How to organize a drop service


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Drops farming (dropovodstvo, drop service) in itself is not an easy undertaking, as many write. People think it's easy to run such a service. I hope I will change your perspective on this matter. Many times I have already met situations when they write to me “I tried to dilute a drop, which I just didn’t think of, they don’t want to work in any. Probably, everything is very bad with SI ”. As far as SI is concerned, this is certainly an interesting thing, but those who re-read books on psychology in the hope of becoming a cool drop guide are already going too far.

To work with drops, from my point of view, you need:
  • good to be able to lie;
  • understand when to lie and when to tell the truth.
Personally, this is enough for me. When you see a person live, you should already understand what this person is, 5-10 minutes of heart-to-heart conversations, and you are ready to conclude what this person is ready for, and for what payment he will work. I will not go into the details of what will be described below anyway, but I will say one thing. If desired, anyone can become a drop guide. We must not forget what we are working for. And payment in this matter is very important.

Localization as one of the most important factors in work (Drop production in USA / EU)
I have to start according to the plan with work in the USA, in which in practice, of course, I do not understand anything? But I can give some part of the information. If we take the USA - the biggest risk here is probably work in the country in which the drop sits, and even the material of this country. I will talk about the safety of working with drops below, I think it will work for USA too.

On the intricacies of work: a common way to "pull" a parcel in the United States is pickup.

For those who do not know, they resort to pick-up in cases when the goods were sent to the address of the card holder using his card / brute-force account in the online store / auction, etc. In such a situation, a drop that already has a pre-prepared fake id / power of attorney, arrives at the address specified as "delivery address" and picks up the parcel under the guise of KX himself (with a power of attorney, as a relative, friend, neighbor, etc.).

I am telling elementary things, because not all carding / drop farming gurus are here. More difficult things will come later

Don't think that pick-up service is in demand only in countries where the AVS system operates. For example, I had an order in the Czech Republic, where from fatty (with a history, where orders are 7-10k $) brute ebay accounts, they ordered expensive electronics and jewelry to the addresses of account holders, and in the same way they successfully picked up these orders. In any case, working with drops in the USA is much more dangerous than in EU.

EU work (DE / CZ / PL)
This is where all my activity is conducted, here I can tell you a lot of interesting things. As many people know, I work in Poland, sometimes sending drops to neighboring countries. In most cases, the reason for the trips is the pickup of parcels from Amazon / eBay, sometimes we pick up especially expensive things made by the foul language of the country we are going to.

As for the difficulties of the Germans working with this case, they are the strictest of all (that's what friendly drop services say). If you make parcels with the foul language of the country, the drop drops even before the arrival of the parcel. I experimented with this, made orders for adjustable drops from the Polish mat. 4/5 drops "died" before the arrival of the package. The fate of the drops is unknown to me to this day. With regards to DE and CZ - we work well on the road, no one has yet “hit” in 2.5 months of work. This is a situation in which the whole process can only be understood by trial and error. Everyone does it differently, it is not possible to derive a single formula. Practice companions.

Directions of activity of drops
You can give examples from hundreds of areas, ranging from LLC registration to credit topics / leasing cars. But here I will focus on the 3 most popular topics in my service.

According to my observations, the most in demand are:
  • Drops for clothing carding;
  • Drops under the bays;
  • Drops for verification of something.
With the first - here I think there is nothing to explain, you find a person, you force him to accept the parcel for a reasonable fee, the end. As for the practice, today, working with sensible (I did not even know what word to choose to convey the entire intellectual potential of these people) hammers, I learned so much amazing information that I had never seen in public before.

For example, "golden bins". In the process of driving, when a vbv request comes in, you completely isolate the traffic, start up an empty request from vbv, let the traffic continue (all this was done through the plinker / proxyfair) - and the bank accepts vbv. Watches for $ 10,000, jewelry, iMac for $ 4-5k, everything is possible.

I didn’t drive in, I won’t explain the intricacies of such driving in, but I think you understand what this is about. This is a bug of the bank itself, but it exists. With the second - a huge number of subtleties and nuances that drag on to one more lecture. If you want to work only on this topic, look for thematic forums, try small, try uploading yourself (at least in order to understand what is happening during this process). Everything is like everywhere else.

With regards to verification - most likely you thought that we will talk about the verification of wallets like qiwi. Only these wallets are sold on the network for 1-2 thousand. rubles, as far as I know. Being in EU / USA is not money for you. So why is there such an item: "Drops for verification"?

