How to make money as a realtor


Reaction score
We represent a real estate agency. Let's first define the three participants in our game and reveal the essence of this business, because it is still based on divorce.

Real estate agency
First Player (hereinafter REA)

The most common. He is engaged in mediation in the conclusion of transactions of purchase and sale, lease of real estate by informing partners in the transaction and receiving commissions. We are engaged in both buying and selling and renting. We take for our services from sale - $ 1000, from rent - $ 200.

Advertising company
Second Player (hereinafter AC).

Engaged in complex advertising for real estate agencies and private realtors. Has its own website, which advertises real estate for N amount or provides a service for placing advertisements on bulletin boards. Also engaged in sending offers for the sale of real estate on the basis of e-mail addresses and placing advertisements on various boards. Complex advertising promotion costs 25 thousand rubles. (for rent - 10 thousand)

Real estate agency 2
Third Player (hereinafter REA2).

Another real estate agency. The same is common. But, he always promises to the client that he will sell / rent the apartment in just 1 week. It's too cool agency.

The essence of the scheme
Clients come to the REA to sell / rent an apartment. An exclusive public contract is concluded with the client. What does "exclusive contract" mean?! This means that our client has no right to work with other realtors, and also has no right to try to sell an apartment himself. In other words, it is only ours. The contract is signed...

REA enters into an agreement with AC for the provision of services for the comprehensive advertising of our client's real estate. The cost of this service is $ 500. (when renting an apartment - $ 200)

On behalf of the REA, we literally take our client out. After signing the contract, in 5 days we begin to terrorize him. We declare that the price needs to be reduced, the area is not very good, the wallpaper needs to be changed, the decor in the apartment is not photogenic, etc. I am sure this is the easiest part. We bring the client to the point that he literally sent us. To understand that there is no prospect of working with us.

Key point: the culmination is that 80% of clients will forget about the procedure for terminating a public contract with us in accordance with the current legislation or will not consider it necessary and serious at all. This is exactly what we need.

Now our task is to force the client to violate the main condition of our contract (he has no right to work with other realtors). We will not wait for him to do it himself, we will do it for him. This is where our third player, REA2, comes into play. Our second real estate agency "finds" our client and calls him with a super-exclusive offer! He already has a buyer for this apartment, but if he lowers the price by some insignificant amount! The client agrees by itself. And REA2 runs to him to conclude a contract, because everything needs to be done quickly, as you can lose a client.

Bottom line: our client violates the terms of the agreement with REA.

REA2 places announcements on the sale / rent of this apartment on the Internet.

On behalf of the REA a week later, we send the client a claim in accordance with clause 1 of article of the Civil Code of the your country, namely, we demand to pay the expenses actually incurred by us, since the Customer violated the terms of the public contract, namely, did not terminate the contract with us, and turned to to third parties for the provision of services for the sale of an apartment. The actual costs of the company REA amounted to N - $. We attach a receipt and an agreement with AC (advertising site), which provided services for the promotion and advertising of the Customer's apartment. And we point out that if within 10 days, the requirements are not satisfied voluntarily, a lawsuit will be filed in court, and a petition is made to seize the property of the Customer, who did not terminate the contract and turned to another service, and we bore the costs of the sale his apartment.

The client, in order to avoid lengthy lawsuits, the arrest of his real estate, and the payment of the services of our representative in court, the state duty, since he will lose 100% of the court, will still transfer the funds and terminate the public contract with the REA.

As you can see, we force us to pay on the basis of the law, and, moreover, it is possible to get profit even through the courts, if all three firms (REA, REA, AC) really exist and are registered.

Now let's take a closer look at all the stages of work and nuances.

Companies (REA, REA2, AC)
There are two design options:

1. Official registration.
The advantages of official registration are that the activity becomes completely legal and white and, even, it becomes possible to collect your profit from the client through the court with a 100% result! The disadvantages of this method are only in the costs of registering an LLC, and we need 3 firms - two real estate agencies and an advertising company.

2. Not official design. That is, we simply take the data of firms suitable for our activity, order a seal and work under their name.
The advantages are that there is no unnecessary hassle and we can start working very quickly.
The disadvantages of this method are only in the impossibility of obtaining your profit through the court, well, it turns out that the activity is no longer entirely white.

To get started, you will need at least basic knowledge about the real estate market in your city and about real estate in general. The main thing is to hook the client, make him believe. SI will help you, but you can do without it, if you work correctly. A realtor should always have a neat appearance and competently express his thoughts.

