How to get Shopwithscript logs


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ESCROW PAYMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!


Carding 4 Carders

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You can buy fresh logs and accounts from verified sellers.
Please ask around in the telegram chats of the creators of the stealers, there are many logers there.
Do not forget that you need to buy a service through the guarantor and not make an advance payment so as not to be deceived.


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
How much
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Carding 4 Carders

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You can purchase these logs from trusted sellers in the telegram chats of stealers creators. There are a lot of them, different balances. It is a pity to buy with cookies and email.
I advise you to work through a guarantor service and not make an advance payment so as not to be deceived.


Reaction score
You can purchase these logs from trusted sellers in the telegram chats of stealers creators. There are a lot of them, different balances. It is a pity to buy with cookies and email.
I advise you to work through a guarantor service and not make an advance payment so as not to be deceived.
How do I work through a guarantor? I’m new here


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How do I work through a guarantor? I’m new here
1. You negotiate with the seller, discuss all the details of the transaction.
2. You transfer money for the account to the guarantor.
3. The seller provides you with an account.
4. You check its validity and statement to all the necessary requirements.
5. You will inform the guarantor that everything is in order.
6. The guarantor transfers money to the seller from the insurance fund.
P.S. If the account is bad or you don't like something, then the guarantor returns the money to you.
Thus, you save your money and nerves. This is a safe and reliable way. You cannot be you deceived and disappointed.
Details and contacts on the link:
You can work with any trusted forum.


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1. You negotiate with the seller, discuss all the details of the transaction.
2. You transfer money for the account to the guarantor.
3. The seller provides you with an account.
4. You check its validity and statement to all the necessary requirements.
5. You will inform the guarantor that everything is in order.
6. The guarantor transfers money to the seller from the insurance fund.
P.S. If the account is bad or you don't like something, then the guarantor returns the money to you.
Thus, you save your money and nerves. This is a safe and reliable way. You cannot be you deceived and disappointed.
Details and contacts on the link:
You can work with any trusted forum.
Who is the guarantor here?


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The guarantor for this forums is the @admin.
If you do not trust him, you can work through the guarantor service of any other verified forum.
On many projects, the services of the guarantor service are free, before using, check the reviews or ask me, I will say this is a scam forum or normal.


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
How to spam shopwithscript log


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Hello, we have 2 ways to get shopwithscript or any accounts with balance:

1 method (the best):
Buy a good stealer (or download a free one), customize it, and distribute it. Stealer is a malicious code that steals all information from the user's device and provides it to us. It provides us with logins, passwords, cookies, system prints from all user accounts, including banks, shops, payment systems, e-mail boxes, exchanges, services, etc.
We just have to get these accounts, go to them and make any purchases, including your favorite gift cards. After that, you can successfully cash them out, for example, by buying a cryptocurrency. Or just buy some goods to the drop addresses that we can get from drop services or buyers.
If a card has already been added to the account, then we can replenish the balance automatically, it may also turn out that the balance has already been replenished.

2 method:
- Create a phishing page for the desired store (in our case, a shopwithscript). There should be a similar domain, identical design and structure so that the victims would not notice the substitution and would not distinguish your fake page from the original store. Configure the password collection script. Establish a ban on indexing by search bots so that the site does not get blacklisted and blocked. It is advisable to upload the site to a bulletproof hosting and hide the server's real IP address so that complaints from those who discover deception do not come.
- Spam spam by all available ways and methods (you can simply order from professional spammers if you don't want to mess around yourself). In the message, ask to follow the link to your phishing page under the pretext of changing your password, receiving a gift, additional bonuses, additional rewards, a super-promotion, big discounts, updates to security settings, etc. (to your imagination). It is important that the spam message looks tempting and encourages the user to follow the link and log in using your phishing link. When he does this, you will receive the original logs and password for his real account, after which you can use it at your discretion.
Below are some of the ways that spam is distributed.

This niche is very large. There are many options and ways to get traffic with spam! We will analyze all these methods and talk about the features of each of them.
For many, this information should be useful and help in mining.
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Introductory. Analysis of concepts.
Let's start our first lesson with an analysis of the concepts. What is spam? How to spam correctly? Where and how can we spam? And why do we need all this?
I think many are already familiar with the concept of spam and have even met with it in real life. In simple terms, spam is unauthorized advertising. Advertising to which the people to whom it is broadcast did not give their consent. Many of you receive heaps of spam every day by e-mail, SMS, chats and instant messengers, on social networks and even on the street. Couriers or any other service wear uniforms with backpacks, thanks to which they broadcast service advertisements to passers-by. Or carsharing machines. They are spam too. The same can be said about people distributing leaflets and shouting prepared verses into a megaphone. All this can also be called walking spam.
With this, I think it's clear. Now I would like to clarify the possible punishment from the law for spam activities.
No punishments from the law enforcement agencies, with a probability of 99.999%, will not be applied to you. To be interested in you, you need to spam millions of dollars every month and at the same time use other people's resources. For example, hacked mails, company accounts for sending offers to the customer base of the same companies, or using a fake sender number for the same purposes. With such actions, a large company may complain about you, which will lead to the interest of law enforcement officers.
If you spam using your resources (servers, accounts, numbers), then you don't have to worry about punishments. This method, of course, will bring less results, but you will breathe the air of freedom!

Let's return now directly to the topic itself. If you want to drive traffic to your product, service, or just work with an affiliate program, then for a successful result we need only 2 things:
  1. You just need a unique and well-crafted offer. Even a well-structured sales funnel is desirable. Drive traffic to the landing page using a simple and primitive offer. For example - Only we have branded perfumes for $ 3 (link) are doomed to failure in advance. Selling head-on is very difficult, and selling head-on with spam is even more difficult. Creativity is important here. Therefore, this stage for many will be more difficult than the second, technical stage.
  2. The way through which your ad is broadcast to the largest possible target audience. Let me explain. These can be mailings in Facebook LAN, or mailings in comments under FB groups. There are many such ways. During the training, we will analyze them all, and I will present you with a specific list of all possible methods in the next lesson.
If you just want to get traffic for your website, blog or groups in messengers and social networks, then everything is a little easier for you. You do not sell anything, and you only need visitors or subscribers, which means you only need a way through which your ad will be broadcast to the largest possible target audience.
The main advantage in generating traffic through spam is that such traffic will cost you significantly less than traffic purchased from advertising services, bloggers or groups. With a proper and responsible approach, the difference in results with the same amount invested can reach thousands of times, of course, in favor of spam.
In the next lesson, I will list all the possible spam options that I will tell you about in detail. This will be like a learning plan, so that you have a rough idea of what to expect from the learning.

Spam options
The spam options you'll learn about in this tutorial:
  1. Spam Facebook
  2. Spam on sites / forums
  3. Spam in telegram
  4. Spam WhatsApp
  5. Spam in Viber
  6. Spam on Instagram
  7. Spam on resources
  8. Spam by e-mail
  9. Offline spam
I will tell you in detail about each of these options and share my experience gained as a result of using each of them.
Each of these lessons will be divided into 2 parts:
  • Features of this resource and how to use them to extract spam traffic
  • Gathering an audience + a case from personal experience
I'm starting to sort out spam on Facebook tomorrow, so if you haven't subscribed to tracking the topic yet, now is the time!

Facebook spam
Facebook is a very huge resource with a wide range of services and functions for its users. Perhaps there are the most options for extracting spam traffic, but, unfortunately, one of the most powerful spam filters.
To successfully start generating traffic, you need a good investment. If you are ready to invest less than $ 100 to start, then it is better not even to start operating on this resource.
Investments are needed for software, accounts and proxies. From software I advise - posterpro. I used it myself when I got traffic from FB. Its price is quite ridiculous, and the arsenal is even more than necessary.