And here everything is much more interesting. Quite recently, maybe 2 weeks ago, I came across an interesting stream of orders on the topic of verification.

It was necessary to verify services in which this process looks as follows "communication - verification - result". In a nutshell: an employee of the verification service contacts the drop and in the online broadcast asks several basic questions in English (random), then asks to show the document to the camera from both sides, and, you guessed it, the face too.

By the way, I saw exactly the same service today on the forum. Live verification systems are gaining popularity. Live verification, from what I learned, is very expensive for corporations, but very effective. As for the connection, I met a request for verification via Skype and through the built-in offer (they force you to download the application to the phone, the phone is tied to you and you go through the verification through the phone camera).

The most popular verification center in Germany today is IDNOW. For successful verification less than 100 euros I have not yet been offered. By the way, we verified the exchange of currency into bitcoins, which allowed replenishing itself through ordinary cc's, and transferring the replenished amount to BTC. If people have good stuff, they drain it this way. After such verification, we have not yet had any problems with withdrawing money from the CC. Merch writes them off almost immediately. At the same time, the drop uses fake id so that there is a match according to the CX data (the merchant breaks through a lot of EU banks).

Selection of drops for all occasions. Rules for working with drops
The first point here will be to find drops and where to find them. Personally, I searched for my first drops through social networks and I collected drops using the “work in a developing transport company” method. A short history that we need warehouses in Europe, but we ourselves are here only in transit. They say, take the parcels, and our person will come to Mon and Fri, for example, and take all this stuff.

In this case, you can get a resume !! drop. Where he studies, he works. There are usually no problems with a drop in the future.

Why is it convenient to collect people in social media? networks - you see photos of a person, "statuses" on his wall. It will immediately become clear what the "frame" is in front of you. From experience, people with public pages like “the life of a millionaire”, “brother for brother”, “I want, and therefore I will achieve” - do not take. Don't step on my rake. These people can only be used for tough black scheme, such as bared plastic. And the fact that they do not understand anything. To date, I have an automated search for drops, I will describe the scheme in more detail below.

The second point here will be about the types of drops, and which type is best (in my opinion). (I will state my thought specifically for my situation, for me this is the most convenient, but for you it may not work at all).
Some manual had nicely structured types of drops. For myself, I distinguish 3 types. Adjustable, semi adjustable, non-adjustable.

It's simple, no much explanation is required:
  • The divorce officer does not understand what is going on at all;
  • The half-wrench understands his actions only partially, or even thinks that he is engaged in other activities (while being aware that it is illegal);
  • Undivided (Knows exactly as much as he is entitled to. Understands what he is doing).
For 6 months of work, I have not used a single fixed drop. Why? They cost me dearly. Even when a person knew a lot about the situation, in general, he still did not understand all the seriousness. As for the clothes, I work with adjustable wedges + semi wedges.

Why they? Yes, elementary, as I wrote above, for financial reasons. They want such drops for receiving a parcel 2-4 times less than non-diluted ones. For each situation, you need to select a different person. It's like putting together a big puzzle.

Many will say that wedges will lose parcels. If you work with them correctly, there are no problems.

I have a boyfriend who has been working with me for almost six months. From time to time I spoil him with staff, to which no one responded. The boy lives, he enjoys life. As for living in RU, but organizing a drop service in EU is, as for me, impossible.

If you personally cannot come and pat the drop on the head, they will lose parcels, couriers will give packs to their “neighbors”, etc. Fortunately, it has never come to a physical approach. Verbally, "insert" the drop is enough. For prophylaxis, this is a necessary procedure from time to time. And now it is. I would completely rewrite this part of the text I wrote.

Last month I took one drop from Z.P. 600 $ and this is more than profitable, he accepts a lot of packages. Over the past month, it has exceeded 400 pieces.

What came to my mind now. In order not to suffer with the search for drops, etc. I decided to create a kind of "super drop". Everyone who worked with me wonders why, when trying to take a drop from me, messages like "take a random Polish name, a random address in Warsaw and type it in."

I will tell you all these nuances below, but in theory, if a drop will carry about 40 active sim cards (this replaces 40 drops). S Z.P. about 1000 $ it will be very profitable

With regards to organizing a drop service in EU (USA) from the CIS.

