How to open bank cards for any data


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And so we need maps for data that we will then sell to sellers from cash out sites. These cards are good in that they give the buyer the opportunity to save funds, so there is no drop in this situation. Also, their main advantage is that the buyer does not need to draw a scan, he just tells you the name you need, and these cards are also bought to cash out blocked wallets.

The average price for such a card is from $ 100 to $ 400. At the same time, we do not need to make a deposit or create a separate topic for the sale of shopping mall in our situation, the buyer is trying to find you, not you the buyer.

So, let's begin. We will open the card data for a TID (temporary identity card of a citizen), it is issued at the time of replacement / loss of the document.

As you already understood, for each card we need 1 TID, the price for this document is from $ 15 / piece, but in order not to bear the costs, we can make these documents ourselves. They use ordinary thick paper, a glued photograph (like on a passport) and the seal of the Federal Migration Service of the city in which we will work.

We will fill out the form of this document with THREE pens, one of which is filled in all the fields, the second of which we put the signature of the head of the FMS and the third pen is the list of our drop. The data will of course be provided to us by the customer. The photo below shows where exactly the seal is placed. We glue the photo on a regular glue stick (WE WELL OIL THE CORNERS)

We prescribe the date of issue 3-4 days before "sending" the drop to the opening, before that, after passing it along the dusty cabinet / floor / pedestal, slightly kneading the corners of the document, we give it to the drop.


We work only with trusted banks, or rather, they are not suitable for us (you cannot make gold, platinum).

Often, bank employees themselves are not aware that this document can be used to open an account, MAINLY remember that they have no right to refuse you, it is advisable to call the bank before sending the drop to the bank.

What we ask: "Hello, I wanted to clarify, I lost my passport, where I said that I need to open a bank account to receive the transfer, they said that I can do this with a temporary certificate that was given to me, is that true?"

The girl on the other end of the line tells you "Yes, there is a" temporary identity card" in the list of documents for opening a card, which we actually have.

In the future, you can immediately indicate when you call that they came to the bank and tried to refuse you, then after your call the main branch of the bank will call all branches in your city and do not want to insert them at all, this will be noticeable during long work, you will be met by already knowledgeable people.

If the drop came to the bank, and he was told that he needed a passport, we said that we called the hotline and we were told "everything is ok, come open", in this case, the manager starts wiggling his ass and opens the database where all this is spelled out and, bringing a thousand apologies, opens you map.

If you do not work according to Moscow, then do not be afraid to check this document in the regions, it is IMPOSSIBLE to check, the database does not exist and you are not particularly interesting to anyone, you still do not take a loan.

If, nevertheless, you are going to work in Moscow, then you should be wary of Bank, they may request your document for verification.

From this experience, I can say that you do not carry several documents with you at once, do not carry a seal with you and everything from which you make documents. Even if your drop is caught with this document, the maximum that he will receive is 80k fine. For all the time of work, there was not a single case of receiving a drop. If the bank says that it needs to check the document before opening it (possibly only in the Moscow), we take the document, we say that there is no time for this and wave a pen goodbye.

And so, let's move on to how many cards one drop can open.

1 bank branch - 1 card. If there are 5 Bank branches in your city, it means that you can open 5 Alpha Bank cards for one drop.

Buyers buy almost all banks.

My advice: find a stingy instant. Making money on them is much easier and the turnover goes faster.

That is, in a day, a drop bypassing 7 banks will bring to your piggy bank not a small daily earnings and you do not need to wait for the release of cards for 1.5 - 2 weeks. Plus, instant cards are cheaper to open.

Do not forget how the complete package for the sale of the card should look like:
  • The questionnaire that is issued when the card is issued;
  • A codeword;
  • SIM card;
  • Pin envelope;
  • Access to the online bank.
Always pack the kits with high quality, put everything in a file and sign a name on each and you will not get confused and the buyer is pleased.

Do not forget to always work through the GARANT!

Make a list of bank branches for yourself, go to the sites and write down the addresses and the number.

Firstly, it will be much more convenient to work with this list, and secondly, you will know the exact number of cards that can be opened for 1 drop (in my case, 38 pieces).

Payment for the work of the drop is at your discretion, since I do not know what exactly they are with you, but I used the following options:
  • $ 10 pcs if the drop agrees to it;
  • $ 15 PC;
  • $ 500 three full days of work (about 20 banks have time).
Do not forget to issue money for opening a SIM card, but pay for the work only after receiving the entire set (be sure to check all the sets!)

In general, the scheme of work: searching for an order - receiving an order - making documents for the order - transferring an order / SIM card / money to open a drop - receiving ready-made sets from a drop - sending an order - receiving funds.

The VUL will also allow you to: buy railway and car tickets, also purchase / restore SIM cards, pick up / send transfers, parcels, correspondence by mail. To pass exams at the traffic police (Rules for taking qualifications. Exams and issuing driver's licenses, paragraph 16), but that's another story.

It is also possible to open a "waste-free" production - I advise you to entrust the production of a document for opening cards in the future - to a drop / friend / comrade and buy them from him, say at $ 2 / piece (maybe less) so as not to "dirty your hands" and in general large orders it becomes a chore.

There is another option - this is the opening of cards with military IDs. The scheme is more complicated, but after collecting 10 drops, we can open hundreds of cards a day.

We buy blank military cards, order the seal of the military registration and enlistment office of your city, fill in the necessary data, buy 10 sets of military uniforms in a department store and send our "soldiers" to open cards with whole detachments, as they usually do.

What are the advantages - it is also not possible to check a military ID, and the volumes of course become colossal.