The main and proven ways of spam FB:
Direct spam - Private messages (up to 20 messages from the account per day, but I recommend using 50% of this rate).
From the name - direct spam, you might have guessed that according to these parameters, traffic is obtained through direct advertising. I.e. not a big motivating text + link.
Both of these options require randomized text + randomized links. Suppose you are going to launch a 1000-lsk mailing list. To do this, you need at least 200 different messages + 200 different links carrying the same idea. If you work through a poster pro, then the randomized text will not be difficult for you. But with links you have to tinker. In advance, I advise you to purchase several domains through which you will drive traffic. For each domain, create a bunch of subdomains or a bunch of pages with installed redirects to the page you need. For example, you have a domain - if your hosting allows you, you can create a bunch of subdomains. For example etc. Or a bunch of pages. For example etc. Then it is advisable to shorten each of these pages through the official service of shortening links from FB - at the output you get hundreds of shortened links that redirect to different pages of your domain, with established redirects that will take your traffic to the page you need.
With 200 different email options with 200 different links, freely launch 1000 emails from different accounts and reap the benefits.
There is a different technology for comment spam. When advertising in the forehead, your account will quickly fly into the block. Especially if you post comments in large groups.
It's worth getting a little more creative here. By the method of question - answer. From one account you post questions in different groups that people may have about your offer or website. Further, from other accounts, post a response to this comment. And then with the help of likes, you pin your comment with the answer right below the post. By default, all users have comments sorting under each post. Comments with the most likes are displayed first. Anchor your comment at the very top - you have a large reach and start getting traffic
In my practice, I worked mainly with these methods, because they brought me good results.
As for massliking and massfollowing, FB did not work with them, so I cannot say anything for this activity.
And so what you need to start spamming Facebook. Above I said that if you are not ready to invest $ 100 or more, then you shouldn't even start. And so it is. To be successful, you need at least 150-200 accounts and a couple of mobile proxies. There are 2 ways with accounts:
  1. Buy (in this case, it is better to buy accounts with a history (retrieve), or brute ones).
  2. Create yourself. This option is the cheapest and best option, but it involves a lot of body movements. For this option, I advise you to buy SIM cards on shadow boards and register manually on them. In this case, the cost of one account will cost you $ 0.1 + manual filling of the account. And in the case of a block, you can restore this account without any problems.
When I worked with FB, I used option 2 to create pages. For help, I had 2 more pairs of extra hands in the person of my like-minded people. As a team, we created a huge grid of accounts, but I'll talk about that in the second part of this tutorial.
Mobile proxies can be purchased on various forums or SMS services. An adequate price for one such proxy should not exceed $ 2 per day.
If any of you have a positive experience in other variants of FB spam, share it in the topic.
Tomorrow I will post the second part devoted to collecting an audience for spam FB + personal case.

Audience Audience
collection can usually be done through the same software that you use for mailing. At least if you use posterpro, you can easily collect a list of groups and communities according to the criteria you need. In the same way, you can collect user pages for mailing by HP, through the groups you need with the desired filter (age, gender, marital status, etc.). If for some reason your software does not provide the ability to collect an audience, then it can be collected through third-party services. For example pepper ninja or the like.
For mailing by LAN, carefully select the groups from which you will collect users and be sure to set filters in order to collect the maximum target audience for your proposal.
If you are going to parse communities for mailing by comments, then first of all look at the topic of the group, and then at the coverage of the posts of this group. In the early stages, it may be that the group admins will delete your comments with links. Over time, you will be able to create your own up-to-date list of communities where administrators are more loyal to links. Also, at the first stages, monitor traffic flows from different groups so that your next campaigns are the most effective.

Personal experience:
He started working with FB about 3 years ago. At that time I was still "green" to work with this site, but in view of my many years of spamming experience, it took me a couple of weeks to understand all the intricacies and technical processes. And now, when all the nuances were known, and a clear plan of action appeared in my head, the last problem remained before me, perhaps the most important in all this activity - the choice of a suitable offer for FB users.
After talking a little with like-minded people, we decided to create an offer for a scam and drain traffic to it.
Why did you choose a scam? Because, I will tell you based on my many years of experience, scam offers have the highest conversion and give an excellent percentage of profit. And the maximum profit is what you need when entering a new niche.
At that time there was a huge excitement around the loto. This company poured millions into its PR campaign, and there were no analogues on the market. In general, as I then decided - it's a sin not to take advantage of this excitement.
In general, the idea was as simple as possible. Visitors to the site were given a free lottery ticket, and after pressing a button - to start the drawing, a video was broadcast to them, where the girl took out kegs with numbers from the bag. There were 20 such videos in total with 20 different victory tickets. As I thought, this randomness is enough. I took the video recordings from the old lotto program, which was conducted back in 2004-2005 on the first channel. In general, having watched the video with the drawing, many of the site visitors realized that they had won a rather impressive amount. From 100 to 300 thousand. Well, further on in the immortal classics of the scam. To receive a win, you need to enter your name and verify your bank account or wallet by paying commission and taxes on the winnings. There were 7 stages in the project, at each stage a person paid from $5 to $ 150. The maximum check per person could be $ 500. The average check was about $ 5 per person.
In general, in terms of investments, this whole process cost me about 30k. It took 20k to create such a script and 10k I invested in accounts and proxies.
When the script was ready, I bought 2,000 sim cards + 3 bricks on the shadow forum (the oldest mobile for $5 from hucksters in market tents). Gathering with like-minded people (there were three of us in total), we bought 2 mobile proxies for a week and started mass registration, in 1 day we created about 700-800 accounts (without filling, only reg). The registration process took us 3 days + 4 more days were spent on creating a template for a zenoposter for filling out accounts and the filling process itself. A week later, we already had a grid of accounts. For convenience, I entered a table of accounts from the number for each + SIM cards were disbanded, for easy search for the desired SIM, in case of an account block.
When everything was ready, I assembled an audience of gamblers. Processed rate groups and the official loto group. I think it's clear why I chose gamblers. Because they are the most naive and they are no stranger to pouring money into someone's wallet. Next, I checked the users of the loto group and the users of the groups with rates in order to find common participants. If a person was in the loto group and in any of the betting groups, this was our potential client. I recruited about 80 thousand such people + 400 thousand were a reserve audience, to which I would start sending out after processing the main 80k people.
In the poster about I created a randomized text (there were just over 100 thousand text options) + through the zenoposter I created 50 thousand different links leading to the newly-made project.
After 1.5 weeks of preparation, I extended the mobile proxies for another week and launched the mailing list. I sent out 18-20 thousand messages per day. Every day, about 20-30 accounts flew to the ban, but the presence of a sim card made it possible to use these accounts up to 3 received bans. In general, all this activity with the project took 1.5 months.

Bottom line:
With an investment of 30k and spent nights with red eyes preparing and unblocking accounts, for a period of 1.5 months, my like-minded people and I received about 500 thousand sent lsks, which gave us a little less than 100 thousand visitors. Of these 100 thousand, about 4000 thousand people paid for at least 1 out of 7 stages of the funnel. The total exhaust was just under one and a half million.
Of course, all these sleepless nights and the efforts invested paid off, and the check received made me understand that working even with white projects in VK will bear fruit with a responsible and thoughtful approach.

Spam on sites and forums
Spam on various sites and forums differs from other methods in its simplicity. But today, this method is more effective if you drive traffic to your own sites than to affiliate networks. But if you pour on affiliate programs, then 1-2 Leads a day take place, with a responsible and creative approach.
How the process itself will actually take place, I think many could already have guessed. The traffic will go due to our posting intriguing text and links in the comments on the pages of thematic sites, blogs and forums.
So let's suppose you decide to get traffic to an affiliate program in this way. Let it be a remedy for hypertension or prostatitis. The first action that you will need to take is to collect a list of key queries by which our potential clients can search for information on the Internet about their problems (prostatitis and hypertension). The larger the list of your requests, the more traffic you can attract. Further, for all these key queries, you should collect sites, blogs and forums from the search results. 5-7 search pages will be enough.
Also, note that on many of these resources, under the articles, before the comments, there will be a list of similar posts from the same resource. The more thematic pages from different sites you get, the better.
For those who have a zenoposter, incredibly lucky. You will be able to parse thousands of different pages on the list of sites obtained from search results, in just a few hours. There is also a software that may be useful to you - BuzzBundle. You can also find pages of different resources by your key queries.
Once you've got an impressive list of links to different pages, start composing a few creative texts and several different links to them. Links can also be shortened through link shortening services or use your own domains with redirects to an affiliate program, you can also use a frame page or install an affiliate landing page on your domain.
I also want to note that on some sites and blogs it is possible to insert a picture into your comments. Keep such sites in a separate list and be sure to insert pictures.
Next, place your motivating text, links and, if possible, pictures on each page, according to your list of pages.
Some sites are cleaned of spam every day and your comment may be removed after a few hours. The pages of such sites are also kept in a separate list and post there your comments 1-2 times a day.
If you are pouring traffic through your domains, then set a metric on them to track traffic. Over time, you will be able to exclude low traffic sites from your list and post comments on more effective pages.
For forum spam, use the question - answer technology. Since on the forums you can get banned, and your comment will be immediately removed. Also, when composing a question and answer, include keywords in your sentences. There is a chance that your question (and then the answer with a link to the affiliate program) will get up in the search results and you will get more coverage, and therefore traffic.
There is one significant plus in spam on forums, in relation to spam on websites and blogs. On the forum, people communicate and there is an opportunity to spam HP to all forum users. It can also give good traffic if the forum is live and people are hanging out there.
Now for investments. Here they are reduced to the very minimum. All you need is to buy a proxy as your ip gets spammed. 3-5 proxies per month are enough. If you translate it into bucks, then it will take you $ 5 a month.
The biggest disadvantage of this type of spam is that it takes a lot of manual work to get results. But if you do not have investments and you are new to spam and earnings, then this method will give you the opportunity to earn your first not bad money and move on to more serious spam options (for example, in instant messengers or social networks).