Surprise, but from the underground I pulled out entire schemes for conducting drop farming based on UBER taxis, the scheme is roughly as follows: send staff to the reception at the hotel from brute UBER accounts, order a taxi, asking them to pick up the package and take it to another place.

Having only one drop in a big city (in which there are usually about 50-100 hotels of different ranks) I think you can draw a lot of staff.

On this topic, probably everything I wanted to add. Going further - Working with drops - safety rules (The main drop is working on the principle of "pimping").

As funny and strange as it sounds, the hierarchy provides many conveniences. I found a girl who wanted to work and earn money, she didn't ask many questions. I made her the center of the drops. He taught a little the intricacies of work, sits, recruits new people.

My girlfriend works as a logistics center, pick up all the packs, bring them and drop them to the warehouse. Controls all drops in real life. And I don't glow in front of drops.

In terms of physical security, I never use my phone. I make appointments for specific hours in specific places where there are no cameras. No "I will be in red sneakers", "with a blue backpack", etc. You always need to walk with a drop, talk to him for 5-10 minutes, understand what kind of person, and whether there will be problems with him. When you need to - you need to intimidate. Such work is not very pleasant. Like any work with people. I remembered one quote from the film, the essence of which is: people should respect you. Or be afraid. And best of all, when fear is mixed with respect. Such people are the least problematic.

What else I will add on my own. At first, he kept the staff in the apartment where he lived. After the arrival of a very large number of staff, he rented a closed garage 4 km away. from the house (not very profitable, believe me) today I rented a house, converted the basement into a warehouse, more than satisfied.

When the police came to the drop

Everything is extremely brief here. We use contracts with drops for employers. That is, we open a company, on its behalf we sign contracts for work on receiving parcels with a drop. We collect 5-10 people for a company and close it. When the police come with questions - the drop is in disbelief - shows the contract. Was the company like that? Was. Is the drop a victim of scammers? Victim. For six months, not a single drop suffered (who had these contracts).

This can also be used to open company accounts in banks and more (Drop received an order from the company to open a company account, and then was fired). What you can think of. An intelligent lawyer will be very useful to you here. It would be nice to have one.

Mail-forwarding firm as a cover for drop service

An offline acquaintance kept such a company. Mainly engaged in white business of sending inexpensive auto parts to the CIS countries. There was a website (business card website), from there a stream of clients came. From time to time things came from all over Europe. Of which 80% were carding (it is impossible to say for sure, but few people can afford a jacket from Italy for 1,500 euros for their hard-earned money to be sent to Ukraine today).

He simply took the most top parcels (with apple, leather jackets) for himself. I started asking for confirmation of payment, whether it is your card, a selfie of the recipient and the document, a selfie of the recipient and the page of the site, and the rest like that. Usually, after 3 letters, people simply stopped confirming anything.

In short, like any service intermediary in the USA, he did what he did, he clamped down on parcels. There were several cases when they drove from Polish material to his address. The police come to the warehouse (the address to which they drove). They explain the situation; in parallel, a search is underway on a legal basis.

When I had time to send, I showed invoices from the post office that things were under the shipment. Once the parcel was withdrawn directly from the warehouse, providing documents from the store. What is most interesting, they have never been fined (!). Many white parcels pass through it, everything is officially documented. Most likely because of this. Each country is different. I heard from fellow craftsmen from the UK that the police come and fine. Find out all the nuances of consulting a lawyer in a particular country.

I myself was thinking of opening such a company as a cover. But to be honest, I heard a lot of opinions, and they are very controversial. Some "got" with these firms so that then they paid and not a little. Some work with them to this day, and quite successfully. Try by trial and error

Pull the parcel out at any cost

Over the course of my work, I have had a variety of situations when I had to pull a parcel from a drop, which was taken, for example, to a pre-trial detention center (yes, and that was, thanks to the craftsmen to beat from the Polish mat). I was driving a pack with 2 MacBook's, it would be stupid to lose such a package. So we come to the very essence of this part. Now we will talk about the methods of receiving parcels, and how to "get them out" from the wildest situation.

We have developed two methods of receiving parcels:

Fake id

I think everything is clear. We make / buy an internal biometric passport card of any country (preferably, of course, the Baltic states, where part of the population speaks Russian), so that in a critical situation we simply do not “screw up”. And order staff for it (again, I work 95% with Russian-speaking drops, so I use the Baltic states).

