How to find out the bank by card number: a useful life hack


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There are situations in life when you need to find out the bank by the number of the card that it once issued. If the card is directly with the user, then it will not be difficult. It will be enough to carefully examine it, because the logo of a financial institution will be guaranteed on the plastic. Additionally, you can visually make out the number, name of the owner, expiration date.
It is not uncommon for a person to know only a short number. Users around the world are periodically faced with this kind of uncertainty. This is especially true when you need to make a bank transfer, and only the plastic number is known from the details. A lot of questions immediately arise in my head - is it possible to “throw off” funds, whether a commission will be charged, and if so, in what amount. It so happens that money is transferred in one currency, and the card is issued in a completely different one. The payment “freezes” and the person cannot receive the transfer on time, and the sender will instantly return the funds.
Information about identifying a bank by card number will be relevant for all clients of the banking system, without exception. After all, such knowledge will help to decrypt the data of both your means of payment, and in a short time to determine the bank by the card number.

Data that can be obtained from the room​

It would seem how the decoding of the card number can help. Only some 16 digits, because this is probably a random indicator - some users think. And they are mistaken, because each number on the plastic is prescribed for a reason.
The number and arrangement of numbers depends on the standardized system that the whole world obeys. That is why fast transfers of funds from city to city, country to country, and even between continents are possible. According to the rules, the number of numbers in a bank card number ranges from 13 to 19 units. But do not be alarmed when, when determining the bank by card number, you see only 16 numbers. What are they talking about:
  1. The first position is the type of payment system to which this card belongs. In Ukraine, the following values are common: 4 - VISA, 5 - MasterCard, 3 - American Express, 9 - Space, 6 - China UnionPay. Please note that when transferring abroad, it is important to take this indicator into account.
  2. The following positions - 2,3,4 digits are sent to the bank number, and 5 and 6 provide more complete information about the financial institution itself. If you want to find out which bank's card by number, it will be enough to look just at the first 6 numbers.
  3. Positions 7-9 will help to understand which banking product the user is holding in his hands, which country it belongs to and for which currency it was issued. In Ukraine, it is customary for banks to indicate 9 numerical characters, however, foreign payment cards can have up to 13 numbers to designate the bank and its service system.
  4. The last position, the 16th number, is necessary to check the previously entered data. It's like code that goes through a formula to help the system initialize a means of payment.

How can you find out the bank by card number?​

In the last paragraph, we indicated that the first 6 digits refer to the bank that issued the card. This combination has a special designation - abbreviated as "BIN".
How to find out the bank by card number

There are also special sites that contain a database of identification numbers. Bright representatives of such resources can be considered, for example, or It will be enough for a person to enter the first six numbers in a special field to get the query result.

Bank initialization by card number: when will it be required?​

It would seem, who would need such information, users might think, until they independently face difficulties during a banking operation (for example, when plastic is simply not accepted to pay for goods or services on the Internet).
Another common situation is transactions outside the country. The requirements for foreign cards for foreigners are higher. And for full functioning they must be credit, i.e. have a credit limit in case of unforeseen situations. And if in the system the card is displayed as a debit card, then it will simply not be possible to use it either when booking accommodation or renting a car. Few would agree to call a Ukrainian bank and find out the identity of the card.
Determining the level of the card can also be attributed to common cases. As you know, there are four varieties: Classic, Standard, Gold, Platinum. Accordingly, each card has a number of advantages that it would be foolish not to use. Therefore, it is better to determine in advance what advantages a particular card gives, so as not to miss out on opportunities.
In conclusion, I would like to give small advice to those who wish to know the bank by card number:
  1. Always use helper sites.
  2. Contact the bank to clarify all the possibilities of the card product.
  3. Have several cards of different levels with you, so that if you find yourself in a difficult situation, abroad or with a zero balance on your account, you can resolve the issue on the spot.


1. Can I check the card by number myself?​

Yes! To do this, you need to go to a special site (for example, or, where a database of bank card identifiers is collected. There, in a special field, you should enter the card number, and then familiarize yourself with the information on it.

2. Does the program show the name of the bank by card number?​

Among the information about the bank card, there is also a line with the name of the bank that issued it.

3. If you need to find out the bank by card number in Ukraine, will you have to pay for such a service?​

No, using the services is free.

4. What are the numbers of cards of Ukrainian banks?​

Many users ask questions about card numbers. As we have already said, in order to understand which bank card is in your hands, you need to look at its numbers. However, it often happens that the user looks at the first four indicators, determines the bank from memory, and then is disappointed that he was mistaken. And it's not that memories fail. It often happens that the first numbers simply coincide in several financial institutions. Therefore, you will need not only a glimpse, but a more detailed study of the plastic. Therefore, we have prepared a short tour of common payment instruments.

5375 which bank?​

This is MonoBank issued by Universal Bank. Moreover, 5375 23 and 5375 41 will be a debit card from MASTERCARD.

4441 which bank?​

These numbers indicate that the card is issued by ZURN FCU This is an issuing bank from America, with which Alfa Bank, Monobank and other financial companies of Ukraine cooperate. But a more complete combination - 4441 11, indicates that this is a platinum credit card from MonoBank (VISA payment system).

5354 which bank?​

The issuer of such OJSC number is an American bank. Consequently, several Ukrainian companies can cooperate with him at once. In practice, it turns out that 5354 66 belongs to UkrGazBank (MASTERCARD debit card).

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