Let's summarize your actions:
  1. Choosing an affiliate program
  2. Making a list of key queries
  3. We make a list of thematic sites, and then a list of pages. Maintain multiple lists. Sites with comments without pictures and sites with comments where you can insert a picture.
  4. Preparing text, links and pictures
  5. We place text, links and pictures in the list of pages
In the next part I will lay out a case based on my own experience in spamming sites and forums

When I bought a zenoposter, about 4 years ago, spam on sites and forums is the first thing that I started doing after mastering this program.
My task was quite simple - to find a good affiliate program, then analyze sites and blogs on this topic, which were on the first 3 pages of search in Google and Bing. If such sites were not very active, then I return to choosing an affiliate program.
I stopped at 2 affiliate programs. 1. Chocolate for weight loss 2. Music box for pregnant women.
Even then I had no idea of using thematic forums, so I only spam sites and blogs.
For each affiliate program, I had a list of 35-40 sites + thematic pages of these sites. In just a day, I spam about 3 thousand pages. About 2 thousand pages allowed adding pictures to their comments.
On the sites, I had pretty good results, given that after collecting the list of necessary pages, the work went on automatically. I just needed to devote about a couple of hours a day to analyze the results and further sort these pages. In general, it came out about $ 50 a day + - a couple of hundred. This is with a monthly investment of $ 5 for a proxy.
After about a week of such work, it dawned on me that forums are also a tidbit of traffic, and I began to look for fitness forums, forums for diets and pregnant mothers. After another 3 days, I already prepared a huge randomized list: question - answer and launched a mailing list for these forums. On the first day, I got not bad results, but after another day these results became higher than the results of spam on sites and blogs.
In total, I had 50 forums on each topic in my arsenal. And I had about 200 forums.
The peak of my activity in terms of income of this option was $ 150 per day. The maximum monthly amount I received for 2 months of activity, which was equal to $ 3000.
After 4 months of this activity, I also managed to test gray and black offers. The conversion to them was just as good, but the only, and perhaps the most important problem was the frequent bans and blocking of ip on forums and websites.
In general, if you have zennoposter on hand and are thinking how you can monetize it, try this method. For those who do not have a zenoposter, I would also recommend trying this spam method. But it will be harder for you, because you have to place the links manually. But for 10 hours of hard work, you can make a profit equal to the salary in a regular job, or an amount close to this number.

Spam in telegram
Telegram spam is the easiest form of spam among messenger spam. In WhatsApp or Viber, everything is a little more complicated if you analyze the technical nuances. But in terms of the selection of proposals, the opposite is true. From experience I will say - it is more difficult for a telegram to find a good converting offer than for a WhatsApp or Viber. Especially if you work with affiliate programs.

In telegram, as in any other messenger, there are 3 main types of spam:
  • By HP
  • By chats
  • You can also invite and invite participants to your channels (plus the fact that when you invite a person does not need to agree or accept the invitation. When you send an invitation, he automatically becomes a member of your channel).
In general, through telegrams, you can pour traffic either directly into the forehead, or by filtering traffic through the channel.
On HP - everything is simple and similar to any spam in a personal message. Motivating text + link. For a successful mailing, it is also better to do text randomization + mandatory randomization of links.
In chats, everything is the same here. Either we pour it on the forehead using the text + link method, or we pour it with the question + answer method. (Recommended second option).
Each telegram account before the block will be able to send from 30 to 40 messages. If you calculate the cost of one message, then you will be pleasantly surprised. It varies around 10 kopecks per message.
As you might have guessed, spam requires a lot of accounts, and therefore a lot of numbers. Here sms activators come to the rescue. We buy a number for $ 0.1 for a telegram and create an account for it. Newsletter software:
Every high-quality software should contain an account creator + a mailer. I cannot recommend any specific software. Because I myself use zennodroid templates ready for myself. But it won't be difficult to find software for mailing lists, even on the same shady forums. For those who have Zenodroyd, prepare a template and send in a multithread.
But even without software, you can get the result - by sending it by hand. To do this, you must download the official version of telegram for pc. And through manual registration of accounts and sending messages, get yourself traffic. For 3 hours of leisurely work, you can process about 30 accounts, which will be equal to 1000 messages. With the right audience selection, this number of messages will be enough for you to get a monetary result. Working at this pace for a week, you can collect the amount to think about buying software and working in a multi-thread.
In the next lesson, you will learn how to get an audience for telegram spam + I will prepare a case based on personal experience.

Collecting an audience
There is only one way to collect an audience for mailings. From chats. If you go to any telegram chat and open information about the chat, then you will immediately see the list of participants. It is on these lists that the collection takes place. In order to collect the most targeted audience, you first need to collect thematic chats. These chats are collected from various sites, forums, groups in social networks and similar resources.

Personal experience
I started working with mailing lists in telegrams about two years ago and I work to this day. I do not lose interest in this site, because, by and large, my participation in the workflow of this activity is required only when you need to write a text for mailing or replenish the balance on an SMS activator to register new accounts.
If you are looking in the direction of the telegram, I will tell you right away. In this messenger, working with affiliate programs brings less profit than other messengers (WhatsApp and Viber). But unconditionally, it is more than real to come out in plus. The greatest conversion is brought by their unique offers or services, in other words, this is the case always and everywhere.
I will give you an example, my simplest and easiest way to monetize the extracted traffic from the telegram. I tested it about a year ago and certainly came out to be a good plus.
In general, at that time, my attention was attracted by an announcement, on one of the shadow forums, about mailings in the telegram. The seller offered customized mailings and took $ 0.01 per message. That is, this person had a profit 10-15 times higher than the cost of the cost of one Message. And judging by the reviews in his thread, the demand for this service was good.
Almost instantly, a thought came to my mind. What if you launch a mailing list for a pre-selected audience, and sell the mailing list in this mailing list. Of course, one part of me said that such a primitive proposal would not bring any results. The second part of me burned with curiosity and demanded action.
Almost instantly, I began to gather an audience. I visited forums and websites of affiliates to hook up chats with the people I needed. After 2-3 hours of searching for these chats, I gathered an audience, threw $ 15 on the SMS receiving service (for registering accounts), wrote not the best message on the sale of mailings (a la - your advertisement could be here) and indicated a contact.
$ 15 for me meant just over 10,000 sent messages. Out of these 10,000 messages, one order would fully cover the costs of mailing to find customers and automatically cover the costs of the first order immediately. (If the order were more than 5000 messages, then I would already be a plus).
To my surprise, more than 20 people responded from such a mailing list. About 7-10 people ordered small mailings with the prospect of cooperation in the future. Of course, I did not work further on this topic, since I get much greater results working on my main topics. Completed orders and said goodbye to these people.

Bottom line
For a week, I had about $ 10000 clean.

Spam on WhatsApp
WhatsApp mailings are similar in their technical process to Telegram mailings.

How it works:
We massively register accounts in WhatsApp and send messages from them. As a result, we get not a bad cost price of one message - about $ 0.01. The key subtlety here is that you need a good randomization of the sent message in order to pass the messenger's spam filters and send as many messages as possible. For 1000 posts, I recommend using 100 different post options. You can also monetize traffic on affiliate networks or through your offers, products, services or websites.

Spam methods
1. By personal messages
2. By chats

Those who own zennodroid can easily loop the bot in the messenger and send messages around the clock. And for those who do not have Zennodroid or Zennoposter, I advise you to get them, because Zennoposter and zennodroid are invaluable tools for spamming activities, and in general for earning money in general.
I have not met any special mailers for WhatsApp, which are used as consumer goods.
There are also mailing services for WhatsApp, but there the cost of one message will cost you about a bucks. Because such mailing services inflate the price in order to make a profit from each message sent. Such services can be used only if you have your own business, target base and you need a maximum of 1-2 mailings. In this case, you should be able to get the result. If you are planning to send out affiliate programs or are looking towards daily mailings, then you definitely need a Zenoposter or Zenodroyd and a WhatsApp bot for them. To launch mailings with minimal financial costs.

Affiliate programs in this messenger are more cheerful than in telegrams. I find it difficult to name the reasons for this. But I know from experience that the conversion of mailing with an affiliate program to WhatsApp is always higher than a similar mailing to telegrams.