The scheme of the first real estate agency (REA)
We create a website. You can simply copy some existing site (cost $ 30), making changes, of course, for your parameters.

We place advertising on the Internet (we'll talk about it a little later)

A client calls us. Here, even writing a script does not make any sense, since the clientele is so diverse that everyone conducts a conversation in a different direction. The main thing is that we communicate politely, convincingly and confidently! We promise the client to sell his apartment in 1 month! We are confident in ourselves and we back our guarantees by the fact that if we do not sell within a month, then our commission will drop from $ 2000 to $ 1000! And we conclude a contract for only 2 months. We will not sell in 1.5 months, then our commission drops to $ 300! And if we don’t sell in 2 months, we will pay a fine! Be sure that a person will not stand even a month of working with us! This is how confident we are. It will impress anyone, if served right!

After the client has already become warm, after our promises, we immediately "take him by the horns" and offer to send a realtor to him, who will take high-quality photos of the apartment and discuss all the details with him (we do not say anything about the contract if the client does not ask myself).

We hire a person, or we ourselves act as a realtor and go to the client, taking with us a contract and a camera.

We come, go over the questionnaire in the contract (fill it out), take photos of the apartment and give the client a contract for signing.

If you take on this business thoroughly, then you can open a small neat office, where you will invite clients. But, keep in mind that sometimes the client may still not get there and still the right decision would be to send an on-site realtor to him.

The contract is signed. We conclude an agreement with AC on the placement of advertisements on its website. We wait 3-5 days and make the first call to our client and say that there is a potential buyer who wants to see the apartment tomorrow. In the evening of the same day we call and cancel the viewing and say that the price did not suit. In a couple of days we do the same job. We create the illusion of work.

A week later, after signing the contract, you can start terrorizing the client.

For example: - Hello, Victor. I am calling you to discuss the cost of the apartment. Would you like to lower the cost? And then it is high, you yourself must understand! It is possible to find a client, but it is difficult, but if you reduce the cost and don’t be GREEDY, the process will accelerate.

Absurd?! -Yes, that's exactly what you need.

After 3 days we call and say that he should have changed the wallpaper, they look bad, not a venal look. After another 2 days we say, again we say that the price is low, the chandelier is bad, the carpet is not beautiful. You can think of many ways to piss a person off. Our goal is to annoy him so that he either bluntly scores on us, or sends. And of course, the main thing is that he sent us so that he would forget about the contract, even if he did not forget.

After all the hassle, we wait about a week or two. And our second real estate agency comes into play..

Now our main goal is to force the client to violate the terms of the contract. We can either wait for this, so that he starts working with someone, having lost hope in us, or we can push him ourselves, which we do.

Scheme of the second real estate agency (REA2)
It's time for our second move. Our goal is to make sure that our client agrees to sign an agreement with a second agency. Therefore, we do it this way. On behalf of the second agency, we call the client and say that there is a buyer.

In this spirit: - Hello! Evgeny? Eugene, I represent the real estate agency "Start" and call you about your apartment. The fact is that one of my clients saw an advertisement for the sale of your apartment and was very interested, in fact, he is even ready to buy it right away if you lower the price a little (we call it 1-2k), what do you think? If you agree, I can come with a client to you even today, as he is in a hurry, the other day he will fly away for a week.

In the vast majority of cases, the client of course agrees! We take the actor "Uncle Vasya" with us, it can be any person, but it is desirable that he was 50 years old and you had a noticeable age difference.

We come to the client while Uncle Vasya examines the contented apartment, at the same time asking questions to the client. You ask to see the documents for the apartment and take pictures of the apartment. And at the most opportune moment, when the client thinks that he has almost sold the apartment, we give him a contract for signing (contract No. 2). Why a contract? (if the client asks).

- Well, why? We brought a client to you who will most likely buy an apartment, and if not, we have a huge client base and we will sell your apartment in just a week, even we conclude an agreement only for a week, just look at it, this is how confident we are.

The client has signed the contract. Excellent.

We are leaving with Uncle Vasya, the next day we call and inform that the buyer has merged, but do not despair, as we promised we will sell the apartment in a week! We ourselves take and post an advertisement for the sale of an apartment, for example, in AVITO.

This is where the role of our REA2 ended.

We are waiting for 2-4 days after the announcement is placed and our first real estate agency comes into play again.