Power of attorney for drops

Nothing complicated either. Random names, we draw up the usual left-handed credits, we accept them. This is with regards to "take on any name", most couriers do not even look to whom they give. But it doesn't hurt to have. You can also take out the parcel by calling the courier company. We use this method very often. A variety of stories from "moved to another address" to "my mother / grandfather went on vacation, and they asked me to receive the package." Sometimes they do not want to change their name, but agree to change their address. In this case, you can use powers of attorney.

With regards to ringing for a month, everything has changed so dramatically that this item can be removed for most couriers altogether.

DHL today (17-12-16) does not redirect parcels through dialing! NO. They now have only through a letter from the mail attached to the order (which is very problematic when you work with brut)

UPS / FedEx / TNT work

DPD - with grief in half. The function was introduced selectively. It costs a lot, but if such a checkbox is set, only the sender can change the parcel data

USPS everything that is sent reaches Poland by DHL, so there are no more couriers, as such

Drop panel and organization of work with clients

I think this point will be of interest to many. I will not write where to get the drop panel, I will only say that a panel from the verif passed through my hands (the cost of which is about $ 750/800). The panel, I can tell you, is quite a handy thing. But as for me, it is more oriented towards the west. It is there that it can be used "in all its beauty." There are about two dozen modules to choose from, which you can buy for yourself.

Why don't I use drop panels for work? - There is no traffic that I can’t handle manually, including the fact that most of the work is done by the main drop.
  • With the panel during a month of testing, a bunch of jambs got out (there were troubles of the product itself, perhaps there were problems with the old version, but at that moment I refrained from switching, and this was one of the reasons);
  • I learned very late about the existence of such panels, and that anyone can buy them for $ 1000.
Everything had to be organized somehow. For how many, as I wrote above, I did not know about drop panels, I processed everything manually. There are also advantages of such work, for example, an individual approach to each client, solving problems even before they arise, I always know everything for everyone that should come to whom, etc. (the latter is more a minus than a plus)

I organized everything at a rather primitive level.
  • I mark the contacts in the toad as [Drives in Asos / Amazon / eBay] [email protected] | nickname on the forum;
  • I save all tracks in browser bookmarks, and check / update every morning;
  • I use Excel for cloud-based documentation. (synchronization, as well as with the teams who work on the Amazon (they add new tracks, I just "take them", and with the main drop, which marks the packages that have arrived along the tracks and the like).
This is enough so as not to lose the package (to me personally). With an oversized flow, I think this scheme will start to take too much time / effort, but with 10 parcels per day, that's enough.

Now let's fix everything

1. Nonsense, I wrote that with regards to "cope". If you can imagine what 400 parcels are (not small ones, such as telephones), but the same plasma, car wash, tires, etc.

When 3 times a week 2 sprinters' Mercedes, completely crammed downhill, come to you, and sometimes this is not enough, you have to go with your own coffin truck (station wagon) to bring the rest).

You are not that you cannot cope, you physically cannot take it all into your own hands.

2. With regards to Excel.

When a large number of parcels have gone, it takes hours to physically add all the data to Excel itself. The option is good for the beginning. But not for high revs.

We accept parcels from Amazon. Working with UPS / DHL (depending on location)

Amazon is such a specific platform that it needs to be singled out as a separate topic everywhere. As for Amazon Europe, everything is simple, they place orders for you, you accept. You don't pay any taxes, which cannot be said about Amazon World (USA, JAPAN, CANADA and others). When shipping goods from these countries to the EU, each item is subject to tax (20% on average). This should be taken into account for lovers of Refund. Amazon automatically charges tax (adds to the order amount), and debits this amount from your card, automatically paying the customs payment in advance.

To receive parcels from Amazon, you will need a lot of addresses. Since there is no parcel to send to 1 address more than 1 parcel, and I do not advise you to send no more than 10 parcels to 1 house (further the house falls into the "risky" zone), we use the spider-web method of receiving packs for the Amazon. For example, Warsaw has 18 districts. In each of these areas, we have an Amazon drop. Why separate drops?

But because it takes a certain amount of time to pull out the order from the one who gets it. We alternate districts, each district has a maximum of 3 house orders. In this case, after 1-1.5 months of “bedding”, you can further send to the house (to other apartments, of course). And we change addresses in the whole city. Fortunately, the Amazon cannot block the whole city).