Audience extraction:

The format of the base in WhatsApp, in contrast to the telegram, consists only of phone numbers. Therefore, you will have to collect the base for mailing on third-party resources. For example, yula, 2gis, resume from job search sites, etc.
The most difficult thing is to choose a target base, so for this you need to use a non-standard approach.
There is also an option - to buy. On freelance exchanges, hundreds of performers will be ready to take for your order and provide bases for mailing.

Personal experience:
In this case I will tell you about 2 different tasks that I managed to test in practice and get results from them.
1. Newsletter for offline business
2. Newsletter with an affiliate program

Newsletter for offline business:
Several years ago, my sister came up with the idea to open her own beauty salon + hairdresser. After drawing up a business plan, a shopping list and hiring people, she thought that the business would immediately start developing. I ordered a couple of banners and put them up at the entrance. Despite the fact that the location is quite good (in the sense that thousands of people passing by could see this banner every day). In general, while it seemed to her that everything worked out, time passed. There were few visitors and for the first month the salon worked in negative territory. And then, my sister decided to take a bold step - to turn to her brother for help. Hearing that my sister had started a business without elaborate marketing and advertising, I laughed heartily. The way out suggested itself - to find a database of numbers of residents of a certain area + in addition to everything, it must be women! Perhaps this was the most difficult task for me, which I faced in my practice. But with a good budget and non-standard thinking, you can solve any problem. A few days later, I already had a database of 60,000 rooms - women living within a radius of 10 km from the salon.
Then I created messages for mailing lists, in which I offered a 20% discount for each client of the salon (upon presentation of the message, of course). The stream of customers rushed in almost instantly. For several weeks these people trudged to the salon and showed messages. With this newsletter, about 300 women have visited my sister's salon. Many of them have become regular customers. My sister's eyes were filled with joy, and to keep it this way, I suggested that she maintain a database of her regular customers and send a mailing of this kind once a month.
Now for the cost. The main costs for such a mailing went to the base of numbers. For such a base, I gave a little over $ 300. I spent $ 50 for the numbers themselves + $ 10 it took me for a proxy.
I can't say about the profit, but the salon immediately after the mailing began to work at increased speeds. I can definitely say that the effect turned out to be great, and the costs paid for themselves.

Newsletter with an affiliate program:
I also sometimes work with affiliate networks that pay to attract people to work. Such affiliate programs are Taxi, Food and similar services. But due to their age, they are no longer relevant. Traffic on them is already difficult to cling. But I regularly monitor the market for such affiliate programs, and as soon as a new affiliate comes out, I will definitely send traffic to it through WhatsApp.
A few months ago, I decided to upload traffic to the affiliate program of a savings market. In total, I invested about $ 100. To numbers and a couple of mobile proxies.
Since I have a good command of Zenoposter, I collected the mailing list myself. These were the phone numbers on the resumes of different people. To do this, I visited job sites and processed tens of thousands of resumes of the geo I needed and grabbed numbers from them. (The advantage of this method is that it is the most targeted domain base. These people are already interested in finding a job themselves).
I collected about 100,000 different numbers and launched a mailing list. For each person who went to study, I had from $15 to $ 250. That is, I needed 5 leads to recoup the investment.
The only disadvantage of such partners is the long hold. It may take a week - 2 before a person enters training (trial period) and you will be confirmed payment. Therefore, after such mailings, I wait 3 weeks to find out the final result of the mailing.
Usually the investment pays off in a week and this balance is transferred to the affiliate program, and the next 2 weeks the residual result creeps in.

Bottom line:
From a mailing list for 100,000 people interested in finding a job, I got a little more than 80 Leads, which came out in about $ 1500. That is, I managed to make it on the affiliate program of a savings market.

Spam in Viber
Spam in this messenger is completely identical to spam in WhatsApp. Despite the fact that these are different messengers, the principle of operation, as well as the format of the base with the audience, is the same.
This messenger is characterized by mailings, both with affiliate programs and with their own projects, goods or services.

Spam options:
- In chats (the best method, as elsewhere: question - answer)
- By HP

As with other messengers, it is very difficult to find a special messenger, and if we are talking about free, then it is completely impossible. Therefore, those who have a Zenoposter will also be able to use it in this activity. Those who do not have money and money to purchase can also start spamming manually. To do this, you just need to install the desktop version of the messenger on your PC or work through the emulator - bluestacks.
Account costs vary between $ 0.1. On average, an account manages to send about 50 messages. With good message randomization, more is possible.

Audience gathering:
The format of the base, as in WhatsApp, consists of numbers. You can also collect numbers for Viber from message boards or similar resources. It is also possible to buy ready-made bases on different boards and freelance exchanges.

Personal experience:
Viber has always been a messenger for me more European than Russian. Therefore, I use Viber only for mailings to an audience from Moldova, Romania, the Czech Republic and Ukraine. From experience I know that there are more active Viber users in these countries than in Russia and they are more interested in buying different offers and unnecessary riffraffs.
So, at the beginning of May I was eager to launch some offer with offerrum. Those who know this service probably know about crafting prizes. For each lead you get a coin, and then these coins can be exchanged for different prizes up to a car. In general, I then had around 2.5k of such coins and I intended to spend them soon and start working with this service, since, to be honest, I hate it, and I have a reason for that. My attention was drawn to the bill counter. I thought it would be fun to put such a thing at home. In general, the task was to choose an affiliate program and get about 500 Leads on it in order to get these 500 coins. My attention was immediately attracted by an exclusive for Romania, like a rejuvenating gel that removes wrinkles from the face. For each lead for this offer, they gave 2 coins, and plus the product landing page met my requirements. So I decided.
It took me a week to prepare everything I needed. I collected the base of numbers from bulletin boards of Romanian cities. I created about 100,000 randomized text and about 10,000 links and then launched a mailing list through a bot on a zench. The mailing was done for a little more than a million numbers. Considering the price of the spent numbers, several domains and hosting, I spent about $ 500 for this one-time promotion.

Bottom line:
The effect was great. I received about 300 Leads on the balance within 3 days. If we calculate the net profit, then it turned out about $ 2000.

Spam on Instagram is characterized by the following mailings:
2. Direct (PM)
3. Massliking and massfollowing

With this I think it is clear. If you seriously decide to promote spam activity on Instagram, then out of these 3 options, look towards direct and mass-liking and mass-following. But don't consider them as separate options.
Time passes, technology improves, and spam filters improve. New times always require a new approach. Therefore, in this lesson I will not talk about each of the above mailings that are typical for Instagram. I will tell you only about the most relevant and effective method for today. And it is as follows:
You need a bunch of themed accounts and themed posts. You can create and style one profile, and then just make a bunch of copies of it. I advise you to start with at least 30 profiles.

To minimize bans, in addition to randomizing text and links, I advise you to work as follows:
For a week, start mass following on accounts with a subscription rate of no more than 10 per hour. And massliking at about the same speed. Thus, the buildup of your accounts will begin and you will already begin to receive some kind of traffic to your profiles, which can already be monetized through selling posts or advertising in the profile. After a week has passed, launch a Direct mailing to all your subscribers who came through mass following at a rate of no more than 10 messages per hour and no more than 40 messages per day. After 3 days of mailing, you can increase the limits by 10 messages. Once the Messages have been sent to all subscribers, start the circle again. A week of massliking and mass following, and then another mailing list. If you work with partners, then change affiliate programs, each circle. You can also start increasing the limits on mass-liking and mass-following from the second round and add 5-10 subscriptions and likes per hour. I also advise you to follow the current information on the action limits on Instagram. They will help you coordinate your actions and draw up a clear work plan, taking into account all the limits.

Software for spam on Instagram:
Since the technical process requires constant changes, I chose zennodroid to work with Instagram and to this day, I work only through self-written bots.
But today there are a bunch of programs and services for working with Instagram. If you google, you will find hundreds of Instagram tools. I cannot single out any of them, because I haven’t used them, but for those who do not have Zenodroyd, I advise you to download and try out the demo version of this program, or try out the services and programs by googling the correct request.
I also want to add that to work with Instagram, you just need a mobile proxy. Without it, there is a great chance of getting banned on the entire grid of your profiles.

Audience gathering:
I think everyone understands that the audience gathers from other pages on Instagram from the subscribers or subscriptions section. Almost all services and programs have a Parsing mode, so you shouldn't have any problems with this aspect.

