How to make money on plastic windows


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We introduce ourselves as a window manufacturing company. Our prices are 30-40% lower than market prices. We have our own factory. There is a huge demand for our offer. There is a condition for working with us. Since we manufacture windows very cheaply, we have no chance of a mistake and we do not manufacture windows according to someone else's, possibly crooked, measurements. Since if we make it according to someone else's measurements, and the measurements turn out to be crooked and will have to be redone, and our wrap-up is already minimal. We make windows without prepayment! Just by signing a contract! That is, all the conditions for excellent customer acquisition and do not even leave a reason to think that we will throw them, because we do not take prepayment. But we measure $ 50-100, which go towards the order, in the case of the production of windows in our company. That is, again, the client does not lose anything. We ordered a measurement. We measured it, took 4 thousand rubles, the next day we sent the measurements and we say, that at the moment we have a large workload at the plant and we will be able to start manufacturing the order only in 2-3 months, if we now add it to the queue. The client merges, and we have a profit of $ 100! Everything is white and everything is transparent. We ordered a measurement, we got a measurement. That's it, this is the whole scheme. Terribly simple, but most importantly, just as profitable. The demand for windows is huge, and a lot of people will contact us with our offer.

And now everything is detailed and in more detail.

The most important thing that we need to do at the very beginning is, of course, to study a little windowing. Study your competitors. The types of profiles, how many cameras there are, what accessories are used, etc. I understand perfectly well that many do not like to sit and study something, but I see no reason to paint an encyclopedia on the windows here. So you have to strain a little if you want to earn from $ 500 per day! Study the sites of competitors, call them all, chat, ask all the questions that you have on the windows to chew everything inside and out. Write down what they say. This will be the basis of your spit. Thus, you will quickly become comfortable both in communicating with clients and in exploring windows.

After studying the window market, we are faced with the issue of advertising. The advertisement is engine of the trade. And even our very tasty offer will be useless if we are not seen by potential customers. We have to use all kinds of advertising. Both online and offline. But, in both cases, we need a website. What company works without a website?! Therefore, the first thing is the site! We will not resort to the help of super programmers. We just need to find and copy a nice site and change the data to those that we need. If you work, for example, in London, then you will need to go to, write "windows" and at the very bottom, under the issuance of requests, there will be a crosshair icon with the name of your city. Click on it. And choose any other city. Why are we doing this?! To find a site from another region, copy it and not have the same in ours. So that the search does not give out two identical sites. That is, we find a nice site in another region, check if it is in our city, and if not, then we give it to the programmer for copying. The cost of copying is about $ 30, depending on the site. On the site, of course, we change the phone number, address, cost of windows and add a special offer with our discounts! Everything. The site is ready. Now let's get down to advertising. with our discounts! Everything. The site is ready. Now let's get down to advertising. with our discounts! Everything. The site is ready. Now let's get down to advertising.

The most important thing is advertising. So, we use all the methods.

Google AdWords.

Potential clients of 10 million people per month! The flagship of our advertising. But, the cost of a click can be very, very large, up to 2 thousand rubles. per click. But, it's not scary. We customize advertising and focus on advertising. The cost of a click will be around $ 0.2. To understand what it is, I will explain. Did you see when small blocks with ads appear on different sites?! This is it. It is this advertisement that will help us out. Different regions have different cost per click. Therefore, in your city it is possible that the price will not bite much on the search. The principle of operation is the same. I see no reason to explain, everything is the same. Potential clients are about 2 million people a month.

Teaser advertising. These are the same annoying squares with advertisements that pop up wherever not laziness. Here, too, only the transition is paid. And the transition price is only $ 0.1. Although the audience will not be "very hot", since they are not looking for windows at the moment, but only stumbled upon an interesting offer, but, nevertheless, this is a very good way of advertising, because only interested customers will click on the advertisement, especially since they cost very cheap to us.

Leaflets. Well, where can we do without them?!) Advertising is just as cheap, it is better to distribute it in those quarters where there are many new buildings and where our potential clients are. And also, in the settlements under construction, in the private sector, we have the most clients there.

We have a website offering prices 30% lower than all our competitors. Five-chamber Rehau 70 windows with Maco fittings with window sills and ebbs (you should already know what all this is!), For example, with such a big discount. Of course, customers will contact us. I will not describe here all the communication with the client. Since the questions are standard and you should not read the answers to them, but know, that is why I wrote above that you should ring up the company, study, read. The only thing I will describe is to the maneuvers of the scheme.

At a certain stage of the conversation, we will be asked a question:

- Do you have a fee for measuring?