Those who advise changing the address in the form "ul. XXX 5, kv. 5 "and" XXX 5 street, apt. 5 "kills the house even faster. We strongly advise against what to do. There are situations when the name and surname of the drops (i.e. Oleg / Oleh / Olegh, Drevneyy, Drevneiy, Drevneyi, etc.) are grimacing. We tried to do this - it doesn't affect refs at all (from what I see). By entering your full name in the Facebook / contact search page, you will see several more people with similar data.

And some full names give out 30, 40, 200 and more matches. If "Ivan Petrov" refunds, will all the Ivans Petrovs from the CIS end up in the Amazon blacklist? Hardly. But work on your own.

The mobile phone can be specified as a random one, but it is deliberately incorrect. (Country code, the first 3 digits of the operator, which are 100% free (for example, in Poland it is 321, 123, 987, 132, 362, etc.) The whole number for Poland looks like this: +48 321 *** ***, where * is any number from 0 to 9)

Such parcels, where the address, the name of the drop, the mobile number do not exist, in fact, can also be pulled out. Moreover, this does not apply only to the Amazon, carding can also be taken in this way.

In UPS, such packs can be accepted only by powers of attorney, DHL - dialing (information for 2016, country Poland). For example, DHL changed the method of reception 2 times in the last month. It should be different in every country.

Here and a controversial nuance a week after this article was written, DHL closed the phone forwarding method completely. And it's all the fault of the pickup, so they know.

We accept parcels from USA / Canada / Asia

Many people ask whether it is realistic to send parcels from the States, Canada, Asia to Europe, where the customs limit in most countries is 22 euros. You can send such packs, but you need to find stores that allow you to pay tax from the CH card (a living example of Amazon), or stores that have warehouses in Europe.

Although faced with a problem, most stores in Asia and Australia will not pay tax for you (we have not found a single store like this). Understate the invoice - yes. Even to understate the invoice for the phone for $ 300 to 20 euros, and designate it as "6 cases, folded into bricks" - and that was. But in order to pay the tax right away - this has not been seen yet.

In the USA and Canada, it is more than realistic to find this. When your parcel is transported by DHL or UPS, you will not be able to pay tax otherwise than by transfer / cash (in 99% the courier will pay the tax for you, having previously “thrown” another $ 10 for its services), so the courier will take the demand for payment of customs duty. And of course, we are only talking about Poland.

There are countries where the tax can be paid through their own merchandise (regular cc), and even paper. This is when we say that your parcel will be stuck at customs, and the state will have to pay "directly". Of course, I do not advise anyone to pay for this with "black scheme". Do not even hope that your pack will arrive (especially if we talk about PP). Also, the drop will have serious problems after such a "payment".

I also brought carding labels to a separate point.

I learned about them not too long ago. In short: you pay for the courier service (the carriage of a parcel) by carding, you are given a label, you print it, paste it on your parcel, send it. I am not surprised that it was difficult to find any information on this account, as well as the performers.

I think this is just nonsense. What kind of Jew do you need to be in order not to pay 10-20 euros for the delivery of a parcel across the EU, and $ 30-60 for delivery from the USA (we are talking about small-sized, not heavy parcels). This service only makes sense if you are sending very heavy and cheap stuff. The delivery of which is expensive, and you are not afraid to lose. Then it makes sense. All other uses for this servant, at least to me, are meaningless. The price tag of such a label is around $ 20, you can find craftsmen on the forums.

My advice:
  • Always look for a tax payment option in US (for example) shops;
  • If not, shake the support, decide with him. Because you will have to pay a lot;
  • Work in the Euro zone. Goods that come from the EU countries are not taxed;
  • If there is no option, then do not pay in any case with TAX payment. 50/50 will ride and reach your small pack, or substitute a drop / pack will be shut down by customs. When all that remains is to receive the long-awaited product - just make sure that you receive it, and not a headache.

Sending a pack from a drop to a client

The fastest and most expensive way to send:
  • DHL;
  • UPS (which, by the way, for some reason very tightly passes parcels to RU, makes people come to customs. This has already happened 2 times).

The cheapest way to send:
  • Mail of the sender's country (state. Mail, which is not taxed). Compromise of price and delivery speed;
  • EMS.
I sent each of these courier services, frankly, except for the speed of delivery, there is nothing different. Sometimes EMS sent packs that were apparently opened at customs, there was almost nothing left of the box, but everything was fine with the contents.