Personal experience:
Earlier this year, I tested one of my ideas related to info business. The idea came to mind when I once again wondered what to fill with traffic. I immediately remembered 2014-2015. These years I was just starting to study advertising source and traffic arbitrage. I remember then I bought traffic on Facebook and merged it on the affiliate program of the course using the same traffic arbitrage. The conversion came out pretty good, at least in a small plus it was always possible to go out. At that moment, I began to burn out with curiosity - will it be possible to monetize traffic from Instagram to an affiliate program of some course? But this time I decided to drive traffic not with pay per lead, but with pay per subscriber. I chose an affiliate program that paid for attracting subscribers to the recording of a webinar on advertising on Facebook.
Then I decided to be creative and created a profile of a fictional person who is allegedly involved in arbitration. I uploaded a bunch of statistics from different partners and advertising offices into the profile, added a few photos with an expensive car and from expensive resorts, and then ordered the voice acting of several videos for 1 minute with a pre-prepared text and demonstration of actions. The bottom line was that there was an advertising office on the video, and the announcer voiced the text into which I added a little fiction. Namely, the secret, thanks to which a click would cost about a bucks, instead of $ 0.1. In general, everything was arranged in such a way that after watching these 3 videos, a person should have been intrigued and signed up for a webinar using the link in the profile, in which I allegedly told all these fantastic things. After styling, I replicated this page thanks to automation tools (zennodroid) and made about 1000 identical pages. Further, I launched a large-scale promotion. Within 10 days, the accounts worked in massliking and masfollowing mode and brought about 30-40 entries to the affiliate webinar during the day, which equaled approximately $ 50 per day. The result was not particularly pleasing. After 10 days, I was able to earn about $ 500. 2/3 of the invested funds were recouped in 10 days. Then I started direct mailing from accounts. For 10 days, each account gained about 600-800 subscribers. Over the next 10 days, there was a mailing list by PM with an invitation to a free webinar. And here the results went much more cheerful. On average, about 150-200 people attend the webinar every day. Which already meant about $ 150 a day. Why everything turned out this way remained a mystery to me. Apparently the people who got on the profiles from massliking and massfollowing decided to sign up for the webinar after a personal invitation.

Bottom line:
A little less than $ 600 were invested. I paid $ 100 for the voice acting of the video, the rest of the money went to the numbers for the accounts. Net profit for 20 days was slightly less than $ 1000. And by the way, due to such a large amount of traffic, the service did not pay me about $ 500. The support, foaming at the mouth, proved to me that I had not calculated the profit correctly, and even that half of the traffic was bots and cheating. In general, they clamped down on the payment, hung noodles on my ears, and after a week of communication and explanations, they blocked the profile altogether. Well, at least I managed to make a conclusion. In general, this ad-x partner service categorically does not guarantee to work, and if you start working with it, then at your own peril and risk.

Spam on resources
Spam on resources is somewhat similar to spam on websites and forums, but the technical aspects are completely different has a bunch of resources, but the following
Are suitable for us:
- District
- Blogs
- Kew
- Messenger
And even, perhaps, you can add maps to this list. (Why is it possible? I myself have never spammed on maps, but I noticed similar activity on maps).

So, let's start with District and Kew, since the principle of action is the same for them. Question answer. But unlike spam on forums, you need to approach it even more responsibly. These resources have a colossal amount of traffic. Up to 5 clearly formulated questions and detailed answers will bring you free traffic every day. For example, district will broadcast your question for your chosen district and city. If your question is very interesting and intriguing, then it will be broadcast to a large number of people, and immediately below it is your wide-ranging answer with an affiliate program or some kind of Internet project. If the question is of the same type, then its coverage will be small. If you approach it wisely and without investment, you will start receiving about 1000 unique items per week.
In Kew, everything is exactly the same, only in your well-written question and a detailed answer, you need to add keywords for which your audience is looking for offers. Format your question and answer in such a way that the text contains several keywords, due to which your potential audience will see your question on the first search page in the top 5. And this is already a huge traffic.

Remember that these resources are subject to the strictest moderation. Therefore, either approach the matter efficiently and wisely, or do not approach at all ...

Next comes blogs. Everything is simpler here. If you have automation tools like zenoposter, you can easily parse hundreds or even thousands of links to different articles from the feed. And then just scatter your comment with a link under each article.
There is one nuance here, blogspam will bring traffic only if you work for quantity, not quality. The activity of many channels is followed by their authors, and therefore your comments will simply be deleted. But if you post a thousand comments, traffic will make its way to you.

For this method, you must definitely use proxies and accounts.

Messenger is a messenger inside any services. The web version of this resource will easily allow you to send a bunch of messages even manually. And whoever has a zenoposter can write a super simple bot that will send spam 24/7. The principle of spam here is the same as in other messengers and is very similar to spam in telegrams.
Since this messenger works on the web, proxies + addresses + SIM card rent to receive SMS are just as necessary.
With a well-designed randomization, a little over 30 messages can be sent. If you do not use randomization of messages and links, then more than 5 messages will not leave your account. The audience for this type of spam comes from Zen. According to the list of those who liked the article or comment, we collect links to Zen account profiles, and from there, by clicking the Write Messages button, we get into a dialogue with a person in the messenger.
Last year I got the idea to create a content site for people with poor knowledge of pc. I have purchased articles on various problems faced by novice users. Starting with the choice of antivirus and ending with working with Excel, Word and technical settings. This topic is very widely used among old people and adolescents, and I have already collected keywords for each article. Therefore, when I began to think about traffic sources, the choice was obvious - Kew. Having opened my semantic core, I began to take prepared keywords and phrases from there, with the highest request frequency, and then for each article with these keys, I began to prepare questions that could well be asked by any novice PC user. Every day I published 10 questions on Kew for a week + with an interval of 5-10 minutes I posted a detailed answer, in which he answered his own question with a recommendation, and at the end gave a link to an article on his own site. In total, in a week I posted about 70 questions and answers to the cue, after which I received about 800-900 uniques per day on my site. The result surprised me more than and I decided to take another 100 articles from my site and do the same with them. A month after all this, I already had a stable 3-4k visitors per day, and the site itself began to be indexed more quickly in the search results and rise in the ranking. By the way, traffic from there continues to this day.

If you have studied the lesson on mailing in WhatsApp, then remember how I talked about the beauty salon that my sister opened. It was with him that I began my study of spam filters on the area. I can say that this type of spam will greatly help those who own online businesses. With the help of this site, you can notify your area and those around you about your activities. So, for example, by creating news that, for example:
Some drunken youth pulled out benches in all their favorite square (and casually mention their business. For example, it will be some kind of cafe) next to the cafe (name). Does anyone know who or what it was? It's time to put a stop to this behavior.
People living in the area to which you broadcast this question will begin to discuss this disgrace. You can smoothly reduce the topic from drunk youth to your cafe in the comments. Like - by the way, I heard in that cafe 2 mugs of beer at the price of 1. Or something like that. All this will be read by people and will undoubtedly be imprinted in their memory. And they will know that there is a new cafe in their area and, of course, they will soon look there.
At least when I threw a manuscript mentioning my sister’s salon in this way, traffic came from there. Some people admitted that they learned about the salon from district. Unfortunately, it was impossible to track the exact traffic.

If I look into blogfor traffic, it's only for affiliate programs for suckers. Maybe many of you remember such a site where for $ 1-10 you can buy different boxes from which different things fall out, such as iPhones, game consoles, TVs and other accessories. As it turned out, Zen users are very fond of freebies, but they are not particularly smart. Several times in my life, I have collected about 3 thousand different articles and scattered comments under them with a link to the affiliate program. In more than 70% of articles, comments weren't fun for more than an hour, but that was enough to get an average of 20-30 clicks from one article. On average, 2-3 comments were already profitable.

I paid attention to messenger only this summer. Since, as I said before, here is the same audience, then affiliate programs come in with a bang here, especially this concerns affiliate programs - scams. In principle, only with such affiliate programs I worked in the messenger.

For sending spam I used - Zennoposter. I have not seen any other programs for this type of spam.

Spam in classmates
Spam in classmates from Facebook has not gone far. But here it is worth noting that classmates are probably the most unusual social network with which I have ever worked. Perhaps this unusualness lies in its inferiority. But despite the poor design and poor management, the outsider in his niche has the sweetest and most solvent traffic.

