4 billion passwords , 51 million identification codes and 4.3 million vehicle numbers.

Data leakage can be organized in many ways: often the cause of the leak is either corrupt officials, or inattentive administrators, or skillful hackers. But the almost complete absence of protective steps on the part of citizens is the main driver of this market.

For example, according to a study by Fabrizio Ward, every eighth Ukrainian has one password for all accounts, and 54% of citizens use simply non-unique passwords that are easy to crack with a simple brute-force method. Although the issue of data security is extremely serious, fraudsters can use personal information in many schemes. From loan processing to harassment and extortion.

How to protect personal data on the network: TOP-5 tips.
It is almost impossible to completely secure your data when using the Internet. Today, any PC can act as a surveillance tool as long as there is a network connection. But some measures will help minimize risks and complicate the life of cyber fraudsters - instead of a complex victim, they always choose a more accessible one.
  1. Online banking, mail, and personal social media should have several different phone numbers and email addresses. It is best that numbers and addresses are not your primary use for everyday use. Banking operations especially require a separate phone number, because we are talking about the safety of money savings.
  2. In no case should you leave information about yourself on dubious resources, send scanned personal documents to individuals and companies without good reason, and even more so - upload photos of your passport or IC on social networks.
  3. You should not open a profile on social networks wide open - personal information may be visible to friends or family, but it is unacceptable to tell everyone your family ties, place of work, study and the most relevant location. The same applies to adding strangers as friends - social networks are no longer a harmless environment, any unfamiliar account can turn out to be fake.
  4. Do not share your passwords with anyone, do not enter passwords in plain sight, and do not keep them in a document on the Desktop of your personal or work PC. In addition, passwords should be changed at least once a month, and recorded on paper. The optimal length for a secure password is 16 characters, including numbers and spaces. The autofill function for logins and passwords should also be disabled.
  5. Exclude clicks on links that are intended to update information about you. It is generally better to check any links, even if they are received from friends in a private dialogue. And it is better to give permission for applications to access data on the phone only as a last resort.