Our answer is:

- Measurement is paid for us. Its cost is $ 100. ($ 50-100, your choice). We do not manufacture windows according to measurements by other companies. Since our prices are low and we cannot afford to remake products later because of someone else's wrong measurements. Therefore, we work only according to our measurements. And since the cost of the measurer's work, for customers who did not order from us after measuring the window, is not invested in the cost of the windows, like with other companies, the measurement is paid with us. In the case of ordering windows from us, the cost of measurement is deducted from the total amount of the order!

The next key point that the client will ask is about the scheme of work. If we are not asked this question, we should still focus on it! So that the client understands that these low prices are not a sign that we are a scam.

- How is the settlement with your company carried out? Do you work on a prepaid basis?!

- No, we do not take prepayment for the order. We manufacture, deliver, you inspect everything and only then pay the cost of the windows! We have no prepayment.

The client ordered a measurement, the main work was done.

The final stage of our work is measuring the window and making a profit. It is best to hire a measurer who will cost 1 thousand rubles. travel on orders, carry out measurements and also make comments. sentence. This is convenient because you don't have to run around the city yourself, while answering calls and consulting, plus, besides, you don't have to follow the advertisements. You can, of course, advertise one day, recruit clients and the next day go for measurements and collect profit. But, there is no need for this, we will thus lose half of the orders, and since our activity is completely white, we can safely hire an employee who will do the hard work, and in the meantime we will be engaged in development and consulting clients.

We measured it - we got a profit. After that, we just issue the comm. an offer in which windows are drawn with sizes and prices.

The profit is received, the mission is completed, now our task is to get rid of the client as correctly as possible. After the measurements are sent, we are waiting for the client's call. The client called us happy. He asks when we can make his order, to which he receives the following answer:

- Unfortunately, at the moment our production is fully loaded. In general, the production time for your order is about 10 days. But we will be able to start your order only in 2.5 months, if we now register you in the queue.

Thus, we let the client know - We do not refuse the order, we will simply make it very late. So your right to either wait or look for another company.

Now I will answer some of the key questions you may have.

- There are already a lot of window companies, the competition is huge. How to deal with this?

Imagine that a kilogram of tangerines is sold on the market for $ 2. And there are a lot of such tents selling at this price. And then we come, put up our tent and offer tangerines (of the same quality), but for $ 1. and at the same time we also give 200gr as a gift. strawberries and 2 peaches. Do you think this will kill the competition? Of course! We do the same according to our scheme.

Since, in the end, we will not produce windows and this is not our goal, we can easily create conditions for clients to contact us, for example: the price is 30% lower than the market price; mosquito nets as a gift; expensive accessories included, at the usual price. The main thing is that the client turns to us, and then it's just a matter of technology.

- What do we say about the production time when they ask us about it?!

If we are asked, then we will respond in 12 business days. But, these are the terms of production. But when we start manufacturing, this is a completely different question! So, with this, we leave ourselves room for maneuver, because this is exactly what we can argue for, why we spoke for 12 days, and now we speak for 2-4 months?!

"We have very good prices, big discounts, orders for months in advance, this is normal practice, if you want, you can wait and I will put you in line."

- What to do with people who still decide to wait 2-4 months?!

In fact, they will wait for a maximum of 10 percent .. There are several options for solving the problem:

1) Freeze them further. That is, repairs, workers became infected, etc. any nonsense, they themselves will lag behind. But they can freak out of course.

2) Just the most persistent to return the money. Since the percentage of these will be very small, they will not hit our pocket. This is the simplest and most correct move. Better not to be greedy.

3) And the last option is to simply rebrand. Change the site, name and phone number.

- Where to find an employee?

On the Internet, of course. We need a person with experience in measuring work. There are a lot of them in Facebook. It's not hard to find an employee. If you don't want to see him, then you can just negotiate remotely. We just give him orders, he fulfills them and sends us our profit. So that the measurer does not throw you with the daily proceeds. We work according to a very simple scheme:

We give him only the first order for today - he delivers - sends us our profit - receives the next order. Thus, in fact, he will always have money on hand for just one order, and for more than 2-4k hours he will not throw us.

By the way, you can also hire an operator. Then your business will become almost completely automated. The operator can work remotely at home.

- How much can you earn under this scheme ?!

To do this, just imagine how many people will contact you, provided you have a nice site and tasty prices.

The only thing you have to do is not screw up when a very interested person calls you. You must consult him with dignity! If you do this and your advertising works well for you, then be sure that your profit per day will be at least $ 500.