Spam options for classmates:
A complete analogy for Facebook. You can spam both by PM and by groups, comments and walls. Inviting is still possible. However, all these actions are limited by limits, as with any resources in our time. However, unlike other resources, in classmates it is impossible to calculate the exact limits. If you start punching this information in Google or Yahoo, you will find completely different limits for the same actions.
For example, on one site it is written that the limits for sending private messages are limited to 30 messages, and on the other 50. However, in reality, it seems to me that everything is not so simple. When I last worked with my classmates, these limits staggered with a huge difference, which was very unnatural. Of course, the limits have staggered before, but not on such a scale.
Let me explain. In 2019, I sent from accounts from 20 to 40 ls. By how many in classmates the ban is not issued immediately, but at first a certain action is simply blocked on the account (in my case, the sending of private messages was blocked), then I use each account up to the limits. I.e., I scatter lski to block the sending of messages. At the beginning of this year, around February, message limits began to jump from 10 to 100 messages. That is, from some account I sent 10 messages, from another 53 messages, from the third 87, and so on. There is only one thing to explain this discrepancy in numbers - poor spam protection and spam filters. Apparently, the developers could not reach the golden mean for perfect work, therefore, with a high-quality approach to business, you can squeeze out a good amount of traffic from this platform, and with a poor-quality approach, immediately fly to the ban from the first message. Sometimes it happened to me.

What you need for high-quality mailing:
Mobile proxies + accounts. I also want to note that in addition to the randomized email, you need to randomize the link. That is, to send 1000 messages, you need about 500 different links leading to your offer or affiliate program. Software is also needed. At the moment, when I was writing this lesson, I did not find the actual software, and even more, those that worked before are no longer working. Therefore, to work with classmates, use a Zennoposter or bas.

Collecting an audience in classmates:
The audience for spam on classmates is collected in the form of links to a page or posts (depending on how you will spam).

Case from personal experience:
So we got to the niche of affiliate programs, loved by everyone - dating. It was with dating that I moved in classmates. This type of affiliate is ideal for this social network. Having chosen an affiliate program that pays for effective registration + additionally for different purchases of chats, I began to select an audience. I decided to set the following parameters for parsing - single men aged 35 to 50. I also decided that this affiliate program would poorly convert to US ad Eu men. I collected this audience for about 2 days, since I had to sort out a bunch of cities and settlements.
Having collected about 100,000 men I needed, I began to work on creating the perfect page. For such a mass mailing, I purchased about 5000 accounts and mobile proxies. It came out to me at more than $ 500. Before starting to send messages, I was faced with the task of changing names and surnames for women everywhere and uploading women’s photographs. To do this, I prepared a list of names and surnames, as well as selected a profile of a beautiful girl from a partner resource whose photos I decided to use for my profiles.
It took me another 2 days to change my name, surname and upload photos, and now, after 4 days of preparation, I began to compose a randomized message.
The men selected by me received messages of a similar nature:
Hi, I want to meet you. At our age, it is difficult to be lonely, because there is a desire to sit with someone in an embrace and babysit the kids. If you don't mind, go to this chat and send me a link to your profile. We will call you on an audio or video call and get to know each other better. I'm waiting for you impatiently.
Of course, this letter was randomized and had 50,000 versions. Each of this version had its own link. For making links, I only needed 5 domains, to each of them I added 10 subdomains, which gave me 55 different links. Then I cross-shortened these 55 different links through link shortening services using Zennoposter, which took me about 2 more days. For another 3 days the mailing itself went on, and for 2 days after the mailing there was traffic.

It took me $ 500 and 11 days to organize such a mailing. The net profit was just over $ 2000. Out of 100,000 people on effective registration, I got a little less than 1,500 people. Not calculated people (who did not register but did not fulfill the conditions of the affiliate program) are about 5000 people. The result is 75k for effective registration at $ 1 per person + about $ 10 of this 1,500 people bought vip access to the platform and for each check + another $ 3.

Spam by e-mail
Email spam is probably one of the most subtle and profitable types of spam. The main difficulty with e-mail newsletters is finding a quality database. But we'll get back to that in the second part of the tutorial on spam by email.
So, spam by e-mail can be done in 2 ways:

Using free mailboxes:
This method implies the use of mailboxes from large mail systems. Such as mail, Hotmail, Yahoo, Google. These boxes have a punchy inbox in their home system. In other words, using mailboxes, you can spam to mail addresses. Using mailboxes, you can spam to addresses and so on. This method is convenient in that you do not need to create, configure and raise your mail servers, and in which case you just need to replace one mailbox with another. However, the protection against spam is constantly being improved and today this method can only work within strict limits. If you have chosen this method in order to proxy mailboxes of your clients, you need the following:
  • mobile proxy
  • boxes
  • randomized letter with randomized links.
So, I advise you to do it as follows. Each mailbox should send a maximum of 1 letter per hour and 10 letters per day. This applies to work on all postal services. Working within these limits, the boxes can last for more than a month. In other words, having 1,000 mailboxes in your arsenal, you can send 300,000 letters per month. Also, do not forget to randomize letters and links. For 300,000 emails, you should have 30,000 different letter variations and of course 30,000 different links.

Using your own mail servers:
This option is more economical and requires fewer steps. To do this, you just need a domain + hosting (or VDS) + mail modules like pmt or postfix. By installing these modules on your hosting or VDS, you can create your own mail service. It will be necessary to create corporate mailboxes (the more the better) and send letters from them. This option frees from the use of proxies, but does not exempt from letter randomization and link randomization.
Of course, there are also limits for sending mail. From the new server, you can send from 500 to 5000 letters at a time, depending on the quality of your mail server settings. The quality of further mailings will depend on the following parameters:
The reputation of your domain and the ip address of the mail server (do not confuse with the ip address of the computer). After sending the first letter from your server to mail, Yahoo or Google, the data about your mail server and domain gets into a huge sender database belonging to the mail resource to which you sent the letter. For example, if you sent a letter to a recipient whose mailbox was created, then information about your server will immediately go to the database. And with the subsequent sending of each letter, the reputation of your server as a trustworthy or unreliable sender will be calculated. Likewise with other mail resources.
How is the reputation of your mail server calculated? By reactions to your letters. The person read your letter, deleted it or transferred it to spam, or did a double action - read and delete, and the like. Reputation is calculated based on these actions. If you send letters to which there will be no response, this will severely damage your domain's reputation. Much stronger than if a person turned the letter into spam, and then deleted and added you to the black list of contacts. That is why I strongly advise you not to send mailings to poor quality databases downloaded from the Internet and old databases. In such bases, as a rule, more than 50% of all mailboxes are abandoned or blocked. By sending to such mailboxes, you ruin your server and soon, mail systems will refuse to accept mail coming from your server.
Of course, there is also a way to warm up your servers and increase their reputation in an artificial way. Send letters to your mailboxes, and then open these letters using special programs. For example zennoposter or inboxer. By doing warm-up 3-4 times a week, you will significantly increase the reputation of your server. Of course, it takes months of warm-up to build a huge reputation. But from such servers it will be possible to send over a million letters in a few days. And if you also send a mailing of a million letters to a high-quality database, where at least 95% of mailboxes are used by people in everyday life, then you can get not only huge profits, but also an additional reputation, which will allow you to repeat this large-scale mailing in just a few days.
However, if you have a high-quality database, you do not need to warm up the server. With 95% of active addresses in your arsenal, you will warm up your base and at the same time make a profit, increasing results with each new mailing.
As for the letter, you need to pay attention to how you compose it. The text of your letter should be unique so much that you are sure that no person in the world has sent, even half the same text. Before sending mailings, always test the letter for getting into the inbox on different mail services.
So, let's finish the first part of the lesson with programs that will be useful and will greatly facilitate your task.

Newsletter programs:
I recommend using AMS Enterprise. With the help of this program, you can make a mailing list in a couple of clicks, having previously loaded the mailing base there, creating a letter and connecting your mail server or mailboxes from mail, Google or Yahoo (depending on the method of e-mail mailings you have chosen). Also in ams there is a convenient editor for composing a letter and its randomization. Everything you need to manage mailing lists is in the arsenal of the program, so you should familiarize yourself with it first of all if you decide to do spam by e-mail. In addition to its rich functionality, this program has a crack, which will allow you to use the full version for free.
There is also an analogue of AMS in the form of a mailwizz script. The downside is that since this is a script, you will have to rent an additional domain and hosting for it. On the plus side, you can manage your mailings directly from your phone. The mailwizz functionality is in no way inferior to ams and also has a crack version.
I advise you to switch from ams to mailwizz when in practice you begin to understand what's what and get the first financial results.
To warm up, you can use the inboxer program or a bot on zennoposter or bas.