On behalf of the Academy of Sciences A week later, we send the client a claim, in accordance with clause 1 of article of the Civil Code of your country, namely, we demand to pay the expenses actually incurred by us, since the Customer violated the terms of the public contract, namely, did not terminate the contract with us, and turned to to third parties for providing services for the sale of an apartment. The actual costs of the company REA amounted to N - $. We attach a receipt and an agreement with RS (advertising site), which provided services for the promotion and advertising of the Customer's apartment. And we point out that if within 10 days, the requirements are not satisfied voluntarily, a lawsuit will be filed in court, and a petition is made to seize the property of the Customer, who did not terminate the contract and turned to another service, and we bore the costs of the sale his apartment.

In fact, you can do without the postal direction of the claim, but just call and report by phone.

Bottom line: The client, in order to avoid lengthy lawsuits, the arrest of his real estate, and the payment of the services of our representative in court, state duty, since he will lose the court in 99% of cases, will still transfer the funds and terminate the public agreement with the REA.

Why doesn't the customer go to court?!
  1. He did not terminate the public contract with us, which is already a violation of the terms of cooperation;
  2. Turned to another company, did not notify us about it, properly;
  3. His actions fall under the current norm of the Civil Code of the your country;
  4. In court, we file a petition, and an arrest is imposed on his property, that is, now, until he fulfills the court's decision, he will not sell his apartment;
  5. In court, we will indicate in the claims that he should be charged for the services of our lawyer, and this is at least + $ 500;
  6. The court will charge him a STATE DUTY, and this is at least + $ 100.
  7. Nerves, waste of time, etc.
And so, if we set him requirements of $ 500 (no longer worth it), and he, having not fulfilled our legal requirements on a voluntary basis, will have to pay + $ 500 for this. (court expenses). It is imperative to convey all this convincingly to our client, and even advise him to seek legal advice in order to understand that we are not in time and everything is really so.

Interaction between the REA and the AC
There are 2 ways to work. Either AC has its own website where it advertises, or simply advertises the property through message boards.

Undoubtedly, the bulletin board option is much easier, as there is less red tape. An agreement is concluded (file - "agreement with AC"). And on behalf of AC, placement on boards is ordered with the help of third-party companies. The cost of the service varies from $ 10 to $ 20. Thus, we do without a website.

But, of course, the AC should ideally have its own website. It can be like a business card site (a regular information site) or it can be a decent advertising site. That is, something like a real estate bulletin board - the site of an advertising company that is engaged in placing ads for the sale of real estate on its website, as well as promoting it on bulletin boards.

But there is another way. Lightweight and beautiful. Just agree with some kind of advertising site on cooperation, so that it draws us $ 500 in the contract. the cost of the promotion service. In this case, our work is greatly simplified.

Advertising REA2
It is better to use many different options here. All advertising methods used by real estate agencies.

First of all, you need to start working with Yandex Direct and Google Adwords. Select mid-frequency and low-frequency queries and place on them. So that the budget is not destroyed for a few minutes, since advertising in this niche is very expensive, you can set the minimum cost on the search and focus on impressions on advertising network, thus the cost per click will be about $ 0.5.

Cold calls are also an equally effective way to find customers. We monitor sites such as Domofond, Gan, Avito and the like and catch new real estate sellers. As soon as someone posted an ad, we immediately call and offer our services.

Newspapers, Magazines - do not neglect these advertising methods! Submit advertisements to local newspapers regularly. It can be both specialized publications about real estate, and just a newspaper of free classifieds.

Post ads at the entrances. Really! The cost of such advertising is cheap, but if at least 2-3 clients come through it, that's great, because they definitely won't be superfluous. In general, you need to use all possible advertising methods. Read about REA work on the Internet, see how others are advertised. After all, if you really want to start a full-fledged business, then without analysis and study, nowhere!

Let's summarize. You have before your eyes a way of opening your own business, which will work for more than one year and is unlikely to ever die. All that is needed from you is complete surrender. This is not a "loot button". You must work. First of all, study everything related to the work of a real estate agency, study the real estate market in your city. Chat with realtors to understand how to work correctly and communicate with clients.

It's all worth it, because even if you count modestly, you will have only 1 client in 2 days. That's 15 clients a month. The profit will be your $ 10000, and with really hard work, the number of clients per month can easily reach 60 and, accordingly, the profit increases to $ 30000.
