How to make money on darknet: most popular legal jobs


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Let's be clear. The times when "you are lucky - you are not like everyone else" remained in the nineties-zero. Today, if “you work in the office”, the sweet-voiced girlfriends of Cord are unlikely to sing about you.

Surely each of you has been on the darknet. Today, in the shadow network, you can find what is hidden from the eyes of the average user of the regular network. You can get to the deep Internet using a special TOR browser. It's easier than it sounds, and it's not just hackers who can do it. We believe that tens of thousands of users from all over the world today prefer this hidden part of the Internet due to its anonymity, limitless possibilities and lack of censorship. We can talk a lot about the possibilities of the shadow network, but we are interested in the opportunity to make money. Do this securely and confidentially.

Copywriter / writer / rewriter


The copywriter writes advertising texts, articles, translations, forum posts, news, interviews. Payments for symbols are on average 3-5 times higher than on the famous Advego website; with a regular customer, a salary may be added. The total income depends on the level of the author and his area of expertise.

The expected full-time salary is $ 500-1700 per month.

True, in order to find real customers and domains without a scammer, you have to really sweat, but in the process you will understand many of the tricks and nuances of the profession. Practice your abilities (if you have them at all).

TG channel administrator

Many resources on the darknet have their own telegram channels for communicating with the general public, for advertising and publishing important news. The tasks of the administrator include approving topics, choosing the format of articles, checking their content and literacy, correcting texts. The level of responsibility is higher than that of the writer, as is his income.

You can also start your own group on VK, Instagram, Facebook. After pumping the channel, and this is from about 10,000 subscribers, you will qualify for $ 10-20. per day for an advertising post in your brainchild. The key indicator is "unique visitors". For those who will order advertising from you, it will not be difficult to dig up information about the real data of your channels, so it makes sense to artificially wind up subscribers "insofar as". The main thing is the content of the channel, group. Content uniqueness. Demand for topics.

Designer / artist / video editor


A graphic designer who can draw is a popular job. He designs logos, designs websites, illustrates articles, draws banners and advertising pages. Concurrently or as a separate specialty, those who know how to work with video are in demand: editing, technical processing, adding graphic elements, etc. As with other creative professions, the reward of such work is highly dependent on portfolio and luck, as well as the complexity and urgency of the job.

You can comprehend this path both by self-study and in specialized educational institutions. There are manuals for self-study, including on the wall of our group.

Forum moderator

The moderator's job is to delete posts or move them to suitable threads, issue warnings and block users if necessary, as well as create threads and monitor the observance of the rules on the forum. A good moderator maintains a welcoming atmosphere while keeping order.

Income depends on the rights granted to him and on the scale of the forum itself.



The demand for good programmers on the darknet is very high, the specialized forums are overflowing with job offers. Tasks and complexity range from creating chat bots and robots for automatic account registration to creating websites and payment systems from scratch.

The programmer receives from $ 1,200 per month, but it all depends solely on the specialization, you can earn 5 thousand dollars. In some cases, programmers become co-owners of the resource.

Top-notch programmers receive job offers from all over the world.

Site operator


An operator can be both an online consultant and a manager at the same time. He processes orders, negotiates cooperation and employment, advises users.

The cost of the work is significantly influenced by the scale of the employer's website. If the resource is in demand, the salary for this position starts at $ 700 per month.


While the full list is much broader, it includes network security professionals, lawyers, chemists, communications and banking professionals. Experts advise people in forums and privately, and may also be on staff to help the project itself. For example, as an editor of profile articles.

Most often, a consultant does not work full time, but his average income is more than $ 500 per month.

Internet marketer


The main tasks of a marketer are to manage advertising campaigns and increase the popularity of the resource. The methods of promotion on the darknet are practically no different from those on the regular Internet. However, most ad networks do not promote darknet resources, so it is important for a marketer to be able to bypass moderation.

Salary starts from $ 1000 + bonuses for effective work, and sometimes bonuses are more than salary. An experienced marketer can expect to generate income of $ 1,700 per month.

SEO optimizer


In order for the site to be on the correct queries and to be in the first lines of the search results, an SEO-optimizer is required. He works with keywords, advertises on third-party resources, analyzes search queries, and as a result, attracts new users to the resource.

His salary is, on average, lower than that of a marketer, but with a good choice of employer, it can easily surpass $ 1,100 per month.



He selects staff to work on the darknet, and the fee for each arranged person can go up to 15% of his salary for the first few months. The recruiter is a good psychologist and knows how to convince, thanks to which the specialists agree to conditions favorable to both parties. But most importantly, a recruiter knows how to select people who are ideal for a job.

Income is individual, since the payment is piecework. Some earn $ 300-500, while others are able to get more than $ 2000 per month.

Many vacancies were not included in the TOP-10, but they are no less interesting. There are advertisements for the search for private detectives when the customer wishes to remain anonymous. There is a high demand for specialized information of various kinds, and therefore the people who have access to it. Among the services are popular assistance in paperwork, obtaining loans or checking your financial history.

There are vacancies that require offline work. Couriers for online stores, senders and recipients of parcels from abroad, as well as people who are ready to issue bank cards or SIM cards.

In addition to legal jobs, there are criminal offers on the dark web, including database sales, hacking services, stolen card sales, and even drug trafficking. However, despite very high incomes, the illegal labor market is not very popular. Many more people are willing to engage in only legal activities, especially considering the salaries for legal positions on the darknet.

On English-language sites, vacancies are presented much more widely, so we strongly recommend learning English. When talking with the owner of a now large IT company, he admitted that he had found the idea on an English-language resource.

But in Russian, there are good options for remote work on the darknet. Most of the proposals are published directly on darknet sites, a list of which can be found on the regular Internet.

Have you dreamed of working under a palm tree? Here's a complete guide to action. And a few numbers, in the end. If you work on the dark web, you can safely afford to live in warmer regions. Take Vietnam, for example. Accommodation in the capital of the beach holiday Nha Trang will cost $ 300 per month. For this amount you can rent an excellent studio. A week's meals will cost even less than in the homeland - $ 50 per week. You will spend no more than $ 100-200 for other expenses. All you need is a laptop, WI-FI and a desire to change everything.