Collecting the base for mailing:
The base for mailing can be obtained in 5 ways:
- Buy
To buy bases, I advise you to use trusted forums or freelance exchanges.
- Collect it yourself
This method can be used if you have an advertising budget. You can create a free offer (for example, a free course or give away free clothes to all those who leave their contact in a subscription form) and start promoting your offer on Facebook, Direct and any other advertising sources by filtering out the audience in advance.
- Get it through deception
This method is based on trust. You can interest certain people who have bases in their hands and play on their stupidity. In other words, apply social engineering and people themselves will give you their bases.
- Perhaps the most confusing way is validation. If you nevertheless decide to take the risk of making a mailing list for the database obtained from free access or downloaded from a pool, then you will have to cleanse these databases from inactive and blocked addresses. To do this, you just need to go to mail com and try to send a letter to addresses from the database. You can insert 10 recipients and try to send them a letter. If there are inactive or blocked addresses among these 10 addresses, then when you press the send button, the mail will highlight them for you. Thus, gradually and slowly, you can clear the base from debris.
- The most financially costly way - Order a hacked site on trusted forums and download the database from there. This service costs at least 30 thousand, depending on the resource itself, but it's worth it. In this way, the most juicy bases are obtained. Using such bases, the conversion becomes fabulous. In just 100-200 letters, you can already get at least 10-20 sales using a thematic offer.

Case from personal experience:
At the end of September, I happily came across a sweet base for a little less than 1.5 million addresses, people who ordered clothes from an online store (whose name I will hide for personal purposes) for the period August-September 2020. The value of this base, I would probably estimate at $ 200k-300k. Having rented 6 domains and 6 hosting sites, I set up servers for mailing. Since the base was very sweet, there was simply no need to warm up the servers. Out of 100 people, an average of 97 left their reactions to my emails, so the servers warmed up by themselves and at the same time made a profit. Since these people were interested in clothes, the choice of partners was obvious - autumn / winter / spring clothes + various heaters.
I chose the following work plan for myself. Every day I use only 2 servers, so that mailings go daily, but at the same time after each mailing the servers have 2 days of rest. I started with 1000 letters from one server. After 4 weeks, I already sent 1 letter to each address from this database, and the servers were already quietly sending 50-70 thousand letters at a time. The first product that was scattered around the base was sweaters with deer. This immortal classic of the new year. From mailing to 1.5 million addresses, I received about 20 thousand orders, of which a little more than 13 thousand were approved. As a result, sending this affiliate program to 1.5 million addresses brought me over $ 200k in 4 weeks. The second item I scattered around this database was an electronic heater. As the servers were already warmed up, it took me 6 days to go through the database. Here the conversion was significantly lower. I received just over 4000 applications, of which just over 1000 were approved and the exhaust was already about 700 thousand. The third product I chose was winter boots (a la Timberlands). In terms of income, it turned out better than with heaters, but much worse than with deer. In total, at the moment, this database has brought me a little less than $ 200k in 1.5 months. And it will bring even more. At the moment, these 6 servers are in a week's sleep, and will soon be ready for battle again.
Thus, having spent $ 30 on domains and hosting, I paid off many thousands of times. But the main figure in this whole success story was the base, which, by a lucky coincidence, fell into my hands.
As for the letters. All letters were prepared using html code. Of course, I also spent money on them, answer a coin to the designers. Randomization has been added not only at the word level, but also at the typography level. The background color, the text color, the size of the template and pictures were changing, so it was not difficult to make 150 thousand variants of different letters for one affiliate program.
As for the links, I additionally purchased 100 domains and made 10 subdomains for each, which gave me 1000 different links. I shortened them on different services with the help of Zennoposter, I had 1 million different links, which allowed me to spam the database 3 times and it was enough for 3 more times.

To finish this lesson, there are probably important things that you should remember when looking in the direction of e-mail spam:
The first and most important thing is to find a quality database. It is better not even to start without a quality base, because the result may not justify itself.
The second is to always use text randomization and link randomization. However, if you are planning to do mailing without links, then this will greatly simplify your task.
Third. If you plan to spam through large mailboxes, be sure to use mobile proxies and respect the limits.
Fourth. Always test your email for getting into your inbox and observe the strictest uniqueness.
If you take these four guidelines responsibly, I'm sure you will succeed.

Offline Spam
Offline spam is one of the easiest, from a technical point of view, options. Here you will not be limited by spam filters, but the limits for work are set only by you.
There are a lot of offline spam options, and this spam is equated to regular, legitimate advertising. Moreover, the level of trust in such advertising is much higher than in spam on the Internet.
The most common way is to drop business cards or brochures into mailboxes. But ads near entrances or other crowded places work no less efficiently, although they do not hang for a long time, since there is always a smart guy who will disrupt this ad.
An equally common method is distributing leaflets. This also works effectively, but this option should only be used with legal business. Otherwise, the one who distributes leaflets with gray and black deeds will have problems. And any not indifferent passer-by can create them.
You can talk about this endlessly, the options to show ads to people in everyday life are limited only by your imagination.

Case from personal experience:
I was engaged in offline spam back in 2014, so once a brilliant idea came to me, which could only be realized with the help of offline advertising.
The idea was to forgive the debt for paying housing and communal services to all those who had already dug up huge debts. The idea was as simple as possible. There are such debtors in every house and in every entrance. Fortunately, management companies, in order to shame their debtors, posted a list of apartments in arrears and the amount of debt on each entrance.
Within a week, my companions and I walked through a noble number of districts of my city and collected my own base of debtors of housing and communal services. This database included the full address of the debtor up to the apartment. This database contained about 20 thousand addresses and the amount owed to each of them.
The second step in this idea was a website designed in the style of a company that accepted payments for utilities (I will not give the name of the company for personal reasons). That is, the debtor, getting to the site, could enter his address to check the full amount of the debt and get a chance to pay off the entire debt in payment equal to 10% of the debt amount. I connected a payment button to this site, paying by which the money was transferred to the accounts of the cashiers. (Yes, for this idea I attracted cashiers, since the scheme itself is black, and accepting money into your accounts was tantamount to suicide).
While the site was being prepared, I also prepared envelopes and flyers, the text of which explained to the reader that if he wants to get rid of the housing and communal services debts, he needs to go to the specified site. Of course, this was not just text on a white piece of paper. The design also had to work hard. At the exit, we had about 20 thousand envelopes with advertising leaflets, which in just 2 days I and my companions scattered through the mailboxes of debtors.

Bottom line:
The effect was mind-blowing. Of the 20 thousand debtors, a little less than 500 people were led, and over the next 4 days a tidy sum close to 10 million was dropped on the account of the cashiers. It was perhaps a shock from the results obtained. Excluding the commission of cashiers, my partners and I received a little more than 2 million each.
But of course, where there is a lot of money, there are also problems. This is a direct law to black offline activities. A couple of months later, the proceedings began. They even talked about our activities in the news, which shocked me greatly. However, Russian justice did not reach us with our partners. I suppose the investigation stopped at the cashiers, and my displeasure with the large commission turned into joy. If I knew how all this would end, I would increase the commission to these guys who brought us clean cash from dirty activities.


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Popular methods of spam mail
For any spam by mail, the main thing to remember is that adverts always scare away the user. Therefore, it is necessary to make every effort so as not to disgust the user.
Usually, various methods are tested for mailings and the most effective mailings are when there is a point-by-point sending of messages to the target user, and not to everyone in a row!
For effective mailings, it is better to use mailings on your own databases and in very small volumes, no more than 5000 letters at a time.
Only targeted mailings with good delivery actually give results, instead of the millions of emails that usually end up immediately in SPAM.
  1. Method # 1: "Chatting with the user". This method of sending letters uses a preliminary conversation with the user. At the same time, delivery of targeted advertising, for example, product offers, goes exclusively to active users.
    For example, you do not immediately send an advertisement, but first ask the user an ordinary human question of any nature.
    After his answer, the robot sends another phrase and only then sends an advertisement. The conversion rate from such mailings is simply frantic, but a creative approach is required. Sometimes correspondence can last for 5-10 messages or more.
  2. Method number 2: "Straight to the forehead". In this method, the advertising proposal is sent directly to the mail. Usually the effectiveness is very small, and depends only on the skills of the spammer. Otherwise, all or most of the emails just end up in the spam filter.
    Such offers are usually ignored by people and are marked as SPAM after 2-5 seconds of email analysis. This is the most popular way to send emails and has the lowest conversion rates.
  3. Method # 3: "Effective signatures". In this method of mailing a letter, the delivery of an advertising proposal to the end user is not used at all. In this case, the so-called effective signature is used.
    That is, the robot writes ordinary (not spam) phrases to the user, it can be a simple conversation or some kind of neutral dialogue. At the same time, an advertising proposal is written in the signature of the robot: a link to the site, contacts.
    Usually a certain part of people follow the links and act as active customers. Due to the absence of spam mailings and any prohibited texts in letters, the mailing is carried out in hundreds of thousands of letters. There are almost no blockages, but the conversion is low.
  4. Method # 4: "Answers to a counter question". This spam method also uses a preliminary email message to the user. However, the promotional message is sent immediately after the first response / question from the user.
    Conversion from such mailings is usually at a good level, since the main thing is to write a good advertising text or offer to the user. That is, it is enough to force the user to answer the first question.