People are constantly interested, I will write what is happening with the shipment today

DHL / UPS - delivery costs $ 100 / $ 200 (air, 1-3 days)

State mail (Polish Post) / EMS - delivery costs $ 25 / $ 45

These are the minimum rates. Delivery time to MSC (5-9) / (3-7) - Polish Post / EMC, respectively.

If you plan to engage in drop farming in the future, I advise you to build a structure: the drop takes it to the warehouse, the white drop from the warehouse is engaged in mailing. Do not send from a drop that received the pack directly. Do not substitute the recipient. This is the first thing. And then you will get more problems when it happens that the drop will get the iPhone from the package and put the trash there. At the warehouse, you can always make sure yourself what has arrived.

Legalize black business: own a small courier company in the EU

I was very much interested in this topic. I met people who took it seriously, including the former director of international parcels for the "new mail". There are a lot of nuances that I have not yet learned.

In short. If you want to start transporting parcels from EU in the CIS, you must definitely obtain a license (buy a company with it) for postal activities (you will not stand at the customs, you are allowed in a separate pass, you are not responsible for the contents of the shipments, and a dozen more privileges) ...

In the future, I think to seriously do this, but I came to the conclusion that if you have the goal of taking over the international traffic, one way or another, you need to start with a small courier service. Wait and see..

Question answer
How do you deal with the resale of so many stuff? Did you find a buyer quickly? do you sell wholesale in Poland and according to EU?

With regards to resale. There are a lot of nuances, this will already be another lecture on stingy service)

The question about the drops that receive the message already in RU, when sending from the middle of USA, is it needed in your city? Or can I send it to myself from the middle? On myself in terms on fictitious names and do VUL?

I would not send on myself, of course. Do not forget that this is black scheme. There are a lot of texts, how they work in the middle, they are generally a separate topic, they have their own nuances. But only accept drops

1. What moments arose during the registration of mail forwarding service, especially in the UK, are you interested in, according to the experience of friends?

2. What can the police demand from the owner of such a service other than returning the parcel (if it is still in the warehouse)?

3. The topic of hotels, which you described, thought about this, just do not you think that the hotel at the reception simply will not accept the parcel if the name is not on their guest?

4. About fake id - what do you mean? For each drop to take a fake ID? or just for the necessary staff that needs to be picked up from the courier?

5. Do your clients send drop packs to the name of the drop pack or do you put any name?

6. If the packs are sent to a different name, and the recipient has a completely different ID - do the couriers ask for the ID when transferring the stuff?

7. When working according to the drop scheme, do you need to set the condition that the mat used is not in the country of the drop? Does this greatly simplify the work process as a whole?

8. Regarding the company of registration and registration of 5-10 drops. Do you mean the registration of a real company and the actual registration of people under contracts for this company? Wouldn't it be too bold to spend money on one company only for 5-10 drops?

9. Is it worth sending a drop to a direct warehouse? Is it not pale in the case when it is possible that the drop will be accepted and he will say where he sent everything?

10. Do you need some kind of EU license for mail forwarding service? Is this business a courier business?

1. This should be written stassy (I think it won't throw stones at you, it will help).

2. Documents for activities, invoices for packs, invoices for taxes (calculations).

3. It happens that parcels are left for CH. But I do not work with such, because there is a risk of losing the package. And we do not lose the parcels.

4. Yes, you can take separate IDs for each drop. And take on them many times.

5. I put any names. About 5-10 powers of attorney are issued per day.

6. Usually not, if you cross with a courier, he does not look at all (at least with us).

7. Yes, it removes 90% of unnecessary problems.

8. And who said that you can limit yourself to 5-10 employees. The same company can be opened for the most drops. And arrange for it and 50 people. The only question is when the firm will fall.

9. I send out on the road. But not the adjustable ones. You need to send the trained.

10. As far as I know - no licenses are needed for an intermediary.

I know they are still looking for job offers on sites. But this is very labor intensive. Find 1 drop, and make multi-drop from it

Powers of attorney give as many full names as you like, you can pull out the pack from any address. And buying 20 phones and 40 SIM cards is not a problem at all.

Can you tell me how things are with drops and work in Ukraine, and what to do with the customs limit?

Yes, what is important - I forgot - bypassing customs. To work with services that intelligently send packs, you do not need drops in the UA. Bypassing the customs with us through the green pass, the bus goes, the customs is agreed (the guys carry cigarettes to Poland, they carry our stuff)

What is the best way to search for drops outside of social networks? for example, "trolley rollers in the shopping center?" Are there any special subtleties of not using SI? what is the best way to settle accounts with drops, goods or money?

