How to organize a carder's workplace


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A person spends an impressive part of the day at work in the office or at home. However, rarely does anyone think about their own comfort while working. We lament laziness, procrastination, and bad moods when our performance drops rapidly, and we don't consider the impact of the workspace.

By the way, we teach how to become the most effective on the Time Management online program, where in just 5 weeks you will master the best techniques for allocating your time. Therefore, if you have problems with time planning, organization and achievement of your goals, then feel free to sign up for training. And today we will talk about the organization of the workspace, which also affects human productivity.

This problem is especially becoming relevant in the light of recent events. In quarantine, many have to work remotely, but not all manage to maintain their previous working pace.

Why it is important to keep your workplace organized​

A disorganized workspace can lead to a number of work problems. Plus, clutter and discomfort in the workplace increases the time and energy it takes to complete even the smallest and simplest tasks.

Some of the problems that arise as a result of improper workspace organization:
  • stress due to the inability to find the necessary items or documents;
  • decreased productivity because you spend time looking for things that you need to have easy access to;
  • deterioration in concentration: the more trash in the workspace, the higher the chances of being distracted from work by foreign objects;
  • increased risk of getting sick: The clutter can be home to bacteria, germs, and viruses.
As you can see, the issue of organizing the workspace is very important.

What affects the efficiency of working from home​

When organizing a workplace at home, it is necessary to take into account two components: psychological and technical.

Psychologically, at first, it is difficult for a person to distinguish when work begins, and when you can relax and unwind. And this is natural, because earlier you had rituals that helped you to tune in to work - styling your hair, choosing clothes or buying coffee on the way to the office. Work and personal boundaries are now blurred, which is confusing.

The technical component also affects the efficiency of the work. The idea of lying on your bed with your laptop all day seems inspirational at first, but you’ll soon realize that it’s not going to work that way. A lack of a desk, an uncomfortable chair, inadequate room lighting, and improper furniture placement are just some of the technical factors that kill your productivity.

You can overcome both factors with a little effort. To do this, let's figure out how to organize the workplace correctly.

Setting boundaries in an apartment​

The setting of working boundaries in the apartment will cope with both the psychological and the technical components. Moving from room to room with a laptop in your arms can make it difficult to tune in to work. It is also ineffective to work at the dinner table, because it evokes completely different associations. That's why:

Find the perfect workplace​

It's easier to organize your workspace by allocating a specific room for it. In doing so, you need to consider which environment is right for you. So ask yourself the following questions:
  • Where will I work well?
  • Do I need a private place?
  • Will background music help me tune in to work?
  • What can distract me?
Understanding what makes the workflow easier and what distracts you can help you find the perfect place to work.

Create comfort​

To comfortably work long hours without leaving your home, consider purchasing a footrest and a good chair. A chair that hurts your back or a table that doesn't have enough room will reduce your comfort level.

Effective ergonomics in the workplace help protect health and improve productivity by relieving you of stress, body cramps, headaches, swollen legs and back pain.

By making yourself comfortable, you can stay focused on your work for a long time.

Good lighting​

Any workplace needs good lighting so that you can see well at any time of the day, it is important to take care of your eyesight. Exposure to harsh and overly bright lighting for an extended period can cause migraines. Dim lighting can also cause headaches and eye strain.

Take care of good lighting without contrasts.


You can always design the workplace however you want. This is one of the benefits of working from home.

To stay energized and motivated at work, set pleasant and inspiring reminders at your workplace. A quote from your favorite book or movie that motivates and revives your spirit, a photo of a loved one, nice pictures or posters, fresh flowers are all inspiring things to put on in the workplace.

The work environment must be carefully designed to have a positive impact on your willingness to work, mood, efficiency, and productivity. Answering the question "how to organize a workplace?", We will move on to an important part of it - the desktop.

Organization of the desktop​

Tidying up your desk doesn't have to take an entire day; it can be done gradually. In fact, maintaining an organized workplace is much more effective when viewed as an ongoing project rather than a one-off endeavor.

So, if you're ready to get started, the following organization tips can help you turn your desk into an efficient workspace.

Put things in order​

Clutter on the desktop and in folders with documents, a pile of junk, tangled wires of chargers, headphones, etc. If you are constantly piling different objects together with the thought “I'll sort it out later somehow,” you will simply start to close your eyes to the chaos reigning on the table. Create a system that doesn't allow you to turn a workplace into a warehouse, then you don't have to deal with a huge mess from time to time.

Every thing should have its place​

Items are much easier to clean up when they have specific spots. This also applies to things that you don't know what to do with, or that you need to come back to later. Set aside your own place for this and once a day get down to analysis.

Don't Think The Best Table Is An Empty Table​

While Marie Kondo's minimalism can be effective for some people, it's not the only way to organize a tidy workspace. People who are better at perceiving visual information will not do well at work by removing all objects from sight. If that's you, use a color-coded item storage system to streamline your workflow.

File Fighting Trick: Divide and Conquer​

The trick to creating a truly useful filing system is organizing broad categories and then dividing them into specific subcategories. Arrange folders alphabetically or any other convenient system, keep file names aligned along the same edge.

Free up more space​

Vertical storage of documents is gaining popularity in the efficient organization of the workspace. And not in vain, because it allows you to win more free space on your desktop and on the shelves. Whereas horizontal accumulations of documents slide over the surfaces, thereby capturing large areas of the table.

In quarantine, for example, when all work is transferred to a small apartment, such an organization of space is more important than ever.

Attach stickers with the expiration date to your documents​

You can keep your desk neat by throwing away unnecessary items on time. This rule also applies to documents. If everything is clear with empty ballpoint pens and scribbled drafts - they can be thrown away immediately, then with important documents it is more difficult. Some contracts or receipts need to be kept for a certain time, because they may be needed. Therefore, there is a mess in files and folders - something else is relevant, but you can safely get rid of something, but arranging a general cleaning and every time reading the documents is too time consuming.

The problem is solved simply: as soon as you have a new document, attach a sticker to it with the expiration date of its relevance. By the way, the advice is also applicable to digital files - in the file name, additionally write down the required date. Keeping your workplace organized at home or in the office will become much easier.

The right tools for the job​

Experts recommend using organizational tools and materials to work more efficiently:
  • If you don't have a fully digital work, file separators are essential for sorting tasks. Divide urgent tasks, large projects and routine documents into different sections.
  • Invest in a drawer organizer. It will help you sort items into categories, so you won't waste time searching for what you want in one big pile.
  • If you are using a paper planner or calendar, the desktop version is the best option.
  • Even replacing paper with electronic files, do not give up all physical objects, they have their merits. So, for example, an analog clock helps in time management, because you will see how quickly the time goes.
  • Small supplies will help you keep your workspace tidy: tape, paper clips, adhesive stickers and colored markers.
Use one tip or try everything. Instead of wasting time looking for things and shuffling the clutter, you should be able to work normally. We are sure you will enjoy being clutter free.

At first glance, it may seem that tidying up the workspace is very difficult and not worth the time. But your energy and time will pay off with interest and will manifest itself in the positive results of your work, as well as in your well-being. After all, we often feel overwhelmed even in the office among colleagues, and working without leaving home can be doubly difficult.

And finally, we would like to once again invite you to our online Time Management program, where you will learn to be productive despite any problems.

We wish you efficient work!