Learning to spam correctly on FB
Everyone fights spam - both social networks and advertisers. Therefore, be careful: if it is prohibited in the offer, it is better not to risk it. The advertiser can trace the referral source and refuse to pay you for a rule violation.

Spam trends in 2021
At all times, the main goal of spamming is to make a profit. Namely, notify as many people as possible about the product and interest them in the offer so that they place an order. The less you spend on organizing spam mailings and the more leads (orders) you get, the better. There are certain trends in 2020:
Natural dialogues. Increasingly, in the comments to community posts, you can see not an advertisement for a product, but an interesting and intriguing message or a whole dialogue. Naturalness is the main trend: it works better than head-on sales, because such dialogues are practically not banned.
Selection of the target audience. Spam used to be a "carpet bombing" - advertising messages were sent to everyone indiscriminately. This is not how they act now - products or services are offered only to the target audience: people who may be potentially interested in them. This allows you to increase conversion: with this approach, we get more leads than if we were sending messages to everyone in a row.

How to spam correctly
Spamming is always risky. Your accounts may be banned after the first few messages to random users, and people may not react to ads in any way. To avoid this, follow these simple recommendations:
Use "live" accounts. These are the ones that are most similar to the profiles of ordinary users. You can buy hacked accounts or register new ones yourself, each time with different data and to a new phone number. Also, do not forget to use a proxy: 10–20 accounts on one ip-address will look suspicious. And if the Facebook administration blocks one for spam, others may be automatically sanctioned.
Try to comply with Facebook restrictions. Officially, the social network does not impose any restrictions on sending messages, and in different sources figures from 500 messages to 800 per day appear. In fact, the more actions of the same type you perform, the higher the chance that such activity will seem suspicious to FB algorithms. Four years ago, sending more than 20 messages a day from one account to those who are not on the friends list was dangerous. Your online behavior should be similar to the behavior of an ordinary user: you looked at the feed - wrote a message - put a like - answered someone in the comments, and so on. Then the accounts will live for a long time.
Look for your target audience. Do not bombard everyone with messages, especially if you buy hacked or recovered accounts. Friends of the former owner of the page may complain about such messages. Instead, find the groups your audience sits in and engage with your subscribers. For example, if you offer an offer for painting with light, go to the "mom" communities. Selling a 7-in-1 video recorder - look for active users of groups with auto-themes.
Don't be too pushy. Sent one message - did not receive any answer - let's move on. You shouldn't write something else: the more you annoy people, the higher the chance of an instant account blocking. Also, do not spam under all posts in a particular group: just leave active links to the offer under the last 5-10 posts.
Try to promote your products naturally. Naturally - this is not "head-on", we have already spoken about this. For example, you can leave some intriguing message in the comments on posts in relevant communities that would force users to go to your profile. And already there you can place a link to the offer. Or use multiple accounts to simulate a plausible dialogue and leave a suitable link to the offer during the "conversation".

Don't use one text for all cases. If you send out template messages, your account will quickly go banned. To reduce the risk, prepare as many variations of the text as possible. For example, using randomizers: these are programs that multiply the text according to the given parameters. Better yet, write each message by hand from scratch. It is much longer, but more effective.

What software for spam can and should be used There
Are a lot of programs that are needed for spam on Facebook. You will need several types of software.
  • Proxy servers
  • Number services for receiving SMS
  • Randomizers
  • Spambots

These are services into which you can upload one text, but get a lot. True, you have to work hard: you provide many options in advance for one word in the text, then for another, then for the third. And the service just generates all possible variations of the text. There are a lot of free randomizers.

Recommendations on how to correctly spam, depending on the place of mailing
Sending spam to Facebook in private messages.

There are three options for spamming in private messages:
Send direct advertising. The most inexpensive way: randomize the text, insert a link and send messages with a call to go, buy or something else. However, with this method, accounts do not last long, because users often complain about annoying messages.
Send out intriguing messages. Write something interesting - for example, "hello, I'm following you." Or the banal "hello, let's get to know each other." You can write whatever you want: the goal is to interest the recipient and make him look at your profile. Before sending out, publish on your wall information about the offer with a link. And you just reap the benefits.
Conduct a natural dialogue. The most time-consuming way: you study the user's page, look for some common topics with him, chat, and then, as if casually, mention the offer. It takes a lot of time, but with the right selection of the target audience, it brings high conversion.

Spam on user pages and group walls
One of the easiest ways to spam. More often than not, affiliates simply make advertisements with a direct call to buy a product. And they send it to the open walls of communities, as well as to the walls of users. Someone will definitely see the message, and some will be interested in the offer and follow the link.
You can also interest users and encourage them to go to your page. This works especially well when sending messages to the walls of users. You write something like “I know everything about you” and you get transitions not only for the person himself, but also for his friends.

Correct spam in comments and discussions
There are four options here: Spam messages. Write a standard message and send it to the most active discussions - the ones that get the most comments. Throwing comments on the group is not worth it. And beware: many communities have filters that automatically remove linked posts.
Intriguing messages. The principle is the same - write something that will stimulate other participants in the discussion to visit your profile. One not the easiest option is to take part in "shit" with a large number of participants. But it's harder than just writing intriguing comments.
Natural dialogues. Find relevant conversations and create the appearance of a live conversation from multiple accounts. For example, from the first ask for advice on what to give your spouse. From the second - talk about the offer. From the third, ask for more details, again from the second, describe the benefits and leave a link. This is difficult, but it can work in active discussions. Especially if you add likes to the dialogue so that it appears in the most popular comments.
Answers to users' questions. Another laborious way. Find a community where the offer is being discussed. And you keep track of the issues left without the attention of the administration. And then you just answer them.

Which accounts are suitable for spam?
None of them fit. Officially, spam from mailboxes is prohibited in any mail account. Therefore, asking technical support "Which accounts are suitable for sending / spamming" you just suffer from nonsense.
There are no accounts at all that will fit. There are those mailboxes that simply have increased limits on sending letters and block accounts later than others.
For example, such mailboxes are Gmail mail, and Hotmail. This does not mean that you can spam from them around the clock, it means that using special programs you can achieve at least some result from mailing letters.
If you are a newbie and don't know anything about spam, don't even start. There will be no one to advise you, no one will give you really working schemes!
There are no accounts suitable for mailings and SPAM. Spam is prohibited everywhere and in any mail service!

Does it make sense to use third-party spam services?
Yes, there certainly is. However, there are 2 different and very important differences when working with mailing companies like Unisender and regular spam bureaus. The differences are:
  • In companies and services: they always ask to confirm your base of mailboxes, for example, the same Unisender service asks for proof of your base of e-mail addresses. That is, before sending letters, you somehow need to prove to the service and managers that your email database was obtained by legal means.
    Legal paths are a set of mailing list subscribers, or registered users of your site. It is important that there are no public mails in your database, otherwise the database will not be approved.
    This is a significant disadvantage of the services, just buy a base for spam and you won't be able to start working, you need to have your own subscribers. Successful delivery of letters is high.
  • In ordinary offices and with performers: you do not need to confirm anything. You can spam to any addresses, most likely they will even offer you ready-made spam user databases with different samples. Successful delivery of letters - as a rule, it is low. It is low because usually everyone deeply does not care whether your letters reached the goal or not.
    Performers like to give the user the main job of uniqueizing the letter, selecting headers and composing texts, in order to then explain the bad mailing of the user's jambs when compiling this very data. Do not work with such offices, all the work should be done by the spammer himself.
There are craftsmen on the Internet who really know how to send letters very efficiently and quickly. However, there are few such units, most mailings are blocked by mailers or do not reach the target at all.


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
I am also desperate to know how to get a valid Shopwithscrip account log, or a seller. As far as I can see, it feels rather difficult.


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These guys sell ready-made inexpensive high-quality logs. By purchasing them, you can find many different useful accounts for successful work.
On the account of specific links, including Shopwithscrip, you can clarify on an individual basis by contacting them by contacts.
Perhaps they will find themselves looking for specific accounts, and will offer to buy logs so that they themselves would look for what you need in them. Try asking them if they can find something tasty.


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Shopwithscript old logs need please.....who sell it log with attached bank??


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
shopwithscrip logs I have some, but the overall price is higher, if you need, you can contact me.

TG: @ hermesboss