I only pay with money. Don't show drops to stuff! When he sees the watch for 5k euros, he will reconsider the relationship between you. And yet, never allow drops to open parcels [18:28:31]

What is a drop panel? How much money do you need to start the service? (from personal experience) how relevant is this direction, if you study in Finland?

Drop panel - Can't even describe. Roughly speaking, a product that seriously simplifies the work with goods, hammers, etc. You can find description and functionality on the forums. Starting capital: 0 with smart resource allocation. I won't tell you about Finland

1) What is a drop panel? 2) Often garbage drops are taken into ru? 3) How much money do you need to start the service? (from personal experience)

I don’t work on ru, I’ll not tell you about the police. For the money, almost nothing is needed. Only your buttocks in the EU / USA

Is there a demand for drops and, in general, for addresses by the type of drop service with buying in the UK?

Yes, according to UK and DE the most "necessary" countries in EU. Next comes Italy, Austria, France.

What if you open a legal entity remotely? person + buy a postal license (international parcels) - a number of companies provide such a service, is there information on the price list or other useful information?

This is already in the LAN, because a topic in which you can flood forever

How about language barriers? How many languages do you support? (as far as I understand)

In one language. I am my own support. What about the language barrier - what are we talking about? I only work with drives from the CIS

Can you find out in more detail how it is done and how it looks like?

Ordinary power of attorney. Power of attorney - that they say that person X allows person Y to receive parcels from 21.11 to 21.12

Where can I get pro carders? who would not ask give shops give bins and beat for us ...

I worked for 4 months to find such. Only with time do you weed out the balabols from the smart ones.

Are there any agreements or connections with courier service employees? If so, how do you set them up correctly?

I do not have.

Uncle Styopa, have you personally met only this girl with this main drop?

Of course, I even conducted an "interview" for her. You need to look for people who will not surrender you

I mean, no?

Yes, she works with drops, I work with her

If these are adjustable drops, then it is very difficult.

If you really want to, you can fly into space (that's what the communists said)

The question is incorrect, but I still think it is interesting to many, you can describe the income / profit in this form: 1st month of service, number of drops, income. 2nd month, 3rd and last month.

For the first month, there were 5 packs in the service. For the last 400 years, no one has been working under NG, and I did not go to rest. Packs from 4 countries will go to me
Expect about 600 packs

How do you get in touch with the drops at the end of the recruitment? at the end through the intermediary "main for drops"? And how in the beginning, you recruit through social networks, for example, and give his contact to the chief of the drops, he brings him the contract, squeaks into his ears and all that? the main one for the drops is aware of what.

I no longer recruit, I recruited the first. Now the girl does everything. These are her problems. She gets paid for it. The main drop understands everything, knows what to do in emergency situations.

Uncle Stepa: from experience, if you opened a company, then in the same country where the drops were accepted by the staff? we work simply according to USE, we just made a seal of the RU company, which does not exist. In your case, if they came to the drop and he showed the contract (or rather a scan of the contract that was sent to him by mail), would that be enough for the cops? thanks)

He would be deported or imprisoned. It doesn't show at all. We need a treaty of at least the same American one.

Tell us in a few words how you organized sales

I sell my online store through the Polish "avito", "eBay" (from time to time I let black trances go there). I.e. - through message boards, auctions and a store.

I did not understand much - the drops accept parcels, then the multi-drop collects them from them and brings them to your warehouse? Really, not a single drop has ever burned a multi-drop, and this same muldrop, firmly taken by the gills, did not say about the warehouse? That is, did you manage to find such reliable people the first time?

Maybe lucky. The main drop rides collects from everyone, his business is to collect, check on the tracks. He does not even know where the warehouse is, transports are taking everything to the warehouse, from there he sends out a white drop, I would send it out too, but they may take demand, why do you put in so many packs in ru.

Uncle Stepa: that is, if they come to him, then according to your version - he is finish?)

Yes, sort of like that. Here you need to watch how the police react. Especially in the USA. I know what to expect from the Poles. And based on this - this is how I work

Do you consider it necessary to insert one more link between you and the drop-head so that you only touch money?)

I don't think it makes sense. A very long chain, and everyone wants money. In Poland - definitely not necessary.
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